The Goddess That Rules America

Hidden but in plain sight

“The Spirit and the Bride say “Come! ... Yes Come Master Yahushua!”

(Revelation 22:17, 20)

How many times recently have you cried out these words towards heaven from deep within your spirit-- calling for Yahushua Messiah and His Kingdom to come, not because you have problems and want them over with, but because of your deep-seated love for Him who is your Redeemer, your Master, and your Friend? Keep calling …

People all over the earth, from the ultra rich and ultra powerful to the poor Indian of Central America, are crying in unity for the sky gods and their leader, the Dragon, to return to bring them into a golden age of enlightenment, illumination--with hope of ruling with them.

There is a continual beacon held high signaling the return of Lucifer to re-take the earth and rule. It stands in the ocean waters off the nation that was dedicated from its inception to resurrecting Nimrod from the pit, reincarnating him in a body, and elevating him over the world to receive the Dragon’s power, authority and desired throne. (Revelation 13:1-2) It, in its totality, symbolizes the plan of Lucifer to usurp the authority of Yahuweh and take over His world and His Creation. For the plans of Lucifer to be fulfilled, America was founded. Everything done from the beginning was done by astrological charts and instructions from secret societies in Europe, the most powerful one being the Jesuit Vatican itself.

The last “king” over end-time Babylon will be the reincarnated Nimrod, original founder of Babylon and first king over it. “The first shall be last”.

The five-fold plan of Lucifer is found in Isaiah 14:13-14, where he is addressed as the last “king” of Babylon: “Let me go up to the heavens, let me raise my throne above the stars of El, and let me sit in the mount of appointment on the sides of the north, let me go up above the heights of the clouds, let me be like the Most High”.

Those dedicated to the return of Nimrod (Osiris/Apollo)--the “Illuminati”, the Scottish Rite Freemasons, and the ultra rich elite--are speaking out more and more to reveal the plans that have been hidden for thousands of years.

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From Pastor Michael Hoggards DVD “America’s Goddess – Lucifer’s Torch”:

From Earth to Heaven by occultist Edourd Schure: “Lucifer, having regained his star and his diadem, will assemble his legions for new works of creation. Attracted by his flaming torch, celestial spirits will descend…and he will send these messengers from unknown spheres to earth. Then the torch of Lucifer will signal from heaven to earth, and the new age Christ will answer”.

The torch of the Statue of Liberty held heavenward is “the torch of Lucifer” - the torch-light, the directional signal, the beacon, held high saying “come here to America”.

Initially, this torch was to be a replica of a Roman wine goblet. It is still a replica of a Roman wine goblet, but it now contains a torch-light because those that received the statue from the French Free Masons wanted it to be a beacon, a type of light house, for the ships in New York Harbor. It is a beacon all right, but one day as Revelation 18 so clearly describes it will stand in the middle of a destroyed harbor of a destroyed city.

In the early morning of January 23, 2012, I had a dream that lasted from about midnight until 3:00 AM. The dream was short, but the point was made: A man’s voice kept saying over and over, “The North American North East Regional Map”. I kept seeing a map of just that area of America. When I got up, I got my National Geographic Atlas. To my surprise I saw that it had the U.S. divided up into regions. I turned to the North East Region.

As I ran my hand over the coastline of the Northeast region, I felt evil rising up to my fingers. Of course, the coastline includes New York City, and other places where key decisions of American policy are made.

Of course that area contains the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. New York City and its Harbor are well represented in prophecy, as in Revelation 18, Ezekiel 27-28, and the book of Nahum about judgment on end-time Nineveh, and also in Jeremiah 50-51 on end-time Babylon. Both ancient Babylon and Nineveh were founded by Nimrod.

In giving me my assignment as a watchman to the House of Israel in America from Ezekiel 3 and 33, in 2003, Abba said: “All of My people outside of My land are in captivity”.

But, one nation was designed by Lucifer to be the gathering place for the majority of the whole House of Ya’cob – House of Israel/Joseph and House of Judah. It was designed to amass His people like sheep into a pen, being drawn by its illusion of freedom, so that in one day, in one hour, he could have one giant sacrifice to himself as they would all die, “with no remnant

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left”. He wanted this nation to be so soft and cushy, so appealing to the flesh, that one day while sipping their wine of complacency their blood would be offered to him.

From the beginning, in the 1500s, the agents of Lucifer through “secret societies” under the hidden leadership of the Jesuits, designed this nation to finally carry forth the ancient post-Flood plans of Lucifer--to resurrect and reincarnate Nimrod to rule the world, as the embodiment of his son,

Apollyon/Abaddon. After the Flood, Yahuweh sent the spirits of the Nephillim into Tartaros--the lowest of She’ol (I Peter 2:4)--to await His time of judgment. As Revelation 9:11 tells us, the king of this pit, the son of Lucifer incarnate, would arise to take a new body in our day and rule the world with his power and authority on his usurped throne – on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. (Revelation 13:2) “That day” is upon us.

Therefore, all over New York City and Washington DC you find tribute to the ancient gods of Egypt, Greece and Rome, as well as tribute to the horned god Baphomat, and the depths of Masonic Lucifer-worship.

By 1776, the founding fathers were a mixture of Masons, Vatican Jesuits, Secret Society hierarchy, and Luciferics—who wove their secret symbols into about everything associated with them. They did nothing without using astrology charts. The alignment of planets had to be exact before anything was done. They dedicated everything with great ritualistic ceremony to the ancient gods. These ancient gods were real beings – “men of renown” – Nephillim (Genesis 6:2,4; Numbers 13:33)

Nimrod’s Babylon, seat of his plans, moved into Pergamum, Turkey, where the “seat of Satan” was made – dedicated to Zeus, the savior god of the Greeks. Pergamum was also the seat of Emperor worship under the Caesars.

Then Babylon moved into Rome. “St” Augustine said of Rome: “Rome is the second Babylon”. Then it moved into western Europe as Catholicism spread and finally the popes became the new Caesars, then into America, where it lodged in Washington DC. with its economic power resting in New York City.

So from America will soon come the world ruler whom the Vatican is calling to join with them to rule the world. From the Vatican will come the false prophet, who actually is the public relations director for the Beast, with as much or more power than the Beast. Does the Vatican know they will produce the false prophet of Revelation 13? YES!

So, as we now know, before long the Vatican will throw off its religious façade, because that’s all it ever was, and assume a major role as “the rider of the Beast”.

[I recommend the DVD by Rob Skiba, entitled Mythology and the Coming

Great Deception. This DVD is loaded with information that we all need to

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know: blog/specialgifts/html] And it’s all in the Word too.

[I also recommended the three-part series: “The New Atlantis”, “Riddles in Stone” and “The Eye of the Phoenix” – award-winning documentaries on the real history of America].

From Pastor Mike Hoggard’s DVD: America’s Goddess – Lucifer’s Torch:

“Semaramis, Ashteroth, Isis, Diana, Astarte, and etc., are all consorts of sun gods--they are consorts of Lucifer”.

All of the consorts of the sun gods carried the spirits of “Mystery Babylon”--

seducing, beguiling spirits of witchcraft, control, and manipulation that leads to spiritual and physical death. (Revelation 17-18)

The “Statue of Liberty”, is named for Libertas, a goddess of the ancient world. She is equated with Isis. Inside this statue is a staircase, like in the inside of the Washington Monument, with 33 steps representing the 33 vertebrae of the spine around which is wrapped the “Kundalini serpent. Like Delilah, seducing and beguiling spirits accompany her; stands as an oracle for the new Apollo. The serpent wrapped around the spine is a spirit, a predominant spirit in Hinduism. It is manifest also through yoga. It is a primary spirit in the western charismatic movement of Christianity. It manifests in erratic jerking and twitching and uncontrollable laughing and all sorts of manifestations popular in the “revival” movement, and is equated by Christians as “the Holy Spirit”. This spirit of Kundalini also produces miracles and healing—feelings of love and power, energy and emotions. Refer to Andrew Strom’s excellent book on this subject: Kundalini Warning.

II Peter 2:18-22: “For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness…While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants corruption. For of whom a man is overcome of the same he is brought into bondage. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Master and Savior Yahushua Messiah, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter is worse with them than the former. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than, after they have known it, to turn from the set-apart commandments delivered unto them…”

It also makes the statement in II Thessalonians 2:9 more understandable: “The coming of the lawless one is according to the workings of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the LOVE OF THE TRUTH in order for them to be saved. And for this reason, Elohim sends them a working of delusion for them to believe the falsehood, in order that all should be judged who did not believe the Truth…”

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The torch held by the Statue of Liberty was originally designed as a replica

of a Roman wine goblet. Fides, the ancient goddess who represents Catholicism and the Catholic “Faith”, also holds up a goblet/cup. This is why the “church” is known in the female gender. The wine goblet that she holds is the spirit of “darnel”, “with the wine of her fornication”, drunk with the blood of the martyred set-apart ones.

The Roman Catholic Church is responsible for the murder of more true believers, and Jews, than any other group in history, even funding and participating in Hitler’s Holocaust.

From Andrew Strom’s research: The darnel (tares/Matthew 13) is being sown within the charismatic church under the guise of a “the Holy Spirit”. This “holy spirit” makes people drunken, bark like dogs, wallow on the floor, become mindless, acting as one totally under the influence of alcohol. The Spirit of Yahuweh says to be sober, and not drunken. But, then, those who love experiences do not realize that they have left the solid foundation of the Word, and the real Person of Yahuweh, and wandered off into the sinking sand of paganism. They have experiences all right—right from the demonic

world of fantasy, deception, and illusion. This is part of the great deception of II Thessalonians 2:8-12.

They have forsaken Truth and the solid foundation of His Word rooted in His nature, ways and thinking, for experiences that wow the flesh and take a person totally off the platform of truth. Did you ever stop think that this “holy spirit” doesn’t have a name. Some groups call this spirit an “it” or a force, but that’s not far from Star Wars – the “force be with you”. The only godhood “trinity” is found in paganism from the time of Nimrod, the first sun god, his wife Semaramis, mother of all the goddesses, as Queen of Heaven, who is interconnected with the “Holy Spirit”, and their son, the incarnation of Nimrod--Tammuz.

II Corinthians 3:17-18 clearly says: “Now Yahuweh IS the Spirit”. The “Spirit”, the Set-Apart Spirit, is Yahuweh Himself. “Elohim is spirit, and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24)

Out of the torch the Statue of Liberty holds comes a flame representing “illumination”. She has seven sun rays proceeding from her head, supposedly representing the seven continents of the earth. She holds the “keystone” tablet next to her as a woman holds a baby near her breast, as in the mother-goddess statues and paintings of the pagan world.

The statue sits on a base of 11 points. One point is larger than the other 10.

This is reminiscent of Daniel 7:7-8, and the ten horns, and the 11th horn being larger and ruling over the ten. The statue sits on a piece of land that strangely resembles a male phallus, representative of Osiris, facing the “little horn”, which faces the sea.

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Revelation 13:1: “I stood on the sand of the sea. I saw a Beast coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns…”

She stands on a high base, on several Masonic squares, in New York harbor (Revelation 17 and 18) She guards over the nation chosen by Lucifer to reincarnate Nimrod and bring him to world power.


Statue, showing design of the base: 2011

The eleven-pointed walls of Fort Wood still form the statue's base, from 1927

The number 11 is a high occult number.

Americans pride themselves in her, never realizing that they are priding themselves in ancient deceptions of Lucifer. Judges 2:13; Acts 19:34-35 (“all nations”); Revelation 17:5; I Kings 21; Revelation 2 (Jezebel)

Pastor Hoggard: “She represents the Queen of transition of authority, usurping legitimate authority”. Rav Sha’ul was fighting this spirit in the assemblies, like at Thyratira. Pagan women, temple prostitutes, or vestal virgins, who served in the Temple of Apollo in Corinth, for example, were coming into the assemblies saying they were believers in Yahushua, but who were causing great upheaval by bringing the vile teachings and practices of Greek god worship to Yahuweh’s people. (II Timothy 2:12; Revelation 2:18-29) The assembly of Thyratira had one such woman in their assembly who said she was a prophetess and was bringing in fornication (part of the worship of Apollo). This woman may have been a “pythoness” – one who prophesied in the spirit of Apollo, as the Sybil in Delphi.

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When the Hellenized Jews and Greeks, who hated the Torah, created the religion of “Christianity”, they took the name, “Christ” from the worshippers of Serapis in Egypt. They created a counterfeit religion that would appeal to the pagans, and erase the need to obey the Torah of Yahuweh. They incorporated much paganism into it from the worship of the ancient gods of Egypt, Greece, later Rome and Persia. So, at its core is the whore – the Queen of Heaven who transformed the truth into a life.

This spirit of the jezebels came from Nimrod’s wife Semaramis to Isis, to Asteroth, to Ishtar, to Astarte, to Diana, to the “virgin Mary”. She manipulates authority (Political, economic, religious). She “rides the Beast”. She is the Queen of Heaven”, the “Mother of God” – the sun gods of the ancient world. (Jeremiah 7:16-19)

She usurps authority over righteous men, to bring acceptance of evil men. Hoggard says: “She represents the transition of humanity itself”.

It is her spirit, the spirit of the whore of Babylon, who facilitates the transformation of America from a country whose original people basically respected the Ten Commandments, honored morality, and believed in the God of the Bible, into a nation that has thrown out the Ten Commandments, where restraint of the works of the flesh are almost illegal, and who have thrown out the God of the Bible for the gods of the new age. “Witchcraft”, through which Jezebel works through to use her powers of manipulation and control, is on a high rise in America, and Satanism is actually an accepted religion in the U.S. military.

This spirit is behind the twisting of Sha’ul’s words--II Peter 3:15-18--to assassinate his character as a Torah-guarding man, so that the church could use him to say that Messiah ended the Torah and we don’t have to obey it anymore. “Jesus” and “Paul” became the substitutes for the mythological gods who founded Rome: Romulus and Rimes.

The goddess of Columbia (Columbine) on the Capitol Building is another goddess of America, ruling the political system. Is this a representation of your freedom - goddesses of the pagan world? Does this represent you as one who trusts in only one Elohim for your salvation? Is not the very presence of these statues breaking the first commandment of Yahuweh?

This study is concentrated on the Statue of Liberty, but if you start studying the layout of Washington and why our nation was founded in the first place, you will have all pride knocked out, if you had any.

Another goddess that is part of the Luciferic plan, like Liberta, and Fidies, who represents the Roman Catholic Church and its beliefs, is the goddess “Shikinah” who is called the “consort of Jehovah”, bringing divinity to all.

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“Shikinah” is not a Hebrew word. She represents “glory” or fire of the presence of Jehovah. But, she is not representing Israel’s Elohim, Yahuweh!

Shekina and Jehovah are said to have celestial love-making, and in the fire of their passion together “the glory is poured out” on the earth, and the spark rises in each person to take on their divinity.

So when charismatic Christians refer to “the shekina glory of God filling their church”, they do not realize they are referring to an outpouring of an overflow of sexual union in the heavenlies between two fallen angel angels.

This is why the jezebel spirit is so powerful in charismatic churches and in Messianic groups whose members used to be in charismatic churches. That spirit went with them. I was an ordained minister in charismatic churches so I know the truth from the inside.

The whole church system itself has descended from Gnostic Christianity of the Greeks and from Constantine’s Roman Catholic Christianity, which combined the Greek perversion with the sun gods of Rome, and the Persian “Mythra”. Thus the spirits of the usurper of Yahuweh’s authority is powerful in the Christian church – for they have erased His authority in His Torah, and His right to rule His people.

In the picture of the goddess Shekina, she is a young beautiful blond, wearing a white toga, and holding a large light-globe – the illumination of Lucifer.

But, as is clearly documented, the very name “Jehovah” is a perversion. It was another attempt by superstitious Jews to hide the name of Yahuweh by mixing in the vowels of Adonai (“Adonai” comes from the god Adonis of the Phoenicians and Greeks). But, also the Hebrew word “hovah” means “curse”. And remember: The letter “J” is only about 500 years old in the English language. The enemy goes to all lengths to get rid of the Name that is so powerful that it gets rid of him. Zechariah 3:2: In Yahuweh rebuking Satan He uses His own Name: “Yahuweh rebuke you. Yahuweh who has chosen Yerushalyim rebuke you…” The enemy is terrified of His Son’s Name too – which carries His Name – Yahushua Yahuweh.

Manly P. Hall, Scottish rite Freemason occult guru, said in The Secret Teachings of All Ages: “Secret knowledge is engraved in colossal images”.

The Statue of Liberty represents the “Age of Reason”. She came out of the French Revolution.

The Statue of Liberty was created by a French Freemason and given to the Freemasons of America as a gift. Her creation followed the French Revolution, out of which came “The Age of Reason”. That phrase really means: The age of rebellion against Yahuweh.

This “Reason” is what has destroyed the children of Yahuweh more than

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anything else in modern times. Pride in what man can reason led to Humanism--humans as gods. It is the old lie of the Garden of Eden – “you

shall be as gods”. Americans are taught they have a mind, emotions, and a will. Most churches do not teach the difference between the soul and the spirit. The western world’s people are taught to depend strictly on the power of their mind (soul), which can only touch the carnal world and be influenced by all sorts of humans, as well as by Lucifer and his agents. It is the seat of the carnal “mind” – the “flesh” – that wars against the Spirit. It is the seat of the sin-prone nature. Thus, unless the mind is transformed by obedience to the Word, it will remain a rebel and an enemy to anyone seeking to know Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh.

The shallow preaching of an easy “Gospel” leads most to have a belief-system without a true new birth. There are forty things that the Spirit of Yahuweh does when one is truly born again, so that they become a totally new creation, with a nature that is like Elohim’s. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”] Those truly born again are set-apart unto Yahuweh exclusively.

Pride in intellect, dependency on man--the “age of reason”--has separated Yahuweh’s people from knowing Him, substituting logic from outside data-input, earth-bound reasoning, and an emotion-centered fantasy illusionary life that goes by “feelings”. Churches teach ABOUT “God”. Messianic congregations teach ABOUT the “G-d” of the Torah. But, I have found very few who know Him personally. Religion carries intellectual pride, which repels Yahuweh. Thus, because few know the nature, ways and thinking of the Elohim of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob for themselves, most wallow in the pig sty of man’s opinions and reasoning, and never know the privilege of being taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh Himself.

The reasoning mind and the fantasy-controlled emotions keep one from hearing from Yahuweh and experiencing a personal relationship with Him. Therefore, man thinks he can formulate his own belief-system based on input from what chosen men he chooses to learn from. They are not disciples (taught ones) of the Master Messiah Yahushua, but the taught ones of man’s theological mixtures. Thus, Yahuweh is put down and man exalted, and pride in ignorance reigns.

Rabbi Akiva invented Rabbinic Judaism in the 2nd century. To do so, he demoted Yahuweh to the status of just another rabbi with an opinion, and elevated rabbis over Him. He is even mocked by rabbis in their arrogance.

But, Christianity did this also to Yahuweh and Yahushua, creating an Egyptian/Greco-Roman/Persian counterfeit religion that despises the Torah (teachings/instructions of the Kingdom) of Yahuweh. [Refer to: “The Foundation of Deception” and “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”]

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Excerpts from Temple at the Center of Time pages 265-275, “America”:

“Though many theologians and eschatologists have dismissed America’s significance in end-time prophecy, the illuminated elite have not. The ancient order of Free Masons had a spiritual design for America at its inception.

The location of Washington DC was selected according to the tenets of mystical topography, `occult significance in earth location’…As mercury is closest to the sun, the Greek Helios (god of the sun) is his superior. The Gnostics consider this arrangement to be parallel with Christ’s relationship to God the Father, or according to their occult identities, father Lucifer-- the god of light and the son Mercury, bringer of the light. Additionally, light or illumination stands for knowledge itself. In connection with this, the word `church’, universally referred to in the feminine, originated from Circe, the Greek name of the daughter of Helios.”

“The legend of Circe tells of her enticing people into her house, setting them down and fixing them a meal. But, Circe had poisoned Pramnian wine, which she gave them to drink. By drinking it, evidently a hallucinogenic, they forgot their homes, in other words, became mindless, and `when they had drunk she turned them into pigs by the stroke of her wand, and shut them up in pigsties. They were like pigs—head, hair, and all, and they grunted just as pigs do, but their senses were the same as before and they remembered everything’ ”.

The wine that the Queen of heaven, the great whore of Babylon, gives to the people of the world makes them drunken with her fornication.

Yahuweh said: “You shall have no other gods in My face” – Commandment #1. But, she has put all sorts of gods in His face, whoring against Him, leading His people into her bed of defilement. She is a spirit of Jezebel.

The spirit of Circe turns Yahuweh’s people into arrogant pig-eaters, with a mentality like a defiled pig – mocking what is right in Yahuweh’s eyes. This is the church system that has ensnared the people of Yahuweh and made fools out of them.

David Flynn goes on to say, regarding this Greek myth of Circe: “It serves as a statement against the pagan origin of the Church of Rome that has corrupted the tenets of Christianity. It is known that William Tyndale translated the Greek ekklesia as `congregation’ in his English Bible of 1526,

and only used the word `church’ for heathen temples as in Acts 19:37. When King James Authorized the English version of the Bible in 1611, he established fifteen rules that bound the translators: `The Old Ecclesiastical Words are to be kept, i.e. the word `Church’ was not to be translated `Congregation’, etc.’

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“The corruption of the Bible by King James pales in comparison to the distortions of Christianity made by first King of Catholic Rome. When Constantine converted pagan Rome to Catholicism, he superimposed Christian motifs over pre-existing sun worship cults. He himself worshipped

the god Sol Invictus (the invincible sun) until his death. Constantine declared dies Solis, “Sun-day” as the official day of rest for the empire on March 7, AD 321, minted coins bearing Helios crowned with the spiked rays, and established Christ’s nativity on the pagan date of the birth of the sun, December 25. The imagery of Revelation involves the same circumstance. His is especially manifest in the feminine version of the `church’ as a `solar’ counterfeit of ecclesia.”

“New York City shares the title `The Capitol of the World’ and has the Statue of Liberty in its harbor. The Statue of Liberty was designed by Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi in 1875. Before beginning the project, Bartholdi sought a commission for the construction of a giant statue of Isis, the Egyptian Queen of Heaven, to overlook the Suez Canal. The design of the statue of Isis was a `robed woman holding aloft a torch’. Modeled closely on the Colossus of Rhodes, an image of Helios, the Statue of Liberty wears the same spiked crown and holds a torch. The torch was originally intended to be a cup, but later the flame was added to its center, which, according to Revelation 17:4 means `having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication’. Twenty-five windows in the crown are intended to symbolize gemstones found on the earth, and the heaven’s rays shining over the world. The seven rays of he statue’s crown represent the seven seas and continents of the world. The most intriguing connections to Revelation that the Statue exhibits is not in its appearance, but in its distance from the temple in Jerusalem. Its laws are clearly based on Plato’s

philosophy and is largely extracted from his work Laws…The Platonic relationship is defined by the mutual benefit shared between citizen and state. This value was emphasized by Plato as embodied in the number 5,040. As the perfect city of Magnesia was designed around this number, a city that is dedicated to the commerce of the entire modern world, such as New York, should relate to it in some way. The Statue of Liberty is 5, 706 statute miles from Jerusalem. This is 5, 040 plus 666. The phrase `Babylon has fallen, has fallen’ is found once in the Old Testament in Isaiah 21:9, and twice in the New Testament in Revelation 14:8 and 18:2. This is due to the fact that Babylon fell in 339 BC, and that Babylon the Great, the future city and world religious system, will fall at the end of days … Similarly, the number of Plato’s Magnesia, 5,040, pertains to the second fall of Babylon.”

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“America” can be found in the Bible spaced 17 letters apart in Daniel 3:3…From the beginning of Daniel 3:3 until the last letter of America in the text, there are 33 Hebrew words…By moving the decimal place to the right one number, the exact latitude of Washington DC is found.”

Temple At the Center of Time is based on mathematical findings of distance and time, discovered by Sir Isaac Newton. It has its flaws, but for the discerning, the study as a whole is more than fascinating and gives information regarding locations the enemy has used and will use in our day.



September 11, 2001: The twin towers of the World Trade Center burn with the Statue of Liberty in the foreground. The two pillars represent Osiris, or Nimrod by another name. This act of the U.S. government gave them the excuse, the ground zero, to begin the chaos that would lead to the new world order under the son of Lucifer.

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Continue with pictures, and more information, below…


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From Wikipedia: The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886. The statue, a gift to the United States from the people of France, is of a robed female figure representing Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom, who bears a torch and a tabula ansata (a tablet evoking the law) upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue has become an icon of freedom and of the United States.

It is interesting that Wikipedia even gives her pagan roots, but does not say that Bartholdi was a Mason and the gift was from French Free Masons to American Free Masons. It is the gift of France representing the French Revolution – the goddess of reason. Thus, she is 450,000 pounds of sheer deception!

We have no time for such nonsense! What the world calls “FREEDOM” is really a call for freedom from Yahuweh and Yahushua and Their Torah – Their right to rule over Their own creation. (Psalm 2)

The true disciple/servant of the Master must not live out of their REASON. We are called to live out of the mind of the Spirit! No human being can find Elohim with head logic/reason of this world. He can only be found by faith, which bypasses human reason. Therefore, the `Goddess of Reason’ stands for the separation of every human being on earth from Yahuweh. She is the declaration of freedom FROM YAHUWEH!

The lead nations which promote the rule of reason are led by America, Britain, and nations from Western Europe--France being a major leader.

Lucifer/Satan cannot touch the re-born spirit. All he can do is influence the mind – the reason, the emotions, and the will (soul), that goes by intake through the five senses. He cannot touch the spirit which has been truly born of Yahuweh’s Spirit and can touch His realm. It is off limits to him. So, he affects the mind and the body, thus he deceived the mind of Eve. She was the original Jezebel and Adam the original Ahab. She lusted after what appealed to her mind. She wanted to get what appealed to her mind, just as Jezebel wanted Nabot’s vineyard. She wanted the ability to be God, as a goddess, and so she not only ate of Lucifer’s tree, but she gave the fruit to Adam, who meekly said “yes dear” and he ate. The spirit of Jezebel, a narcissistic spirit, came strong into the earth under Nimrod. Thus this spirit is rising to incredible heights now throughout the affluent western world, as “she” is returning to her base in Shinar – now located in end-time Babylon. Because Christianity is her religion, her spirit permeates it. Ephraimite Christians, and Messianic Jews, coming into the “Messianic Movement” unknowingly bring that spirit with them. This the Messianic movement is

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permeated with Jezebel spirits, and its companions – like the spirit of religion.

The spirit of pride, a satanic spirit, rides on reason. Those PhDs in “think tanks” of the Illuminati, are planning the death of near seven billion people. Their reason has told them that trans-genics and trans-humanism is the

right thing to do. They want to expand the capacity of the human brain by turning humans into cyborgs. One doctor that Rob Skiba shows on his DVD explains that if a woman has a baby and wants to make the baby’s intelligence higher than a human is capable of, she can put a chip in its brain and it will be a cyborg. He said: “In essence she has killed her baby. It is no longer human”. Thus man has gone crazy with desire to cause “evolution” to make a quantum leap so that we have minds like aliens. They are evil – totally under the control of Lucifer – and probably most of them do not know it. Western man is programmed that he has to go to college to be a success in the world. This is a subtle underlying thinking that unless he is trained by world experts, he is not as good as others. Success is measured in how much money one can attain, how much power and control, thus how much influence over others.

So that statue of that goddess in New York Harbor stands for the Luciferic Illuminati plans to defy Yahuweh and take over His world, killing anyone who worships Him. The heads of the Illuminati under Satan are the powerful of the Jesuit Vatican. Under them are the Freemasons, then the “Black Royalty” of Europe – the Morovingian bloodline. Under those three are about 200 organizations that work together like the CRF, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones, the New Age Movement, the Bilderberger Group, and now the Executive Branch of the White House.

From Idols of America – The Statue of Liberty and the Statue of Freedom – America’s Babylonian Roots by R.A. Coomes, 2006:

In speaking of the root he says: “In the original planning, the Statue of Liberty was designed in the initial sages to be in color. She was to be wearing the royal robes of scarlet and purple. It became obvious that for reasons of monetary purposes the statue was to be made from copper. The use of copper precluded the use of any color schemes.”

Revelation 17:3: “And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast…and the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet…”

These are the colors of Roman Catholic bishops and cardinals, as well as the pope himself. I recommend the classic from the mid-1800s The Two Babylons by Alexander Hyslop. He compares Rome, whom “St.” Augustine called “the second Babylon” with ancient Babylon. The “second Babylon” moved into Western Europe, then came over on the Mayflower disguised as

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Protestants, and Rome and end-time Babylon, America, merged as one, in

purpose and goal, to bring about the restoration of what Nimrod started, and the reincarnation of Nimrod himself. This has happened.

Coomes regarding the torch: “This item was originally designed to e a

golden cup filled with the wine of freedom…however the New York Port authorities asked if there could be some sort of modification to allow for an eternal flame or light to be designed into the statue so that ships could use her as a night time navigational aid…The torch we see today is actually the same type of cup designed used in ancient times for drinking wine. It featured a handle for the cup at the bottom and the handle looked much like a stick”.

Coomes article continued: “The Statue of Liberty – The Largest Idol Ever Made by Human Hands”: “We recognize the match-up between the Woman of Revelation 17:4-5 and America when we realize that the Statue of Liberty is actually the goddess Ishtar of Babylon…the mystery goddess of Babylon who was the goddess of personal freedom and liberty. Most importantly, Ishtar was called `The Mother of Immigrants’ and she was called also `The Mother of Prostitutes’…America is indeed the Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18.”

Revelation 18 is specifically New York City itself – the great harbor, the great city in which all the commodities listed are traded daily via Wall Street.

It is here that we see the religious system, the mother of harlots, joining all religions under the Roman Catholic Vatican’s umbrella, which is happening totally today, to ride the political and economic Beast to power.

The god of the Roman Catholic Church, and the Masons, is Nimrod, under other names of sun gods, including Iesous – Zeus under cover – which became the English “Jesus”. Nimrod attempted to eliminate Yahuweh and establish rule over the earth under himself as god. The Roman Catholic Church has attempted to eliminate Yahuweh (and they have outlawed the use of His Name) and His people, and to establish themselves as the ruler of the earth under their god-pope.

It was always the religious systems of nations that orchestrated the direction of nations, for religion is the glue that holds the individual citizens of each nation together. The Vatican is the central arena in which now all religions revolve. The Vatican, and its pope, being the oldest monarchy on earth and the extension of the never-ending Roman empire, has the right to tell the nations what to do – and to control their decisions in the political and economic arenas. Today the Vatican is taking that power and manifesting it.

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They will use it to bring in the whore and the Beast together. Refer to the

study: “The Foundation of Deception”. Look at the March 1993 charter – uniting Catholics and Evangelicals together, and the official elimination of Protestantism.

From: “The Goddess of Reason – Lady Liberty”, page 211-212 of Dark Majesty by Texe Marrs: “It is because of …Gnostic belief in divine Reason as the sublime guide for man’s own spiritual and moral perfection that the butchers of the French Revolution paraded through the streets, their bare-breasted women declared to be exemplars of the `Goddess of Reason’. This was the ultimate in synthesis--the coming of the notion of man’s reason being enthroned as deity with the ultimate symbol of ancient paganism: the Goddess.

Pictures and painting of this `Goddess of Reason’ proliferated throughout Europe and the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries. During the American Revolutionary War, the Goddess was especially celebrated as a symbol. She became the protectress of the rebellion--Lady Liberty, the one who smashes the tyrants and breaks the chains of bondage. It is she…who gives enlightened man freedom and liberty. Today, statues of this Illuminist Goddess of Reason are found throughout the United States; one stands astride the U.S. Capitol building in Washington DC. Another is atop the dome of the Capitol building in Austin, Texas…But the most fantastic idol of the Goddess of Reason, the most majestic statue of the pagan lady who bears the torch of light, who illuminates, uplifts, and frees mankind, is found in New York Harbor…The statue is an esoteric idol of great significance to the secret societies plotting the New World Order. The occult statue of Liberty is unquestionably one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetuated on mankind… Today’s environmental movement reflects this adoration of the Goddess of Reason. Ecological devotees call her by her pagan name `Gaia’…Actually the statue is a replica of Isis—the goddess of Greece who is, for one thing, known for sheltering poor strangers on the earth. `Liberta’ is also the name of a Greek goddess. Thus she is ‘lady Liberty’…End-time Babel is America—and the great whore of Babylon rides the beast system holding a wine goblet high, filled with the blood of the set-apart ones. Revelation 18 is New York City”.

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Anubis in NY

Recognize this guy? He is a statue of the Egyptian Anubis, the one who supposedly embalmed Osiris, so became the god of embalming and of resurrection. Nimrod was said to be the first one to be embalmed because he wanted in the future to be resurrected and reincarnated to rule the world. Beginning with George Washington, the Scottish Rite Freemasons performed the ancient Egyptian-based “ceremony of the rising” with each President, for their understood that one day one of the Presidents would become the embodiment of Osiris/Apollo/Nimrod. Thus in the ceiling of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. is a painting of George Washington called the “Apotheosis of Washington”, showing his ascension into heaven to be with the gods, surrounded by virgin goddesses, and 72 pentagrams. Everything is that giant painting that looks down on everything in the Capitol is focused on the rising of Nimrod.

I include here another one of the goddesses of America that is very prominent and carries a similar message:

From Wikipedia: The Statue of Freedom — also known as Armed Freedom or simply Freedom — is a bronze statue designed by Thomas Crawford that, since 1863, has crowned the dome of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.. Originally

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named Freedom Triumphant in War and Peace, official U.S. government

publications now state that the statue "is officially known as the Statue of Freedom". The statue depicts a female figure wearing a military helmet and holding a sheathed sword in her right hand and a laurel wreath and shield in her left.”



The statue of freedom on top of the Capitol Building in Washington DC

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John 8:36: “If, then, the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed”.

II Peter 2:18-20: “For when they speak arrogant nonsense (great swelling words of vanity), they entice through the lusts of the flesh, through indecencies, the ones who have indeed escaped from those living in delusion. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for a man is a slave of whoever overcomes him.”

From The Architect of the Capitol website:

“It was always thought that she should have been called the Statue of Unity. She was erected in 1863 during the Civil War. She stands on a base inscribed with the words `E Pluribus Unum’ – `out of many, one’…Lincoln had hoped that the Statue’s installation would be seen as a sign of determination that the construction of the Capitol would be completed to govern a Union, which would survive. Most ironically, the bureaucratic supervisor who had approved her initial design had been the Secretary of War, Jefferson Davis, who left Lincoln’s cabinet and became the president of the Confederacy. Davis is responsible for the Statue’s headgear being mistaken so often for an Indian headdress. It is actually a Roman helmet, decorated with a ring of stars, and a crest consisting of an eagle’s head, feathers and extended talons…She was designed in 1856, her plaster model was made in Italy, she was cast in bronze just outside Washington … She is 19’6” tall and weighs 14,985 pounds...”

This American goddess stands for Unity of the states, which sounds really nice, until you understand that Lincoln took us from a Republic to a Federal state, all unified under a central federal authority. The Civil War was started by the Eastern Establishment – better known as the Illuminati via the Free Masons of Europe.

It is by now it is common knowledge that the Capitol building is modeled after the Vatican in Rome, and is the “womb of Isis” facing the phallus of Osiris – the Washington Monument, the world’s tallest obelisk, just as the Egyptian obelisk faces the dome of the Vatican. Please, for some astounding compact information read Tom Horn’s Apollyon Rising 2012 and my article “The Secret Destiny of America” taken from the writing of “super-mason” Manley P. Hall.

As David Flynn said, arrogant theologians who have their own agenda refuse to admit that America is end-time Babylon, but the Illuminati elite know it is,

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and chose it in the 1500s to bring forth the re-incarnated Nimrod to rule the world. That feat has been accomplished.

Just one more goddess for Americans to see: This one is housed in a model of the Greek Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee: Notice the snake by the shield. She is Athena, goddess of wisdom--another one of the goddesses of the ancient world. The Greek capitol city Athens, is named after her.

Genesis 6:3, 5: Fallen angels had intercourse with the daughters of men and produced giants, hybrids called Nephillim--the “men of renown”--the ancient gods of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, and other cultures throughout the earth. They also produced goddesses. But, the original family was Nimrod, Semaramis and Tammuz, appearing as Osiris, Isis and Horus in Egypt, this family’s gods and goddesses just changed names in different cultures.


The goddess of wisdom, Athena, is worshipped at Bohemian Grove, with even a “mock human sacrifice” to her symbol – a gigantic statue of an owl. Refer to: “Stop and Smell the Redwoods”. Our Presidents and other national leaders, along leadership in big business, and international leaders, go to Bohemian Grove once a year to relax and be themselves, and “let it all hang

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out”, whatever nasty form that takes. But, their “cremation of care” sacrifice, in which a child is sacrificed symbolically, or actually, is the supreme ceremony of their “vacation”. Whatever it is, it is evil. What wisdom is this? It is not the wisdom of Yahuweh!

What kind of nation has these satanic statues all over it in such huge array?

Certainly not one to be proud of! Washington DC is covered in occult/pagan statues, and symbolism, from Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome.

A good book to look at is David Overson’s The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol. He’s a high-ranking Mason, and is proud to reveal the hidden (occult).

For faster and more complete education, I recommend an excellent DVD series: 1) America’s Beginnings - The New Atlantis 2) Riddles in Stone and 3) The Eye of the Phoenix. All the books and DVDs I’ve mentioned can be purchased on Amazon.

So here are a few questions for you: Why would you dedicate your life to obeying the dictates of this vile culture, when the true Messiah of Israel calls to you: “Follow Me”? He is calling us to come out of all that defiles: to “touch not the unclean thing.” (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1)

Stay in the whole Word! Make sure that all that you believe rests firmly on the solid foundation of His Torah (teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven), taught throughout His Tenach. Be sure to compare everything you see, hear, and think, with His whole Word, along with what it says about His nature, His ways and His thinking. Oftentimes knowing His nature will save you from much deception. Only let the Spirit of Truth teach you. He talks to the re-born spirit, which is an open portal to the eternal realm. “Let El be true and every man a liar”.

Unless a person is 100% Spirit taught, and can say “thus says Yahuweh” to everything he believes, with no additions of his opinions or beliefs or thinking, he has no business teaching, for his judgment will be great. Not only will the false teachers be judged, but also those that hear them and believe what they say. So, do not be so foolish as to run to meetings to listen to those who are not born of the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, led by the Spirit, and taught by the Spirit. Their nature should be like Messiah’s in reality, not in hypocrisy. They should be very humble and contrite, with no false spirituality, but with their lives demonstrating the reality of their changed nature. If they ask for money, sell their goods, live “high on the hog”, and do not “condescend to men of low estate”, then turn them off. They are deceivers. [Refer to: “The Message of the True Prophet”]

His plumb line of truth has been dropped. Anyone not aligning to it will be

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removed from His agenda.

Do not be proud of anything except your personal relationship with Him. (Jeremiah 9:24-26) Be only proud that you know Him, and He knows you, that you trust Him, and He trusts you.



February 12, 2012

NOTE – August 20, 2012: Note: It has been numbing to me as I edited this article this morning, for when I wrote it, of course, I did not know about the London Olympics and the world unleashing of the call for Lucifer and his fallen ones to come and rule – nor of my part, within the time of the Olympics in London in addressing the hierarchy of fallen ones-- giving a message from Yahuweh that He has heard them, and will give them an allotted time, then He will come and take over, and their doom. I did a lot of proclaiming, with joy, Scriptures of the ultimate victory of Yahuweh and Yahushua over them all. For this assignment He sent me to the Vatican in Rome, to the isle of Patmos, and to Delphi, Greece. [Refer to: “The Declaration Assignment”, August 8, 2012]

I only write what my Father tells me to write. We have a very personal relationship – I am His servant, He is my Master. In that I have great peace and confidence. Thus, He has shown me what will come, faithfully as He said in Amos 3:7. He shows ALL whom He knows, what is (word of knowledge) and what will come (word of wisdom), by His Spirit (II Corinthians 3:17-18). The wise tap into what He is saying by His Spirit, and thus they will not be fooled by the deceptions of man!

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