
If we are already sub-contracting with another agency and want to continue to sub-contract with them in the new fiscal year, can we continue the relationship or do we need to implement a procurement process if selected as an Apparent Successful Contractor?Our contract does not dictate a contractor’s method of procuring a sub-contractor, however, there may be other requirements under 2 CFR 200 depending on the type of contractor. If we are only submitting one RFQ application, but selecting several service areas is it possible to have additional space for partners and employer partners (questions 3 and 5 under the Community Partnerships section)?No.Will Commerce LEP contracts now be combined with Mainstream contracts or will they remain separate??Commerce’s intention is to combine Mainstream and LEP contracts. However, please note, Commerce is currently evaluating how we will contract services for FY20 and munity Partnerships #2 “What experience do you have in developing partnerships in communities you have not previously served?”? Are you asking how we have developed relationships and connections with other agencies outside our direct service area?? We are applying to continue this program in the communities we have served for 50 years, so we aren’t applying to work in an area we have not previously served.?Communities you have not previously served is not limited only to geographic location and may also include populations. Question #4 “Community Partnerships that lead to unsubsidized employment for your program participants?”?We operated employment and training programs many years ago and recently began offering those services again. Can I get advice on how I should answer this as we are new to providing this program?It is recommended that applicants discuss past and current actions and performance about their employment and training programs.We operated employment and training programs many years ago and recently began offering those services again. Do we draw on that information, focus on our current performance data which will be limited, or a combination of both?It is recommended that applicants discuss past and current actions and performance about their employment and training programs.When you are asking for qualifications, are you asking for specific qualifications of staff or for our agency as a whole, or a combination of both?Question #5, under Program Management and Organizational Experience, refers to staff who will be directly involved in the program. It does not refer to the agency as a whole.If an organization applies to serve multiple Service Areas and is selected to serve those areas, will this be handled through one contract with Department of Commerce or an individual contract for each Service Area? For example, if selected to serve 4 areas, would there be one contract or 4 contracts?If a contractor is awarded multiple services areas, it is Commerce’s intention to issue one contract that covers all service areas. However, please note, that Commerce is currently evaluating how we will contract services for FY20 and FY21.Will successful contractors have access to a training environment in eJAS? If the answer is yes, would access be granted prior to July 1, 2019?Commerce will provide eJAS training. We will provide access to the eJAS training site if needed.Would CJ and Career Jump participants potentially be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits?Per WAC 388-310-1300, number 10 (d), Career Jump participants “may be eligible for unemployment benefits if [they] have participated in community jobs' career jump and have worked at least six hundred eighty hours in a base year. [They] will gain unemployment insurance credits for all hours worked under your career jump placement.” Per RCW 50.44.040, “The term "employment" as used in RCW 50.44.010, 50.44.020, and 50.44.030 shall not include service performed: (4) As part of an unemployment work-relief or work-training program assisted or financed in whole or in part by a federal agency or an agency of a state or political subdivision thereof, by an individual receiving such work-relief or work-training.” This applies to the classic Community Jobs program and those participants are not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits. Are Career Jump programs for 256 or 433 hours? Exhibit C states on page two (2), that it is for up to 433 hours and states on page four (4) that it is for up to 256 hours.Career Jump employment opportunities are up to 433 hours of subsidized wages. An amendment will be posted to reflect this correction. Which five (5) counties were previously LEP service areas and what are the primary languages requiring interpretation and translation services, by county? In FY19, the five (5) counties that have LEP service areas include King, Spokane, Snohomish, Clark, and Benton counties. In FY20 and FY21, it will be a requirement that any LEP participant, at any English language level, that is referred to and qualify for the Community Jobs program must be served. Commerce recommends that all applicants conduct research about the languages spoken in each service area they apply to. Commerce has restructured some of the service areas including Service Area 15: King North, East, and Central. Can you please provide an explanation for the change?This decision was guided by the need to streamline contracting processes and management for both contractors and merce is requesting 5 references on Page 3 of Exhibit B: Application. Are these intended to be general agency references or references specific to the management of workforce development programs or something different?This is intended for general agency references that can attest to the applicant’s work in the community and their management of workforce development programs. Commerce is requesting 5 community partnership and 5 employer references? If an agency currently works with non-profit and government worksites that are also employer partners, would Commerce prefer these to go under community partnership or employer references?It recommended that applicants list their partners in the most appropriate section depending on the primary nature of the partnership. What percentage of the client/employees hours/hourly wage is covered by this grant? Including part time and full time.All participant wages are reimbursed. ................

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