Follow-Up ItemsCity Council Business Meeting Tuesday, September 8, 2020Mayor and Council QuestionsResponseDept LeadDo we have an idea on how many affordable units we're losing each year? How do we track the affordable housing gap? (Bokhari)Based on the 2018 Census Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data, the overall affordable housing gap measured cumulatively is 31,900 units affordable to households at 50% and below Area Median Income (AMI). PUMS data for 2019 is set to be released in October. Updated housing gap information can then be calculated.Staff evaluates various data sets to measure the gap in affordable rental housing in Charlotte to help the City make decisions about housing strategies. This data helps quantify the relationship between the people who live here and housing stock. Affordability is determined by the relationship between several things, including households (number, size, income), housing units (number, size/bedrooms, gross rent), and area median income. This relationship is fluid (e.g. people move here and move away; housing units are built, demolished; rents go up and down; units convert to rental and units convert to owner-occupancy; babies are born, kids go off to college, people get new jobs, lose jobs, etc.). There is not sufficient data available on individual housing units and the households that occupy them to track real-time gains and losses in affordable housing. Staff calculates net impacts in demand and supply year-over-year from data provided by the U.S. Census PUMS by looking at each household and assigning to it an AMI level based on size and income, and each housing unit and assigning it to an AMI level based on bedroom size. ?This helps determine how the demand for affordable rental housing in Charlotte changed over time, and also how the supply of affordable rental housing units in Charlotte changed over time. These two factors are evaluated to determine the gap in affordable rental housing, taking into consideration among other things the difference in demand and supply at each level of AMI, and also accounting for rental mismatch (number of households renting down or up in AMI level, either by choice or by necessity).HNSHow much do the ethics investigations against Council Members cost?(Eiselt)The city has not had any recent occasion to use independent outside counsel for this type of review, so there’s no recent comparison that would be meaningful to consider. Until the city retains an independent outside counsel who proposes hourly or service rates, it is hard estimate the scope and cost of this work. The cost is also variable as some reviews may be completed with a few hours of work while others may require more extensive work.AttyHow can the City of Charlotte develop the Violence Interrupter program into a city service? Assuming this works in Charlotte, how do we implement this? How do we collaborate with the County? (Winston)Once the assessment from Cure Violence is complete, the host organizations (The City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County) will receive a recommendation, which will include:Opportunities and challenges for implementationHow to set up a program, including recruitment planning, staffing needs, costs, and potential host organizationsBased on practices in other cities, a non-profit could run the program (with government funding) or it could be run by a governmental agency (e.g. under a department/office of the City or County).? Either way if moving forward with the program, the interrupters that will be hired, will be trusted members of the Beatties Ford and LaSalle area communities, and the program will be run locally. If the City is the organization to run the program directly, staff will further explore the details of how models in other cities were established to determine how the program could be best tailored to successfully meet the needs of Charlotte. Some best practices already discussed include, partnering with local churches or other community-based organization to lease office space in the community with 24-hour access since the workers and supervisor will be working late hours. While the City has taken the lead in organizing and running the Cure Violence assessment, the County has been a part of this effort every step of the way, with two members serving on the assessment core planning team, including Deputy Director of the Health Department Dr. Raynard Washington. In addition, Cure Violence progress is discussed during the monthly Managers’ meeting on Violence Reduction through a public health lens. CMOHow many 15 minutes bus pilots can we do before it exceeds our existing budget? (Driggs)CATS is working to determine the costs associated with increasing frequencies on additional routes to an average of 15 minutes.? The Envision My Ride Bus Priority Study that was authorized by Council at the September 14 Business Meeting will help to inform future capital and operating budgets based upon potential additional corridors that may be recommended by the study.? In addition, the Central Avenue pilot will provide a real-world example to understand costs and impacts of bus only lanes. CATSCOVID Relief Funds - expenditures, impact/number served, available funds, and recommendations (multiple inquiries)Up to date information is being prepared for review and consideration at the October 5th Expanded Strategy Session.CMO ................

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