
|Date |Rules for Writers (R4W) |Discussion Board |Assignments & Exams |Technology |Interaction |

| |& |First post due Wednesdays Midnight |Assignments to be completed and | |Student/Content = S/C |

| |Articles & Lectures on BB |Replies to 3+ posts due Fridays |posted on BB by Thursdays midnight | |Student/Student = S/S |

| |Reading to be completed |midnight | | |Student/Instructor = S/I |

| |before Tuesday’s class. | | | | |

|Week 1 |Buy Book – |Write self-introduction + post |Assignment #1 Directions given out-|Screencast-o-matic |S/C- |

| |Rules for Writers |picture. Identify something you |Annotated Bibliography |Transcript with Podcast |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: course |

| | |have in common with 3+ classmates. | |BB Discussion |introduction |

| |Introduction Lecture | | |R4W etools |Students will view video screencast intro to BB and R4W |

| | | | |Twitter |S/S- |

| | | | |Email |Development of student community in discussion intros. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive welcome email and tweet from instructor.|

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

|Week 2 |Reading Strategies 70-91 |Students will respond to |Assignment #1 – choose topic from |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

|*2/9 Last day |Reading Strategies Article|problem/project-based prompt that |reading and write 1 specific |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: active |

|to drop |on BB |connect reading to academic life. |question about that topic. |R4W etool |reading strategies & research. |

|without a | | | |Twitter |Students will post on discussion responding to |

|grade | | | |Email |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Web 2.0 |life. |

| | | | | |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Students will share topics in small student success group |

| | | | | |journals and give feedback. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

| | | | | |Students will receive instructor comments on topic. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | | |

|Week 3 |Reading & Writing |Students will respond to |Assignment #1 1st draft due = |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |Strategies in Research pg.|problem/project-based prompt that |Annotated Summaries + Citations |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: Reading & |

| |420-448 |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |Writing Strategies in research. |

| |Citing Sources | | |Twitter |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| |pg. 464-468 | | |Email |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |life. |

| | | | | |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Student success group journals first draft peer review. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

| | | | | |Students will receive instructor comments on draft. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

|Week 4 |Avoiding Plagiarism- |Students will respond to |Assignment #1 final draft Due = |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |Paraphrasing & Summarizing|problem/project-based prompt that |Annotated Summaries + Citations |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: Paraphrasing,|

| |pg. 451-456 |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |Summarizing & Plagiarism. |

| |Integrating sources | | |Twitter |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| |pg.469-479 | | |Email |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |life. |

| | | | |Screencast-o-matic |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Screencast-o-matic on reviewing SafeAssign report |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 5 |Identifying and Writing |Students will respond to |Assignment #2 Directions given out |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |Thesis Statements pg. |problem/project-based prompt that | |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: thesis |

| |18-19, 23-31 |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |statements |

| | | | |Twitter |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| | | | |Email |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |life. |

| | | | |Screencast-o-matic |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive email progress report from instructor |

| | | | | |re: weeks 1-4. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Screencast-o-matic on reading correction symbols |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 6 |Reading & Writing Thought |Students will respond to |Approved Thesis Statement due |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |Pattern Organization in |problem/project-based prompt that | |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: thought |

| |essays BB |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |pattern organization in essays |

| | | | |Twitter |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| | | | |Email |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |life. |

| | | | | |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive instructor comments on thesis. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 7 |Forming Arguments |Students will respond to |Assignment 2 1st draft = outline |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |pg. 84-100 |problem/project-based prompt that |due |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: Argument |

| |Evaluating Arguments |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |Writing |

| |pg. 102- 110 | | |Twitter |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| | | | |Email |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |life. |

| | | | | |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Student success group journals first draft peer review. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive instructor comments on draft. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 8 |Giving and Receiving |Students will respond to |Assignment 2 |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |Feedback BB |problem/project-based prompt that |2nd draft= essay & works cited due |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: Feedback |

| | |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| | | | |Twitter |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Email |life. |

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | |Screencast-o-matic | |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Student success group peer review. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive instructor comments on draft. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Screencast-o-matic on providing feedback. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 9 |Documenting sources MLA |Students will respond to |Final Draft Assignment #2 due |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |pgs. 479-532 |problem/project-based prompt that | |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: MLA & APA I |

| | |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| |Writing Using APA pg. | | |Twitter |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| |536-550 | | |Email |life. |

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | |Screencast-o-matic |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Screencast-o-matic on citations. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

| | | |Assignment #3 Directions given out | | |

|Week 10 |MLA & APA continued II |Students will respond to |Approved Thesis Statement Due |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| | |problem/project-based prompt that | |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: MLA & APA II|

| | |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| | | | |Twitter |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Email |life. |

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive email progress report from instructor re|

| | | | | |weeks 5-9. |

| | | | | |Students will receive instructor comments on thesis. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 11 |Synthesizing BB |Students will respond to |Assignment 3 1st draft = outline |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

|* Last day to | |problem/project-based prompt that |due |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: Synthesizing |

|drop with “W” | |connect reading to academic life. | |Twitter |Students will post on discussion responding to |

|grade | | | |Email |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |life. |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Student success group journals first draft peer review. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive instructor comments on draft. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 12 |Audience pg. 3-10, 166-67,|Students will respond to |Reading Exam |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |403-04 |problem/project-based prompt that | |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: Audience |

| | |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| | | | |Twitter |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Email |life. |

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Student success group peer review. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive instructor comments on draft. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

| | | |Assignment 3 2nd draft essay due | | |

|Week 13 |Revising pg. 33-44 | Students will respond to |Assignment 3 Reference Page due |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |Editing Mechanics BB |problem/project-based prompt that | |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: Revising & |

| | |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |Editing |

| | | | |Twitter |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| | | | |Email |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |life. |

| | | | | |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Student success peer review. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive instructor comments on draft. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 14 |Vocabulary Building BB | Students will respond to |Final Draft Assignment #3 |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| | |problem/project-based prompt that | |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast: Academic |

| | |connect reading to academic life. | |R4W etools |Vocabulary |

| | | | |Twitter |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| | | | |Email |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |life. |

| | | | |Academic Vocab app |Students will complete activities using R4W etool |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Students will complete activities using Academic Vocab tool |

| | | | | |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive email progress report from instructor |

| | | | | |re: weeks 10-14. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 15 |Blackboard Article “Timed |Students will respond to |Timed Reading & Outlining & |Transcript with Podcast |S/C- |

| |Writing” |problem/project-based prompt that |Documenting |BB Discussion |Students will read/listen to transcript/podcast |

| | |connect reading to academic life. |Practice Test |R4W etools |Students will post on discussion responding to |

| | | | |Twitter |problem/project-based prompt that connects reading to academic|

| | | | |Email |life. |

| | | | |Web 2.0 & 3.0 |S/S- |

| | | | | |Students will comment with questions and share links on |

| | | | | |discussion board to achieve deeper understanding. |

| | | | | |Twitter communication for questions to classmates. |

| | | | | |S/I- |

| | | | | |Students will receive email progress report from instructor. |

| | | | | |Instructor will comment on discussion posts. |

| | | | | |Students will receive beginning of the week announcement via |

| | | | | |BB (on pc/cell). |

|Week 16 | |  |Timed Reading & Writing Final Essay|Email |S/I |

| | | | | |Students will receive final grade from instructor. |


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