Civil War Research Paper

Civil War Research Paper

This unit can be broken down into three different areas: the causes of the Civil War, the Civil War, and America’s Reconstruction after the war. With each unit there are a multitude of things that have had a significant impact on our development as a country since this period. With that in mind, you will be expected to research a topic of your choosing and write an in-depth research paper on it.

There were many important events during the Civil War. In your paper you will answer the following question.

Main Question: Why or how was your person or event significant within the Civil War time period?

• Who was involved?

• Where did the event/events take place?

• When did event happen? (Date, how many days/ months/ years did it last?)

• What happened and why? (Does not have to be chronological and most likely will not be)

• Any interesting or important facts related to the Civil War time period.

• The importance of the event or person within the Civil War time period.

Formant/ Paper Requirements:

1. Your paper must be 5 paragraphs. (Introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion).

2. Your paper will need a word count of at least 800 words. Please do not go over 1200 words. (You will be expected to include your word count on your paper.)

3. 1” margins all around (go to page setup under File)

4. Double Spaced

5. Times New Roman font

6. 12 font

7. Black ink only

8. Title Page (does not count towards length)

9. Work Cited: Use MLA guide for your citations.( does not count towards length)


1. Grading will focus on content and mechanics.

2. This paper will be worth 40 points in Social Studies & 40 points in ELA

Parts of the Process – Due Dates – Parent Initials


Your parents’ cooperation is required for this assignment. It is important that they know everything that is needed for this assignment as well as when everything is due by. This will help ensure your parents and I that you are working efficiently. SO… there is a list of activities that is part of the research paper process. There will be a due date for each part of your paper and your parents’ signature will be required to receive credit for it.

*** Paper must be turned in, in hard copy form, flash drives or digital copies will not be accepted. School computers & printers are available to type and complete papers.***

*** Any papers turned in after the start of their given class period will be considered late.

Grading for late papers is as follows:

• 1 day late is 25% deduction; (Turned in Thursday 20, 2014 or any time after given class period- highest score = 75%)

• 2 days late is a 50% deduction (Turned in Friday 21, 2014- highest score = 50%)

• 3 days late is automatically a zero in the grade book.

Part of the Process Due Date Parent Signature S.S. Signature ELA Signature

|Choose a topic: | | | | |

| |Tuesday November 4, 2014 | | | |

| | | | | |

|/1pt | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Identify at least 3 different | | | | |

|sources & complete Annotated |Thursday November 6, 2014 | | | |

|Bibliography. Must have at least 2 | | | | |

|books. (1 has to be textbook) | | | | |

|/2pts | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Create an outline with Thesis | | | | |

|Statement. |Wednesday November 12, 2014 | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|/3pts | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Rough Draft |Friday 14, 2014 | | | |

|/4pts | | | | |

| |Wednesday November 19, 2014 | | | |

|Final Draft with Title, | | | | |

|Bibliography, & Rough Draft | | | | |

|/40pts | | | | |

For this Research paper, you will pick ONE of the following topics. You will need to inform me (Ms. Sercl) of the chosen topic.

Topic Choices


o Slave Rebellions

o Political Compromises

o Abolition Movement

o Life on Plantations

o Free Blacks

o Runaways

o John Brown

o Economic Causes

o Election of 1860

o Abraham Lincoln

o Confederate States of

o America

o Jefferson Davis

o Robert E. Lee

o Ulysses S. Grant

o General Sherman

o Stonewall Jackson

o Jeb Stuart

o George Meade

o Any military leader

o Clara Barton

o Harriet Beecher Stowe

o George McClellan

o James Longstreet

o Nathan Bedford Forest

o Mary Lincoln

o Belle Boyd

o Mary Edwards Walker

o David Glasgow Farragut

o Ambrose Burnside

o Legality of secession

o Battle Campaigns

o Prisons

o Types of weaponry

o Life as Johnny Reb

o Life as Billy Yank

o Union Military

o Confederate Military

o Nurse/Red Cross

o Spies during the Civil War

o Navy during the Civil War

o Blacks during the Civil War

o Women during Civil War

o Homefront

o Reasons North won

o Reconstruction

o Slave Codes

o Freedmen’s Bureau

o 13th, 14th, 15th

o Amendments

o Life after the Civil War

o Andrew Johnson


• Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857

• Bleeding Kansas

• Fort Sumter and the start of the American Civil War

• Battle of Bull Run/ Manassas

• Battle of Hampton Roads

• Battle of Glorieta Pass

• Battle of Wilson Creek

• Battle of Shiloh

• Battle of Antietam

• Battle of Pea Ridge

• The Emancipation Proclamation

• Battle of Chancellorsville

• Battle of Vicksburg

• Battle of Franklin

• Battle of Mine Creek

• 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry

• 54th Massachusetts Regiment

• New York City Draft Riots

• Battle of Chattanooga

• Sherman’s March to the Sea

• Battle of Petersburg

• Surrender at Appomattox

• The voyage of the C.S.S. Alabama

• The voyage of the C.S.S. Shenandoah

• Andrew’s Raiders and the Great Locomotive Chase

• Jayhawkers and Bushwhackers

• The Fort Pillow Massacre

• Andersonville Prison Camp

• Camp Douglas Prison Camp


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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