698 N. Locust – P.O. Box 698, Manteno, IL 60950-0698 Phone: (815) 468-8946 – Fax: (815) 468-9420

E-Mail Address – mkrueger@ Published Monthly – Volume Eighteen – Issue Number 9 – May 1, 2012

From the Pastor’s Keyboard

  In the last few months our staff has been very focused on the mission and direction of our church.  I believe this has been observable in our teaching, preaching, and public prayer times.  We have introduced a new mission statement that we believe will help everyone express the desire of our church to be relevant in the world where we live and have influence.  No matter how focused we are or how on target our mission statement is, we still need to mimic what our spiritual forefathers modeled for us.  In Acts 14 Paul and Barnabas show us some anchors for our faith experience.  Acts 14: 21They preached the gospel in that city and won a large number of disciples. Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, 22 strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said. 23 Paul and Barnabas appointed elders[a] for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust. 24 After going through Pisidia, they came into Pamphylia, 25 and when they had preached the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia.


        There is no automatic way to spiritual health.  But we can see from the ministry of these two great leaders that prayer and fasting is very important.  Your staff has set aside a special time to fast and pray.  We have added 15 minutes to our Wednesday night service to accommodate more prayer time.  Many of the ladies in our congregation are joining online Bible studies which will lead to more time spent in fellowship and prayer together.  

In my small group a woman I respect shared with us her experience of completing a “Daniel Fast.” It was a life changing event for her and lead to changes in her journey and that of her family. And just a few weeks ago a young mother shared with me how God has been leading her to fast for spiritual renewal in her own life and that of her church. When believers get serious about their faith, fasting is often part of their testimony.

         It is our hope everyone in our congregation will hunger for a deeper commitment to God and make the time to pray for your church.  We need and desire a fresh movement of God’s spirit in our church.  The same spirit that gave Paul and Barnabas boldness in their day can give us victory in our day.  Join with us in a renewed vision for prayer and fasting in the days ahead.  God wants to bless a faithful church.

The Pastor

6:45 – 7:15 p.m.

Sunday School Ministries

- Marian Pollard, S.S. Director


A Mother's Love


A Mother's love is something that no one can explain,

It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain,

It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may

For nothing can destroy it or take that love away...

It is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking,

And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking...

It believes beyond believing when the world around condemns,

And it glows with all the beauty of the rarest, brightest gems...

It is far beyond defining, it defies all explanation,

And it still remains a secret like the mysteries of creation...

A many-splendored miracle man cannot understand

And another wondrous evidence of God's tender guiding hand.


As we approach Mother's Day, please take the time to reflect on the influence of your Mother's love on you.  Often times, I think of my mother and realize that she has made and continues to shape my life.  Yes, my Mother has been with the Lord for 10 years this August but the influence of her still has an impact on my life today.  She was a wonderful, loving, generous, and God-fearing woman. There are times when I laugh or say something to someone else I realize I am sounding just like my Mother.  Even the tone of my voice sometimes sounds like her.  My siblings are quick to share that I am sounding more like Mother.  Of course, to me that is a compliment.

Mother set a wonderful example of caring for others.  She showed each one of us what it was to love someone. For 13 years, she went daily to the nursing home to be with her mother.  The only time she missed was when she was sick.  Her brother described her as an angel here on earth. I DO BELIEVE HE WAS RIGHT!!!!

Could she cook?  Yes, she was a wonderful cook who could pull a meal out of the refrigerator at any time. Many times, I watched her when Daddy would invite someone to sit down and share a meal.  Mother never worried whether she had enough food for everyone.  She just went to the refrigerator and found more to add to the meal.  She always took meals to others when there was an illness, new baby, or for the family that needed to know someone cared. 

Mother had a beautiful soprano voice.  She led the singing at the little country church in Burnt Prairie.  We shared a love for music together.  Many thoughts of her flood my mind as I play and sing certain songs from the hymnal.  She would be thrilled to know that music is still an important part of my worship each day. 

The last trip to Burnt Prairie I cleaned the weeds out of the flower beds that my mother planted many years ago.  The poppies and irises are still just as beautiful in bloom today as they were the year she planted them.  As I pulled those weeds, I thought Mother you are still having an impact on our lives today.  We are still able to enjoy the efforts of her hard work so many years later.  Each one of my siblings and the older grandchildren always comment on the beauty of the flowers.

Once again as we celebrate Mother's day, I have come to realize the many blessings I have received over the years because of my Mother's love.  Thank you, Lord, for each Mother and the positive influence each has in our lives.

Please, join us for Sunday School to learn more about the love of Jesus.  We have classes for all ages.  See you on Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 10:45.

Loving you through Jesus,





The following items are needed for Crisis Care Kits. Please bring only the size and item listed. The amounts listed are for 1 kit. Each item is a great help in making a kit.

1 bottle of shampoo (12 to 18 oz.) 2 bath size bars of soap

1 toothpaste (4.0 to 6.4 oz.) 3 toothbrushes adult size

1 box Band-Aids (30 or more) 1 fingernail clipper

1 sturdy hair comb 2 hand towels

4 pocket size packages of facial tissue 1 Beanie Baby-size stuffed toy

MAY EMPHASIS – Medical Plan

NMI provides the funds for the medical needs of our missionaries. These funds are raised through Memorial Roll, Distinguished Service Award Certificates, and Gifts from the Heart. You may put a loved one on the Memorial Roll for a donation of $50. The Distinguished Service Award is given by the church. Gifts from the Heart are cards available to donate (any amount) in honor or in memory of a loved one. The cards are available from the Missionary Council.

NMI Meeting – Wednesday, May 9, 7:00 p.m. Tom and Lauralee Nothstine will share about their W & W trip to Africa.

Nothstine Chapter Meeting – Monday, May 14, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. We meet to roll bandages for the Nazarene Hospital in New Guinea and learn about Missions. Both men and women are needed for this project. We need your hands to help us help people in New Guinea.

NEW LINKS MISSIONARIES for the next two years.

Our new Active Missionary is Dr. Jim and Kathy Radcliffe and their three children. Dr. Jim is the surgeon at the Kudjup Hospital in Papau New Guinea.

Our new Retired Missionary is Rev. Earl and Norma Morgan, retired from Israel. They live in the Kankakee area.

The JESUS Film team in Sri Lanka has devised an aggressive plan to share the Gospel with the people who live in this beautiful country. However, the team is in need of equipment to carry out the plan. Pray that the JESUS Film team in Sri Lanka receives all they need to minister. Pray also for the JESUS Film teams around the world, that the Lord will supply all their needs as well. Remember, for every $3.00 you are able to donate, on the average, one person makes a decision to accept Christ.


Please pray for our new LINKS Missionaries.


• The Church of the Nazarene is now in 159 world areas. 12 more world areas are waiting for the Church.

• There are 2000 Nazarene Churches in the country of Bangladesh. Nathan, a man that is responsible for starting many churches is in great danger and needs our prayers.

Janice Carlson – NMI President

Bekah Bowman, Children’s Pastor

Power House Kidz Elementary

Back to Basics

Posted March 7th, 2012


Have you ever tried something new for a really good reason, but it didn't quite turn out the way you had hoped?

Maybe you wanted your kids to eat more vegetables, so you tried a new recipe and it wasn't a big hit.

Or you got that new haircut to give yourself a fresh style, and you ended up looking like a sixth grade boy.

We hear you.

We recently tried something new and provided designed Word templates that you could adapt for your environment, but still have the look of 252 Basics on the page. But after a lot of feedback from you all, it was a good idea, but not the best solution. While the documents look great, they are eating into your budgets.

So starting with the June curriculum (uploading April 1), we will be going back to the plain, Word documents with no design. This will be more budget-friendly, and use up less ink. (Yes, we know the date is April 1, but we promise, this isn't an April Fool's joke.)

However, if you do want to edit the content of 252 each month, we have unlocked our PDF documents so that those of you have the ability to do so, can go in and edit them. Or you can simply modify the text-only Word documents.

Thank you for trying something new with us, and most of all thank you for your partnership and feedback. Our heart is always to equip you with the best tools you need to impact families. We're just trying a different recipe this time.

252 Basics News!

• [pic]Back to Basics

March 7th, 2012

• [pic]April Widget Instructions

February 23rd, 2012

• [pic]Karate Kid Clips for Week 2

February 5th, 2012

• [pic]Honor Belts Sold Out!

January 26th, 2012

• [pic]Keep those trees handy!

December 6th, 2011

• [pic]Summer XP 2012: Get Zapped!

December 1st, 2011

• [pic]Where did they go?

October 31st, 2011

• [pic]FX: Three in One

September 28th, 2011

• [pic]Orange Conference 2012

September 12th, 2011

• [pic]Equipping Your Team

August 21st, 2011

• [pic]New Home for Director's Notes

August 17th, 2011

• [pic]Choose your own adventure . . . Compact or Expanded?

August 14th, 2011

• [pic]School XP

July 26th, 2011

• [pic]Affordable Resources for Families

July 20th, 2011

• [pic]Understanding the Parent Cue files

July 19th, 2011

• [pic]What to Use Where

June 21st, 2011

Think about all you saw when you stepped outside this morning. Was the sun shining? Did you hear birds or see squirrels making the most of their morning? Did you take a deep breath?

Without our thinking about it, life happens.

The sun keeps shining. The seasons change. We have air to breathe.

From the beginning, when God created the world, He set systems in motion. If He decided to ignore those, our world would quickly turn chaotic. God takes responsibility for what He creates. Even when we failed Him, He promised a way of escape through Jesus. He made good on this promise, and after we take our last breath we can trust that we’ll be with Him forever. God has proven that you can trust Him with every moment of your life.

But God doesn’t want for us to move through our life simply trusting Him. He wants us to become more like Him by showing others that we can be trusted as well. Every day, you have opportunities to take what God has given to you: your stuff, your words, your relationships and use them wisely. When you respond to God with the abilities that He has given to you, you are responsible.

And when you are responsible with a little, the Bible says you will be given more: more opportunities, more relationships, more ways that you can use what God has given you to reflect His character to the world around you. Our monthly memory verse says it this way, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much,” (Luke 16:10, NIV).

Our series is called, “Great Expectations—will you win Trust?” It plays out like this: God has proven He can be trusted. When we trust Him and we respond to Him with our abilities, then we are responsible. And when we are responsible, we live a good story. We are a light to others. They will see our good works and glorify God because of how they see Him at work in us.

Week One, we start with the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) and focus on responding to God by giving Him our stuff—our money and our abilities. Everyone’s been given something and we can choose to invest what we’ve been given to make a difference in the world around us. The worst thing is to just sit on it, bury it and save it for later. Bottom Line: I can be trusted when I make the most of what God has given me.

Week Two, we discover our words matter (Ephesians 4:29). We’ll talk about how we can become trusted people by the way we build others up based on what they need. When we show responsibility with our words, we create trust between us. So, one of the best things we can do for our relationships is to learn to choose our words carefully. We might even get more opportunities to impact even more people. Bottom Line: I can be trusted when I choose the right words.

Week Three, we unpack the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37). In this powerful narrative, we see how the people we most expect to be responsible aren’t. We’re challenged to be more like the Samaritan

because he could be trusted to act and do the right thing, even if he was busy and it cost him something. We don’t want to be people that say the right things, but then don’t act on them when they have the chance. Bottom Line: I can be trusted when I choose to help others in need.

Continued on the next page…

Powerhouse Kidz continued.

Week Four, we review with the Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:34-37). Our greatest responsibility is something very good: loving Someone who loved us first and loves us most—so much He willingly sacrificed for us. When we choose to love God more than anything else, our other responsibilities (like using our stuff, choosing our words and acting to help others) are much easier to live out. When we get the relationship part right, being responsible is a natural expression of our love. Bottom Line: I can be trusted when I put God first.

It’s important to remember that we can’t do any of this on our own. But God isn’t asking us to! God is the One who’s proven He’s responsible and trustworthy since the very beginning. Our responsibility is really a reflection of God and His character showing up in us. We can be responsible because of God’s power at work in us to help us respond to Him with everything we have—our ability, our stuff, our words, our time and our actions. Imagine how the world might change if we lived out these “great expectations” and became even more trustworthy people! By Cara Martens. ©2012 Orange. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Do what’s right! How often have we heard that in our lives? We are constantly being told by people to do what’s right. And, if we’re honest, we’re constantly telling the little people in our lives to do what’s right. What we need to remember is that they are just learning what is right. We need to help them. We need to teach them.

In the month of May, we will be guiding our preschoolers to the Bible where they can “Learn to do what is right,” (Isaiah 1:17, NIrV). They will be introduced to two amazing Bible heroes who knew they should do the right thing even when it is hard. Their stories are great examples for our littlest friends.

First, we will meet Daniel. Daniel did not have an easy life. He was taken from his home and asked to do some pretty incredible things. Through it all, Daniel looked to God for guidance and continued to follow His commands even when it meant almost certain death. However, we learn that God is more powerful than our enemies and even lions.

Then, we meet Joseph. Poor Joseph. First, his brothers sell him to slavery. Then, he ends up in jail for something he didn’t do. If anyone had a reason to be bitter, it was Joseph. In contrast, Joseph continued to do what he knew was right; what God wanted him to do. And, God used his obedience to save a nation.

Our prayer is that our preschoolers will hear the stories this month and know that God will teach them to do what is right through His Word. And, by doing what is right, by showing obedience to God, they will glorify Him every day.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Please join Christians throughout our nation in prayer for our country, our government, our military, etc. Our sanctuary will be available for anyone wishing to come to the church to pray.

There will be a prayer service hosted by Manteno Christian Church at 7 p.m.

401 E. Third St. Manteno, for those wishing to attend.

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"The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble.  He cares for those who trust in Him" Nahum 1:7

| 2 |Becky Kelsey |20 |Isaac Gregory |

| 4 |Edmond Fisher |21 |Amanda Spangler |

| 5 |Emily Yantes |22 |Shelly Stauffenberg |

| 6 |Conner Stroud |22 |Wesley Matthews |

| 6 |George Widdowson, III |23 |Ben Geeding |

| 9 |Dillon Gilbert |23 |Zachary Reiss *1st |

| 9 |Jessica Kooy |24 |Molly Toepper |

| 9 |Pastor Jack |24 |Gary Bishir |

|11 |Rick Shelton |25 |Sarah Kooy |

|11 |Kristin Paarlberg |27 |Rudy Fisher |

|12 |Lance Kilpatrick |28 |Sam Geeding |

|13 |Chad Domont |28 |Lexie McCleary |

|14 |Samantha Minnich |28 |Titus Bowman |

|17 |Aaron Chandler |30 |Mary Holder |

|17 |Bob McKay *80th |30 |Steve Weidner |

|18 |Owen Kilpatrick | | |

|11 |George and Connie Helm |

|13 |Mike and Shelly Stroud |

|19 |Tim and Terri Geeding |

|19 |Nathan and Sue Rattin |

|26 |Terry and Terri Baldwin |

|29 |Rick and Kathy Ouwenga |

|30 |Pete and Nancy Boyer |

To Reach Africa…

( ( ( Papyrus

$72.00 = Papyrus + 2 SD cards

Make donations at your local church designated to

“Papyrus Audio Project – Africa”

If you are graduating this year and your name is not on this list, please contact the church office.

|Jr. High |School |

|Ashley Grimm |BUGC |

|Leann Hale |BUGC |

|Sam Kuxmann |St. George |

|Brendon Schlegel |Manteno |

|Noah Spangler |Manteno |

|Kaitlynne Weidner |BUGC |

|High School |School |

|Melissa Hale |BBCHS |

|Jeremy Lensing |Peotone |

|Joe Malik |BBCHS |

|Mark Reardanz |Manteno |

|Conner Stroud |Manteno |

|Nathan Toepper |Manteno |

|Zachary Weidner |BBCHS |

|University |School |

|Matt Adams |William Woods University, M. Ed. |

|Danny Bowman |Olivet Nazarene University |

|Heather Day |Olivet Nazarene University, MBA |

|Kristen Paarlberg |Trinity Christian College |

|Heather Pavlik |Olivet Nazarene University, Nursing |

|Thomas Powers |Olivet Nazarene University, Engineering |

|Noah Reardanz |Trinity Christian College |

|Chris Schilling |Eastern Illinois University |

|Brenden Spangler |University of Kent, Canterbury UK |

|Josh Stauffenberg |Olivet Nazarene University, Business |

| | |

Manteno High School


Saturday, May 26

Manteno High School is one of the few area high schools that still have a baccalaureate service for their graduating class. This farewell address in the form of a sermon is hosted by the Manteno Interfaith Commission. We invite you to show your support by attending this service. It will be held at Manteno High School at 7 p.m.

Manteno Church of the Nazarene:

4th Annual


Monday—Tuesday August 6-7

Cost: $195/per person*

-We are going to Indianapolis, IN to “The Fort” (A Pete Dye Golf Course, #10 ranked in Indiana) and “The Trophy Club” (former #1 public course in Indiana by Golf Digest)

-Includes 3 or 4 rounds of golf, range balls, cart fees, and lodging.

-First Day: The Trophy Club 8AM or 2PM (1 or 2 round options)

-Second Day: The Fort, 8AM Tee Times (2 rounds)

-We will be staying at the Indianapolis Marriott East

-Dinner Reservations together on Monday night.

-When you sign up contact Aaron with expected travel times, and if you are willing to drive.

*If only playing afternoon group on first day the take $15 off price.

Contact Aaron by June 15 if you are interested in going with full payment!

Please Contact Aaron Gregory for more Info or Questions:

Phone: 815-468-8946

Cell: 815-514-5333

E-mail: agregory@

What: A concert featuring Remedy Drive

When: Wednesday, May 9th From 6pm – 8:30pm

Where: Hidden Cove Sportsplex

Who: Any Junior High or Senior High Student

Cost: $10 (Includes ticket fee, Up to 5 Go-Kart Rides,

Unlimited Mini Golf and Unlimited Rock Wall Climbing)


Coordinator of Manteno Naz Serves

In an effort to live out our mission statement to Love God • Journey Together • Serve Others, we feel it necessary to find ways to connect the skills of our people with people in need. With that in mind there is an opening for a person who is organized, knowledgeable, and who has a heart for service, to serve as the Coordinator of “Manteno Naz Serves.” Their role would be to evaluate the people and abilities we have and to put them into contact with people in need in our community as the needs arise. Our primary focus is to reach people outside the walls of our church. We are hopeful that this will be a dynamic way for the Holy Spirit to use our people in not only improving homes, but in being the hands and feet of Jesus in a way that leads to life transformation.

Hey Kids,

Remember Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 13th, let your mom know how much you appreciate all that she does and how important she is to you.



July 23rd-27th

Indian Lake Nazarene Camp

Vicksburg, MI

Grades 3rd – 7th in Fall 2012

Cost: $215 per camper

Registration due by July 1st—late registration is $250 by July 15

Application available online – links & downloads

Contact Pastor Bekah if you are not able to get an online application

Vacation Bible School

July 30 – August 3

Directors: Melody Grimm & Pastor Bekah

This will be a high energy – fun packed week of excitement

As we learn…


Watch for worker signups coming soon!

|Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

| | | | |MOPS 9-11:15a, CC |ONU Graduation |

| | | |National Day of | | |

| | | |Prayer | | |

| | |Prayer Time 6:45p | | | |

| | |Bible Study 7:15p | | | |

| | | |7p Manteno Christian| | |

| | | |Church | | |

|6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Prayer Time 6:45p | | | |

| | | |Missions Service7p | | | |

|Leadership 6p, YR | | | | | | |

|13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |

|Mother’s Day | | | |Regional Celebrate | | |

| |Nothstine Chapter 10a| | |Life | | |

| | | |Prayer Time 6:45p | | | |

| | | |Bible Study 7:15p |Peotone 8th grade |Peotone HS Graduation| |

| |Ch. Bd. Mtg. 7:30p, | | |promotion 7p |7p | |

| |CC | | | | | |

|20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |

|Communion | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Grant Park HS | |

| | | | |Grant Park 8th grade |Graduation 7p | |

| | | |Prayer Time 6:45p |promotion 7p | |Manteno Baccalaureate|

| | | |Bible Study 7:15p | |BBCHS Graduation |7p |

|Leadership 6p, YR | | | | |7:30p | |

|27 |28 |29 |30 |31 | | |

|Global Day of Prayer |Memorial Day | |BUGC 8th grade | | | |

| | |Manteno 8th grade |promotion 7p | | | |

|Manteno Graduation 2p|Church office Closed |promotion 7p |Prayer Time 6:45p | | | |

| | | |Bible Study 7:15p | | | |

|Create in me a pure heart, O God. |

|Psalm 51:10 |



[pic] ON-LINE [pic]


Love God • Journey Together • Serve Others

Summer Session:

May 14—August 17


The durable Papyrus Solar Audio Player is small enough to fit in a hand and powerful enough to be heard by up to 200 listeners at a time! The built-in solar panel ensures that the audio message may be heard by the most remote people groups of the world in their native heart language. Each Papyrus come pre-loaded with the Bible in one of over 500 languages. The SD memory card will contain training material to help pastors in discipleship, Christian family life and leadership.

For questions, please contact: Todd Leslie


Do you crave…

…calm in the middle of chaos?

…authentic friendship?

…devotions that don’t feel like a chore?


…prayer support?

Join Manteno Church of the Nazarene’s new Good Morning Girls online ministry!

Together with 5-7 other women, study what it means to be a “Proverbs 31 woman.”

Every day, read a small portion of Scripture—at a time and place that works best for you—and then email your accountability group to share what you ve learned, what struggles you re facing, or the ways you see God at work in your life.

Leaders needed! Responsibilities are minil your accountability group to share what you’ve learned, what struggles you’re facing, or the ways you see God at work in your life.

Leaders needed! Responsibilities are minimal; ▪Set up email list ▪Email group once per weekday ▪Encourage the members of your group

Contact Heather Day (815) 953-1446 or Sara Matson (815)-953-9781

We will honor all graduates on

Sunday, June 3rd

Good Morning Girls

Online Bible Study


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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