
KennEwick Lodge #153 F&AM Of Washington


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

  --  Ralph Waldo Emerson

From the East

On November 19th, we have the opportunity to assist the Grand Lodge in placing two cornerstones for buildings in the City of Kennewick. This is an opportunity to show our respect and support for the City and its citizens. Please join me in assisting the Grand Lodge. The day will start at 11:00 AM at the Kennewick Masonic Center where Grand Lodge officers will open Lodge. We will then proceed to the Cancer Center and place the first cornerstone. We will then retire to the Masonic temple for a luncheon prepared by the Kennewick Order of Eastern Star. After lunch, we will march from the Temple to the Kennewick Police Station to place the second cornerstone.

This is a time-honored tradition of Freemasonry and I hope you will make time to join with us.


WBro. Ray Schulz, Worshipful Master

From the West

On October 13, 1792, President George Washington famously laid the corner stone to the US Capital in a Masonic ceremony. On November 19th, 2009, 217 years later you can participate in this most civic of Masonic ceremonies as The Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Washington lays cornerstones at the Cancer Center and Kennewick Police Headquarters. I personally feel that the laying of Masonic cornerstones for important buildings in our society is emblematic of Freemasonry’s place in American history. Democracy, law, equality, religious freedom, and freedom of speech could equally be considered cornerstone beliefs of Freemasonry and The United States. Why? Because many of the same men who stood up for America in 1776, first knelt before a Masonic altar, just like you did. When we lay a cornerstone we are symbolically renewing that strong link between Masonic and American ideals. So my brothers join us at the laying of these cornerstones and renew your connection to the past of our order and the future of our nation.


Bro. Mike Priddy, Senior Warden

From the South

We have recently discovered that the Kennewick Temple Board has not been operating in accordance with its by-laws. The by-laws require that the Temple Board consist of at least seven members, including the three principle Blue Lodge officers. The remaining four members are to be elected to three year terms from the Blue Lodge membership. In order to come into compliance, we will be holding elections on our next regularly stated meeting on November 18th.

The Temple Board is a very important organization as it is the landlord for Temple tenants and it provides for the operation, maintenance and repair of the Temple. If you would like to serve as a Temple Board member, please contact WB Ray Schulz as soon as possible. As Worshipful Master, WB Ray has the responsibility of proposing prospective members of the Board who are then approved by the Blue Lodge.

The elections at our next stated meeting are very important to the Temple and to the members. Please plan on attending and participating .


Bro. Larry Smith, Junior Warden

Events this Month:

November 11th - Conducting three Entered Apprentice Degrees - 6:30 PM

November 18th - Blue Lodge Meeting - 7:30 PM

November 19th - Cornerstone Ceremonies at the Cancer Center and Police Station - 11:00 AM

November 27th, 28th, 29th - Masonic Shuttle at the Mall

Kennewick Lodge #153 Officers for 2009 - 2010

Worshipful Master WBro. Ray Schulz

Senior Warden Bro. Mike Priddy

Junior Warden Bro. Larry Smith

Treasurer VWBro. Allen Smith

Secretary WBro. Steve Williams

Senior Deacon Bro. Paul Tunnell

Junior Deacon Bro. Larry Brisbois

Senior Steward Bro. John Lawson

Junior Steward Bro. Dave Husted

Marshall Bro. Rick Corson

Chaplain Bro. Larry Hickman

Tyler Bro. Ivan Brown

District 23 Lodges

Euclid Lodge #125 1229 Bennett Ave, Prosser 2nd & 4th Thursday, 8:00 PM (509) 786-4010

Sunnyside Lodge #138 6th & Harrison, Sunnyside 4th Tuesday, 7:30 PM (509) 839-0241

Pasco Lodge #173 1811 West Sylvester, Pasco 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM (509) 547-4506

Grandview Lodge #191 207 Ash Ave, Grandview 1st & 3rd Monday, 8:00 PM (509) 882-6432

Benton Lodge #277 2nd & Alma, Benton City 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM (509) 588-3358

Richland Lodge #283 412 Thayer Drive, Richland 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM (509) 627-2918

Other Lodges in the Area

Pioneer Lodge #39 1811 West Sylvester, Pasco 2nd & 4th Saturday, 8:00 AM (509) 547-4506

Tuscan Lodge #136 720 7th Street, Umatilla OR 2nd Monday, 7:00 PM (541) 922-5091

Hermiston Lodge #138 200 West Orchard Ave, 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 8:00 PM (541) 567-5857

Hermiston, OR

Umatilla Lodge #40 20 South DuPont St, Echo, OR 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 PM (541) 567-5930

Concordant Bodies

Valley of Kennewick, Scottish Rite 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7:30 PM

Alma Chapter #100, Order of Eastern Star 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM

Youth Groups

Kennewick Assembly #66, Rainbow for Girls 1st & 3rd Monday, 7:00 PM

Kennewick Bethel #46, Job’s Daughters 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00 PM

V.S. Bayne Chapter, Order of DeMolay Richland Lodge 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 PM

We will see you at the next Stated Communication!

2B1 – ASK1

Kennewick Lodge No. 153 F. & A. M. of Washington

601 West Sixth Street

Kennewick, WA 99336


We are sending out the Trestleboard electronically!!

Provide your email address so we may continue to communicate with you.

Send it to: ljrksmith@

Also, visit our website for events at the Lodge. You will also be able to read the latest Trestleboard on our website:

KennEwick Lodge #153 F&AM Of Washington


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