

What does it mean to cite a source within a source?

The APA defines secondary source (sometimes called an indirect source) as a source that cites

other primary or original sources. For example, if you read an article by Brown (2013) and that

author cites Smith (2012), Smith is considered the direct or original source and Brown is the

secondary or indirect source.

How do I cite a source within a source?

To properly cite a source within a source, you need to acknowledge the original author as well as

the source you found those ideas in. See the examples below.

Example #1: The writer has read an article by Sloan (2015), which cites an article by Smith.

Proper Citation: According to Smith (as cited in Sloan, 2015) students need support to succeed.

Introduce the original source

of the idea (Smith).

Cite the indirect source (Sloan) using ¡°as

cited in¡­¡±

Example #2: The writer wants to discuss Lee¡¯s study who was cited in Brown¡¯s (2014) article.

Proper Citation: Coffee helps students stay awake to study (Lee, as cited in Brown, 2014).

Give credit to original

author of the idea (Lee).

Communicate that the information from Lee was

found within Brown (2014).

Example #3: The writer wishes to use a quote from Parker who was also quoted in an article by

Miles (2013).

Proper Citation: Parker (as cited in Miles, 2013) stated that ¡°drinking coffee black is healthier¡± (p. 5).

Introduce original

writer (Parker).

Show the quote was

found within Miles (2013).

Use quotation marks and include the

page number for where the quote is

located in the source you read it in.

What do I include in the reference list?

In your reference list, only include the secondary source (the source you read). For example, if you

read an article by Jones (2016) and that author cites Lassitter, only include Jones (2016) within the

reference list.

When should I use secondary (indirect) sources?

Only use a secondary source when you cannot locate or access the original source. If you find

information from another author within a source you read, try to locate that original source rather

than citing the indirect source.

Created by Dr. Christy Fraenza in 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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