New York City Council Member (type your council member’s ...

New York City Council Member (type your council member’s name here)

City Hall Office

250 Broadway,

New York, NY, 10007

Today’s Date (here)

Dear Council Member,

(Go to link above to identify your council member)

I am writing to appeal for your support and prompt attention in a matter of great concern that could affect New York City Information Technology operations.

On April 6, 2009, the New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) held a public hearing and on October 21, 2009, this time with the Chairperson of State Civil Service Commission, Diane Savino, to discuss a plan to reduce the number of provisional appointments in New York City, as required under Chapter 5 of the Laws of 2008.

The State Civil Service Commission is in the process of reviewing a wide-rang plan, submitted by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). A critical issue is the reclassification of Civil Service computer titles, held by many union members obtained by competitive means to non-competitive status.

As a member of DC37 Local 2627, New York City Electron Data Processing Employees, such a plan could result in me losing my job security as well as Civil Service status. Allowing reclassification of titles in this manner could also potentially open the door to: political patronage, nepotism, favoritism, arbitrary firing of union employees and dismantling the current civil service system. In addition, this will result in non-qualified personnel and consultants performing the work historically performed by New York City Civil Service employees.

I, as the other members of DC37, Local 2627, need your support to stop this attempt.

Your Name


Computer Title


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