
This is a guide to adding document citations to the “Publications” section of the Stottler web page ().

The index files are located at:


(For indexing by author)



(For indexing by year)

If you have further questions or require additional clarification, please contact Rob Richards at richards@ or Jim Ong at ong@.

1. From the “Start” Menu, open “My Documents” and access


2. Right click on the Excel file titled “paper_citation_html_generator.xls” and make a copy of the document.

3. Using right-click/paste or Control+V on your keyboard, paste the copy of paper_citation_HTML_generator.xls in the same directory,


4. Open the file and scroll down until you reach the first blank row.

5. Prior to inserting citation(s) into spreadsheet, format your citation(s) (i.e. follow one of the suggested formats below

A- Note- Insert all data that is applicable / available from the citation model(s) below))

B -Note: Citation details may vary slightly based on type of document being cited; below are presented several of the most prevalent types of citation entry):

C- Citation model (Conference Paper and/or Presentation):

Author Name(s) (Year Presented) “Title of Paper and/or Presentation”. Proceedings of the (Name of conference at which paper and/or presentation was presented). City, State in which conference was held. Month, Day(s), Year conference held.


Author Name(s) (Year Presented) "Title of Paper and/or Presentation". Proceedings of the (Name of conference at which paper and/or presentation was presented). Publisher name: City Proceedings published in. pp. ___, Year of Publication.


Author Name(s) (Year Presented), "Title of Paper and/or Presentation", Proceedings of (Conference name). volume no.

D- Citation Model (Magazine or Journal Article):


Author Name(s) (Year Published) “Title of Article”. Magazine name (URL if applicable), Issue Number, Month (Can be one or multiple months, i.e. July or July- August), Year of publication, pp. ____.


Author name(s) (Year Published) "Title of Article," Journal Name, Volume Number Issue Number pp _____, Month (i.e. Apr-June) Year of Publication.

E- Example Citations:

Conference Paper and/or Presentation:

Richards R., Robinson H (2010) "Critical Chain Project Management: Motivation and Overview". Proceedings of the 2010 NASA Project Management Challenge (PM Challenge 2010). Galveston, Texas. February 9-10, 2010.

Richards, R. (2010) “Critical Chain: Short-Duration Tasks & Intelligent Scheduling in e.g., Medical, Manufacturing & Maintenance”. Proceedings of the 2010 Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) Symposium. Cal State University, Channel Islands. August 19-20, 2010.

Hulten, G., L. Spencer, P. Domingos (2001) "Mining Time-Changing Data Streams". Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. ACM Press: San Francisco. pp. 97-106, 2001.

Kartha, N. A. Novstrup (2009), "Ontology and Rule Based Knowledge Representation for Situation Management and Decision Support", Proceedings of SPIE – 2009, Intelligent Sensing, Situation Management, Impact Assessment and Cyber Sensing. volume 7352.

Magazine Article:

Ong, J., R. Jensen (2003), "Towards Smarter Simulations: How AI is Driving More Effective E-Learning". PCAI magazine (), Issue 16.5, Feb 2003.

Fu, D., R. Houlette (2002) "Putting AI in Entertainment: An AI Authoring Tool for Simulation and Games". IEEE Intelligent Systems. July-August 2002, pp 81-84.

Journal Article:

Remolina, E., Sowmya Ramachandran, Richard Stottler, Alex Davis (2009) "Rehearsing Naval Tactical Situations Using Simulated Teammates and an Automated Tutor," IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Vol 2 no 2 pp 148-156, Apr-June 2009.

6. If the citation you are planning on adding to the web page is associated with an ITS CD, denote with an “x” mark in Column A, the first column from the left, whose header is labeled “ITS D?”

7. Input your (first) citation (if multiple) into Column B of the blank row, for conversion to HTML format.

A- The header of Column B (at the top of the Excel document) is labeled “Original citation”.

B- Column B is the second column from the left.

C- Note: Please insure that you never enter text into the columns highlighted in blue- green, only into the white/non-highlighted columns. The blue-green columns fill automatically with the HTML versions of the citations for insertion in the “Publications” section of the Stottler web page, when you enter your citation data into the white columns.

8. If you wish to display a hyperlink to a PDF (Portable Document Format) or PPT (PowerPoint) version of the document you are citing, to the right of your finalized citation as featured on the Stottler web page publications section:

A- Copy and paste a copy of the PDF and / or PPT document into the directory,


B- Insert the file name of the PDF document into Column C, the third column from the left, whose header is titled “pdf link”.

C- Insert the file name of the PPT document into Column D, the fourth column from the left, whose header is labeled “powerpoint link”.

D- Note: Please avoid inserting a hyperlink to the document into Column C / D; the Excel spreadsheet generates the HTML for the hyperlink automatically.

9. If you wish to display hyperlinks to items other than PDFs or Powerpoint Presentations to the right of your finalized web page citation, insert the file names of these items, if they are files, or the web URLs, if you intend to post a link to another website alongside your online document citation, into Column E, fifth column from the left, whose header is labeled “other links.HTML”.

A- In the case of files (video files are one type inserted into other links.HTML) the spreadsheet will generate hyperlinks to these files and include them in the HTML that the spreadsheet generates for incorporation into the website.

B- In the case of web URLs, the spreadsheet will incorporate these URLs into the generated HTML. Insure that the URLs are not changed into hyperlinks within the other links.HTML column, by not hitting return after inserting the URLs.


Figure 1: Columns A-E, Completed

10. Rows F-M is where your citation information is sorted for conversion to HTML.

Column F is titled “Authors”, G “Year”, H and I “quote_pos”, J “paper_title”, K “period_pos”, L “book_title”, and M “rest of citation”.


Figure 2: Columns F-M Completed

11. Inspect columns N, O, Q, and R to verify that the spreadsheet has correctly generated your citation(s) in HTML format for insertion into the web page.

A- The four columns are the rightmost blue-green highlighted columns that contain text. Each should contain a block of HTML.

B- The header of Column N is labeled “pdf link HTML”.

C- The header of Column O is labeled “generated HTML”.

D- The header of Column Q is labeled “final HTML”.

E- The header of Column R is labeled “with Year Headers”


Figure 3: Columns N-O, Q-R Completed

12. If the blue-green highlighted columns are not, after you have inserted your citation/URL/file name, automatically filled with text (including HTML in the case of the four rightmost columns, see Figure 3), an HTML conversion error has occurred.

A- The spreadsheet displays errors either as blank blue-green highlighted columns where HTML or other text should instead be displayed, or as error messages displayed in those columns. (Ex: #VALUE!)

B- The spreadsheet is displaying error messages because it was unable to convert the citation/URL/file name you inserted to HTML. This can occur if the row(s) B-E you have filled with this information are not correctly formatted to generate HTML from inserted text, leaving the row incomplete.

C- To correct the error of an incomplete row, select a completed row from above the row that is blank or displaying errors, by clicking on the row number (Ex: 165) to the far left of the Excel window. If you have successfully selected the entire row, it will be shaded gray in the white areas, and a darker blue-green than the surrounding rows in the highlighted areas.


Figure 4: (Top to Bottom) - Non-highlighted Row, Highlighted Row & Row with Errors

D- Paste this copied row below the incomplete row.

E- Next, copy and paste the block of text from column B-E (and the X in column A, if applicable) in the incomplete row into columns A-E in the copied row.

F- This has the effect of reformatting the row so that it now has the ability to convert citation text into HTML.

G- The copied row will convert the inserted citation text (which replaces the original citation text in this row when copied into it) to HTML.

H- Scroll to the right of the newly reformatted row and inspect the blue-green highlighted fields to verify successful generation of HTML.

I- Note: If you are inserting multiple citations into the spreadsheet, please note that the blank rows beneath the row which you have reformatted might, similarly, require reformatting to convert citation text to HTML.

K- In this eventuality, simply copy and paste your latest correctly formatted row into the blank unformatted row below it, delete the text in columns B-E (and remove the “x” in column A if necessary) and then type your new citation text into the appropriate columns (B-E). Finally, scroll to the right and verify conversion to HTML was successful.

13. Before you may insert your HTML into the Stottler web page, you must sort and filter the columns in the paper citation generator.html spreadsheet.

A- Find “Sort and Filter” in paper_citation_html_generator.xls by clicking on the “Home” tab (MS Office 2007). Sort and Filter is the second-farthest feature to the right (displayed) on the Home bar, and is denoted by this icon:


B- Note: Insure that no columns or rows are selected at this time. If a column or row is selected, double-click on a non-highlighted cell to cancel the selection.

C- Click the Sort and Filter icon to produce a dropdown list:


D- Select “Custom Sort…”

E- When you click Custom Sort…, the “Sort” window will appear:


F- Note the row of columns labeled: “Column”, “Sort On”, and “Order”. Each has a dropdown list directly beneath it, accessible via clicking the downward arrow next to it.

G- The row of dropdown lists is the “Sort by” row.

H- Open the dropdown list in the Column column.

I- Next, select “Authors” from the series of options on the list.


J- Next, click the “Add Level” button in the upper left corner of the Sort Window.

K- This creates a second row of dropdown lists, the “Then by” row, immediately beneath the Sort by row.

L- Open the dropdown list in the “Column” column of the Then by row.

M- Select “Year” from the list.


N- Your Sort window should now resemble Figure 5:


Figure 5: “Sort” Window with “Authors” and “Year” selected

O- Next, adjust the values in the two dropdown lists in the Order Column.

P- Verify that Authors is sorted “A to Z”

Q- Note: Authors should ALWAYS be sorted A to Z.

R- Next, open the dropdown list in the Then by row / Order column.

S- Select “Z to A” from the dropdown list.


T- Your completely configured Sort window should now resemble Figure 6.


Figure 6: Sort by: Authors A to Z / Then by: Year Z to A

U- Click “OK”.

V- Note: Year should ALWAYS be sorted Z to A.

W-After clicking OK you will be presented with a window titled “Sort Warning”, containing the message “The following sort key (Year) may not sort as expected because it contains some numbers formatted as text” and two options under “What would you like to do?”

-“Sort anything that looks like a number, as a number”

-“Sort numbers and numbers stored as text separately”


Figure 7: "Sort Warning" Window

X- Choose, Sort anything that looks like a number, as a number, and click OK.

14. Now, Return to K:\BusinessInfo\wwwroot\papers and locate the file “index_by_author.htm”.

15. Right-click on the file and select “Copy”, and save the document “Copy of index_by_author.htm”, in the same directory by mousing over the directory and right-clicking, then selecting “Paste”.


16. Return to Copy of paper_citation_HTML_generator.xls and select Column Q, titled “Final HTML” by placing the arrow cursor over the letter Q in the column header cell, and clicking. When the column is selected, it is shaded blue-gray (Header cell) and a darker blue-green (Row cells).

17. Right-click on the column and select Copy.


18. Return to the directory and right-click on Copy of index_by_author.htm. Select “Open With” and then “Notepad”. Figure 8 depicts the file opened with Notepad.

[pic] ( [pic]


Figure 8: Copy of index_by_author.htm (Notepad), scrolled to HTML block

19. In the Notepad version of the file, scroll down until you reach a large block of HTML prefaced (on the lines above and below the block) with .

20. Select the complete block of HTML.


21. Press “Ctrl” (control) and “V” on your keyboard to paste the block of final HTML you copied from the spreadsheet in place of the current block of html.

22. Save your changes to the Notepad file and exit Copy of index_by_author.htm.

23. Return to Copy of paper_citation_html_generator.xls and once again, click Sort and Filter in the Home tab and select Custom Sort.


24. Reconfigure the entries under Column and Order in the Sort window in the following manner (Figure 9):

A- Column: Sort by: Year Z to A

B- Column: Then by: Authors A to Z

C- Then click OK.


Figure 9: Sort by: Year Z to A / Then by: Authors A to Z

25. Once again, you will be presented with the Sort Warning window: (as in 13. W-)


26. Select, Sort anything that looks like a number, as a number, and click OK.

27. Return to the directory K:\BusinessInfo\wwwroot\papers, locate and copy “index.htm”, then paste the copy into the same directory.

28. In paper_citation_html_generator.xls, select column R, titled “With Year Headers”, and copy.


29. Next, open Copy of index.htm using Notepad.

30. Find the large block of HTML enclosed by and .Select the HTLM, and use Ctrl plus V to paste the block of With Year Headers HTML copied from the spreadsheet into the htm file in its place. Save your changes, and close Copy of index.htm.


31. Double-click on Copy of index_by_author.htm, and verify that the publications have been correctly sorted alphabetically by author (Figure 10).


Figure 10: Publications by author

32. Next, double-click on Copy of index.htm, and verify that the publications have been correctly sorted by year (Figure 11).


Figure 11: Publications by Year

33. Also, verify that any new hyperlinks to PDF, Powerpoint or other documents (or to websites) link properly.

34. Save backups of the original paper_citation_html_generator.xls, index_by_author.htm and index.htm with the current date, i.e. as “paper_citation_html_generator_yyyy_mm_dd.xls”, “index_by_author_ yyyy_mm_dd.htm”, and index_ yyyy_mm_dd.htm”.

35. Finally, save Copy of paper_citation_html_generator.xls, Copy of index_by_author.htm and Copy of index.htm under the names of the original copies, i.e. as paper_citation_html_generator.xls, index_by_author.htm and index.htm. This completes implementation of your changes on the “live” web page.

36. Visit and

Inspect the web pages to verify that your changes have been implemented online.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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