
Western Placer Creek Watershed Assessment Bibliography

Prepared by CABY on December 15, 2008


Bailey, R. (Bailey Environmental), James Buell PhD. (J.W. Buell and Associates). 2005. Anadromous Fish Screening and Passage Opportunities in Western Placer County and Southern Sutter County.*

Bailey, R. October, 2004. Western Placer County Stream Water Temperature Monitoring Report No. 8. Water Temperature data from Antelope Creek, Auburn Ravine, Bear River, Coon Creek, Doty Ravine, Miners Ravine and Secret Ravine.*

Bailey, R. October, 2003. Auburn Ravine Aquatic Habitat and Biological Resources Literature Review and Resource Assessment. *

Bailey, R. December 2003. Streams of Western Placer County: Aquatic Habitat and Biological Resources Literature Review. Prepared for Sierra Business Council.

Bailey, R. Anadromous Fish Life History Stage and Presence Timing for Placer County. Date unknown.*

de Barruel, M. , Nicole West. 2003. A Benthic Macroinvertebrate Survey of Secret Ravine: The Effects of Urbanization on Species Diversity and Abundance. December 5, 2003. Water Resources Center. Paper can be found at:

Department of Fish and Game. 2008. Memo from James Navicky (SVCSR) to Fisheries Files: Summary of 2004-2005 Fish Community in Auburn Ravine and Coon Creek (Placer County).

Dry Creek Conservancy. 2008. Steelhead Creek Drinking Water Quality Study and Watershed Assessment (Relates the impact of Dry Creek Watershed, a tributary of Steelhead Creek, on Steelhead Creek Flows and water quality).**

Dry Creek Conservancy. 2007. Preliminary Report on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Data Dry Creek Conservancy Bioassessment Program 2000-2006.**

Dry Creek Conservancy. 2003-2007. One Day Fish Counts from various locations at Secret Ravine, Miners Ravine, Linda/Cirby, Antelope Creek and Dry Creek.**

Dry Creek Conservancy. 2001. Secret Ravine Adaptive Management Plan.**

Ecorp Consulting, Inc. 2003. Dry Creek Watershed Coordinated Resource Management Plan.**

Foothill Associates. 2006. Pleasant Grove and Curry Creek Ecosystem Restoration Plan. Prepared for Placer County Planning Department with funding from California Bay-Delta Program.

Foothill Associates. 2005. Roseville Creek and Riparian Management and Restoration Plan. Prepared for the City of Roseville, CA.

Foothill Associates. 2004. Dry Creek Greenway Master Plan.**

Fry D.H., Jr. 1961. King Salmon Spawning Stocks of the California Central Valley, 1940-1959. California Fish and Game 47(1): 55-71.

Hatton, S.R. 1940. Progress Report on Central Valley Fish, 1939. California Fish and Game 26(4): 334-373.

Hatton, S.R., G.H. Clark. 1942. A Second Progress Report on the Central Valley Fisheries Investigations. California Fish and Game 28(2): 116-123.

Jones & Stokes. 2004. Salmonid Spawning Habitat Surveys for Placer County Streams. Prepared for Placer County Planning Department.*

McEwan, D. R. 2001. Central Valley Steelhead. California Department of Fish and Game, Fish Bulletin No. 179: 1-44. Report can be found at: dfg.fish/Resources/Reports/Bulletin179_V1.asp

The Mines Group. June 2005. Auburn Ravine Gaging Station Site Selection and Fish Passage Modifications Conceptual Design Report.*

Moyle, Peter B. 2008. Multiple Causes of Central Valley Chinook Salmon Decline. Article posted on Google News on March 31, 2008.

Placer County. June, 2002. Auburn Ravine/Coon Creek Ecosystem Restoration Plan (Review Draft).*

Reynolds, F. L., T.J. Mills, R. Benthin and A. Low. 1993. Restoring Central Valley Streams: A Plan for Action. Report for public distribution, November 10, 1993. California Department of Fish and Game, Inland Fisheries Division, Sacramento.

Department of Water Resources. October 2002. Miners Ravine Habitat Assessment. Report can be found at: . watershedrestoration. water.fishpassage/docs/miners_final-draft-2.pdf

Swanson Hydrology & Geomorphology. 2003. Dry Creek Bank Erosion Management Plan.**

Timmer, K., M. Suarez-Brand, J. Cohen and J. Clayburgh. March 2006. State of Sierra Waters: A Sierra Nevada Watersheds Index. .

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2001. Final Restoration Plan for the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program. delta.dfg.AFRP/documents/restplan_final.html

Yoshiyama, R. M., E.R. Gerstung, F.W. Fisher and P.B. Moyle. 2001. Historical and Present Distribution of Chinook Salmon in the Central Valley Drainage of California. California Department of Fish and Game, Fish Bulletin No. 179: 71-176. dfg.fish/Resources/ Reports/Bulletin179_V1.asp

Aerial Photos/Maps

Aspen Environmental. November 2000. Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Spawning and Rearing Habitat. Figure 4.4.1 from the Hydrodivestiture Draft EIR.

Auburn Ravine Map with Road Names.

Dry Creek Conservancy. Dry Creek GIS.

NOAA. Chinook Listing Status Maps. nwr.ESA-Salmon-Listings/Salmon-Populations/ Maps/Chinook-ESU-Maps.cfm

Placer County. August 2007. Hemphill Dam Fish Barrier.*

Placer County. August 2007. NID Fish Barrier.*

Placer County. August 2007. Auburn Ravine Watershed Barriers.*


Bailey Environmental. 1999-2004. Water Temperature Data collected from streams listed below.*

-----Antelope Creek. May 29, 2003 – October 27, 2004.

-----Auburn Ravine – Bitters Property/Moore Road. April 9 – August 31, 2000.

-----Auburn Ravine – Davis Bridge/Aitken Ranch. May 28, 2003 – October 25, 2004.

-----Auburn Ravine – Fowler Road/Otto Property. April 1, 1999 – October 27, 2004.

-----Auburn Ravine – Nelson Road. April 9, 1999 – October 25, 2004.

-----Auburn Ravine – NID Gaging Station. April 16, 1999 – October 25, 2004.

-----Bear River – Lower/Upper Patterson. May 28, 2003 – June 3, 2004.

-----Coon Creek – Various Locations. May 28, 2003 – June 16, 2004.

-----Doty Ravine – Various Locations. June 4, 2003 – October 27, 2004.

-----Miners Ravine – Various Locations. June 18, 2003 – July 18, 2004.

-----Secret Ravine – Various Locations. May 29, 2003 – October 27, 2004.

Dry Creek Benthic Macroinvertebrate Samples April 1997-December 1998. Collections made at various locations along Secret Ravine, Miners Ravine, Linda Creek, Dry Creek and Antelope Creek.**

Dry Creek Benthic Macroinvertebrate data from 2000-2004. Collections made at various locations along Clover Valley Creek, Antelope Creek, Dry Creek, Cirby Creek, Linda Creek, Secret Ravine, Miner’s Ravine.**

Miners Ravine Stream Level and Stream Temperature Global Water Logger 12/13/04-1/3/05.**

Secret Ravine Storm Data.**

Secret Ravine Baseline Macroinvertebrate Samples, September 1999. **

-----Additional Macroinvertebrate Data is available on DCC website.

* Documents from Placer County, available in digital format from CABY

**Documents from Dry Creek Conservancy website: downloads/index.php


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