A2 level

A2 level – Potential essay questions- Assess the validity of this view.‘By mid-1919 the German Revolution had brought about remarkably little change.’‘To what extent was the German Revolution a failure?’‘The Weimar constitution was not democratic nor did it provide the basis for a stable government.’ ‘There was little wrong with the Weimar constitution in theory.’‘The Treaty of Versailles failed to live up to the expectations of the Germans and shattered the Weimar government’s hopes for stability.’‘To what extent did the Treaty of Versailles weaken the Weimar Republic in the period 1919-1923?’‘By signing the Treaty of Versailles, Republican politicians dealt a huge blow to the credibility of the Weimar Republic.’‘How important was the defeat of the Spartacists in the establishment of the new Weimar government in Germany in 1919?’‘To what extent was inflation Germany’s main economic and financial problem in the years 1919 to 1922?’‘To what extent were Weimar’s early problems fundamentally economic?’‘The biggest threat to the Weimar democracy in the years 1919 to 1922 was the extreme right.’‘The main threats to the stability of the Weimar Republic in the period 1919 to 1923 were economic rather than political.’‘The fact that the Weimar Republic survived the crisis of 1923 was little short of a miracle.’‘How far do you agree that the main reason for the survival of the Weimar government in the years 1919 to 1924 was the weakness of its opponents?’‘How significant was the threat posed by political extremists to the Weimar Republic between 1919 and 1924?’‘The Weimar government was the biggest loser in the hyperinflation of 1923-1924.’ ‘The Franco-Belgian invasion of the Ruhr was the main cause of the hyperinflation crisis in Germany in 1923.’ ‘The “golden age” of Weimar Germany was a myth.’‘German society during the years of the Weimar Republic, 1919-1933, experienced far-reaching social change.’‘The Weimar Republic enjoyed a “golden age” of political stability in the years 1924 to 1928.’‘By 1928, Germany had accepted the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.’‘By 1929 the Weimar Republic had a good chance of survival.’‘The years 1924-1929 were a period of deceptive stability in Germany.’‘How important was the role played by Gustav Stresemann in the establishment of stability within Germany between 1923 and 1929?’ ‘Hitler played a crucial role in the rise of the Nazi party in the period 1919-1930.’ ‘To what extent is it right to describe the Nazi Party as weak in the years before 1929.’‘Weimar’s economic recovery is the main reason for the failure of Hitler and the Nazi Party in the years 1920-1929.’‘The collapse of the Grand Coalition in March 1930 was caused by the economic depression, an even that was outside of Germany’s control.’‘The impact of the Great Depression was the prime reason for the emergence of the Nazis as a mass movement between 1929 and 1932.’‘The Weimar Republic was swept away in an economic blizzard.’‘Nazi propaganda was primarily responsible for creating a mass Nazi movement in the period 1929 to 1932.’‘Joseph Goebbels was the key factor in the rise of Nazism.’‘How far was Hitler’s leadership responsible for Nazi success in the period 1929 to 1933?’‘A fear of communism was the main reason why increasing numbers of Germans voted for the Nazis in the years 1930-1932.’‘To what extent was Hitler to blame for the Nazis’ failure to win political power in 1932?’‘The failure of the Weimar Republic by 1933 was due to the weaknesses of its constitution.’‘To what extent was the popularity of the Nazi Party the main reason for Hitler’s appointment as chancellor in January 1933.’‘Hitler became chancellor in January 1933 due to fear of communism.’‘To what extent were the conservative elites responsible for Hitler becoming a virtual dictator by March 1933?‘Hitler’s accession to power in 1933 was the result of popular support.’‘The Nazi consolidation of power between January 1933 and August 1934 was achieved through the use of terror.’‘Nazis consolidation of power in 1933 and 1932 was achieved legally and with relatively little violence.’‘To what extent was the Nazi takeover of power in 1933-34 a “legal revolution”?’‘To what extent did the Nazi regime rely on terror and violence to consolidate its hold on power in the years 1933-1934.’‘By 1939, German society was engaged in self-surveillance.’‘To what extent do you agree with the view that the Nazi regime was a brutal and efficient police state in the period 1933 to 1939?’‘Nazi popularity in Germany between 1933 and 1939 was largely dependent on propaganda.’‘To what extent was Nazi rule genuinely popular in Germany between 1933 and 1939?’‘Between 1933 and 1939 the Nazi regime ruled by terror and repression.’‘To what extent would you agree with the description of the Third Reich as a ‘police state’?‘The government of the Nazi regime was chaotic and lacked coherence in the years 1933-1939.’‘The Nazi economic miracle between 1933 and 1939 was merely a propaganda myth.’‘To what extent were the Nazis successful in economic terms in the period 1933 to 1939?’‘How successful was Germany’s economic recovery in the years 1933-1939.’‘Most Germans accepted Nazi rule because of the popular social policies it pursued.’‘The Nazi regime achieved its objectives in its policies towards the Christian churches.’‘To what extent did the Nazis succeed in creating Volksgemeinschaft in the period 1933-1939.’‘The Nazi state was too chaotic to allow Hitler to be considered a strong leader in the period 1933-1939’ (or 1939-1945)‘The Nazi concept of Volksgemeinschaft was primarily a means of justifying the systematic persecution of minority groups in German society.’‘How successful were the Nazis in bringing about revolutionary social changes in the Volksgemeinschaft?’‘Nazi propaganda and education won the heart and minds of Germany’s young people.’‘To what extent did the German people have more benefits than drawbacks from Nazi social and economic policies?’‘To what extent was the Third Reich a totalitarian state?’‘How successful was Hitler in being able to make his own anti-Semitism such a powerful feature of German society?’‘To what extent did Hitler achieve his anti-Semitic aims in the period 1933-1939.’‘Hitler’s actions against Jews were relatively limited in scope in the period 1933-1939.’‘By 1935, the Nazis had effectively excluded the Jews from German society.’‘The Nazis followed a clear and consistent plan for removing the Jews from the mainstream of German society in the years 1933-1939.’‘The radicalisation of Nazi policy towards the Jews in the years 1939 to 1941 was the result of the achieved by German forces in the war.’‘To what extent did the Nazi regime change the life of German women in the years from 1933 to 1945.’‘The Nazi regime succeeded in maintaining the morale of the German people throughout the war.’‘The Second World War had a limited impact on German society from 1939 to 1944.’‘The Allied bombing offensive against the German cities had a limited impact on the ability of the German economy to produce the armaments required by Germany to continue fighting the war.’‘Hitler’s government totally mismanaged the German economy in the period 1939-1945.’‘Without the appointment of Speer as Armaments Minister in February 1942, Germany would have collapsed economically’.‘The defeat of the German army at Stalingrad in January 1943 led to a complete collapse of confidence in the Nazi regime at home.’‘The Holocaust was the result of systematic planning from 1933.’‘The systematic extermination of the Jews was the result of Hitler’s personal and an obssessive anti-Semitism.’‘To what extent were the German people ‘willing executioners’ of the Jews in the period 1941-1945?’‘To what extent was Hitler personally responsible for the evolution of the ‘Final Solution’ in the years 1939-45.’‘The only serious opposition to the Nazi regime in the Second World War came from the army.’‘How seriously did the German opposition threaten to destabilised the Nazi regime during the war?’‘To what extent was German civilian morale weakened on the home front?’‘The Allies treated Germany barbarically in 1945.’ ................

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