
Those we are praying for….. Rev'd Father Robert Britton, Wynn Evans, Jan Thomas, Cynthia Powell, Derek Lucas, Paul Hemmings and Pam Wiltshire.Please keep Amy updated as to who needs prayer. We commit to praying for one month unless otherwise advised.We would like to encourage you in your prayer and invite you to focus specific prayers for 5 people by praying in this way….Prayer using the BLESS acronym to help as prompts for what to pray forBBodyHealth, protection, wellbeingLLabour Employment/unemployment/retirement/adequate incomeEEmotionalInner peace, joy, wisdom, insight, patienceSSocialHealthy relationships with friends/family/colleaguesSSpiritualRepentance, salvation, obedience, faith, gracePray for our Growth TogetherPlease continue to pray for growth in our Christian communityEternal Father, look with your love on your people of this benefice and the wider Partnership, and pour upon us the gifts of your Spirit. Draw us to you and one another that our growing unity may bring healing of life to all, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. AmenPriest-in-Charge of Benefice – Rev. Jordan Ling 0117 3304953Focal Minister for St Aidan’s – Rev. Canon Trevor Denley 07960 329127Focal Minister for St Michael’s – Rev. Nicola Callen 0117 9658833Assistant Curate – Rev. Michelle Butcher 07804 610929East Bristol Partnership Office Tel: 0117 9586412 Email: @All notices for the following Sunday to be sent to Amy Donaldson, East Bristol Partnership Administrator by midnight on Tuesday. News from the Pews 4 Churches working together in East Bristol as part of the East Bristol Partnership St. Aidan’s St John’s St Michael’s St Ambrose ‘Reaching Out to ‘Serving the ‘Serving the & St Leonard’s Welcome In’ Community Community ‘At the heart Worshipping God’ of Two Mile Hill’ of the Community’Welcome Sunday 19th FebruaryOur Collect Prayer for today – The Second Sunday before LentAlmighty God, give us reverence for all creation and respect for every person, that we may mirror your likeness in Jesus Christ our Lord.What’s happening this morning:St Michael’s Church 9.00am –Eucharist with Rev. Nicola CallenSt Ambrose Church 10.00am -Lay-led Service with the Lay-led Team co-ordinatingSt Aidan’s Church 10.30am –Lay-led Service with David BrainSt John’s Church 10.30am –Eucharist with Rev. Nicola CallenReadings: Gen. 1.1-2.3; Rom. 8.18-25; Matt. 6.25-end;staidanbristol.co.ukSunday Service 10.30amSpecial notices….Revsions of St Aidan’s electoral roll will begin on 17th February and will close on 27th February.St Aidan’s Church APCM will be held on Sun 19th March. The deadline for all reports will be Sun 5th March. Regular weekly events….EVERY 1ST SUNDAY IN HALL 9.45am – 11amSundays fortnightly 3pm - Deaf @ St Aidan’sTuesdays 7.00pm - Evening Prayer in the Lady ChapelWednesdays 3.30pm – Messy Church, Air Balloon PrimaryThursdays 9.15am – Morning Prayer in the Lady ChapelThursday mornings 10am – 12pm in the Café area of ChurchThought for this week….by Rev. Jordan Ling1270000Last week Trevor gave us pause for thought about how we are to be light in the world, and shared a little of Bishop Mike’s sermon with us. I would like to pick up on this theme; one way we are light is to reflect God’s light that dwells at the core of who we are in our souls. We are, after all, made in the image of God, so God’s light is always within us, it simply needs to be encouraged to shine. Let us pause for a moment and consider how on earth we might make our gifts, our uniqueness’s shine for Jesus in this world? Are we exhausted at having to make more effort and do more things? Perhaps this is because we are not attuned to our natural gifting’s or perhaps we need more ‘soul food’ so we can be sustained on the journey. Our 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 reading from Sunday 12th speaks to a Christian community that Paul is encouraging to embrace maturity of faith. He uses the analogy of babes who are fed with milk; the easy to digest food, and adults who need solid food to sustain and help them grow. I wonder; are we babes who rely on being fed our faith in short easy to digest chunks? Food that we do not need to give too much thought to? Or are we hungry or in need of something more hefty? ‘Faith food’ that will nourish us and helps us grow. I have long believed that a Sunday service alone, whilst feeding us, is likely to maintain but not necessarily grow our faith. It is the prayer, the active seeking for God in the everyday through bible study, shared reflection on life and faith, silence and so on which forms the basis of a more mature diet. We all like different foods so how we feed our souls may vary but we are likely to find the aforementioned relatively universal as a way to feed our faith. Our Corinthians reading goes on to say that it is God who does the growing. Our role in soul nourishing is simply to create time to be open to God feeding us the food we are in need of. I encourage us to consider how we might feed our souls with mature spiritual food day by day, hour by hour even. If you are short of ideas ask to meet with a friend and share how you seek to deepen your faith over a cuppa or join one of the midweek groups. Food won’t make itself, but God’s table is already spread with a banquet for us to feast on, we just need to be open to being shown the way.Special notices and upcoming events for all…….Prayer Evening for Orphans of AfricaAn evening of prayer and reflection is being jointly hosted by Müllers and Send a Cow on Wed 22nd Feb from 7-8 p.m. at Müllers House, 7 Cotham Park, BS6 6DA. The evening will focus on the needs of orphans in Africa, stories from?Send?a Cow’s Ugandan Orphan’s Project?and how we can help.If you are interested in coming please contact Ann Hatton at ann.hatton@ or by telephone on 01225 871920.The next EBP Joint ServiceSt Michael’s Churchfor Ash WednesdayWednesday 1st March 7.30pmEveryone is warmly welcome to both!Women’s World Day of Prayer is on Friday 3rd March at St Joseph’s Church, Fishponds starting at 2pm. Everyone is welcome!EBP WEEKEND AWAY952520066000The EBP is going camping! Friday 28th April - Monday 1st May 2017A group of happy campers are off to Petruth Paddocks, Cheddar, Somerset to camp. This will be a great opportunity to have fun together and deepen friendships. If anyone would like more information and is thinking about joining in please add your name to the sign-up sheet at the back of Church or let Amy know on 0117 9586412.For those who are not keen on camping there will be an opportunity to come over on the Saturday evening to join in a BBQ and share in some of the crazy camping joy - watch this space……..More info can be found at petruthpaddocks.co.ukSt Ambrose and St Leonard’s ChurchSunday Service 10amSpecial notices…..We anticipate Nicola Coleman to be Licensed on the 2nd May 2017 at 7.30pm. ?Venue to be confirmed. Please save the date in your diaries.St Ambrose and St Leonards PCC will next meet on the 21st February.The Church Flower group are looking for another person to go onto the flower Rota, please speak with Veronica if you are Interested.If anyone would like to go onto the Readers Rota please add your name to the list or speak with Liz.Future items for the pew sheet should be given to Joanna – joannaphillips@blueyonder.co.uk or Alison Cann who will pass them on to Amy, EBP Administrator. Many thanks.Regular weekly events….. HOLY COMMUNION Wednesdays at 10amfollowed by coffee morning at 10.30amMonthly on 1st Tuesdays 7pm – Healing EucharistSunday Service 10.30amSpecial notices….St John’s Standing Committee will next meet on Mon 20th Feb at 7.30pm.The current electoral roll has been pinned up at the back. Please check your details are correct. If there are any changes needed please see Anne. The revisions will close on the 20th February.The next Worship Team Meeting will be held on Tues 28th Feb at 7.30pm. St John’s Church APCM will be held on Sun 12th March. The deadline for all reports will be Sun 26th Feb. Regular weekly events….Tuesday 9.15am - Morning Prayer430530017780000Saturday 10.00am – Bible Study in the ChurchMonthly on 1st and 3rd Sundays 7.15pm – GENERATIONSEVERY 4th SUNDAY IN CHURCH 3.30pm – 5.30pmSt Michael’s ChurchSunday Service 9amSpecial notices…..Revsions of St Michael’s electoral roll will begin on the 3rd March and will close on 13th March.St Michael’s Church APCM will be held on Sun 2nd April. The deadline for all reports will be Sun 19th March.Regular weekly events….. HOLY COMMUNION 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 10am with Prayers for Healing Coffee afternoon in Church every Friday 2pm-4pm (including tidy up of Churchyard on 1st Friday of each month) & Coffee morning every Saturday 10am -12pm. Everyone welcome!Do you enjoy company, refreshment and entertainment?Then why not come and join us in St Michael’s church hall at our Friends and Neighbours group.We meet on the last Wednesday of every month 2pm-4pm.Admission is just ?2 and we will welcome you with tea, coffee and cake. Do come along - we would love to see you. ................

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