




April 15, 2019

1. Opening Business

a. Call to order

b. Agenda approval

c. February minutes (no meeting in March)

d. Public comment

2. Student Achievement

a. MAP

b. KPrep

c. Math Grant Update

3. Budget Report

a. Munis

b. Title I

4. School Improvement Planning

a. CCPS Draft Budget – ADA/Section 7 money

5. Review

a. District – Mission & Vision

b. School – Mission, Vision, & Beliefs

c. Attendance

d. PTO

e. Bylaws – Student Assignment, School Day Schedule, School Space, Regular and Special Meetings, Open and Closed Sessions

f. Professional Development for Summer 2019

g. Staffing

6. New Business/Other Business

a. Facilities Update

b. Energy Savings Committee

c. Committee Reports

d. School Safety

e. School Calendar for 2019 – 2020

f. Council Elections (Parent May 2 and Staff May 7)

g. Operation Registration – Kindergarten Registration

7. Adjourn

Next meeting May 20, 2019 at 3:30


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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