Vacation/Paid Sick Leave Policy (Philadelphia, PA work sites) - Metlang

Vacation/Paid Sick Leave Policy

(Philadelphia, PA work sites)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has adopted a law that entitles employees who work at least

forty (40) hours per year within the City of Philadelphia limits to up to forty (40) hours of

paid sick leave per year from scheduled assignments in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for

certain specified purposes. The law provides that eligible employees are entitled to

accrue one (1) hour of paid sick leave for every forty (40) hours worked, up to a

maximum of forty (40) hours of paid sick leave per year.

Metropolitan/Metlang uses a consecutive 12-month period based upon the employee¡¯s

hire date for purposes of a ¡°year.¡± Metropolitan/Metlang employees accrue, at a

minimum, one (1) hour of paid vacation time for every twenty-six (26) hours of work,

which is more generous than what is required under the Philadelphia law (i.e., the law

provides for accrual of one (1) hour of paid sick time for every forty (40) hours worked).

Eligible Metropolitan/Metlang employees are entitled to use paid vacation time for

vacation, personal reasons and sick time, as specified in the law. However, employees

are not entitled to additional paid time off under the law. Paid time taken for any

purposes under the law will count against the employee¡¯s paid vacation time.

During the employee¡¯s initial year of employment, he/she will be entitled to use accrued,

paid vacation for the reasons set forth in the law as of his/her 90th day of employment.

For each year thereafter, employees are eligible to use paid vacation time for the

reasons specified in the law as of the start of their anniversary year in accordance with

their hire date, i.e. an employee hired on April 1st would be eligible on the following April

1st to use paid vacation time for such purposes.

Employees who are eligible for leave under the law are entitled to receive written notice

of their rights. A copy of this notice is posted in the nearest Metropolitan/Metlang admin

office and can also be found on our website under the forms


More information can be found at:

Promoting Healthy Families and Workplaces

Starting May 13, 2015 employees who work

at least 40 hours a year within the City of

Philadelphia limits will be eligible to earn

paid/unpaid sick leave.


Employees are eligible to earn 1 hour of sick time

for every 40 hours they work.


Employers with 10 or more employees are required

to provide paid sick leave. Employers with 9 or

fewer employees are required to provide unpaid

sick leave.


B i l l N o. 1 4 1 0 2 6



Work in the City of Philadelphia


Work at least 40 hours a year





A maximum of 40 sick time hours may be earned in

a calendar year. Accrued sick time may be used

after an employee has worked a minimum of 90

days. Accrual begins May 13, 2015 for all current


Earned sick time can be used for the employee¡¯s own

health needs, to care for a family member or for

leave due to domestic abuse or sexual assault.

If an employer refuses to provide earned sick time

or retaliates against employees for utilizing sick

time, the employee can make a formal complaint to

the City of Philadelphia¡¯s Sick Leave Agency after

September 2015.


Independent Contractors


Seasonal Workers


Adjunct Professors


Employees hired for a term of

less than 6 months




Pool employees


Employees covered by collective

bargaining agreements


State and federal employees



Employers with 10 or more

employees must provide paid

sick leave.


Large chains with employees

who work within the City of

Philadelphia limits must provide

paid sick leave.


Employers with 9 or fewer

employees must provide unpaid

sick leave.

Employers must notify employees that they are entitled to sick time, the amount of sick time and

the terms of its legal use.


Updated 4/23/2015


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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