Was the United States military strike against the sovereign nation of Syria legal in international law, legal in Constitutional law and justified by known, incontrovertible facts?What is the law internationally? What does the UN say?What is the law nationally? What does our Constitution say?What is the evidence related to the alleged chemical attack in Syria and the US response?How many countries is the US at war with right now?0 – no official declaration of war7 – Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, SyriaOver 130 – US has JSOC or SOF in over 130 countriesHow many military bases does the US have? In US? Outside of US? 700 to 1000 in over 70 countries much is the US military budget? How much is the classified US military budget? What percentage of the entire US yearly budget is this? What are the military budgets of other countries?About 600 billion plus about 60 billion in secret expenditures which are not public – about 15 to 20% of the national budget.What is international law related to starting a war? (UN law)What is the US Constitutional Law related to starting a war?From LAWFAREThe Constitution, in Article I, grants Congress the “power to . . . declare war.” Many lesser war powers and war-related powers are also granted to Congress, such as the powers to “raise and support armies,” “provide and maintain a navy,” “grant letters of marque and reprisal” (authorize private seizures of enemy vessels and goods), “make rules concerning captures on land and water,” impose embargoes (“regulate commerce with foreign nations”), “punish” violations of international law by foreign nations, “make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces,” call forth “the militia to . . . repel invasions,” tax and spend “for the common defense,” and “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution” both congressional powers and presidential powers.By contrast, the president’s…constitutional war powers are few (though of course they might have had a broad original public meaning). The president is “commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States.” He (or she) is directed to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”—meaning the Constitution, statutes, and treaties of the United States, and perhaps more. The president “shall commission all the officers of the United States.” The president is vested with “[t]he executive power.” And he or she must take an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” which may imply some power to do so.War Powers ActPresident may only use armed forces if: declaration of war, authorization by statute or emergency. If the President uses military without declaration of war, President must submit justification to Congress within 48 hours (requires details of troop use and constitutional justification). President must cease use of force if Congress has not approved the action within sixty days of the initial submission within 48 hours.War on Terrorthe Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) "grant[s] the President the authority to use all 'necessary and appropriate force' against those whom he determined 'planned, authorized, committed or aided' the September 11th attacks, or who harbored said persons or groups."Background Facts about SyriaSyrian government and military are secular – meaning that a citizen does not have to be one religion to be a member of society. There are Druze Christians, Shi’a, Alawites, Secular and Religious Sunnis in Syria. CIA involved in previous coups/govt overthrows in Syria (1949 and after) – US continues to meddle in Syrian affairs, a series of violent events occur until about 1970 when Hafez Assad become President of Syria and remains President until his death. His son takes over and is then elected President. (Miles Copeland admitting CIA role)Muslim Brotherhood is conservative Sunni religious sect that has been connected to Wahhabism and radical Islamist groups throughout the Middle East. US worked with Muslim Brotherhood to help control Syria in the past (starting in the 1950’s). Muslim Brotherhood continued to fight against Syrian government in 1973 when Syrian government decided not to be a secular and only Muslim government. had defeated a Muslim Brotherhood (Islamist) insurrection in the 1982 (DIA says only 2000 killed, Guardian claims many more killed). had plans to destabilize Syria in 1983 Spring – from January 2011 on – Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, then SyriaSyrian Protests Started in Daraa in late Feb or March 2011.Anti Govt Position – protests were all peaceful, govt used military to respond which caused the protests to spread to other cities, which eventually became controlled by ISIS and other Islamist groups Govt Position – protests began peacefully, govt tried to make concessions, Islamists (Muslim Brotherhood/others) infiltrated protests from the beginning and began killing police officers and civilians, government had to respond to the violence, then insurgency spread and was supported by foreign governments and jihadists. *350,000 to 450,000 killed on both sides – including civilians and armed combatants (see Wikipedia references)*Syrian govt supported by Lebanon, Hezbullah, Iran, Russia.*Rebels/Islamists – ISIS, AlQaida (Al Nusrah), other Islamist Groups – want to rid Syria of Shi’a and other non-believers (Christians, Yazidis, Sufis, etc…) - Supported by Gulf Coast Countries, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Western Powers (UK, France, US, etc…)Syria targeted for takedown by US govt shortly after 9/11 and start of Iraq war – no Syrian attacks on US watch?v=ojcoKnTGf4sIn 2006 – US plans to destabilize Syrian government the US and Gulf countries have provided weapons to the moderate rebels. Very often, these moderate rebels have been consolidated into part of larger Islamist rebel groups who have subsequently used weapons provided by the US to attack Syrian govt/civilians. Both the CIA and Pentagon had separate programs to support rebels/Islamists in Syria. CIA supported those who fought the Syrian govt, the Pentagon supported those who were fighting ISIS. Turkey supporting ISIS. CIA spent over $1 billion to train 10,000 fighters ($100,000) a fighter. (Clark says Turkey supporting ISIS)US suspected that Islamists would take over eastern Syria and early as 2012. - controlled by old Iraqi military men from Saddam Hussein’s army with help of outside Jihadists Facts About Syrian WarDid the US actually help to form ISIS and supply weapons/Did US/Turkey help provide chem weapons to rebels in Syria? Training rebels to secure chem weapons. (deleted article) Gas AttacksDispusted – Ghouta Gas Attack– US almost attacked Syria after this attackSyria NOT responsible – UN report does not blame Syria; Syrian rockets not able to hit the target, sarin gas used does not match the sarin that Syria had before disarming Responsible – statements made without reference to UN reports or other evidence AttacksSome attributed to rebels, some attributed to Syrian govt to Syrian government – but UN report never actually investigated the scene, but relied on testimony of witnessesAPRIL 2017 ATTACKUndisputed Facts Syria – 2017 alleged chemical attack*Syrian govt says its airforce bombed areas of the IDLIB province*Islamists/rebels are concentrated in parts of IDLIB province*There were at least 72 deaths, possibly in the eighties or 100’s, with hundred injuredDisputed Facts About April AttackWestern countries have immediately blamed Syrian government/Turkey says that the gas used was Sarin (probably true – but official lab tests have not been conducted) Govt says it does not have or use, Russia has supported the Syrian version, says not to rush to judgement in the US intel community about responsibility for attack – rush to judgment about what has happened bombed airfield where Syrian planes took off, but he contacted Russia and told them ahead of time – only a few planes hit, around 10 people killed (some civilians, some military) considering saturation bombing of Syrian targets govt still bombing same targets (no alleged chemical weapon use) sends military ship to eastern Mediterranean/Russia cuts military contacts with US and increases equipment and other countries call for a full investigation of the attack (China, Canada) – most Western nations have supported the US attack ................

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