
Excretory, Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory, Endocrine & Reproductive System Packet-Body Systems #3Page 43 (“Heart Diagram”): Follow the instructions to properly color the heart. Ref. pg. 995Label the parts of the heart: right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, mitral (bicuspid) valve, aortic valve, septumColor the sections blue that transport blood carrying carbon dioxide to the lungs.Color the sections red that transport blood carrying a fresh supply of oxygen to the body.Draw arrows on the heart diagram to show the path blood takes on its journey through the heart.9810751397000Page 44 (“Heart Chart”): Fill out chart for homework. Ref. pg. 995-996.Veins & Arteries:Blood flows in which directionOxygen poor or richSuperior Vena CavaPulmonary VeinsInferior Vena CavaAortaPulmonary arteriesChambersRight AtriumLeft AtriumRight VentricleLeft VentricleValvesPulmonary valveTricuspid valveAorticMitral (bicuspid) valvePage 45 (“Circulatory System Diagram”): Color and label the diagram Ref. pg. 996Page 47 (“Pacemaker Diagram”): Color image14287508445500Page 46 (“Circulatory System Notes”): Notes to be filled out in classI. Function:Transports nutrients & wastesContains cells that fight infectionsHelps maintain body temperature by transporting heatAll organisms must be able to transport nutrients and wastes. Smaller organisms rely on _________ for this movement; humans require an organized circulatory system for the movement of substances through the body. We have a ________________ circulatory system, which means our blood is ________________ _________________________. The human circulatory system includes the heart, the blood vessels, and the blood.I. THE HEART The heart itself is mostly composed of ________________ muscle which forms a thick layer of tissueknown as the _______________________. Humans have a ______-chambered heart, divided by a _______________ into right and left sides to prevent ____________________________________. A. Structure 1. ChambersAtria (atrium = singular) Ventricles - 2. Valves –Tricuspid valve Mitral valve Pulmonary valve Aortic valve B. Pathway of Blood Through the Heart ________________________________________________________________________________ Page 48 (“Circulatory Pathway Notes”): To be filled out in class C. Circulatory Pathways 1. Pulmonary Circulation – The blood entering the right atrium from the body is __________ in oxygen and ________ in carbon dioxide. The flow of blood from the right side of the heart to the ____________ and back to the heart is referred to as __________________ circulation.2. Systemic Circulation – The blood entering the left atrium from the lungs is _________ in O2 and ________ in CO2. The flow of blood from the left side of the heart to the ______ and back to the heart is referred to as ____________________ circulation. D. The Heartbeat 1. Stimulus for ContractionAlthough the brain can change the rate & force of contraction, the heart generates and maintains its own beat. There is a small cluster of cardiac muscle cells in the ____________________ referred to as the ______________________. They trigger an ________________ impulse that stimulates the contraction of cardiac muscle cells. 2. The PulseThe powerful contraction of the ________________________ causes a surge of blood to leave through the ___________. This surging action of the blood continues into the _____________that branch off from the aorta. Each contraction of the left ventricle results in another surge of blood in the arteries leading away from the heart. This surge can be felt and is known as the ____________. Page 49 (“Blood Vessels Diagram”): Color & label Diagram. Ref. pg. 99410191754826000Page 51 (“Blood Composition Diagram”): Color diagram12954008445500Page 50 (“Blood Vessels Notes”): To be filled in classBlood Vessels:Arteries carry blood ____________ from heart carry oxygen ___________blood (except for________________) Have thick elastic walls surrounded by ____________muscle___________is the largest artery in the bodyCapillaries________________blood vesselsWalls are only 1 cell thickThis is where the exchange of ____________ & ____________ takes place Veins Collect blood and carry it __________ to the heartCarry oxygen ___________ blood (except for __________________ veins) Have thinner and less elastic walls Have __________to keep blood flowing to heart and not ____________Contraction of ___________ muscles help to move blood toward the heartThe _______________________is the largest vein in the bodyBlood Pressure: the __________________________________________________Falls when the heart _____________Heart is always under pressure in order to keep blood flowing through itRegulated by autonomic nervous system ___________ also regulate blood pressure by controlling amount of water in blood- when blood pressure is high, more water is__________; this reduces blood volumeHigh blood pressureforces heart to __________________________people more likely to develop heart diseaseobesity is one causecontrolled by weight control, exercise, and dietPage 53 (“Circulatory Disorders Diagrams”): Color diagrams33813759525000-12382515621000Page 52 (“Blood Composition Notes”): To be filled in classBloodMakes up 8% of body –____ to______litersComponents of blood45% = __________ blood cells, _____________ blood cells and platelets55% = plasmamostly ______________- 90%contains salts, sugars, and plasma proteinsPlasma proteinsSeveral types of proteins that fight_____________, regulate osmotic pressure & help blood _____________Red blood cells- erythrocyte- RBCcontain ______________________- iron containing protein that increases __________________ carrying ability of RBC’sproduced in __________bone marrowmature RBC’s have no nucleus so can’t dividelive about 120 days – when they die they are destroyed & recycled by spleenWhite blood cells – leukocytes- WBCfewer in numbers than RBCproduced in bone marrowlive for many months or yearsmore than 20 different typesguard against________________, fight_______________, and attack ________________an increase in the number of WBC’s is an indication the body is fighting an _____________________ Plateletsfragments of cells when blood vessel is injured, platelets become sticky; they cluster around the wound and release a series of chemicals that start a clotting reactiona protein called __________forms a net that traps RBCs and forms a ______Page 54 (“Circulatory Disorders Notes”): To be filled in class______________________ – Plaques of cholesterol build up on the wall of arteries. Restricts blood flow and creates a rough surface that may trigger clot formation.B. ______________________ – Caused by blockage of coronary artery which cuts off blood flow to the myocardium of the heart. Cells die due to lack of oxygen, glucose.C. _______________________ – Caused by either a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in RBCs. Less O2 available for cells results in a lack of energy due to decreased ATP production.D. ______________________ – High blood pressure. Called the “silent killer” because it may be fatal before noticeable symptoms appear. Risk of hypertension is increased by smoking, obesity, high salt intake, lack of exercisePage 55 (“Respiratory System Diagrams”): Color & label diagram Ref. pg. 1003-6667513271500355473012319000Page 56 (“Respiratory System Notes”): To be filled in classI. THE RESPIRATORY PASSAGEWAY A. Airway to the Lungs________________ - Begin the process of warming, filtering, moisturizing the air ________________ - Upper throat________________ - Also known as the voicebox. Bands of tissue that tighten and vibrate to create sound when air passes through. Attached to the larynx is a flap of tissue called the _________________. The epiglottis closes when food is swallowed to prevent food from entering the ______________ tract.__________________ - Airway supported by bands of ____________________ to prevent it from _______________________ when air passes in and out__________________ - Trachea divides into two tubes leading to each __________Trachea and bronchi are lined with _________________ and cells that secrete ______________. The mucus traps _____________________ and other contaminants. The cilia beat ____________________ to sweep contaminants toward the ___________. B. Inside the Lungs______________________ - Smaller branches leading from bronchi. Contain _____________ muscle tissue to facilitate air flow.______________________ - The bronchioles end in millions of tiny sacs called alveoli. Site for the exchange of __________ and _____________. Each alveolus is surrounded by a __________________ to allow ____________ to _____________ from the lung to the blood to be delivered to cells for __________________________ and _________________ to diffuse from the blood to the lung to be exhaled. C. Pathway of Air __________________________________________________________________________________Page 57 (“Breathing Diagram”): Color diagram9048751778000Page 58 (“Breathing Notes”): To be filled in classII. BREATHING A. Inhalation & Exhalation - Breathing is a ____________ response to a change in _______________ in the chest cavity. Although there are no _____________ attached to the lungs, the change in pressure is caused by the contraction of muscles involved in breathing. Diaphragm – Dome-shaped muscle located below (but not attached to!) the __________. When the diaphragm ________________, it flattens which ________________ the volume of the chest cavity and ____________________ the pressure. Air rushes into the lungs. Intercostal Muscles – Also contract to further ________________ volume of chest cavityAs the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, volume of the chest cavity _________, and the _____________________ of the lungs help force the air back out. B. Control of Breathing Breathing is controlled by the ____________, which is monitoring the concentration of ____________ in the blood. Page 59 (“Respiratory Disorders Diagram”): Color diagram125730010287000Page 59, con’t.10572759588500Page 60 (“Respiratory Disorders Notes”): To be filled in classEmphysema – Progressive disease in which ________________________ lose their elasticity. Affected individuals cannot fully exhale which reduces ability to inhale. O2 and CO2 do not diffuse properly. All _____________________ eventually develop emphysema.Asthma – Allergic reaction that affects ________________ muscles of ________________. They ________________________ which prevents airflow into the ____________________. Gas exchange is reduced.Smoking – Three dangerous substances found in cigarette smoke are nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar. Nicotine – stimulant that increases heart rate, constricts blood vessels; _____________ blood pressure.Carbon monoxide – binds to __________________________________; reduces oxygen-carrying capacity of ___________ blood cells. Also, combination of nicotine & CO paralyzes __________________ lining respiratory tract resulting in frequent respiratory ______________________.Tar – carcinogen; smokers have a much higher incidence of lung cancer-35877548260000Page 61 (“Excretory System Diagram”): Color and label the diagrams. Ref. pg. 1005-100641052757683500Page 62 (“Excretory System Notes”): Notes to be filled out in classFunction of excretory system:The _________________________________ from the body is know as excretionFor example: the lungs excretes __________________ & the skin excretes _________________________ in sweat; therefore they are part of the excretory system.The excretory system is a system of organs that remove ____________________ from the bodyThe main organs of excretion are the ____________, which have the following functions: removal of urea- a substance the is the result of the ______________ in the body cellsregulation of ___________ in the _____________maintaining _________________regulating ____________________Structure of the kidneyseach about the _________________located on either side of the __________________ in the lower backblood flows into each kidney through a ________________blood leaves through a ______________a tube called the _____________, leaves each, carrying ____________ to the ____________the __________________________ is a saclike organ where urine is stored before being excreted through a tube called the _______________THE THREE PARTS OF THE KINDEYS:Renal medulla-___________Renal pelvis- ____________Renal cortex- _____________The main functional unit of the kidneys:NEPHRONS- each is a small, independent processing unit, located mostly in the ________________, each has its own blood supply and releases fluids to a collecting duct, which leads to __________Page 63 (“Nephron Diagram”): Color the corresponding labels as indicated by the key. Ref. pg. 100636195043180002095507175500Page 64 (“Kidney Filtration Notes”): Notes to be filled out in classKidney Filtration:The filtration of blood mainly takes place in the part of the ___________ called the _______________________.The nephron contains a small network of _________________ encased in the upper end of the by a hollow, cup-shaped structure- called the _______________________.Substance such as ___________________________________________ difuse into the _______________________ to be filtratedThe kidneys filter all the ________________________________________Kidney Reabsorption:Most material removed from the blood at the __________________ makes its way into the __________________________________________________ are reabsorbed into the capillaries by __________________________Water enters by _____________. _____ of the water is reabsorbed into the blood___________ is what remains after reabsorption. It is emptied into a collecting duct, which lead to the ________________.Urine contains ______________________ among other substances_______________ blood is returned to circulation & ___________ is collected in the _________________________.Page 65 (“Excretory Disorder Diagrams”): Color images142875590550074295011684000Page 66 (“Excretory Disorder Notes”): Notes to be filled out in classDisorderDescriptionNephritisInflammation of the _________________ which can lead to inflammation of the entire kidney. Can lead to kidney failure if left untreatedKidney stonesHard ________________ in the kidneys that might pass out of the body in urine. Infection can be possible if larger stones _____________ urine flow or irritate urinary tract ____________________.Urinary Tract Blockage_________________________ present at birth can lead to blockage of the normal flow of urine. If left untreated, can lead to permanent damage.Polycystic kidney disease____________ disorder distinguished by the growth of fluid-filled _________ in the kidneys. Can reduce kidney function, leading to kidney failureKidney CancerUncontrolled cell growth in the cells that line the tubules within the kidney. Can lead to ________________ in the urine, a mass in the kidney, or affect other organs if the cancer _____________________________.Page 67 (“Digestive System Diagram”): Color & label image. Ref. Pg. 102191440012255500Page 68 (“Digestive System Notes”): To be filled out in classMouth Digestion begins in the _______________________ . ____________________ begins the process of digestion.________________________________- is the physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces.________________________________- large food molecules are broken down into smaller food molecules with the help of different enzymes._____________________ secrete saliva, which contains the enzyme __________________ to break the bonds in _________________ (which is what type of macromolecule: _________________________) and releases sugar. It also contains the enzyme _____________________ that fights infection by digesting the cell walls of ___________________ . The saliva also helps _____________________ the food and make it easier to chew. The release of saliva is under the control of the _______________________________ .Esophagus Your _______________ and your ________________ muscles help you swallow your food, which (after swallowing) is now called a _______________ . As you swallow, the _______________ closes over the _________________ and the bolus enters the __________________ . ______________ is not responsible for food going down into the stomach. A series of contractions of _______________ muscle squeeze the food through the ____________________ . This is called __________________ . A thick ring of muscle called the ________________________ ___________________ closes the esophagus and prevents the contents of the _____________________ from moving back into the esophagus (also known as acid ________________ ).Page 69 (“Stomach Diagram”): Color & label image Ref. Search onlinePage 70 (“Stomach Notes”): Notes to be filled out in classStomach Food from the esophagus empties into a large muscular sac called the _______________ . Alternating contractions of the stomach’s ___________ smooth muscle layers _____________ and mix the ___________. Chemical digestion: The stomach contains microscopic _______________ _____________ that produce and release various substances. Some of these include:_____________- a fluid that ________________ and ____________ the stomach wall._______________________- makes the contents of the stomach very _____________, & activates pepsin. _____________- an enzyme that begins the digestion of ____________ & works best under the __________ conditions. One enzyme, ___________ , is destroyed in the stomach due to the high level of ________ . This means that digestion of ______________ stops until the food reaches the _________________ . Mechanical digestion: Stomach muscles ________ to churn and mix the food & fluids in the stomach, producing a substance called __________ . After some time, usually about ____ to ____ hours, this new substance enters the _________ ____________ through the _____________ valve.Page 71 (“Intestine & Accessory Structure Diagrams”): Color &label diagrams. Ref. pg. 102234290005778500-933454508500Page 74 (“Digestive Disorders Notes”): Notes to be discussed in classDisorders of the Digestive System-Peptic ulcers- most caused by bacterium Helicobacter pylori, infection affects the lining of the stomach allowing the acid to produce holes in stomach wall.Diarrhea- not enough water is absorbed by large intestinesConstipation- too much water is absorbed by the large intestinesCrohn’s disease- a type of inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea (could be bloody) fever, & weight loss. Other complications may occur outside the gastrointestinal tract and include anemia, skin rashes, arthritis, inflammation of the eye & tiredness. 423862516700500Page 73 (“Digestive Disorders Diagrams”): Color images 3898902540000106934012065000Page 72 (“Intestine & Accessory Structure Notes”):Small Intestine The ________________ is the first part of the small intestine. and is where most . Most of the ______________ digestion and _______________ of the food you eat occurs here. The small intestine is specialized to absorb ______________ . The structure that aids in this absorption are the tiny folded projections called ____________ . These structures increase the _____________ ______________ for absorption. Most of the products of _____________ and ______________ digestion are absorbed into the ________________ in the villi. Molecules of undigested ___________ and some ____________ acids are absorbed by ____________ vessels. By the time food is ready to leave the small intestine, it is basically ___________ - free….. only ______________, ______________, and other indigestible substances are left. Accessory structures that aid in digestion.Pancreas- produces:-____________- that help break down carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids-__________________- a base that neutralizes stomach acid so these enzymes can be effectiveLiver- produces __________, a fluid loaded with lipids and other salts. It helps make it easier for enzymes to break down _________ . Bile is stored in the _________________.Large Intestine Another name is _________. When _______ leaves the small intestine, it enters the large intestine. The function of the large intestine is to remove _______ from undigested material. Colonies of _________ produce ____________ and othersubstances for the body to use. Concentrated ___________ material that remains after _________ has been removed passes through the ____________ and is eliminated from the body.Page 75 (“Endocrine System Diagram”): Color image130683010287000Page 76 (“Endocrine System Notes”): There are two systems that regulate the body. The nervous system relays information to the body using ____________________________ that travel very ______________, but the messages are short-lived. The endocrine system uses _________________, or _________________ messages that travel through the _________ to relay information to the body. The endocrine system is slower-acting, but the action of hormones is _______________________. The ____________________, which maintains homeostasis in the body, controls most of the glands of the endocrine system.I. ENDOCRINE GLAND FUNCTION A. Hormone ProductionHormones help regulate growth, metabolism, appearance, behavior, growth, reproduction, and fluid balance. Most hormones are produced by _______________ glands. Endocrine glands are unique because they are ductless; in other words, hormones are secreted into ____________________ and the _____________________ system transports the hormone to its destination. Its destination is known as its __________________. A hormone may have only one target, or it may have several. B. Control of Hormone Production: Hormone release is regulated by a mechanism known as ____________________________. Information about the effect of the hormone is “fed back” to the gland. When the desired condition is reached, the gland ____________________________________ C. Types of Hormones – Hormones can be placed in two groups based on chemical structure: 1. Peptide hormones – Most hormones are composed of _________________ and are known as peptide hormones. 2. Steroids – _____________ molecules derived from _____________________. Include the sex hormones - ______________________________________________________Page 77 (“Glands Diagram”): Color & label images. Ref. pg 1033-10348477251016000Page 78 (“Hormones of the Endocrine System”): Notes to be filled out in classHORMONEGLANDEFFECTGrowth HormoneStimulates ____________; undersecretion results in ________________; oversecretion results in ________________ThyroxineRegulates _______________; requires __________ for normal functionInsulin________________ blood ______________ concentration by stimulating cells to take up glucose; triggers storage of glucose as __________________; not produced in individuals with _________________Glucagon____________________ blood glucose concentration by breaking down ________________ stored in liver to glucoseEpinephrine(________________)Known as ________________________ hormone_______________ dilate to increase air flow for ________________________________________ in the liver is broken down to glucose for __________________ _____________ rate is increasedBlood flow to the __________________ muscles increasesBlood flow to the ________________ system is decreased TestosteroneTriggers development of secondary sex characteristics; __________________ to produce _____________ sperm cells.Estrogen/ProgesteroneTriggers development of secondary sex characteristics; __________________ to produce _____________ egg cells.Page 79 (“Male Reproductive System Diagrams”): Color & label images Ref. pg 10487905757048500Page 79, con’t13144502603500Page 80 (“Male Reproductive System Notes”): Notes to be filled out in classThe purpose of the reproductive system is to produce _______________ and allow for _____________________ to take place. Although a healthy reproductive system is not a requirement for an individual _______________, it is essential for continuation of a ___________.Male Reproductive SystemScrotum – Contains _________________; allows for _____________ temperature needed for sperm productionTestes – Site of _________________ production. Specialized ______________ cells undergo __________________ to produce ______________ sperm cells.Meiosis begins at _________________ and continues until ____________Each meiotic division produces ______ sperm cells with _______ chromosomesVas Deferens – Tubes that transport sperm to ______________.GlandsProstate Gland and Seminal Vesicles – Produce _______________ to provide _________________, protect sperm from acidic vaginaBulbourethral Gland – Produces acid neutralizer to protect sperm from any residual ______________ in urethraPenis – Means for sperm delivery via ______________ during ______________________.Page 81 (“Female Reproductive System Diagrams”): Color & label images. Ref. pg 10509194801022350015049503619500Page 82 (“Female Reproductive System Notes”): Notes to be filled out in classThe female reproductive system is designed for ______________ production and development of the __________________ following fertilization.Ovary – Site of meiosis and gamete production; however there are three ways oogenesis differs from spermatogenesis:Meiosis begins _________________, but it is paused until puberty so females are born with total set of immature egg cells. During the female menstrual cycle, one egg cell or _______________ completes meiosis.Meiosis stops when a female is 45-55 years old. Known as __________________; menstruation ceasesMeiosis produces only ______ egg cell. The other 3 cells disintegrate so that the single egg cell contains all the ___________________.Oviduct – Also known as the _____________________________________. Passageway for egg cell during ovulation. Site of _____________________. When sperm and egg cell fuse, a ____________ ___________________ is created with ______ chromosomes. Development of the zygote to an ______________ → _____________________ → ____________ is carried out through _______________________. Uterus – Site of ___________________ development. Implantation takes place approximately 5-7 days following fertilization.If fertilization does not occur, lining of uterus is sloughed off during _________________________.Vagina – Also known as “__________________________”; passageway for ____________ in and _________ out ................

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