21 - WPC

Sunday Bulletin

May 11, 2008

Pentecost Sunday

Sunday Worship Bulletin

November 8, 2009

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Westminster Presbyterian Church extends an enthusiastic welcome, in Christ’s name,

to all who would worship here or join us in fellowship.

We affirm that there can be no exclusion within the body of Christ.

We invite all children of God to join us as disciples of Christ

and participate fully in the life of our congregation.

1502 West 13th Street · Wilmington, DE 19806

302-654-5214 · Fax: 302-654-5706 ·

Welcome to Westminster

Whether you are worshiping at Westminster for the first time or returning for a visit,

we sincerely welcome you in the name of Christ!

← Following our 9:00 a.m. worship service, we invite you to meet today’s “ambassador,” Ellie Furry, at the back of the sanctuary. She will have a gift for you, and can share information regarding our many ministries for children, youth and adults. She can also guide you to the hospitality area to enjoy fellowship or lead you on a tour of the church.

← Children are welcome in worship! Westminster’s Kids’ Notes and worship bags are available each Sunday from the ushers. Kids’ Notes, a weekly companion to Westminster’s morning worship, emphasizes listening and seeing during worship. The bags include storybooks for children of all ages, coloring paper and crayons, a children’s bulletin for those age three to six, and bookmarks for hymns and Scripture.

← The Lord’s Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of the month at both services.

← Worship Aids – You may obtain large print Presbyterian Hymnals and hearing devices from any usher.

← Would you like to know more? Check out our website at .

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|This Morning at Westminster |

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|8:45 – Noon Child Care for Cribbery (birth – toddler) |

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|9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Service with Westminster Choir and organ |

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|After Time With Our Children, if you wish, your children may |

|leave the Sanctuary and go to: |

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|Godly Care-A unique opportunity for children ages 2 – 4 to get to know God through music, crafts, prayers and stories. Classes are in the Under Six |

|Classrooms A & B. |

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|Godly Play-Children in kindergarten through second grade gather in |

|the Ruth Christie Room to learn the language of God’s people through |

|sacred space, stories, parables and liturgical actions. You may pick up your children in Under Six Classroom C. |

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|Godly Kids – Worship education for children in grades 3 and 4 in Rodney Chapel. You may pick up your children in Under Six Classroom D. |

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|10:10 a.m. Prime Time Sunday School Classes for all ages. For a listing of Adult Education classes, see page 6. |

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|11:15 a.m. Worship with old hymns, new songs, and creative liturgy. Children are always welcome in worship, however, childcare is available|

|in Under Six for ages 2 – Grade 2. |

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|Hospitality and Fellowship |

|The Holy Toast Café, located in Community Hall, is open from 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. |

|Coffee, tea and fellowship are free. Breakfast foods are available for one dollar per item. |


Preparation for Worship

Lord, I’m not turning back.

All that I have I now give to you.

St. Edmund Campion SJ

Welcome and Announcements

*Passing of the Peace

Organ Prelude Air Gerre Hancock

*Call to Worship

Let us praise God together!

We will praise God as long as we live!

Happy are they whose help is in God,

Whose hope is in the One who made heaven and earth.

God executes justice for the oppressed and gives food to the hungry.

God watches over the sojourners, and upholds the widow and the orphan.

God will reign forever.

Let us praise God!

*Hymn No. 145 “Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart” Marion

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

God, you are giver of all good things –

rain and sun,

day and night,

summer and autumn,

bread to the eater and seed to the sower.

We are takers, who take from you daily bread,

taking all we need as you supply,

taking in gratitude and wonder and joy.

And then taking more,

taking more than we need,

taking more than you give us,

taking because we are frightened, anxious, fearful, driven.

Give us peace beyond our fear, and so end our greed.

Turn our taking into giving, since we are made in your giving image.

Make us giving like you,

giving gladly,

giving in abundance,

giving in joy,

giving as Christ gave himself up for us all,

giving not taking. Amen. (adapted from a prayer by Walter Brueggemann)

Silent Prayer

Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

Hear the good news! God forgives us and calls us to take our parts in the drama of redeeming love.

Praise God, who accepts and uses every aspect of our lives in the unfolding story of salvation!

Anthem “Sing Out, My Soul” Mark Hayes

Westminster Choir

Sing out my soul, the goodness of our God!

With joy we behold all the hope of each newborn day

All nature shouts God’s praise

in myriad wondrous ways;

Thanksgiving swells in ev’ry breast; give thanks, my soul!

Sing out, my soul, the mercies of our God,

Whose wisdom ordained that we dwell in community;

Through fellowship we grow,

God’s greater love to know;

Reunion speaks of heaven’s bliss; rejoice, my soul!

Sing out, my soul, the greatness of our God!

With God as our strength, we can know our defense is sure.

Though mortal powers fail,

with God we shall prevail,

And human hearts must celebrate; sing out, my soul!

Time With Our Children Susan Moseley

Prayer for Illumination Dick Armen, Lay Liturgist

Scripture Lesson Mark 12: 38-44 New Testament, page 43

Sermon “Faith and Generosity” Anne Ledbetter


During the offering, please sign your name and pass the red folders down each row.

As folders are returned to the center aisle, note the names of fellow worshippers on your pew.

Offertory Anthem “The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee” Jean Berger

The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of ev’ry living thing.

*Congregational Response (Hymn No. 591)

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Christ, all people here below;

Praise Holy Spirit evermore;

Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen

*Prayer of Dedication

Gracious God, we dare to give because all we have has been given to us. Even when we have little, we know ourselves richly blessed. We bring these offerings on behalf of those who hunger, those who seek freedom and justice, those who long to see, and all who have no hope. Help us to accomplish your purposes where we live and work. Amen.

Prayers of the People


1. Let us pray for all those on our minds and in our hearts…

Anyone may offer a brief spoken prayer during the silence between the petitions

2. Let us pray for our church community and its mission beyond these walls…

3. Let us pray for those in need – the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, the dying…

4. Let us pray for peace – in our homes, community and the world…



Lord’s Prayer (page 16 in The Presbyterian Hymnal, using “debts” and “debtors”)

*Closing Hymn No. 391 “Take My Life” Hendon


Organ Postlude Gigue-Rondo J. C. F. Bach

*Going Forth

If you are visiting with us for the first time, we invite you to meet today’s ambassador, Ellie Furry,

following the service at the back of the sanctuary to receive a gift and information.


Beginning Today, 10:10 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Paul’s Letter to the Church in Rome - Classroom 6 - Leader, Dr. Greg Jones, today through October 25. Paul’s Letter to the Romans is the longest of Paul’s letters and is widely acclaimed to be his masterpiece. This letter, more than any other, spells out Paul’s understanding of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Further, it has had a major impact on the doctrines of the church since early times. However, there is by no means a consensus on the interpretation of Paul’s thinking. This class is a combination of lecture and discussion as we wrestle with Paul’s message and what it means for our lives today.

Enough – Discovering Joy Through Simplicity & Generosity – Daughtry House Classroom A DVD-series with presenter Rev. Adam Hamilton, Pastor of Church of the Resurrection (UMC) in Leawood, Kansas. Led by class participants through October 18. Enough is an invitation to rediscover the bible’s wisdom on prudent financial practices. Find the keys to experiencing contentment, overcoming fear, and discovering joy through simplicity and generosity. This program could change your life by changing your relationship with money.

Parenting – Ruth Christie Room Group led, with regular guess Yvonne Nass, Parenting Consultant on the first Sunday of the month. Class discussion built around a powerful DVD series called Nooma. Each viewing session deals with a particular “real life” topic as seen through Jesus’ perspective, and serves as a means to generate discussion and sharing. Nooma encourages group members to search, question, and join the conversation.

Westminster By Heart – Rodney Chapel Meeting Room Led by Biblical Storytellers Shelley Gnade and Mary-beth Howard. This new class offers a unique opportunity to study scripture, foster a deeper personal connection to stories of the Bible, and develop skills for telling Scripture on a regular basis in worship. Be a part of expanding the art of biblical storytelling, connecting to the stories of our faith, and sharing the story with the congregation. Join us whether you are simply interested in Bible study, or know that you want to develop skills in Biblical storytelling.

Living Fully Dying Well – Classroom 5 Led by Dr. Anne Ledbetter today through November 15. Our best decisions about life’s most important events are seldom made in a time of crisis. This study for all ages inspires us to talk openly about faith and mortality. What does our faith say about death? What are the opportunities and challenges of aging? How may we recreate our lives to live fully, joyfully, productively, as long as this life lasts?

Cost of course book is $10.


Preparation for Worship

Lord, I’m not turning back.

All that I have I now give to you.

St. Edmund Campion SJ

Welcome and Announcements

*Passing of the Peace

*Call to Worship

Let us praise God together!

We will praise God as long as we live!

Happy are they whose help is in God,

Whose hope is in the One who made heaven and earth.

God executes justice for the oppressed and gives food to the hungry.

God watches over the sojourners, and upholds the widow and the orphan.

God will reign forever.

Let us praise God!

*Song of Celebration “Crashing Waters at Creation”



Procession of God’s Light and Word Acolyte: Jillian Eiermann

As the acolyte lights the candle, we remember that Christ is the Light of the world.

Call to Confession

Often our hearts are hard and void of gratitude.

Often our hands are closed fists, reluctant to open and share God’s gracious gifts.

Let us join in the prayer of confession.

Prayer of Confession

God, you are giver of all good things –

rain and sun,

day and night,

summer and autumn,

bread to the eater and seed to the sower.

We are takers, who take from you daily bread,

taking all we need as you supply,

taking in gratitude and wonder and joy.

And then taking more,

taking more than we need,

taking more than you give us,

taking because we are frightened, anxious, fearful, driven.

Give us peace beyond our fear, and so end our greed.

Turn our taking into giving, since we are made in your giving image.

Make us giving like you,

giving gladly,

giving in abundance,

giving in joy,

giving as Christ gave himself up for us all,

giving not taking. Amen. (adapted from a prayer by Walter Brueggemann)

Silent Prayer

Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

Hear the good news! God forgives us and calls us to take our parts in the drama of redeeming love.

Praise God, who accepts and uses every aspect of our lives in the unfolding story of salvation!

The Sacrament of Baptism Elizabeth Mae Wagner

The congregation is asked to please refrain from taking photographs

or video recording during the worship service.

Presentation of the parents and Child Elder: Clark Collins

Opening Words

In every birth, blessed is the wonder.

In every creation, blessed is new being.

In every child, blessed is life.

In every hope, blessed is the potential.

In every existence, blessed are the possibilities.

In every life, blessed is the love.

Questions For Parents and the Congregation

Do you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? We do.

Relying on God’s grace, do you promise to live the Christian faith

and to teach that faith to your daughter? We do.

Will we, the people of the church, promise to nurture and support and Elizabeth

and her parents, and will we encourage them to become faithful Christians? We will.

*Affirmation of Faith

We believe baptism sets us in the invisible community of Christ’s people and joins

us to all other believers by a powerful bond.

In baptism, we give ourselves up in faith and repentance to become the Lord’s.

Baptism is a reminder that God loves us long before we can love God.

For both God’s grace and our response to it are not tied to the moment of baptism,

but continue and deepen throughout life.

A Declaration of Faith

Prayer of Thanksgiving over the Water

The Act of Baptism




Time With Our Children Susan Moseley

Prayer for Illumination Sara Gavenonis, Lay Liturgist

Scripture Lesson Mark 12: 38-44 New Testament, page 43

Sermon “Faith and Generosity” Anne Ledbetter

Hymn “Jesus Sat and Watched the Crowd”


Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette

©2000 General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church

Used with Permission


During the offering, please sign your name and pass the red folders down each row.

As folders are returned to the center aisle, note the names of fellow worshippers on your pew.

Offertory Anthem “Everything Good” Don Schlosser

Youth Choir

Prayers of the People


1. Let us pray for all those on our minds and in our hearts…

Anyone may offer a brief spoken prayer during the silence between the petitions

2. Let us pray for our church community and its mission beyond these walls…

3. Let us pray for those in need – the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, the dying…

4. Let us pray for peace – in our homes, community and the world…



Lord’s Prayer (page 16 in The Presbyterian Hymnal, using “debts” and “debtors”)

*Closing Hymn No. 555 “Now Thank We All Our God” Nun Danket Alle Gott



All praise and thanks to God,

Who reigns in highest heaven,

To Father and to Son

And Spirit now be given.

The one eternal God,

Whom heaven and earth adore,

The God who was, and is,

And shall be evermore.

Calendar for the Week

Sunday, November 8 Location

8:15 a.m. Choir Warm-up Adult Music Room

8:30 a.m. Holy Toast Café Community Hall

8:45 a.m. Child Care Cribbery

9:00 a.m. Worship Sanctuary

9:00 a.m. Godly Play Ruth Christie Room

9:00 a.m. Godly Care for Ages 2, 3 and 4 Under 6 - Classroom A

9:00 a.m. Godly Kids for Grades 3 and 4 Rodney Chapel

10:10 a.m. Prime Time for Grades 6 thru 8 Classroom 7

10:10 a.m. Workshop Rotation for Grades 1 - 5 Grace Hall

10:10 a.m. Workshop Rotation for Grades 1 - 5 Classrooms 1-4

10:10 a.m. Confirmation Class Classroom 8

10:10 a.m. Adult Ed: Westminster By Heart Meeting Room

10:10 a.m. Adult Ed: Parenting Ruth Christie Room

10:10 a.m. Adult Ed: Living Fully Classroom 5

10:10 a.m. Adult Ed: Jesus and His Vision of Mission Daughtry House Conference Room

10:10 a.m. Adult Ed: Art and Religion Rodney Chapel

10:10 a.m. Senior High Gathering Library

10:10 a.m. Under Six Sunday School Under 6 Classroom - ABCD

10:30 a.m. Vocal Ensemble Rehearsal Adult Music Room

10:45 a.m. Youth Choir Warm-up Youth Music Room

11:15 a.m. Worship Sanctuary

11:15 a.m. Baptism~Libby Wagner Sanctuary

4:30 p.m. Youth Choir Youth Music Room

5:00 p.m. Living with Loss Ruth Christie Room

5:30 p.m. 180 Dinner~Rehearsal~Set Design Community Hall, Classroom 6 & Kitchen

5:30 p.m. 180 Dinner~Rehearsal~Set Design Grace Hall

5:30 p.m. 180 Dinner~Rehearsal~Set Design Classroom 4

6:00 p.m. Pacem in Terris Rodney Chapel

Monday, November 9

5:00 p.m. Church in the World Classroom 5

5:15 p.m. Stewardship Committee Meeting Room

5:30 p.m. Rainbow Chorale Music Department

6:00 p.m. Committee Night Dinner Classroom 6

7:15 p.m. Joint Mission Committee Classroom 6

7:15 p.m. Joint Finance Committee Rowell Conference Room

7:15 p.m. Worship and Music Committee Classroom 5

7:15 p.m. Christian Education Committee Classroom 7

8:00 p.m. Urban Mission Classroom 6

Tuesday, November 10

9:00 a.m. Staff Worship Rodney Chapel

9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting Meeting Room

10:30 a.m. Worship Planning Rowell Conference Room

12:00 p.m. Listening to the Lessons Rowell Conference Room

4:00 p.m. Chapel Chimes Youth Music Room

4:30 p.m. Chapel Club Chapel Club

4:30 p.m. Sunshine Choir Adult Music Room

5:30 p.m. BPI Daughtry House Conference Room

Wednesday, November 11

5:00 p.m. Dialogue Rowell Conference Room

6:15 p.m. Reverberations Bell Choir Youth Music Room

7:30 p.m. Westminster Choir Rehearsal Adult Music Room

Thursday, November 12

9:00 a.m. Phix-it Corps Rowell Conference Room

12:00 p.m. Centering Prayer Ruth Christie Room

5:30 p.m. Yoga Rodney Chapel

6:30 p.m. Parenting Class Daughtry House Conference Room

6:30 p.m. Adult Ed.~Invitation to the New Testament Meeting Room

7:00 p.m. PFLAG Classroom 8

Friday, November 13

8:30 a.m. Ursuline Academy Grace Hall

8:30 a.m. Ursuline Academy Classroom 7

8:30 a.m. Ursuline Academy Classroom 8

5:00 p.m. Wedding Rehearsal (Ledbetter) Sanctuary

7:00 p.m. Volleyball Practice Community Hall

7:00 p.m. 180 Rehearsal~Set Design Grace Hall

Saturday, November 14

7:30 a.m. Men's Bible Study Club Room

9:00 a.m. Yoga Rodney Chapel

2:30 p.m. Quinn Wedding Party Ruth Christie Room

4:00 p.m. Wedding~Katie Quinn and Jeremy Lydon Sanctuary

Peace on Earth

An Advent Workshop for All Ages

In Community Hall

Sunday, November 29th

10:10 – 11:00 a.m.

(Regular Sunday school classes will not meet. Childcare will be available in the Cribbery only.)

Preparing our Hearts and Homes for the Prince of Peace

|announcements |

|Worship Notes |

The flowers in the Sanctuary today are given to the glory of God and in celebration of Lorraine Pyle’s birthday from her family.

Sanctuary Flowers - Consider giving the sanctuary flowers for Sunday worship. Your gift of God’s natural beauty to remember or honor loved ones, or to celebrate an event, expresses praise and thanksgiving to God. Please contact Linda Watson during business hours at 302-571-6719 or lwatson@. Available dates for flowers are December 20 and 27.

Are you wearing a nametag? Whether you are a longtime member or new to the church, wearing a nametag provides others the opportunity to meet you, greet you by name, and for you to become more familiar with others at church. Nametags and markers are in baskets at all major entrances. Extend hospitality, kindness and friendship by wearing a nametag every Sunday.

“Westminster to Go” Audio tapes and DVD’s of recent Westminster worship services are available. Please use the sign-out sheet when you borrow them from the front desk. Printed sermons are available on the literature tables the following week and on our website at .

|Congregational Care and Prayer |

Please remember in your prayers:

❖ Those recently hospitalized: Lorraine Pyle, Wayne Casey, Denison Hatch Sr., Natalie Krause and Charles Uhlinger.

❖ Westminster’s homebound family who can no longer attend worship with us. Send a card, say a prayer, visit! This week we ask you to remember Erma Bowen, Carillon Crossing Unit 204, 1515 Rockland Road, Wilmington, DE 19803, Tom Clark, Cokesbury Village, AL, 726 Loveville Road, Hockessin, DE 19707 and Betty Kelley, Forwood Manor, Apt. 134, 1912 Marsh Road, Wilmington, DE 19810.

❖ Our brothers and sisters in worldwide ministry (see back page.)

Westminster’s Covenant Prayer Group is committed to praying weekly for specific needs of the faith community. Anyone with prayer requests may leave a confidential message on 302-654-5848, ext. 335, or fill out a prayer request card (in the pew pocket) and place it in the offering plate.

A Centering Prayer time occurs every Thursday at noon in the Ruth Christie Room. Anyone is welcome to participate. Basically, those who come spend thirty minutes in silence. Silence allows us time and space to empty our minds, quiet our brains’ chatter, and be still and attentive to God.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan often seem far away, and we may neglect to realize that Americans, as well as Iraqis, Afghans, and members of coalition forces, continue to die each day. As Christians, we are called to pray for the spreading of peace and justice and an end to violence. If someone in your family is serving in these wars, we ask that you let us know, so that we may include that person on our prayer list. (Contact Colleen Falasco: 302-654-5214 ext. 131, or cfalasco@.)

This week we pray for

• Those known to the WPC Community presently serving in the Middle East:

Afghanistan: Edward Maloney, Neal Moody and Daniel Reinsenberger

Iraq: Ken Bachman

• The families of those from the U.S. who have died most recently:

Chief Warrant Officer Michael Montgomery, age 36, of Savannah, Georgia, October 26

Chief Warrant Officer Niall Lyons, age 40, of Spokane, Washington, October 26

Staff Sergeant Shawn McNabb, age 24, of Terrell, Texas, October 26

Sergeant Josue Chavez, age 23, of Reno, Nevada, October 26

Sergeant Nikolas Mueller, age 26, of Little Chute, Wisconsin, October 26

Sergeant 1st Class David Metzger, age 32, San Diego, California, October 26

Staff Sergeant Keith Bishop, age 28, of Medford, New York, October 26

Private 1st Class, Brian Bates, Jr., age 20, of Gretna, Louisiana, October 27

Specialist Robert Charlton, age 22, of Malden, Missouri, October 27

Staff Sergeant Luis Gonzalez, age 27, of South Ozone Park, New York, October 27

Sergeant Fernando Delarosa, age 24, of Alamo, Texas, October 27

Sergeant Dale Griffin, age 29, of Terre Haute, Indiana, October 27

Sergeant Issac Jackson, age 27, of Plattsburg, Missouri, October 27

Sergeant Patrick Williamson, age 24, of Broussard, Louisiana, October 27

Specialist Jared Stanker, age 22, of Evergreen Park, Illinois, October 27

Private 1st Class Christopher Walz, age 25, of Vancouver, Washington, October 27

Lance Corporal Cody Stanley, age 21, of Rosanky, Texas, October 27

Civilian Frank Walker, age 66, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October 28

Specialist Adrian Avila, age 19, of Opelika, Alabama, October 29

Specialist Christopher Cooper, age 28, of Oceanside, California, October 30

Private 1st Class Lukas Hopper, age 20, of Merced, California, October 30

• Those who have returned from service, possibly suffering from wounds or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, whose scars may by deep and long-lasting.

|180˚ Imago Dei: Youth Ministry at WPC |


4:30 Youth Choir

5:30 Fellowship Dinner

6:00 - 7:30 p.m.  Dinner Theatre rehearsal and set design

|News to Note |

Follow Our Holy Land Pilgrims

Eighteen members of Westminster are currently walking where Jesus walked in Israel/Palestine until November 16. Visit the homepage of our website at to see what they’re up to!

Learn How to Include Westminster in Your Estate Planning: On the next two Sundays, November 15 and 22, four experienced attorneys (two per Sunday) will explain in simple terms the nuts and bolts of estate planning, tax considerations, and giving to Westminster’s Endowment. Please come prepared with your questions and learn which giving opportunities best suit your intentional giving to Westminster. Hot issues and current information provided. Sessions will be held from 10:10 – 11:00 a.m. on November 15th in Classroom 6, and November 22nd in Classroom 5. Any questions, call Fred Iobst, 302-658-2678.

Chimes Deadline Is Tomorrow! The deadline for the December/January Chimes is tomorrow, November 9th at 12:00 p.m. Please submit your announcements and articles to news@ with the publication name/issue and title of the article in the subject line (e.g., “Dec/Jan Chimes – Christmas Concert Celebration”). We’re sorry, but submissions sent after the deadline will not be included.

Coffee Cans - Please bring clean coffee cans (11-14 oz) to the Receptionist desk for the Cookie Walk and Christmas Boxes.

Advent Art Supplies Needed! A neat art project is being planned for the Advent Workshop.  Please save your paper towel, toilet paper and wrapping paper rolls and drop them in the bin near the reception desk during the next few weeks.

|[pic] |Only One Week Left! Make Your Pledge Today! |

| |With only one week remaining, the Stewardship Committee is eager to complete the 2010 stewardship campaign and receive |

| |100% pledge participation by November 15th. Please show your support for Westminster in areas such as worship, music, |

| |Christian education, mission, fellowship and congregational care by submitting your pledge online at |

| |give-to-the-church/ or by completing a pledge card at the receptionist’s desk by November 15th. “He who did |

| |not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all – how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all |

| |things?” Romans 8:32 |

| | |

Ulster Project information session for prospective host teens & parents on November 15: Ulster Project Delaware (UPD), a reconciliation project that brings Catholic and Protestant Northern Irish teenagers to Wilmington for the month of July, is holding an Information Session about the project (including the application process for UPD 2010) next Sunday, November 15, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Grace Hall.

Catholic and Protestant teens between the ages of 14 – 16 and their parents should attend if they are interested in learning more about the project and in applying to be one of the eighteen Host Teens needed for the UPD 2010 next summer. Because the number of teens applying consistently exceeds the number of slots available, UPD has redesigned its host recruitment process to ensure that the selection is as comprehensive, thorough, and equitable as possible. At the session the new steps that have been introduced into the selection process will be fully explained and application forms will be distributed. For more information, call Ann Zappaterrrini, Chair of Host Recruitment, at 302-559-7906, or Sally Milbury-Steen at Pacem in Terris, at 302-656-2721, or go to .

|Music |

Travel to Germany with the Westminster Choir!

Singers and non-singers alike are invited to travel with the Westminster Choir in May of 2010 as we undertake our fourth European tour, this time to awesome and historically significant sites throughout eastern and southern Germany. We’ll spend three nights each in Leipzig and Munich, with visits to Berlin, Dresden, and several picturesque villages and towns throughout the Bavarian region – including a visit to the famous Neuschwanstein Castle and a boat ride on the Danube River en route to the Weltenburg Abbey, known for its monastery brewery. One of the many musical highlights will be the opportunity to sing in the church in Leipzig where J.S. Bach served as cantor.

Departure is Tuesday, May 25, and return is the following Tuesday, June 1. (Extensions are also possible.) Contact Music Director Paul Fleckenstein at 302-654-5214 ext. 121 or paul@ for complete details and answers to any questions.

[pic] Our Mission Emphasis for November is “Homelessness”

Code Purple:

For the last two years, when the wind chill temperature was expected to fall below 15 degrees, Westminster Presbyterian, Sts. Andrew & Matthew Episcopal (SsAM) and Friendship House have joined together to provide emergency sanctuary for our homeless brothers and sisters. On these nights, our volunteers rally to prepare and serve warm soup, sandwiches and hot coffee at SsAM, 720 N. Orange Street. This emergency sanctuary operates from 4:30 p.m., after the Friendship House day centers close, until 8:30 p.m., when the Salvation Army opens for the night. This year the team from Westminster will work the early shift making and serving food (4:30 – 7:00 p.m.). About 90 clients are expected to be served each night.

Because “Code Purple” is called specifically when temperatures plummet, we are unable to predict the exact dates. Therefore, we keep a reserve of frozen soup in our church kitchen and compile a list of volunteers willing to staff the sanctuary at Sts. Andrew and Matthew. The people on the list of volunteers are notified by email and phone the morning Code Purple is declared. The first 4 people to respond are assigned to work that night. This way volunteers always have the option of deciding when they are available to serve. For questions or more information, contact Beth Bowersock 302-530-5150.

Who Can Afford to Live in Delaware?

(Summary Provided by the Delaware Housing Coalition)

Housing Burden Among the Very Poor

• There are 61,215 households in the state with incomes at or below half of the area median. 22,541 of these households are severely cost-burdened, paying 50% or more of their income for housing.

• 15,540 of these severely cost-burdened households have incomes at or below 30% of the area median.

• There is a deficit of 20,444 units statewide that needs to be filled in order to house these households affordably.

• When a “fair share” measure for very low-income households is applied to the state’s census tract districts, every census district in the state – except for the City of Wilmington – is found to have a deficit of affordable housing.

• There are almost 28,000 extremely low-income households in Delaware — 13,422 in rental units and 14,414 in owner-occupied units — in need of affordable housing due to cost burden.

• 25,000 very low-income families pay 30% or more of their income for housing costs or are on waiting lists for assisted housing.


• 1,479 Delawareans were identified as homeless in the January 2009 Point in Time survey, with nearly 7,000 state residents experiencing homelessness during the year.

• A disabled person dependent on SSI cannot afford an efficiency (zero-bedroom) apartment anywhere in the state.

• The efficiency apartment housing wage stands at $13.43 for Delaware, 188% of the state minimum wage, an annual salary of $27,934.

• Delaware needs 648 new supportive housing units, along with 1,000 new rental subsidies in order to house the 2,000 individuals who are most in need and most at risk of homelessness.

See for more detailed information.

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| |Christmas Boxes Project – Important Dates |

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|[pic] |We need every Westminster member to be an Elf to make this project a success. |

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| |Star Trees available – Sunday, November 15th |

| |Food Drive begins – Sunday, November 22nd |

| |Final deadline to bring Star Tree Gifts and food – Sunday, December 13th |

| |Boxes Packing Party – Friday, December 18th, 6:00 p.m. – Community Hall |

| |Boxes Distribution Day – Monday, December 21st |

| |Merry Christmas to all – Friday, December 25th |

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| |Check The Chimes, the Bulletin, the Weekly Word and/or the information monitors for updates and reminders. |

Recycle Calendars and Cards for Christmas Boxes: If you don’t need those calendars and greeting cards that arrive in your mail, drop them off at the Reception Desk any day of the week. We’ll recycle them as part of the Christmas Boxes project. Questions – contact Joyce Ruston at 302-652-1795 or trolleysquare@.

Updated Echo Gifts shopping lists now available!! New blue Echo Gifts Shopping lists are now available on the literature tables or by email to geuder@.  In addition to the traditional missions there are two new offerings: Urban Promise which ministers to children living in Wilmington's inner-city neighborhoods. Its mission is to teach children and young adults skills for spiritual growth, academic achievement, life management and Christian leadership; and Family Promise through which churches provide housing and meals to families while children attend school and parents work with community resources to re-establish employment and/or housing. In 2010 WPC will host some homeless families 4 different weeks.  Since its inception, the Echo Gift program has raised over $137,950.

Yoga in Rodney Chapel

Relax and Renew with Yoga at WPC: Join us at one or both of our ongoing yoga classes. There is an evening class each Thursday at 5:30, and a morning class each Saturday at 9:00. Both classes are held in Rodney Chapel. Bring a yoga mat. Suggested donation is between $5 and $10. No age or ability restrictions. Please note: Thursday night yoga will take a break for the holidays. The last class will be held on November 19th at 5:30, and it will resume on January 7th, 2010 at the same time.

|Small Groups |

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| |Girl Talk, our monthly women’s reading group, meets next on Sunday, December 6, at 12:15 p.m. in the Ruth Christie |

| |room. This month’s featured book is Still Alice, in which author Lisa Genova, who has a Ph.D in neuroscience from |

| |Harvard, uniquely reveals the experience of living with Alzheimer’s. Hers is an unusual book – both a moving novel |

| |and an important read. |

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Pastoral Staff

Gregory K. Jones, Head of Staff

Anne R. Ledbetter, Associate Pastor

Pastoral Care Assistant: Jill Getty

Church Administrator: Debbie Brown

Church Educator: Susan Moseley

Music Staff

Paul Fleckenstein, Organist/Director of Music

Mary Beth Davis, Director of Music for Children, Youth and Handbells

Sandie Reinicker, Director of Sunshine Choir

Section Leader/Soloists: Diana Milburn, Ruth Bailis, Justin Gonzalez, Brian Carter

Youth Ministry Team

Susan Moseley and Mary Beth Davis

Support Staff

Susan Alexander, Receptionist

Colleen Falasco, Operations Assistant

Jerry Hunter, Financial Assistant

Suzie Hurlock, Administrative Secretary

Nicole Hughes, Director of Communication and Database Management

Jerry Reed, Facilities Manager

Sextons: Roger W. Atkins, Robert King, Kevin Krick, Joan Truitt

Editor of Weekly Word and Chimes: Nikki Thorn

Worldwide Ministry

Malawi – Sue Makin, M.D.

Guatemala – Roger and Gloria Mariott, Dennis and Maribel Smith, Karla Koll and the Mam Presbytery

Congo – Timothee Kalonji Matadi, Cecilé de Sweemer, MD, Pastor Jean-Marc Katujudi Nkuna and

Members of the Kamulumba-Ditalala Parish

Kenya-Rev. Dr. Lyle and Terry Dykstra, PCUSA Mission Volunteers


Liz Bacon, Meg Burich, Martha Carper, Jim Carter, Clark Collins, Charlie Depfer,

Mark Gerstenschlager, Ross Getty, Shelley Gnade, Dick Haden, Denison Hatch, Mary-beth Howard, Fred Iobst,

Barbara Jobe, Don Kuespert, Sue Linderman, Bunny Michener, Jan Patrick, Bruce Petrovick,

Margo Reign, Jerry Spilecki, Alex Sprague, Kathryn van Amerongen, Frank Waldburger

Board of Deacons

Ken Barnaby, Beth Bowersock, Kim Carrick, Jack Coleman, Peggy Carroll, Ginnie Chagnon, Craig Checkel,

Bob Cox, Eadie Churchill, Tammy Daley, Kris DeMesse, Cathy Edge, Eric Etshman, Barbara Fedeler, Todd Gray,

Carol Noggle Harris, Carol Hopkins, Carla Krupanski, Ralph Lewis, David Mathe, Carolyn McKeown, Carol Mosher,

Ruth Nace, Donna Nelson, Polly Pyle-Carter, Teri Richmond, Patti Ridout, Robin Rosser, Ann Shadduck,

Ellen Slade, Cora Sparling, Mike Sprague, Melissa Stabler, Judy Stoffer, Julia Stone, Sally Thomas

Deacon Team of the Month

David Mathe, Kim Carrick, Melissa Stabler, Ralph Lewis, Sally Thomas


Bob Chagnon, Don Furry, Sara Geuder, John Johnston, George Krupanski,

Bob McKeown, Bill Nace, John Richmond, Christine Schiltz, Stan Stevenson, Philip Timon, Helen Walker



This Morning, 10:10 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Art and Religion: Beauty, Order and the Search for God – Rodney Chapel

Led by Dave McBride – today through November 22, and three classes in January 2010

This course will address three interrelated topics; each as a part of a larger search for evidence of God in the nature of human experience and scientific knowledge. We will consider the historical relationship between art and religion, and the subject of various art forms that religious institutions often sponsored. We will consider the significance that humans have an intellectual and emotional appreciation of order and artistic beauty, including music, dance and storytelling. We will consider whether art can communicate truths that cannot be ascertained by empirical methods or expressed in words or math, and the relationship between beauty and science and math.

Jesus and His Vision of Mission – Daughtry House Conference Room

DVD series with Dr. Kenneth E. Bailey – today through December 6

Ken Bailey gives six presentations on how Jesus viewed mission. Lectures include:

• Isaiah and the Great Commission;

• Mission in Luke's Gospel: Evangelism, Justice and Compassion;

• Matthew 28: Great Themes of Mission;

• Reaching Out To Those Around Us; The "Sent out" and "Call In" of Mission;

• Cross Cultural Mission;

• Flowers From The Valley Of Terror: Witness of Middle Eastern Christians.

Living Fully, Dying Well – Classroom 5 Led by Dr. Anne Ledbetter, this class ends today. Our best decisions about life’s most important events are seldom made in a time of crisis. This study for all ages inspires us to talk openly about faith and mortality. What does our faith say about death? What are the opportunities and challenges of aging? How may we recreate our lives to live fully, joyfully, productively, as long as this life lasts?

Cost of course book is $10.

Parenting – Ruth Christie Room - Group led. Class discussion built around a powerful DVD series called Nooma. Each viewing session deals with a particular “real life” topic as seen through Jesus’ perspective, and serves as a means to generate discussion and sharing. Nooma encourages group members to search, question, and join the conversation.

Westminster By Heart – Meeting Room Led by Biblical Storytellers Shelley Gnade and Mary-beth Howard. This offers a unique opportunity to study scripture, foster a personal connection to stories of the Bible, and develop skills for telling Scripture in worship. Be a part of expanding the art of biblical storytelling, connecting to the stories of our faith, and sharing the story with the congregation. Join us whethe[pic][?] |%&78>?VWXabhikm…†‡‰òîÖîÏÁ°© ”†?zÏÁ°©qh ”ZHZ†?z#hØÆhØÆ5?B*[pic]CJ-H*[pic]aJ-phhØÆ5?B*[pic]CJ-aJ-phhØÆ5?CJ-aJ-hcÄ5?CJ-aJ-

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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