Cinco de Mayo - La batalla - Worksheet - PC\|MAC




Hora M B

Pel?cula - Cinco de Mayo ? La batalla

1. Battle ships arrive at harbor in Veracruz, Mexico in what year? 1862

2. Who is the General in charge of defense (War Secretary) for Mexico? General Ignacio Zaragoza

3. General Prim is from which country? Espa?a (Spain) Francia (France) Inglaterra (England)


4. What caused the large explosion at the Oaxaca division military camp? Someone blew up the gunpowder.

5. Who was the President of Mexico at the time of the French invasion? Benito Ju?rez

6. What day was the battle of at Acultzingo Summit? 28 de abril

7. What are the names of Artemio's friends who deserted? Juan and Citlalli

8. Would you say that Artemio is brave? Why or why not? Yes, he stood up to the French to save Juan. No, he lied to his commander. ANSWERS CAN VARY

9. What day will the Battle in Puebla occur? Answer in Spanish. cinco de mayo

10. Why was the defeat of the conservative Mexican troops at Atlixco important on 4 de mayo? Those troops were headed to surround Zaragoza's troops on the rear.

11. Why was Ambassador Saligny concerned about the French attacking on cinco de mayo? Marquez's men had been defeated, the men had not rested in 3 days and Zaragoza knew the field better.

12. Do you think Juan is focused on winning the battle or getting revenge? Why? Exacting revenge based on the way he is constantly searching for the Lt. that killed his friend. In the end he is directing forces so winning the battle. ANSWERS CAN VARY. 13. What does the word "fuego" mean in English? Fire

14. Did the rain help or hinder the French military? Why? Help ? allowed them to surprise Mexican forces while they collected wounded. Hurt ? they eventually lost the battle.

15. What did General Zaragoza die from? Typhoid Fever 16. Why did President Lincoln congratulate and thank the President of Mexico? The defeat of the French in Mexico thwarted Napoleon's attempt to support the Confederacy in the United States. 16. Identify which flag is Mexican and which is French.

17. Complete as a class. Track where the French first landed to the Battle of Puebla.


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