
1308100-22796500KEYThis will serve as your vocabulary page for the government standards. Use MB pages 162-192 to assist you in completing the definitions. The column to the right is for you to make a connection or draw an image to help you remember the term.Name: ____________________KEY____________________ Class Period: ______________ Date: __________________30099006985Definition00Definition57467506985Connection00ConnectionFOUNDATIONS OF GOVERNMENT1. SovereigntyThe concept that power and authority rest with the citizens1854206985002. FederalismA system where the national, state, and local governments share authority over the same land and the same people.153670-52705003. Naturalized citizens (pg. 166)Foreign nationals (those who were born in other countries) who choose to become American citizens and given up their citizenship in those other countries. -298451968500LEGISLATIVE BRANCH- writes the laws4. BillsProposed laws153670-2095500EXECUTIVE BRANCH- enforces the laws5. GovernorChief executive officer of the state (Nathan Deal)27432020955006. Lieutenant GovernorHe/she is the presiding officer of the state senate. In the event of the governor’s death, resignation, or impeachment, the lieutenant governor becomes the state’s chief executive. He/she is elected by popular vote at the same time the governor is elected. He/she can serve unlimited terms. (Casey Cagle)73025107315JUDICIAL BRANCH- interprets the laws7. Supreme CourtThe highest ranking court in the Georgia court system; nine supreme court justices are elected by popular vote to six year terms. 8. Court of AppealsThe second highest-ranking state court; fifteen judges serve on this court. It is an appellate court that only hears cases appealed from lower-ranking courts. 9.Trial CourtsBelow appellate courts; hear original cases such as criminal and civil cases between private parties. (continued on back)10.Grand JuryDetermines whether or not persons accused of crimes should be indicted (officially charged) and required to stand trial.11. Trial JuryA group of citizens who are charged with judging a person charged with a crime.12. Civil CaseDisputes between two or more persons or groups13. Criminal CaseCases involving violations of law14. FelonyA serious crime such as murder or burglary, punishable by a year or more in prison, a fine of at least $1,000, or both.15. MisdemeanorA less serious crime (ex. shoplifting a DVD) punishable by less than a year in prison, a fine of less than $1,000, or both. JUVENILLE JUSTICE16. JuvenilesPersons under the age of seventeen17. Delinquent ActAn act that would be considered a crime if it were committed by an adult.18. Unruly BehaviorDisobedient or disorderly behavior towards authority or lawLOCAL GOVERNMENT19. MunicipalityA city with its own government20. CountiesSubdivisions of the state set up to carry out certain governmental functions.21. Special Purpose District (p. 190)It is created for a single job or single group of tasks. Most such districts govern themselves. A school system and MARTA are examples of a special district. *Know the difference between real property and personal property on page 191 of your MB. Real property- land and buildings that are considered permanent or not easily moved.Personal property- movable items of value such as motor vehicles, boats, industrial machinery, and store inventory. ................

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