| |The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. |

| | |

| |Industry Application Society |

| | |

| |Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department |

| |Meetings Committee |








a) City

b) Hotel


a) Formation

b) Responsibilities


a) Technical Sessions

b) Committee Meetings

c) Conference Record


a) Reception

b) Technical Tours

c) Evening Social Events

d) Author’s Breakfast

e) Awards Luncheon

f) Guest Program

i) Hospitality Room

ii) Tours


a) Budget

b) Sources of Funds

c) Application of Funds

d) Banking




A. Committee Meeting Matrix

B. Technical Session Plan


The Industrial & Commercial Power Systems (I&CPS) Technical Conference is the annual technical meeting of the Industrial Power Systems Department of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. It is held in a different city each year, and a local arrangements committee is responsible for organizing the meeting. The purpose of his guide is to help that committee in its task.

• Some general information about the conference follows:

• LOCATION The city and hotel are chosen in advance. See Section 3 of this guide for details.

• TIME The conference has traditionally occurred during the first week in May, but earlier dates are also acceptable with approval of the I&CPS Meetings Committee and may facilitate participation by academic members and students. Conflicts with Easter and the USA observation of Mothers’ Day, and with major events that result in abnormal congestion in the conference venue (eg, the Jazz Festival in New Orleans), should be avoided.

• DURATION The meeting begins Sunday afternoon with the following general schedule:

• Sunday – Afternoon and evening committee meetings and welcoming reception

• Monday - Technical Committee Meetings and evening hospitality suites

• Tuesday - Technical Sessions (Paper Presentations) and evening social event

• Wednesday - Technical Sessions and Awards Luncheon

• Thursday - Optional Tutorials and occasional special meetings

• TECHNICAL SESSIONS - Two concurrent technical sessions are held, totaling 8 - ½ day sessions

• PAPERS PRESENTED – Four papers per session, maximum of 30 papers, see appendix B



• 90 full conference attendees

• 15-25 one-day attendees

• 15-25 Guests

• Budget Approximately $40,000 – 60,000

The conference is normally sponsored jointly by the Industry Applications Society (2/3 participation and the local section of the IEEE in the host city (1/3 participation). On occasions, the conference may be held in conjunction with other IEEE units. This guide is written for the normal sponsorship arrangement. In the case of sponsorship by additional IEEE units, appropriate organizational and financial changes must be made.

General Information about organizing an IEEE conference is found in the publication “How to Organize an IEEE Conference”, available on the IEEE web site.


This section lists the principal milestones in the organizing and planning of an I&CPS Technical Conference, ranging from the selection of a host city, five years before the meeting to final reports five months after the meeting. The person or group responsible for each milestone event is also indicated. All dates are approximate. A typical conference schedule is also included.

|Calendar Year | | | |

|Before |Month |Event |Responsibility |

|Conference | | | |

|5 | |Select Host City |I&CPS Meetings Committee |

| | | |And I&CPS OpCom |

|4-5 | |Select Local chair |I&CPS Chair & Local Section Chair |

|4-5 | |Select Hotel |I&CPS Meetings Committee and Local Committee Chair |

|3-4 | |Establish contact with IEEE Conference |Local Committee Chair |

| | |Services and register the conference | |

|3-4 | |Establish contract with the hotel |I&CPS Meetings Committee and Local Committee Chair; |

| | | |contract signed on behalf of IEEE by IEEE Conference |

| | | |Services staff (Vita Feuerstein) |

|2 |FEB |Call for Papers sent to IAS Magazine for |I&CPS Vice Chair - Technical |

| | |publication | |

|2 |MAY |Initial Report to I&CPS Meetings Committee |Local Committee Chair |

|1 |JAN - MAR |Initial planning, including: |Local Committee Chair |

| | |• Preliminary budget | |

| | |• Preliminary non-technical event planning | |

| | |• committee work assignments | |

|1 |MAY |Report to I&CPS Op OpCom at the Technical |Local Committee Chair |

| | |Conference with preliminary budget | |

|1 |MAY |Approval of preliminary budget |I&CPS Op OpCom |

|1 |MAY - JUNE |Submit preliminary budget, insurance request, |Local Committee Chair |

| | |and IEEE concentration account application to | |

| | |I&CPS Meetings Committee Chair, IAS Meetings | |

| | |Department Chair and IEEE Conference Services | |

|1 |AUG |Revise budget and submit to IAS Meetings Chair|Local Committee Chair |

| | |& Local Section Chair with requests for cash | |

| | |advance | |

|1 |SEPT |Firm up all plans. Set deadlines for |Local Committee Chair |

| | |information for advance program and for | |

| | |submission of papers for conference record. | |

| | |Revise budget if necessary. | |

| | |Secure conference record ID number. | |

|1 |OCT |Report to I&CPS Op OpCom at IAS Annual |Local Committee Chair |

| | |Meeting. Establish information deadlines | |

|1 |NOV 15 |Formal invitations to accepted authors via |Technical Committee Chairs |

| | |Manuscript Central | |

|1 |DEC |Furnish committee meeting schedule to local |I&CPS Meetings Committee Chair |

| | |committee | |

|1 |DEC |Finalize expected technical program and |I&CPS Vice Chair Technical |

| | |schedule sessions. Furnish to Local Committee| |

|1 |DEC |Conference web site on line |Local Committee Chair |

|0 |JAN |Technical Program posted to conference web |Local Committee Chair |

| | |site | |

|0 |FEB 15 |Deadline for submission of papers to |Authors & I&CPS Vice Chair Technical |

| | |Manuscript Central | |

|0 |APR 15 |Conference Record CD to duplication house |Local Committee |

|0 |MAR - APR |Receive & process advance registrations |Local Committee |

| | | | |

|0 |APR |Final program to printer |Local Committee |

|0 |MAY |HOLD Conference |Local Committee |

|0 |OCT |Final Report to sponsors and I&CPS Op OpCom at|Local Committee Chair |

| | |IAS Annual Meeting, including financial report| |


A. CITY Cities for future conferences are selected by the Meetings Committee, subject to approval of the I&CPS Operating Committee. Some of the criteria used are:

• Invitation from and interest in joint sponsorship by local section of the IEEE.

• Availability of a group of local IEEE members interested in IAS activities and in working on the conference.

• Preferably, at least one local member who is familiar with the conference from previous attendance and who can participate in the local planning.

• City is readily accessible by air travel with reasonable competition by multiple carriers

• A suitable hotel is available (See Section B Below)

• Geographical diversity is preferred, with the conference not repeating locations any more often than once every three or four years.

• The IAS Annual Meeting is not scheduled for this city the year before, the same year, or the year after (if known)

B. HOTEL The hotel is selected for the conference by joint action of the Meetings Committee and the local section representative. It should have the following characteristics:

o Be centrally located, with easy access to restaurants, entertainment, etc. Airport hotels are not recommended.

o Be large enough to house all out-of-town attendees The table below indicates the recent history of guest room requirements for the meeting:


o Be small enough that this conference is the major event at the hotel during its meeting time, so that we are not lost in the shuffle of several larger meetings.

o While hotels may not either know or be totally forthcoming, it would be prudent to inquire about plans that the hotel may have for remodeling or construction that might interfere with the conference.

o It also would be appropriate to raise the issue of conference attendees who are employees of either US Government agencies or contractors. Ideally, the conference hotel would offer a set of rates acceptable under government purchasing guidelines so that these attendees can stay at the conference hotel. If this is not possible, a hotel that does offer acceptable government rates should be in immediate vicinity of the conference hotel. Likewise, there should be additional hotels in the vicinity that can accommodate attendees if the conference hotel is filled and they are displaced because they fail to book hotel reservations early.

o Other hotel perks should be investigated. In particular, conference attendees to expect to receive free internet access at conference hotels.

o Room requirements vary from one year to the next. Planners should be aware that the contract with the hotel will commit to a sleeping-room occupancy rate, and failure to achieve this rate will result in increased costs to the conference.

The conference is usually held during the first full week in May, but dates as early as the last week of March may be accepted by the I&CPS OpCom.


o Registration area with tables near general session meeting room

o Three (3) Committee Meeting Rooms (afternoon only)

o Evening welcome reception room for 125-175


o Registration area with tables near general session meeting room

o Guest Hospitality Room 20 - 30 with continental breakfast and beverage service (8:00 am - 5:30 PM)

o Break room with beverage service and space for exhibitors (8:00am – 5:30pm)

o Eight (8) Committee Meeting Rooms 20 - 40 people see appendix A

o I&CPS Operating Committee Meeting Room - 40 Conference style

o Display tables for IEEE Publications/Standards


o Registration area with tables near general session meeting room

o Display tables for IEEE Publications/Standards

o Break room with beverage service and space for exhibitors (8:00am – 5:30pm)

o Guest Hospitality Room 20 - 30 with continental breakfast and beverage service (8:00 am - 5:30 PM

o Author’s Breakfast (7:00 AM Round Tables, for 25)

o Two (2) Technical Session Rooms (theater style for 75-100) each with the following accessories:

o LCD Projector and Large Screen

o Podium and lapel microphones

o One or two floor microphones

o Laser Pointer


o Registration area with tables near general session meeting room

o Display tables for IEEE Publications/Standards

o Formal coffee break and refreshments mid-morning and mid-afternoon

o Guest Hospitality Room 20 - 30 with continental breakfast and beverage service (8:00 am - 5:30 PM

o Author’s Breakfast (7:00 AM Round Tables for 25)

o Two (2) Technical Session Rooms (theater style for 75-100) each with the following accessories:

o LCD Projector and Large Screen

o Podium and lapel microphones

o One or two floor microphones

o Laser Pointer

o Banquet room for the Awards Luncheon

The traditional arrangement is for the hotel to agree to provide the meeting facilities at no charge to the conference provided the conference attendees rent a minimum fraction (typically 75-85%) of the contracted “room block”. These traditional contracts also provide for a charge to the conference for meeting rooms if an insufficient number of guest rooms are rented. Some conferences are experimenting with contracts that establish a charge for meeting facilities that is independent of the number of guest rooms taken by the conference; this alternate arrangement may result in lower prices for guest rooms. The two options should be evaluated before a final hotel contract is signed.

Vendors often require hospitality suite service, but such activities are not IEEE sponsored and the requests and details will be handled individually by representatives from the firms involved.

All interested hotels should submit a list of current convention room rates, copies of a representative catered breakfast and lunch menu showing costs, and audio visual rental fees.

While the local conference chair will identify the hotel and conduct preliminary negotiations, final negotiations and contracting will be handled by IEEE Headquarters.

I&CPS has adopted a practice of collaborating with a commercial entity to sponsor a seminar or tutorial in the conference hotel on Monday of the conference. The commercial entity is responsible for inviting participants in their program, and for all costs associated with their session including hotel costs, and is permitted to publicize that their session is held in conjunction with the I&CPS Technical Conference. In return, I&ICPS publicizes the vendor seminar on the conference web site, and allows participants in the commercial session to participate in the conference technical sessions without paying for conference registration as a means of inducing them to return as registered attendees the following year. In many instances, the commercial entity that conducts this session also underwrites some of the cost of the opening reception, in which case their attendees are also invited to mingle with the conference attendees. The hotel is requested to credit the conference for room occupancies associated with the commercial session.

Local committees may schedule tutorials or seminars for Thursday of the conference week. Arrangements for these sessions are the responsibility of the local committee. Such sessions should be non-commercial, and the local committee can (and generally should) charge an additional registration fee for these sessions. If possible, add-on tutorials should be evaluated by IEEE Headquarters for certified Continuing Education Units.


A. FORMATION - The general chair of the conference will be jointly recruited by the officers of I&CPS and of the local section in the host city. It is desirable that this person be named several years prior to the meeting and that he be a person with previous connection to the I&CPS Department. If possible, the general chair should be a person who regularly attend the I&CPS Technical Conference.

The general chair is responsible for recruiting the local arrangements committee. A committee of 8 to 10 persons is the minimum number required to handle the project. The committee should represent a variety of interests within the IEEE-IAS community; i.e., it should not consist primarily of employees of a single employer or a single type of employer. The committee should generally be formed about 18 months prior to the conference.

B. RESPONSIBILITY - The local arrangements committee is responsible for the entire conference except for the technical program. This includes such items as:

1. Setting a budget, including establishing prices for all activities and all classes of registration.

2. All hotel arrangements for the conference meetings and events, after the initial selection of the hotel

3. All publicity, including establishment of a web site

4. All non-technical events, such as lunches, authors’ breakfasts, receptions, field trips, social events, and a guest program (tours of general interest)

5. Preparation and distribution of the conference record CD

6. Registration of attendees (although this function is often contracted to IEEE Conference Services)

7. Reports and division of surplus after the conference

8. Conference risk management and security, including theft prevention, emergency evacuation, and medical contingency planning

The following are NOT the responsibility of the local arrangements committee:

1. Selection of papers to be presented and organization of the technical sessions. The papers will be selected and organized into sessions b the technical committees of the I&CPS

2. Planning the number, sequence, and length of committee, subcommittee and working group meetings, or the sequence of the technical sessions. The chair of the I&CPS Meetings Committee will arrange this schedule and forward it to the local arrangements committee.

3. Planning the program for the awards luncheon. This will be the responsibility of the I&CPS Awards and Recognition Committee. The chair of that committee will prepare a master of the program leaflet for duplication by the local committee.

Each member of the local arrangements committee is given responsibility for specific areas of concern, such as finance, registration, social events, etc. A suggested breakdown of responsibilities of each is shown in the following sections. It may be desirable to modify this list to accommodate the talents and interests of the members of a specific local committee.

Most cities have a convention bureau or similar organization that can be of great help to the local arrangements committee. They can usually provide publicity leaflets, photos for publications, maps, restaurant guides, etc. They may be able to suggest and help arrange tours. They can often provide clerical help and registration desk personnel, sometimes at not charge.

|Chair |Coordination, Scheduling |

|Registration |Receive and track all registrations. Staff conference registration tables, deposit payments, hand out |

| |conference envelopes. Keep records of registrations received, amount paid, and compile a hard-copy list of |

| |attendees to be available by the Awards Luncheon on Wednesday. IEEE Conference Services can provide this |

| |service for a fee. |

|Publicity |Collect information for and plan advance and final program booklets. Arrange for publicity in newspapers, local|

| |IEEE section newsletter, IAS magazine, trade journals. In recent years, a major form of publicity has been a |

| |conference web site. Note that this web site must be linked to the I&CPS Department web site and the IAS web |

| |site, and the conference should also be listed in the master index of conferences maintained by IEEE and IAS. |

| |I&CPS has agreement with IEEE to use a standard redirect address of where XXXX is the |

| |year of the conference. The Conference Web Site should be up at least one year in advance of the conference so|

| |that it can be linked to the previous year’s conference web site. |

|Conference Record |Arrange for production and duplication of the conference record. The I&CPS Department Vice-Chair will direct |

| |authors to send their manuscripts and copyright transfers to the Conference Record Chair who will then assemble|

| |a master electronic copy of the conference record in the format required by IEEE Headquarters to enable |

| |archiving of the record in IEEEXplore. Hardcopy conference records are no longer required and should not be |

| |produced, although the local committee may offer a service of printing individual papers upon request (charging|

| |a fee for the service). The local committee is responsible for duplication of the conference record CD. A |

| |minimum of 200 copies of the CD should be produced (one per attendee, the remainder for use in publicizing |

| |future conferences). At the conclusion of the conference, surplus conference CDs should be turned over to the|

| |committee organizing the following year’s conference for use in publicizing that meeting. |

| | |

| |In recent years, I&CPS has also included copies of the authors’ presentation files on the conference CD. |

| | |

| |In addition, IEEE Headquarters will “acquire” one or more copies of the conference record to be archived in |

| |IEEE Xplore. Ideally, these CDs will be burned after the conference and should not include copies of the |

| |manuscripts of papers that are not actually presented at the conference, papers that have previously been |

| |presented at other conferences, and authors’ presentations. |

|Printing & Mailing |Arrange for printing tickets and programs. Mail programs. Deliver final programs and tickets to Registration |

|Hospitality & Tours |Arrange Sunday evening reception |

| |Arrange Tuesday evening Social Event |

| |Arrange Wednesday awards luncheon. |

| |Arrange Technical Tours, if offered |

|Facilities |Make all hotel arrangements for the conference events. Schedule committee meeting rooms, technical session |

| |rooms, authors’ breakfast, guest hospitality, and any other meeting room request received from a committee or |

| |working group. Note that the I&CPS Meetings Chair will coordinate the final working group, subcommittee and |

| |committee meeting schedule. It is prudent to have a volunteer monitor in each technical session to respond in |

| |the event of technical problems with projection equipment, sound system, etc. |

| | |

| |Individual guest rooms and hospitality suites are to handled directly by the hotel. |

|Finance |Budget, Disbursements, Final financial report. |

| |Notes: |

| |By IAS rules, the society must sponsor 2/3 of the conference. The local section(s) may sponsor up to 1/3 of the|

| |conference. |

| |By IEEE rules, the final financial report must be completed, and the accounts closed, within one calendar year |

| |of the conference. |

| |Ideally, this task will be completed by the end of the calendar year in which the conference takes place. |

|Guest Activities |Arrange all guest activities, provide a daily hospitality room, and tours of general interest. |

| |Notes: |

| |Guests tend to register at the conference or not at all. |

| |If costs are involved for activities, guests like to pick and choose a la carte. |

| |Guests tend to piggyback to the Sunday and Tuesday events by using unused tickets from other full-registrants. |

| |Most guests tend to dislike attending the awards luncheon. They would prefer a parallel activity. |

|Conference security and risk |Theft prevention during the conference technical sessions |

|management |Evacuation plan for the conference meeting rooms and adjacent restroom facilities to assure that conference |

| |attendees are evacuated in case of fire or other emergency |

| |Medical emergency plan, including knowing the location of defibrillators |

Note that it may be possible to combine some of these functions in order to accomplish the task of hosting a conference with fewer people. However, the degree to which that is possible is greatly dependent on whether the individuals who assume the various responsibilities have the freedom to devote the time required, especially during the conference itself. Also note that it may be prudent to have one individual on the local committee whose role is to serve as a “wild card”, stepping in to assist in the event one of the other members of the committee is unable to proceed.

A very critical first step in organizing an I&CPS conference is to contact IEEE Conference Services in Piscataway. This initial contact accomplishes several critical steps:

i. It assures that the conference is listed in the master index of all IEEE conferences. Being included in that master index makes it possible for potential attendees to find information on the conference using the conference search function on the IEEE web site, and also leads to inclusion in the Conference Calendar published in IAS Magazine.

ii. It starts the process toward issuance of liability insurance coverage for the conference. Having liability insurance is a MANDATORY REQUIREMENT for all IEEE conferences.

iii. It is the first step in the process that leads to opening a conference bank account under the master IEEE concentration account. In general, IEEE conferences MUST use the master IEEE concentration account unless special arrangements are made with IEEE Headquarters for some other system.

iv. It starts the process that leads to generation of a Letter of Acquisition for the Conference Record. This step is required to archive the Conference record in IEEE Xplore. The letter of acquisition also specifies a number that must appear in a footer in each manuscript on the conference CD. The numbers assigned to conferences must be available in the Fall of the preceding year so that Manuscript Central can be updated to correctly create the files required for the conference CD. The IAS Executive Board will specify a deadline for making those numbers available.


The local committee is responsible for setting conference registration fees as necessary to achieve a budgeted conference surplus of 20%. The following guidelines shall be used in determining registration fees:

Attendees shall be offered the option to register for the full conference, or for only one day of the conference. The registration fee for the full conference shall offer a significant discount when compared with registering for individual days.

IEEE member registration MUST be significantly discounted compared with the registration fee for non-members.

IEEE Policy dictates that Life Members and Student Members be treated in equivalent fashion with respect to conference registration. The tradition of I&CPS is that Life Members and Student Members are offered the opportunity to register for the conference at no charge, but with the understanding that this registration only entitles them to participate in committee meetings and technical sessions. Life/Student Members should also be offered an optional reduced registration fee that entitles them to a copy of the conference record CD and participation in the social activities of the conference. This should be designated “Full Life Member/Student Member registration”. The principle beneficiaries of this policy are students who may then receive reimbursement from their universities that they could not get if they registered for individual social activities.

Registration categories should be established for Guests that include participation in the social activities of the Conference as well as cost recovery for the Guest hospitality expenses.

Individual fees should be established for guest tours, technical tours, or additional copies of the conference record.


Local committees, may, at their option, provide attendees with souvenirs. If this is done, the souvenir should be something of nominal value that is representative of the local community. Recent examples include regional products or tote bags donated by local businesses.

If desired, the local committee may also provide small “thank you” gifts for those presenting papers at conferences. Wherever possible, these gifts should bear an IEEE logo rather than the logo of a commercial entity, and therefore would have to be budgeted as conference expenses. Typical recent examples include inexpensive pocket calculators, laser pointers, CD holders, and pens.


The primary purpose of the I&CPS Technical Conference is to present a technical program for the attendees and to provide a venue for work on the IEEE Color Book series of application standards. There are three major portions to the technical program: technical sessions, committee meetings, and the conference record.

A. Technical Sessions - There will be eight (8) technical sessions, at the I&CPS Technical Conference. Each session is organized and sponsored by one or more technical committees or subcommittees. Each session consists of several technical papers (typically 3 or 4) and/or panel discussions. The general structure of the technical sessions will follow the master program plan included as Appendix B in this Meeting Guide. Note that the structure of the technical sessions is designed such that conference participants can readily move between the two parallel sessions, and strict synchronizing of paper presentations is required. The conference program should list the times of the individual papers to remind authors and session chairs that they need to adhere to the synchronized plan.

The solicitation and selection of the papers to be presented and the formation of any panel presentations is the responsibility of the technical committees. The sessions are coordinated and scheduled by the department Vice-Chair, Technical. The schedule and the details of title, author, etc. will be given to the local arrangements committee during December of the year before the conference, in time for publication in the advance program.

The local arrangements committee is responsible for arranging with the hotel for the use of two large (seating 75 -90) meeting rooms for the times that technical sessions are scheduled. These rooms must be equipped with public address system that includes a podium and lapel microphone, LCD projector and cables, a laser pointer, and dimmable lights. The I&CPS Department Vice-Chair, Technical, will determine any additional requirements that individual authors may have.

B. Committee Meetings - There are normally 20 to 25 committee, subcommittee and working group meetings held during the conference by various I&CPS units. These may vary in length from one hour to three hours, and in attendance from 5 to 40 persons Because of the rather elaborate rules governing the order of these meetings, the schedule for these meetings will be prepared by the ICPS Meetings Committee Chair and furnished to the local arrangements committee. In general, this schedule will be developed starting from the standard meeting matrix included as Appendix A in this Meeting Guide.

The local arrangements committee is responsible for arranging with the hotel for the rooms needed for these meetings. On Monday, as many as eight (8) rooms may be required at the same time. See Appendix A for hotel accommodation details. The names of the meeting rooms should be assigned and printed in the program. The meeting rooms should be physically as close to each other as possible. Signs should be provided at the rooms to indicate which committee meets in a given room at a given time. Some hotels will do this as a part of their normal service. If the hotel does not provide the signs, the local arrangements committee should provide and post the signs. The two common signage arrangements are to have one list of meetings scheduled for each room posted outside that room, or else to post an announcement of each new meeting about 15 minutes prior to its scheduled start.

C. CONFERENCE RECORD - The conference record is a compact disk or memory stick (thumb drive) containing each of the papers to be presented at the conference in .pdf format. The disk should also contain indices by paper title, author’s name, and session schedule that are hyperlinked to the actual papers. In addition, a copy of Adobe Acrobat should be included on each disk. It is not necessary that the disk include work/phrase search capability, but the disk must be produced in a form such that the search engine employed by the IEEE Xplore system can find documents automatically.

In some recent conferences, copies of the authors’ PowerPoint presentations have also been included on the electronic media. This is a valuable addition to the electronic media and can be accommodated at little or no additional cost. If this is done, the local committee should also scan through the authors’ presentations to check for excess commerciality (and logos). It may also be decided to preload all presentations on a couple of laptop computers that will be used during the presentations.

In the year preceding the conference, the local committee should make contact with IEEE Headquarters to determine requirements for the Conference Record. These requirements will be contained in a “Letter of Acquisition” addressed to the Conference Record Chair. In general, IEEE will require some quantity of Conference Record electronic media. The Letter of Acquisition will also indicate how much revenue the conference will receive in exchange for the content of the Conference Record electronic media, and that revenue should be anticipated in assembling the conference budget.

In addition, the Letter of Acquisition will specify a number that must appear in the footer of each footer on the conference electronic media. Since the files for the conference record electronic media are produced by Manuscript Central, it is essential that the number be available in time to update Manuscript Central prior to the point when authors will start submitting manuscripts. The IAS Executive Board will establish a deadline for making those numbers available each year, but for planning purposes it can be assumed that the deadline will be sometime between in October or November of the year prior to the conference.

The IAS Department Vice-Chair, Papers will download the manuscript files from Manuscript Central and make them available to the local committee shortly after the deadline agreed upon for submission of manuscripts.

The local committee is responsible for assembling both the master conference record electronic media, as well as duplication of these masters to fulfill the obligations of the conference. The I&CPS has adopted the practice of requiring that authors submit completed conference registration forms, along with payment of the appropriate registration fees, at the time that they submit their manuscripts. This is to ensure that authors really intend to be present at the conference to present their papers. Note that it is IAS Policy that no papers will be considered for publication that have not been actually presented at a conference sponsored by IAS.

A growing practice within IEEE is to require a full-conference registration be associated with each paper. This requirement insures that there are sufficient funds to cover the costs and efforts associated with processing the paper. A similar practice is to limit an author’s full-registration to two or three papers. If an author has additional papers, then either a co-author must also submit a full-registration or the author may pay an addition paper fee. This policy is to address abuses such as using student registrations to cover a large number of paper submissions.

No paper will be published without a properly executed IEEE copyright release form. The process of manuscript submission to Manuscript Central includes an electronic copyright transfer step. All papers to be presented at the conference must be included in the formal conference record; if an author is unable to meet the deadline for submitting this material to the Vice-Chair, Technical, his slot on the program will be reassigned. Authors may distribute errata sheets, or non-commercial supplementary information at the conference, but this information cannot be incorporated into the archive accessible via IEEE Xplore.

The local arrangements committee is responsible for packaging of the conference record. The Letter of Acquisition will specify the publication number and the copyright information for the conference record. It is important that the instructions provided by IEEE Headquarters in the Letter of Acquisition be followed exactly in producing the Conference Record.

There may be a few requests for copies of the conference record to be mailed to purchasers. These may be treated as over-the-counter sales as long as the conference books are open. It is appropriate to include a handling fee for packaging and mailing conference records. After the conference books are closed and funds distributed, such requests should be referred to IEEE headquarters.

In the even an author fails to appear at the conference to present his paper, and fails to arrange for a substitute presenter, the paper should not be forwarded to IEEE Xplore. Likewise, papers that have previously been presented at other conferences should also not be archived. If possible, such papers should be removed from the copy of the electronic media submitted to Piscataway for archiving in IEEE Xplore.


In addition to the technical program (see section 5), the conference includes a number on non-technical events, described below. Except as noted below, the local arrangements committee is responsible for the complete planning and carrying out of these events. In general, ticket prices for these events should be set to cover the cost of the particular event, with a little cushion for contingencies. The major non-technical events are described below, in no particular order.

A. AWARDS LUNCHEON - The annual I&CPS Awards Luncheon is held at the I&CPS Technical Conference each year, usually Wednesday at noon. At this luncheon awards for prize papers and other IEEE awards are made to I&CPS members. There is a divided responsibility for this luncheon. The local committee is responsible for physical arrangements, and the Local Committee Chair generally serves as the Master of Ceremonies, but the chairman of the I&CPS Awards and Recognition Committee is responsible for the awards portion of the program.

The local arrangements committee is responsible for all arrangements with the hotel or venue, printing and selling tickets, setting the price of tickets, and selecting the menu. Since a ticket to this luncheon is usually included with a full conference registration, the actual attendance at the luncheon is usually below the number of tickets sold. This should be kept in mind when making final attendance guarantees to the hotel or conference center and caterers, usually 24-48 hours before the luncheon. The guarantee should be set as low as the committee thinks it can get by with, allowing for the hotel’s ability to serve more than the guarantee.

The local committee arranges with the hotel or conference center to provide an appropriate table, placed near the head table, for the display of the certificates. It is appropriate to reserve a few tables near the front of the room for honored guest and award recipients and their guests.

The local arrangements committee chair usually acts as host/master of ceremonies for this luncheon. He will open and close the program, give a formal welcome to attendees, introduce the head table, recognize his committee, and introduce the Awards & Recognition chair for his part of the program. Invitations to this luncheon are to be extended to the local IEEE section chair and to the local arrangements chair for the next I&CPS technical conference. These guests should sit at the head table. Generally, the head table includes any IA Society Officers in attendance, the I&CSP Department Officers, the local committee chair, and the Awards & Recognition Chair.

The Awards and Recognition chair will prepare a program and awards leaflet for this luncheon for which the local committee will be responsible for reproduction. The Awards and Recognition chair will arrange display of the certificates of recognition. He or she will conduct the entire awards ceremony, calling on other officers for assistance as required. Normally the local arrangements committee plays no part in this part of the program.

At some point in the program, the chair of the next year’s I&CPS Technical Conference is called on to invite and urge those present to attend the next conference.

B. WELCOME RECEPTION – An evening cocktail party is offered as a welcome reception to the conference, usually from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. In recent years the trend has been to hold it on Sunday evening. The main purpose of this event is to encourage interaction among the conference attendees, allowing renewal of friendships and networking among the conference attendees and their guests. A cordial atmosphere with plenty of conversation nooks are appreciated. Hors d’ouveres and beverages are the normal fare. Each full conference registrant, and registered guest are given tickets to attend. There are two approaches to handling beverages. The traditional method is to provide each attendee two drink tickets, while providing a cash bar to enable those who wish additional beverages to make a purchase. Alternatively, beverages may be treated as cash transactions altogether. In this second model, the conference typically provides more elaborate food. Additional tickets may be sold to one day attendee, student or IEEE Life Members.

The cost of this reception may be offset by solicitation of donations from the local electrical industry. Solicitation of this nature also heightens awareness of the conference in the local area. The local arrangements committee is responsible to solicit local industries for sponsorship. Sponsoring company names shall be prominently displayed on a poster in the reception area. The menu may be augmented as additional funds are pledged. An open bar, or brief entertainment are some possible additions. The budgeted donation should be a conservative income, and readily achievable.

C. TECHNICAL TOURS - While not a vital part of the conference, one or more tours of manufacturing plants or other sites of technical interest are a good addition to the program. These tours are normally scheduled on Monday or Thursday, and should not be scheduled to conflict with technical sessions. Sites chosen for the tours should be installations that either have some new and interesting technical features or are representative of the host city (i.e. Boeing in Seattle and NASA in Houston). If possible, the tours should be conducted by technical person and oriented toward the power system of the installation. Spouses are welcome on the tours. Any clothing, security, citizenship or other restrictions for the tours should be published in advance. Venues that would restrict participation for competitive reasons should not be selected.

D. EVENING SOCIAL EVENT –The conference usually includes a Tuesday evening social event that is scheduled to take place outside the conference hotel. These should be planned to interest both registrants and their guests. The events should be, if possible, an introduction to outstanding aspects of the host city, particularly unusual features not commonly found in other cities. If possible, plans for this event should take into account the events scheduled at previous conferences to avoid unnecessary repetition. Note that a nice dinner at the conference hotel may be completely acceptable if the logistics concerns prevent moving conference participants to remote venues.

E. AUTHORS’ BREAKFAST - The authors’ breakfast serves two purposes. First, it recognizes the authors’ contribution to the conference. Second, it provides a meeting place for authors and session chairs to cover details of he technical sessions for which they are responsible. Attendees at these breakfasts include authors, session Chairs, the I&CPS Chair and Vice-Chair - Technical, and the chairs or other representative of the local arrangements committee. These breakfasts are paid for by the conference; no charge is made to the participants.

There are two patterns used for these breakfasts. The preferred arrangement is to have a breakfast each day on which technical sessions are scheduled, inviting only that day’s authors and session chairs o each breakfast.

F. NEW ATTENDEES’ BREAKFAST - The new attendees’ breakfast is a new tradition to I&CPS, held on Monday morning, and serves two purposes. First, it introduces the new attendees to the conference and its activities. Second, it provides a meeting place for new attendees to meet with committee chairs and department officers. Attendees at these breakfasts include first time attendees, committee chairs, the I&CPS Chair and Vice-Chair - Technical, and the local committee chair. This breakfast is paid for by the conference; no charge is made to the participants.

GUEST PROGRAM - The guests’ hospitality suite is normally open each day of the conference during the daytime hours. The purpose is to provide an information center and gathering place for guests of the conference attendees. The room should be staffed with at least one local host or hostess at all times. Coffee, tea, juice and pastry, paid for by the conference, are provided each morning. Coffee, soft drinks, and a snack can be offered after lunch.


Important: All financial arrangements must conform to IEEE and IAS policies. Local committees are not authorized to deviate from these policies.

Records f all financial transactions should be kept in such form that they could be audited. The I&CPS conference is small enough to not require an automatic audit, but the local committee should be aware than IEEE randomly selects conferences for audits and should be prepared if that were to happen..

A. BUDGET - One of the first tasks of the local arrangements committee is to prepare a preliminary budget. This needs to be done at least a year before the conference so it can be reviewed by the I&CPS Operations Committee, at their meeting at the previous I&CPS conference. Preparing the budget will require some preliminary cost information for the major expenditures and a preliminary setting of registration fees and event charges to establish income. IEEE policy is that the preliminary budget must show a predicted surplus of at least 20%.

B. SOURCES OF INCOME - The major sources of funds are as follows:

1. CASH ADVANCES - Since conference income does not come in until after some expenses have been incurred, cash advances are usually requested from the conference’s sponsors, IAS and the local IEEE Section. The requests for advance money should be in the same ratio as the sponsors’ division of sponsorship. In recent years, the total amount of the advances has been $9000, with $6000 requested from IAS and $3000 from the local section. The requests for advances should be sent to the IAS Meetings Department Chair and the local IEEE Section Chair.

2. REGISTRATION AND ACTIVITY FEES - This is the major source of funds, but these funds are not available until very close to conference time. Depending on the registration fee structure established by the committee and the number of attendees, this will be in the range of $40,000 - $50,000.

3. DONATIONS and SPONSORSHIPS - These funds are also not available until near the time of the conference. This amount is totally within the control of the local committee and depends on its aggressiveness in going after sponsors, and the generosity of those sponsors.

4. IEEE PAYMENT FOR CONFERENCE RECORDS - This payment usually comes after the conference and will be determined by a formula based on the number of technical papers presented at the conference. This will be a rather small amount – typically $700-750.

C. APPLICATION OF FUNDS - The major expenditures are as follows:

1. PRINTERS BILL – Traditional printing options are usually selected for the formal conference program and the Awards Luncheon program. Typically, these will be a few hundred dollars at most. In recent years, conferences have dispensed with an elaborate conference program, opting instead for simple listings of meetings and meeting rooms, and technical paper session agendas.

2. CONFERENCE RECORD CD – this is a significant expense, but can be managed by careful shopping. In recent years, the master CD has been produced by local committee volunteers (IEEE GOLD members typically have the technical skills), with reproduction handled by a contractor. Reproduction cost, including the cost of either printing a stick-on label or silkscreening the CD, and with either a CD sleeve or clamshell case, has been in the vicinity of $750.

3. HOTEL CHARGES - Normally, all hotel charges to the conference are summarized in a single bill, due at the end of the meeting. This will cover authors breakfasts, the awards luncheon, the reception, guest hospitality room refreshments, etc. Normally, the cost of meeting facilities will be donated by the hotel provided that contracted sleeping-room count is met. However, in some instances, the hotel contract may offer discounted room rates on the basis that there will be a charge for meeting rooms.

Note – hotel accommodations for conference attendees are the responsibility of conference attendees. Only under very special circumstances would consideration ever be given to bundling hotel accommodations for attendees in with the conference registration fee, and then assigning those guest room charges to a conference “master account”.

4. EVENT CHARGES - These charges include bus rental for various tours, entrance fees, meals, etc. An advanced deposit may be required to secure reservations.

5. SPECIAL CHARGES – There are a variety of special charges that the local committee may be expected to incur.

Planning Luncheon: some technical committees choose to hold a working luncheon at the I&CPS conference for the purpose of selecting papers for future conferences. The cost of these luncheons, if planned, must be included in the Conference budget.

The chair of the local committee is expected to present a report to the I&CPS OpCom at each meeting commencing two years prior to the conference. It is important that the chair, and perhaps other members of the committee, attend the conference to acquaint themselves with its practices and traditions. It would be appropriate for the Local Committee to cover the cost of travel and participation in those conferences for delegates who do not normally participate in the I&CPS conference and whose employers would not sponsor such participation.

5. REPAYMENT OF CASH ADVANCES - After the conference, the cash advances are repaid, usually in conjunction with the distribution of the surplus.

6. DISTRIBUTION OF SURPLUS - The conference surplus is distributed between the conference sponsors in proportion to their sponsorship. Usually this is combined with repayment of cash advanced in a single check to each sponsor. This check should be transmitted with the final report of the conference if it has not been issued before then.

D. BANKING - A bank account for the conference should be opened six to eight months prior to the conference, before any receipts or expenditures occur. The bank account should be in the name of “XXXX IEEE - I&CPS Technical Conference”. This account must be established at a bank selected by IEEE under the “concentration account” arrangement whereby conferences can have separate accounts under a master account managed by IEEE.

At least two persons should be authorized to sign checks. These will usually be the conference treasurer and the local conference chair. Only one signature should be required on a check.

Since most of the incoming funds will be handled by the registration committee, arrangements should be made to have them deposit funds directly and promptly. Arrangements can be made with IEEE Conference Services to permit registrations to be charged to credit cards. Note that IEEE Conference Services can also provide full registration services for a fee.

The registration committee should keep very careful records of receipts, both before and during the conference. After the conference it will be necessary to account for receipts on an item-by-item basis in order to prepare the final financial report.

The bank account should be kept open until the final distribution of the conference surplus, then closed. The target for finalizing conference finances and closing the concentration account is six months following the end of the conference.

COMPING – Comping is the practice of providing registration without payment of a fee. Complimentary conference registrations are typically provided for the IEEE Standards Staff representatives who participate in the committee meetings (on Sunday afternoon and Monday), and for a Society officer who attends the conference on official business (eg, for the Society President or President-Elect who attends the conference for the purpose of acknowledging the elevation of a member to Fellow grade).

If the hotel room block, the hotel may also offer complimentary rooms. Disposition of those rooms is generally left to the discretion of the local committee. In the past, complimentary rooms have been used by the local chair, or by local volunteers who otherwise would have to travel great distances to perform their function at the conference. It may be appropriate to provide a complimentary room for a Society officer attending the conference on official society business and whose expenses are covered by the Society.

F. TAXES – IEEE is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation and may be exempt from local taxes. The amount of local taxes on the hotel bill and perhaps other conference expenditures could be significant, and taking advantage of the tax exemption could reduce conference expenses appreciably. IEEE Conference Services can provide guidance on the technicalities of claiming the tax exemption.


The chair of the local arrangements committee will be asked to report on the progress of his committee’s work to the I&CPS Operating Committee from time to time. I&CPS OpCom meets twice a year, in May at the I&CPS Technical Conference and in October at the IAS Annual Meeting. The first report will usually be required at the May meeting 24 months in advance of the conference. Intermediate reports will be required at the May meeting a year in advance, the October meeting seven months in advance, and at the conference itself. The final report should be available by the October meeting following the conference.

Reports should be in writing. Except for the final report, they should be addressed to the I&CPS Chair, and an electronic copy shall be sent to the I&CPS secretary for inclusion in the OpCom minutes. If possible, the local committee chair or his designate should be present at the OpCom meeting to highlight the report, answer questions, and gather information. Reports should include:

o Current status of committee activities

o Current budget, if new or revised since last report

o Information required by OpCom members, such as committee members who receive manuscripts of technical papers, etc.

o Schedule of special events, as it is developed

o Requests for information, including deadlines and person receive information

o Identification of problem areas and/or requests for assistance

The final report should be in the form of a letter to the sponsors (IAS Meetings Department Chair and the local IEEE Section Chair), with copies to IEEE Conference Activities, I&CPS Chair, and I&CPS Meetings Committee Chair. His letter should be accompanied by the checks repaying he cash advances and distributing the surplus, unless these checks have been previously sent. The report should summarize the conference and include the following:

o Attendance, full, one day, IEEE Life Members, pre-registered and at conference registrants

o Expected surplus or deficit

o Summarize good points and problem areas of the conference

o Recommendations of how to do things better next year

A final financial report should be attached. To satisfy IEEE’s requirements for an audit, this financial report should be signed in the spaces provided by one individual, normally the conference treasurer. In addition, there should be typed on the bottom of the report “Reviewed and Approved by _________”. The blank should be signed by a second individual, normally the conference chair. A copy of the entire report should be sent to the chair of the next year’s conference.


Although the conference should be publicized by notices in IEEE publications, trade journals, newspapers, etc., the principal means of publicity and the source of most registrations is the advance program notice. In recent years, I&CPS has evolved toward use of e-mail to provide either an advanced program notice, or a link to the conference web site, to a list of recent conference attendees. A copy of the mailing list for that distribution can be obtained from the Chair of the I&CPS Conference immediately preceding the conference, and the committee should be prepared to pass along the mailing list augmented with any corrections or additions of new attendees to the Chair of the following year’s conference.

Appendix A: Meeting Schedule


Appendix B: Technical Session Plan


Appendix C: Past Award Recipients

|Year |I&CPS Achievement Award |Standards Medallion |

|2008 |L. Bruce McClung |Don Koval |

| | |Elliot Rappaport |

|2007 |Vince Saporita | |

|2006 |Barry N. Hornberger | |

|2005 |Melvin K. Sanders |Carey J. Cook |

|2004 |Robert Ingham | |

|2003 |Louie J. Powell | |

|2002 |Bruce G. Bailey | |

|2001 |George D. Gregory | |

|2000 |Erling S. Hesla | |

|1999 |LaVerne E. Stetson | |

|1998 |David S. Baker | |

|1997 |John R. Cooper | |

|1996 |Milton B. Robinson |Lynn F. Saunders |

|1995 |Robert L. Smith |James M Daly |

|1994 |Robert L. Simpson |William J. Moylan |

|1994 |Daniel J. Love |Milton B. Robinson |

|1992 |James M. Daly |Neil Nichols |

|1991 |Lucas G. Ananian |M. Shan Griffin |

| | |Donald W. Zipse |

|1990 |Baldwin Bridger, Jr. |L. Bruce McClung |

|1989 |Walter C. Huening, Jr. |James H. Beall |

|1988 |René Castenschiold |Robert L. Simpson |

|1987 |Stanley J. Wells |Lucas G. Ananian |

| | |John R. Cooper |

| | |Jerome M. Frank |

|1986 |James W. Patterson |Hugh O. Nash |

|1985 |Charles R. Heising |Carl E. Becker |

|1984 |Derio Dalasta |Robert C. Mierendorf |

|1983 |M. Shan Griffith |Leonard J. Kelly |

|1982 |Leonard S. Corey |Thomas E. Sparling |

|1981 |James H. Beall |Warren H. Cook |

| | |Charles H. Heising |

| | |Richard H. McFadden |

| | |Donald W. McWilliams |

|1980 |George W. Walsh |Leonard S. Corey |

|1979 |Thomas E. Sparling |William J. Neiswender |

|1978 |Bernard W. Whittington |William A. Weddendorf |

|1977 |Donald T. Michael |Richard H. Kaufmann |

| | |Donald S. Brereton |

|1976 |Terrell W. Haymes |Derio Dalasta |

| | |Norman Peach |

|1975 |Warren H. Cook |John A. Hart |

| |Ralph H. Lee |Daniel L. Goldberg |

| |Donald E. Woods |Bernard W. Whittington |

|1974 |Walter C. Bloomquist |Donald T. Michael |

| |Daniel L. Goldberg | |

| |Arthur M. Killin | |

|1973 |Thomas D. Higgins | |

|1972 |Richard H. Kauffman | |

|1971 |Donald S. Brereton | |

| |Benjamin F. Thomas, Jr. | |

Appendix D: I&CPS Conference Venues

1964. Philadelphia, PA *

1965. Buffalo, NY *

1966. No conference *

1967. Cleveland, OH

1968. St. Louis, MO

1969. Baltimore, MD

1970. San Francisco, CA

1971. Detroit, MI

1972. Milwaukee, WI

1973. Atlanta, GA

1974. Denver, CO

1975. Toronto, ONT

1976. Los Angeles, CA

1977. Pittsburgh, PA

1978. Cincinnati, OH

1979. Seattle, WA

1980. Houston, TX

1981. St. Louis, MO

1982. Philadelphia, PA

1983. Milwaukee, WI

1984. Atlanta, GA

1985. Denver, CO

1986. Cleveland, OH

1987. Nashville, TN

1988. Baltimore, MD

1989. Chicago, IL

1990. Detroit, MI

1991. Memphis, TN

1992. Pittsburgh, PA

1993. St. Petersburg, FL

1994. Irvine, CA

1995. San Antonio, TX

1996. New Orleans, LA

1997. Philadelphia, PA

1998. Edmonton, ALB

1999. Sparks, NV

2000. Clearwater Beach, FL

2001. New Orleans, LA

2002. Savannah, GA

2003. St. Louis, MO

2004. Clearwater Beach, FL

2005. Saratoga Springs, NY

2006. Dearborn, MI

2007. Edmonton, ALB

2008. Clearwater Beach, FL

2009. Calgary, ALB

2010. Tallahassee, FL

2011. Long Beach, CA

* Prior to 1964, the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Committee of AIEE sponsored technical sessions at the Winter and Summer General Meetings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Starting in 1964, separate Industrial & Commercial Power Systems Conferences were held in October. In 1966, I&ICPS met n Chicago at the first Annual Meeting of the newly-formed Industry Application Society, and a separate I&CPS conference was not held that year. Subsequently, I&CPS scheduled it’s conferences in May in addition to holding committee meetings and technical sessions at the IAS Annual Meeting in October.

Duties of the Meetings Committee Chair

o Chair the I&CPS Meetings Committee meeting at both the IAS Annual Meeting and the I&CPS Conference, including agenda preparation and compilation of minutes.

o Maintain the I&CPS Department Meetings Guide. The guide should be updated with the “lessons learned” following each I&CPS Technical Conference.

o Maintain the mailing list of I&CPS Conference Attendees. This list should be updated to reflect the latest available address information following each I&CPS Technical Conference.

o Maintain historical information on the I&CPS Technical Conference that might be required for future conference publicity, conference records, or conference programs. Such information includes, but is not limited to, conference venues and lists of award recipients

o Serve as an interface between the I&CPS OpCom and the chairs of the local committees organizing I&CPS Technical Conferences, providing advice and counsel on cost management, registration fees, conference organization, venue selection, coordination with IEEE Headquarters, coordination with the IAS Meetings Department, and other matters involved in planning and organizing an I&CPS Technical Conference.

o Solicit hosts for future I&CPS Technical Conferences.


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