WLU Faculty of Education Lesson Planner

|Teacher: Grace Gibney, Krista Eberhard, Nadine Hawkins-McNeelands, Shayla Bulger, Laura |Grade:  6 |

|Wellstead & Carla Deering | |

|Curriculum Area:  Health & Physical Education |Date/Time: Thurs., Oct. 6, 2011 @ 9:00 am |

|Lesson Topic/ Title:  Movement & Balance - Traveling Dance Sequence |

|Lesson Focus (Overall Expectations) |

| |

|B1.  perform movement skills, demonstrating an understanding of the basic requirements of the skills and applying movement concepts as appropriate, as |

|they engage in a variety of physical activities; |

|Learning Expectations (Specific Curriculum Expectations) |

| |

|Strand B1: Movement Skills & Concepts |

|B1.2 perform a wide variety of locomotor movements, in combination, at different speeds, in different directions, and using different pathways, while |

|moving around others and/or equipment (e.g., wheel their wheelchair around objects and at different speeds in a fitness circuit; create a developmental|

|gymnastics sequence with a partner that uses a range of movements and shows changes in speed, level, and formation) [PS, IS] |

|Living Skills – Interpersonal Skills |

|- Demonstrating teamwork skills by working collaboratively with a partner or in a group to achieve a common goal |

|Lesson Objectives (Learning Goals) |Assessment |

|Groups of 5-6 students will join hands and cooperate to transfer a hula-hoop |Teacher(s) will circulate amongst the groups making anecdotal |

|around the circle as follows: |observations regarding the students’ ability to communicate, cooperate |

|1 hoop in 1 direction |and work as a team |

|2 hoops in 1 direction | |

|3 hoops in 2 different directions |Using a performance assessment checkbrick, including the 7 required |

|Students will work collaboratively in groups of 5-6 to create their own |components, assess students on completeness of travelling sequence and |

|travelling sequence including the following: |accuracy of each of the 7 components as they present. |

|Clear beginning & end | |

|Traveling forward, backward, sideways | |

|At least 4 changes in line of travel | |

|A gradual and a sudden change of speed | |

|2 changes of level | |

|A wide shape & a narrow shape | |

|Controlled stop | |

|Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills |

|The basic idea and understanding of what a dance is, what components are involved and why dance is important |

|Materials/ Safety |Resources/ Citations (APA) |

|Materials: |Ministry of Education. (2010). The Ontario Curriculum:  Health & Physical|

|Hula hoops; (ribbons); gym clothes; proper footwear; i-pod with music and |Education. Ontario, Canada:  Author |

|i-pod speakers; list of traveling sequence components and tape for each group|Ontario Physical & Health Education Association (OPHEA). (2000). Health |

|of students |and physical education curriculum support, grades K-10. ON: Ontario |

|Safety: |Physical and Health Education Association (OPHEA) |

|Delineate boundaries for each group to avoid collision. |Grade 6 - Unit 11 - Movement and Balance |

|Remind the students to be cautious of others around them. | |

|Ensure that equipment not in use is properly stored. | |

The Lesson:

|Est. |Before the Learning Activity (Anticipatory Set - Hook): | |

|Time |Warm up: Hula Hoop Chain Activity | |

| |Have the students get into groups of 5 or 6, and give each group one hula-hoop to start. Each group | |

|5-7 mins |will make their own small circle, by joining hands. Have one person start with the hula-hoop on one | |

| |shoulder. Challenge each group to see if they can pass that hula-hoop around the circle, WITHOUT |-Extra big hula hoops to |

| |breaking their circle (letting go of hands). Once they have mastered one hoop: have 2 hula-hoops going |accommodate wheelchair student |

| |at a time, the same direction, opposite direction; challenge all groups to see who can go the fastest, | |

| |etc. |-Flexibility with break in chain |

| | |for A.S.D. spectrum students |

| |Segway: “Now that we’ve warmed up I’d like you to think for a moment about what makes a good dance | |

| |sequence.” | |

| |During the Learning Activity: |- Provide different equipment for|

|20 mins |Start this portion of the lesson by identifying and demonstrating the aspects they are expected to |the groups to use while creating |

| |include in their dance sequence. Calling on volunteers to help as appropriate, the teacher(s) will |their dance as needed (i.e. |

| |demonstrate and either explain or ask students to identify: |ribbons) to get visually |

| |Clear beginning & end (Carla) |stimulated and otherwise |

| |Traveling forward, backward, sideways (Nadine) |lethargic children more involved)|

| |At least 4 changes in line of travel (Krista) | |

| |A gradual and a sudden change of speed (Laura) | |

| |2 changes of level (Shayla) | |

| |A wide shape & a narrow shape (Grace) | |

| |Controlled stop (Carla) | |

| | | |

| |Using previously determined colour groups of 5-6, the students will create a dance sequence that | |

| |includes all of the required aspects. | |

| | | |

| |The teacher(s) will circulate amongst the groups, help where needed and make anecdotal assessments | |

| |regarding group cooperation and communication. | |

| |Have each group present their dance to the rest of the class and assess both the accuracy of components| |

| |and completeness of sequence. | |

| |After the Learning Activity (Closure): | |

|5 mins |Cool Down | |

| |As a class, in a circle, beginning with teacher, go around the circle and have each student lead one | |

| |stretch from head to toe. | |

|Reflection: |


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