Review of SymptomsPatient Name___________________________________ Date of Service___________________Please circle if you have difficulty with: bathing, dressing/grooming, toileting, transfers, eating, n/aPlease circle if you have difficulty: managing money, driving, preparing meals, managing medication, housework, n/aPlease circle all that apply to you TODAY:General fatigue, fever, weakness, weight gain/loss, n/aIntegumentary rashes, ulcers, skin breakdown, n/aHead/Neckheadache, pain, n/aEyesblurred vision, change in vision, n/aENT drooling, hearing loss, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, n/aEndocrinediabetes, thyroid problems, n/aRespiratorycough, shortness of breath, wheezing, n/aCardiovascularchest pain, palpitations, edema, n/aGastrointestinal abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, n/aGenitourinary urinary incontinence, recurrent Urinary Tract Infections, n/aHematologicbleeding, bruising, n/aMusculoskeletal gait changes, falls, n/aNeuroconfusion, dizziness, seizures, speech difficulty, tremor, n/aPsychagitation, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, irritability, n/a ................

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