MGD School,Jaipur

MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL, JAIPURENGLISH Assignment for Class 11Dear StudentsWelcome to session 2020-21!As you are aware that we are sailing through troubled waters at the moment and the entire world is facing a severe crisis which no doubt will end soon with our patience, positivity and perseverance.Following is the first round of English assignments which needs to be submitted/completed by 10th of April 2020. General Instructions:The tasks to be done in notebook can be done in any old notebook or your English notebook or a bunch of pages stapled together and will be submitted and marked as English activity or portfolio work when the school reopens. Tasks to be submitted online can be sent by 10th April to the email id of your subject teacher as under-english11amgd@- for students in11th A- Subject teacher: Mrs Divya Sonienglish11bmgd@- for students in 11th B- Subject teacher: Mrs Anjana Handooenglish11cmgd@- for students in 11th C- Subject teacher: Dr Swapna Chandraenglish11dmgd@- for students in 11th D- Subject teacher: Ms Cherry Goyalenglish11emgd@- for students in 11th E- Subject teacher: Dr Anju Jaideepenglish11fmgd@- for students in 11th F- Subject teacher: Dr Swapna Chandraenglish11gmgd@- for students in 11th G- Subject teacher: Mrs Divya Sonienglish11hmgd@- for students in 11th H- Subject teacher: Mrs Anjana HandooRound 1 Watch the movies- any 2Pride and PrejudiceGreat ExpectationsParasiteWrite film review in 200 words each for the movies watched by you, include title, genre, your opinion about it, your favorite characters (any two) and why they are your favorite and a brief summary in your notebook.Write a script for a ten minutes comic performance for the school’s Annual Day and email to your subject teacher.Letter Writing – 1. Read and listen to the news related to the Pandemic and write a letter to the Editor to spread message about lockdown, its importance and need, strict measures, punishment etc in 150 words in your notebook.2. As a student group leader write a Letter to a hotel manager to cancel booking of 4 rooms made by you for you and your friends in view of current situation in your notebook.Other TasksDownload Extramarks app and do grammar exercises based on Synthesis of Sentences there in your notebook.Write a page in Cursive writing everyday in your notebook to improve your handwriting.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XISUBJECT : BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Read the chapter -8 “ Cell : The unit of life” from the NCERT book( Download the chapter from the link given below)2.The tutorial links are also given for the support.3.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . 4.Write your name , class and section on the top right side corner.5. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assessment-I :biology and attach it as a pdf document to biology11bmgd@ 6.The last date of submission of the assignment is 10th April, 2020. TOPIC : CELL : STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION – UNIT : IIII.Tabulate the cell organelles as given bellow :S.No.Name of the cell structureLocation Structural details and diagramFunctions1.Cell Membrane(example)After the activity you should know about-i.Difference between prokaryotic flagella and eukaryotic flagellaii.Two subunits of position of bacterial cell walliv.Active Transportv.Endomembranous systemvi.Thylakoidsvii.Axonemeviii.Kinetochoreix.Perinuclear spacex.HistonesLinks to be used:1.Download NCERT/CBSE Book: Class 11: Biology Ncertbooks.2. - Neela Bakore Tutorials3.You tube videos –Shomu’s Biology4. MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XICHEMISTRYGeneral Instructions:1. Students to go through the following links and extra marks the learning app for the given chapters .2. Students to solve all the problems based on these chapters given in NCERT books.3. If you face any complication drop down a mail on chem11amgd@ or WhatsApp your problem on my contact no. 9413732019 and submit your assignment on chem11amgd@ /chem11bmgd@ by 10th April 2020.(According to your section)1st to 10thAPRIL –.Unit - BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY Topics ;Laws of chemical combination ,Daltons theory, Atomic and Molecular masses, Mole Concept, Resource material1. Extra marks the learning app2.: Chemistry Class: XI Date of Submission: 10th April 2020 Note: 1. Solve the following worksheet on any sheet of paper 2. Write your name on the top right corner on the first page 3. click photos of the solved assignment and use” camscanner” app or any other similar app and compile into a single pdf document (ensure that the pages in pdf document appear in correct sequence ) 4. Name this document as your _ name _ assignment 1_section.pdf (ex. If your name is ChetnaChandak& you are in section A rename your pdf document as “Chetna_ Chandak_assignment1_ section_A.pdf”)5. Send this pdf document to chem11amgd@ if you belong to section A & to chem11bmgd@if you belong to section B latest by 10thapril , 10:30 am 6. Write your name , section & assignment 1 in the subject field of the mail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.The following data are obtained when dinitrogen and dioxygen react together toform different compounds:Mass of dinitrogen; Mass of dioxygen(i) 14 g ;16 g(ii) 14 g ;32 g(iii) 28 g ;32 g(iv) 28 g ;80 g(a) Which law of chemical combination is obeyed by the above experimental data?Give its statement.2. What will be the mass of one 12C atom in g?3.Use the data given in the following table to calculate the molar mass of naturallyoccuring argon isotopes:Isotope Isotopic molar mass Abundance36Ar 35.96755 g mol–1 0.337%38Ar 37.96272 g mol–1 0.063%40Ar 39.9624 g mol–1 99.600%4.Calculate the number of atoms in each of the following (i) 52 moles of Ar (ii)52 u of He (iii) 52 g of He.5.A welding fuel gas contains carbon and hydrogen only. Burning a small sample of itin oxygen gives 3.38 g carbon dioxide, 0.690 g of water and no other products. Avolume of 10.0 L (measured at STP) of this welding gas is found to weigh 11.6 g.Calculate (i) empirical formula, (ii) molar mass of the gas, and (iii) molecular formula.6. Chlorine is prepared in the laboratory by treating manganese dioxide (MnO2) withaqueous hydrochloric acid according to the reaction4 HCl (aq) + MnO2(s) → 2H2O (l) + MnCl2(aq) + Cl2 (g)How many grams of HCl react with 5.0 g of manganese dioxide?M.G.D Girls’ SchoolHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT- 1CLASS XI-SUBJECT- PHYSICSGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1. Read the chapter : 'Units and Measurements' from the NCERT book()?The tutorial links are given for the support.?Do the given assignment and worksheet in a separate notes register or any sheet of Write your name, class and section on the top right side corner.?Click a clear picture using camscanner( or similar app). Rename the file as your name worksheet -1 Physics and attach it as pdf document to physics11bmgd@ and 11A students as physics11amgd@ ?The last date of submission of the Assignment I and Worksheet I is 10 th April,2020. _____________________________________________________________Assignment-11. Learn and revise all trigonometric identities done upto class X.2. Prepare notes on units and measurements. (Refer to ) in any register or a copy3. List of Experiments which are to be written in practical file:i) To measure diameter of a small spherical body using Vernier callipers.ii) To measure internal diameter and depth of a given beaker/ calorimeter using Vernier callipers and find its volume.For writing the practicals refer to: () Students will be writing the experiment in the following sequence:AIM of the experiment Materials Required Theory Procedure Result Precautions Sources of error Observation table and diagram on the blank side with the pencil Worksheet 1Date of submission;10th April,20 Chapter-1 Units and measurements ( Q1 - The branch of physical science, which deals with interaction of matter and energy, is called __________. a)Physics b)Chemistry c) BiologyQ2 – Light year is a unit of : a) Distance b) Time c) Sunlight intensity d) MassQ3 – The dimensions of Kinetic Energy is same as that of : a) Distance b) Pressure c) Work d) MomentumQ4 – There are 20 divisions in 4 cm of main scale . The vernier scale has 10 divisions . The least count of the instrument is : a) 0.05 cm b) 0.5 cm c) 5.0 cm d) 0.005 cmQ5 – Electron volt is a unit of : a) Charge b) Potential difference c) Energy d) Magnetic forceQ6 – Which of the following pairs have same dimensions : a) Specific heat & Latent heat b) Impulse & Momentum c) Surface tension & Force d) Moment of inertia & torqueQ7 –What is the difference between Mn, Nm and nm?Q8- State the number of sifnificant figures in the following: i) 600900 ii) 6.032 iii) 0.0631 iv) 400mQ9- Write the dimensional formula for the following: i) momentum ii) work iii) impulse iv) pressureQ10- If pressure ‘p’,velocity’v’ and time ‘T’ are taken as fundamental physical quantities,what will the dimensional formula of force?MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XIMATHEMATICSCLASS XICh: SEQUENCE AND SERIES (A.P.)General Instructions1. Do the following questions in any register that you will have to submit once the school reopens. 2. This worksheet is to be completed till 7th April 2020. 3. You must send your work through email or on WhatsApp to any of the teachers. You must also mention your name and Section.4. For any doubts you can contact us at maths11mgd@ or 9529380103 (Mrs. Nidhi Gupta) ; 9461665505 (Mrs. Saly Mathew) ; 9680553994 (Mrs. Rekha Satija)5. This is chapter 9 in your class XI textbook. It is based on concepts from chapter 5 of class X. You can take reference from both textbooks in case you have any doubts or wish to study further.6. Copy all questions.-952508509000Assignment 11. Which term of the sequence 20, 19 14 , 18 12 , 17 34 .... is the first negative term? [Ans. 28th ]2. If the mth term of a given A.P. is n and its nth term is m, then show that the pth term is (n + m – p).3. If the mth term of an A.P. is 1n and the nth term is 1m then show that the mnth term is 1.4. The pth, qth and rth terms of an A.P. are a, b, c respectively. Show that (q – r) a + (r – p) b + (p – q) c = 05. Find the 6th term from the end of the sequence 9, 12, 15....., 20th term. [Ans. 51]6. The sum of three consecutive terms of an A.P. is 15 and their product is 105. Find the numbers. [Ans. 7, 5, 3]7. The product of three numbers in A.P. is 224 and the largest number is seven times the smallest. Find the numbers. [Ans. 2, 8, 14]8. If the 9th term of an A.P. is 0 then prove that its 29th term is double the 19th term.9. Find the middle terms in the A.P. 20, 16, 12........, - 176. [Ans. -80 , -76] 10. If the ratio between the sums of n terms of two APs is (7n + 1) : (4n + 27), find the ratio of their 11th terms. [Ans. 148:111]11. If the sum of first p terms of an A.P. is equal to the sum of first q terms then find the sum of first (p + q) terms. [Ans. 0]12. In an A.P. if the pth term is 1q and the qth term is 1p. Prove that the sum of first pq terms is 12 (pq + 1).13. If the sum of p, q and r terms of an A.P. are a, b and c respectively, prove that ap (q – r) + bq (r – p) + cr (p – q) = 0.Solve this worksheet and send to mail ID physics11bmgd@ Students of class 11A will be sending to physics11amgd@ Links for reference? ? ? ? ? MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -1CLASS XISUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCEGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:- 1.Read topics Cyber Safety, online Safety and computer Security from the NCERT book(Download the chapter from the links given below)a)Write the answers in Register or type the answers in your computer or send scanned copy or take photo of your work and save it with your name followed by class with section and assignment 1. For example: - If you are studying in class XI A, your file name should be “xyz-XIA-Assignment1” or write “xyz-XIA-Assignment1” this in the Subject field of mail .Finally mail on the following email id by 10 th April psciXImgd@ASSIGNMENT -1Should you use a nickname when you log on to the internet?What do you understand by identity theft?What measures should one take to avoid and maintain confidentiality of personal information?What is cyber bullying and cyber stalking?What do you understand by spam? Why has it become a big Internet issue?What is the need for secure passwords?Write some tips to prevent virus from infecting/entering a computer.Write the full form of VIRUS.List any 5 popular virusesWhich type of program can send out information about your web browsing activities or other personal details? (a)Cookies(b) Spam (c)Spyware(d) TrojanLinks to be used: Download this link and refer. (DO NOT BUY any book for now.)****** MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XISUB: INFORMATICS PRACTICESGeneral Instruction:Study Resource- Download the NCERT e-book from – (DO NOT BUY FOR NOW)To make a Computer Practical File(Hard Bound, both left & right side lined). Divide it into two parts- First part: Mysql Second part: Python Study Chapter 1 from the e-book Chapter 1 Computer System Introduction To Computer System Evolution Of Computer Computer Memory Software Attempt the 2 worksheets given below and submit the same at ip11mgd@ by April 10, 2020.Solve Q. No. 7 to 11 from Chapter 1(pg no-14) in the Practical File (within second half…i.e.Python) WORKSHEET 1Very Short Answer Type Questions Question 1:Which part interprets program instructions and initiate control operations Question 2:What is primary memory ?Question 3:What is RAM ?Question 4:What is ROM ?Question 5:What is PROM ?Question 6:What is EPROM ?Question 7:What is EEPROM ?Question 8:Give three examples of both input devices and output devices.Short Answer Type Questions Question 1:Name the components of a computer system.Question 2:Explain functional components of a computer system.Question 3:Explain volatile and non-volatile memory.Question 4:What are the basic units of computer ? Give two names of sub-units of CPU and also give the functions of each unitQuestion 5:What is data ? What is the output of data processing system ?Question 6:What is the difference between data and information?21824954991100022225-1079500883285-1079500885190-1079500218249529337000Question 7:What is the function of memory ? What are the types of it ?Question 8:What is a bit ? How bit, byte and nibbles are related to each other ?Question 9:What do you mean by Input Unit ? Give the examples of Input Unit.Question 10:What is the function of CPU in a computer system ?Question 11: What do you understand by IPO cycle ?Question 12: Differentiate between source program and object program.Question 13:Draw the labeled diagram, representing the basic structure of a computer system.Question 14: Mention any two limitations or weaknesses of a computer ?Question 15: Explain microcomputers. MGD GIRLS’ SchoolClass-XISubject- HOME SCIENCEGeneral Instruction- 1.Read Chapter: 1 “Introduction” from NCERT books and solve the following questions. You can solve on any sheet of paper. Write your name on top right corner of the first page. Send the document on Homescience11mgd@. 2.Write your name, section and assignment 1 in the subject field of the mail.Reference-NCERT Books of Home science as Human Ecology And Family Science part-I, II. On website: https//ncertbooks/Worksheet 1Answer the following questionsQ.1 Define Home science ?Q.2 What is the new nomenclature given to home science ?Q.3 Name the various areas of home science.Q.4 Give four reasons for the importance of home science in your life?Q.5” Home science subject is equally important for boys and girls”. Comment. MGD GIRLS SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT-1CLASS-11SUBJECT-ACCOUNTANCYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Read the chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting from T.S.GREWAL book or sultan- or .Do the given assignment on any sheet of paper or if possible in separate register.Clearly specify your name, class and section on the top right corner.Click a picture of the above and send it as a pdf document naming it as Assessment 1 Accounts_(your name) on acc11cmgd@ or acc11emgd@. The last date of submission of assignment is 10th April, IC: INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTINGMeaning and definitions of Accounting.Objectives of Accountimg.Advantages of Accounting.Accounting Process.Branches of Accounting.Users of Accounting.Assignment-1Answer the following questions:State 2 points of difference between Book keeping and Accountancy.Diagramatically present the Accounting Process.Explain any 2 limitations of accounting.Ellaborate the various branches of Accounting.Accounting information should possess which qualitative attributes.Links to be used:Download T.S.GREWAL from sultan- or .MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLClass- XIBusiness StudiesGeneral Instructions: I Students to read the content given below and do the worksheet. The Chapter is 5 ; EMERGING MODES OF BUSINESS The chapter consists of: 1. E business : concept ,scope and benefits and its distinguish from traditional business 2. Business Process Outsourcing: concept ,need and scope 3. Knowledge Process OutsourcingII. They can also refer to various links provided link for downloading NCERT ClassXI (Chapter-5) Refer to following video links for better understanding: work to be done in copies and submit the same as word document on the email id mentioned bst11mgd@ IV. The last date of submission in 10th April,2020 Content For ReferenceMeaning: In this age of internet, the world commerce has gradually started linking with it. This has brought a new concept of commerce called e-commerce/e-business. Now we are capable of reaching the users of Internet all over the world simply by opening a shop on the Internet. The Internet users can order for the goods, receive their delivery and make their payment while sitting at their home on the Internet.Scope of e-BusinessIt can be understood by the view point of the parties involved and making transactions:1.B2B Commerce: It is that business activity in which two firms or two business units make electronic transaction. For example- one can be producer firm and other a supplier firm.2.B2C Commerce - Business to customer. In this one party is a firm and other party is a customer. On one hand a customer can seek information through Internet about products, place orders, get some items and make payments and on the other hand the firm can make a survey any time to know who is buying and can also know the satisfaction level of customers. In modern times, call centers can provide these information.3.Intra-B Commerce Within business Commerce - Under it, the parties involved in the electronic transaction are the two departments of same business. For Example, through internet it is possible for the marketing department to interact constantly with the production department and get the customized goods made as per the requirement of customers.4.C2C Commerce - Customer to Customer Commerce - Under it, both the parties involved in electronic transaction are customers. It is required for the buying and selling of those goods for which there are no established markets. For example-selling old car through internet.5.C2B Commerce - C2B Commerce provides the Consumers with the freedom of shopping at will. Customer can make use of call centres to make toll free calls to make queries and lodge complaints. 6.B2E Commerce - Companies reporting to personnel recruitment, interview and selection and training etc. via B2E Commerce. Difference between Traditional business and e-businessBasisTraditional businessE-businessFormationDifficult to formEasy to formCost of setting upMoreLessPersonal touch personal touch is presentNo personal touchOperating cost LowHighEase of expansionDifficultMuch as no boundation of geographical boundariesHuman resource requirementSemi skilled and skilled labour requiredTechnically qualified professionals requiredRiskLessHighDistribution channels Various intermediaries are involvedNo distribution / intermediaries requiredTransaction risk involvedLow risk due to personal touch High risk involvedPhysical presence Requires physical presenceDoes not require physical presenceBenefits of e-BusinessThe major benefits of e-Business are as follows:1.Worldwide reach- Internet gives businessmen an extended market. New customers come in contact with them. This results in increase in sales.2.Elimination of Middlemen - Ever since the e-Business came into existence, the wholesalers and retailers have started disappearing. Now, most of the producers have started having direct contact with customers. As a result, the consumer get goods on less price.3.Easy Distribution Process - Many types of information and services be received on computer through e-business. This has simplified the system of distribution and has also made it less costly.4.Lower Investment required - In this, you don’t require any big showroom or huge investment. You need only computer and Internet.5.Easy to launch new products - Any company can launch its new product in the market through the medium of E-Business. A complete information about the product is made available on Internet. In this way the consumer and other businessmen get information about the new product while sitting at home.6.Movement towards a paperless Society - Use of internet has considerably reduced dependence on paper workResources Required for Successful e-Business ImplementationThe resources required for the e-Business are:puter system - The presence of computer system is the first requirement of e-Business. The computer can be linked with Internet by just pressing its keys.2.Internet connection - Internet connection is very essential and now a days we can get this by sitting at home. 3.Preparing the web Page - web page has the greatest importance in the use of e-Business. It is also known as Home Page. Any product that is to be shown on Internet is displayed on web page.4.Effective telecommunication system - e-business requires an effective telecommunication system in the form of telephone lines etc.On Line TransactionsOn line transaction means receiving information about goods, placing an order, Receiving delivery and making payment through medium of internet. Under this system, the sale purchase of every type of thing, information and service is possible.Payment MechanismPayment for the purchases through online shopping may be done in following ways:1.Cash on delivery (COD) - Cash payment can be made at the time of physical delivery of goods.-banking transfer - The customer can make electronic transfer of funds(EFT) to account of online vendor over the internet.3.Credit or Debit cards - The customer can make payment for online transaction through debit or credit card by giving the number and name of bank of card.Security and Safety of e-TransactionsThe following methods can be used to ensure security and safety of online transactions.1.Confirming the details before the delivery of goods - The customer is required to furnish the details such as credit card no., card issuer and card validity online.2.Anti Virus Programmes - Installing and timely updating antivirus programmes provides protection to data files, folders and system from virus attacks.3.Cyber crime cells - Govt. may setup special crime cells to look into the cases of hacking and take necessary action against the hackers.Outsourcing or Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Many activities have to be performed for the successful conduct of business like productions, buying, selling, advertising etc. When the scale of business is small, the businessman used to perform these activities easily. However, with the enlargement of scale of business, this job has become tedious. Therefore, in order to overcome the difficulties connected with the performance of many activities and to get the benefit of specialization, these services are now obtained from outside the organization. This is called outsourcing of services or BPO.Example: B.P.O.If Reliance Industries Ltd. wants to advertise its ‘Vimal’ brand of clothing, it may appoint Anmol Advertising Co. to design, prepare and release advertisements on its behalf.Need for BPOBPO is essential for following reasons:1.Growth through alliances - If a company attempts to perform all the activities itself, there is every possibility of quality of services being affected adversely. In order to avoid this difficulty, the need for obtaining services from outside is felt.2.Avoiding Fixed Investment in Services( cost reduction) - If a company attempts to get these services from within the organization itself, it has to establish different departments for this purpose which involves huge investment. Therefore, it appears justified to get these services from outside the organization at a little cost.3.Focussing of attention - outsourcing of services is needed in order to run the business smoothly. The attention of businessman gets distracted from various small things and will be focused on the main activity.4.Quest for excellence: 1) they can focus only on activities in which they excel. 2)contracting out remaining activities to those who excel in performing those activitiesScope of BPOIn modern business many outside services are used. Out of these services, the following are the important ones:1.Financial Services -These services means those outside services which help the company in some way or other in the management of finance.2.Advertising services - Advertisement is very necessary for increasing sales. 3.Courier services - These services means delivering goods, documents. parcels from company to customers and vice-versa.4.Customer support service - These services means delivering goods to customers and to give after sale services also. Generally, the manufacturers of TV, Fridge, AC etc. use these services.KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing)KPO refers to obtaining high end knowledge from outside the organization in order to run the business successfully and in cost effective manner. Unlike conventional BPO where the focus is on process expertise, in KPO the focus is on knowledge expertise.Need of KPOIn today’s competitive environment focus is to concentrate on core specialization areas and outsources the rest of activities. Many companies have come to realise that by outsourcing the non case activities not only costs are minimized and efficiency improved but the total business improves because the focus shifts tokey growth areas of business.Features of KPO1.It is the upward shift of BPO2.It focuses on knowledge expertise instead of process expertise.3.It provides all non case activities.4 It has no pre-determined process to reach a conclusion.5. It offers an alternative career path for the educated.Scope of KPO/Services covered KPO1.Research and Technical analysis.2.Business and Technical analysis.3.Business and Market research.4.Animation and Design.? WORKSHEET 1Submission date :10th April 2020 Send your submissions at : bst11mgd@1.Which option is not a benefit of e-business a)Low personal touchb) Global reachc) Convenience d) Paperless society2.Video conferencing is an example of which type of e business transaction:a)B2Bb) B2Cc) C2Cd) B2E3.Payment of purchase through online shopping is done through ………a)CODb) Credit cardc) Debit cardd) all of above4.The online payment of telephone bills comes under………….model of e commercea)Intra B2) B2Cc) C2Cd) B2B5.Which one of the following is not a disadvantage of outsourcinga)Sweat shoppingb) Ethical concernsc) Confidentialityd) quest for excellence6.which business is more difficult to form , traditional or electronic ?7.Name the electronic currency that exists in cyberspace8.Name any two risks involved in e- business transaction9.Name the service in which a firm gets its task done by another firm10.Outsourcing means “do it all by yourself”…….TRUE/FALSE11.E-business provides customer’s wider choice……TRUE/FALSE12.Full form of BPO13.Mrs Sushma has to travel a lot and usually comes late at night from her work .She is always worried to carry cash with her as she purchase all her household things on the way back homea)How can she avoid carrying cash but still buy the things on the way.b)Give any two benefits of this.14.Ecommerce helped business firms to expand their market beyond national boundaries TRUE/FALSE15.Give an example of application of C2C commerce16.Differentiate between Traditional business and E-business17.What does “e” stands for in e-business18.Why are e business and outsourcing to be considered as the emerging modes of business?19.Mr Balachandaran a traditional businessman wants to conduct e business . How will you encourage him by stating any three benefits of e- business.20.Enumerate any 4 limitations of electronic mode of business. Are these limitations are enough to restrict its scopeMGD GIRLS SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT-1CLASS-11SUBJECT-History General Instructions:1.Students to read the content mentioned below .2. For any query to contact at Email ID: hist11mgd@ Book: Themes in world history (NCERT) Read these chapters after watching the videos accompanying the mentioned links and frame 1-mark questions.Chapter 1: From the beginning of time 2: Writing and city life (Mesopotamia) Extra reading- Read about different civilizations of the world. -----------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLASSIGNMENT-1CLASS-XISUBJECT:GEOGRAPHYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Read the book ;Fundamentals of Physical Geography TEXTBOOK FOR CLASS XI UNIT II:THE EARTH Chapter 3.Interior of the earth. Topic-Structure Of The Earth Page No -25,26,272. Students to write the answers of the questions based on the topic shown in the video and PDF sent on the group. Students can use any notebook/ loose sheets from old notebooks for writing answers.3.Clearly specify your name, class and section on the top right corner.Click a picture of the above and send it as a pdf document naming it as Assessment 1 Geography_(your name) The last date of submission of assignment is 10th April, 2020. –If you face any difficulty send a mail on-rashmi.pareek12@ 4.Students to go through the following links and extra marks the learning app for the given chapters.5.Down load the e books from CBSE Website as per the instructions given.6. Solve the following worksheet after watching the video given in the link and the information sent on the group..7.Please read the study material posted on your whatsapp group - 11F(2020-21)Resource material. on layers of the earth posted on Geography group.NCERT- Text book for Class XI-Fundamentals of Physical Geography.Worksheet 1Topic-Structure of the Earth.1.Draw a self-explanatory diagram showing the composition and structure of the earth.2.What do you understand by lithosphere?3.Name two layers of Lithosphere.4.What is core?By what other name is it known as?5.State the composition of SIAL layers.6.What is Earth’s crust composed of?7.How does Sial differ from Sima?8.Name the two most important and abundant chemical elements present in the earth’s crust.9.How does Sial differ from Sima.10.What does ‘nife’mean.---------------------------------------------HOME STUDY-2020-21POLITICAL SCIENCEINDIAN CONSTITUTION AT WORKCLASS XIPlease read carefully and make serious effort to understand the following Chapters.The links provided here will help you a lot. From every page of every lesson, make maximum questions with weightage of one mark.It may be a True and False, Rewrite the correct statement, Fill up, MCQs, Match,One liner or one word.Please don’t forget to mention your name, class and section in your assignment.Assignment given to be done strictly in Microsoft word format. Email the assignment given on polsc11mgd@ as instructed. LESSON 1-CONSTITUTION: WHY AND HOW ?INTRODUCTION Read information about various aspects of the working of our Constitution.Learn about the various institutions of the government in our country and their relationship with each other. But before you begin to read about elections, governments, and presidents and prime ministers, it is necessary to understand that the entire structure of the government and the various principles that bind the institutions of government have their origin in the Constitution of India. What a constitution meansWhat a constitution does to the societyHow constitutions govern the allocation of power in societyWhat was the way in which the constitution of India was made SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS ALONG WITH THE ANSWERS BY APRIL 10,2020 HOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT 1-2020-21SUBJECT : SOCIOLOGYCLASS 11General Instructions1.Both the books of Sociology (Book 1 - Introducing Sociology and Book 2 - Understanding Society) are available on ePathshala app.2.Make a separate register for Sociology.3.Read all the chapters thoroughly and make your own notes.4.There is a practical exam of 20 marks and a theory exam of 80 marks. A group project has to be prepared by a group of about 6 students. You may discuss the topic amongst yourselves. 5.Suggested sites - and learncbse.in6.Send all your answers to sociology11mgd@BOOK 1 INTRODUCING SOCIOLOGYCHAPTER 1 - SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIETYAn overview of the chapter (with specific headings as given in the book)I.INTRODUCTIONSociology is systematic study of society, its institutions, relationships and interactions among individuals.I.The Sociological Imagination; the Personal Problem and the Public IssueThe society and the individual are inter related to each other. The seemingly very personal issues are intricately related to the public issue. For example: As a girl child, what subjects one is allowed to choose is dependent upon society. Choosing a stream depends whether that particular stream leads to good job opportunities, whether the family can afford the fees, whether the girl is not allowed to take up medicine as a course because the family feels she must marry early, whether too qualified girls are looked down upon by a particular community etc.Another example can be that because of COVID 19, some people are losing their jobs since no one is using gyms or beauty parlours. Online sale of commodities like clothes has stopped. The daily wagers have no work. So, people in these fields are not able to earn money. II.Pluralities and inequalitiesPluralities means that every individual belongs to many societies or groups. For example a man will belong to a particular caste, class, region, religion, gender, linguistic community, village, city, country etc. Inequalities means that every individual is placed differently in the society in terms of caste, class, region, religion etc. Like Brahmins are placed higher in the hierarchy as compared to shudras, rich people are looked upon as compared to the poor.According to Max Weber, there are of 3 types of material or symbolic rewards-1.Life Chances: People have advantages in terms of education, jobs, recreation, health facilities etc.2.Social Prestige : Some jobs carry prestige and value in the eyes of the society like a doctor or army personnel. They may earn less than a shopkeeper but people respect and value them more. 3.Political Influence : Some people in the society have more say in political decisions or benefit more by such decisions. For example- Industrialists close to politicians may influence them to make such policies which help in their businesses.III.Introducing SociologySociology is objective and uses scientific methods to study society. Sociologists do not judge what people do, they observe and record the phenomena. Sociologists keep their own opinions, prejudices and preferences at bay. They study social phenomena from the individuals’ point of view. IV.Sociology and Common Sense KnowledgeSociological study is different from common sense observation, as stated earlier. The sociologists do not give opinion based on their conjecture but give actual reason behind a phenomenon. For example- The common sense view of POVERTY may be that poor people are lazy and that is why they are poor, or it is because of their past karma that they are poor or they did not work hard. But the sociological explanation would be that they lacked opportunities or there was irregularity of work available or they did not have the means to go to school and acquire a degree. V.The Intellectual Ideas That went into the making of SociologyTheory of natural evolution: the early sociologists like Auguste Comte, Karl Marx and Herbert Spencer were influenced by theory of natural evolution and also by accounts of travellers, anthropologists and colonial administrators. So these sociologists classified societies on the basis of their development. For example:1.Pre modern societies- such as food gatherers and hunters.2.Modern societies-such as industrialized societies.Darwin’s idea of organic evolution had a dominant influence on early sociologists. For example EMILE DURKHEIM saw society as a system of parts , each part playing a given function and thus maintaining the whole society. ( The Structural Functional Approach of Emile Durkheim)The Enlightenment : The European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th century laid stress on reason, science and individualism. Religion took a backseat in public life, Peoplebecame rational and scientific in their approach. Thinkers like Auguste Comte ( considered to be the founder of Sociology ) believed that progress in knowledge would contribute to the welfare of humanity. VI.The Material Issues that Went Into The Making Of Sociology:The Industrial Revolution was based upon a new economic system- capitalism. It involved mass production through use of machinery, market exchange, private ownership and maximization of profit. Goods, labour and services became commodities. Handmade things were replaced by machine made goods. Weavers, potters were replaced by workers in a factory. There was URBANIZATION taking place which led to urbanization and its resultant problems like coming up of slums due to lack of housing facilities, crime, poverty, unemployment etc. Clock and calendar became important and so also the supervision by the managers. KARL MARX called the factory oppressive as the owners of factories exploited the workers.but they were forced to work in order to eke out a living.VII.Why Should We Study The Beginning And Growth Of Sociology In Europe?Most of the issues of Sociology were from European society when it was undergoing changes during industrialisation and capitalism. Many of the issues prevailing then like urbanization and factory production were found in all the societies.Indian society went through industrialization during colonial rule. Thus India was closely linked to British capitalism and colonialism. VIII.Growth of Sociology in India:Writings of western sociologists on capitalism are relevant for India as industrialization and colonialism closely linked in Indian context.1. Though the impact of industrialization on India was very different, under colonial rule, as it started exporting raw material and importing finished goods from England which destroyed Indian handloom and small scale industry. 2.Indian Sociology had to deal with misconceptions of western writings about India. They projected Indian villages at infancy of development and unchanging which was not correct.3.Western sociologists made a distinction between Sociology and Anthropology. Indian tribal societies were dubbed as undeveloped and primitive and hence were placed in the domain of anthropology. But for Indian Sociologists these societies were less developed and not primitive. Among Indian Sociologists there was no distinction between Sociology and Anthropology. IX.Scope Of Sociology 1.It can focus on interaction between individuals like shopkeeper, customer or teacher and student.2.It can study national issues like unemployment3.It can study international issues like world economic recession because of covid 19. Read and find out differences between Sociology, Political Science, History and Economics. Prepare notes.WORKSHEET 1Objective type questions:1.………. is called the Founder of Sociology.2.Sociological and common sense explanations are the same. Yes/No3.Sociology is the systematic study of ………………….., ……………….., …………………… .4.Pluralities means that an individual belongs to ……………………… .5.Inequalities occur on the basis of ……………, ……………, ………….. , …………….., ………. etc.6.Max Weber discusses 3 types of material or symbolic rewards- 1………….. 2. ………….. 3…………… .7.Society was studied as an organ by …………………………………………. . (Name the sociologist)8.Name any one intellectual issue that went into the making of Sociology.9.…………………………… found the factory to be oppressive. 10.Sociology can be called a science. (Yes/ No). Long answers:1.How is Sociological explanation different from common sense/ naturalistic explanation? Explain with an example of poverty. (2 marks)2.What is the scope of Sociology? (2 marks)3.Differentiate between sociology and History. (with 4 points for each) (4 marks)4.What do you understand by Pluralities and Inequalities? Explain with example.(4 marks)5.Discuss the intellectual and material issues that went into the making of Sociology.(6 marks)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENTCLASS-XISUBJECT – PHYSICAL EDUCATION “THE MORE DIFFICULT THE VICTORY, THE GREATER THE HAPPINESS IN WINNING” -PELE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.RESOURCE MATERIAL-*Any physical education reference book (Ratna Sagar) which you can easily get.*Download syllabus for physical education XI from the website ics -UNIT-I: CHANGING TRENDS AND CAREER IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION *Meaning and definition of physical education *Aims and objectives of physical education *Career options in physical education *Competitions in various sports at national and international level *Khelo-India program UNIT-II: OLYMPICS VALUE EDUCATION *Olympics, Paralympics and Special Olympics *Olympics symbols, ideals, objectives and values of Olympics *International Olympic Committee *Indian Olympic Association *RECORD FILE3.-Students can contact for any queries or doubts through email- pe11mgd@ or dr.monikamathur9@4.You are allowed to submit you worksheet through email5.-Submission date-*Submission of worksheet-1 on15th April WORKSHEET-I SUBJECT–PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS-XINote: Read unit-1 before attempting the worksheet. 1. Define physical education? 2. What is the primary aim of physical education?3. Why is physical education important for youth? Give any three reasons. 4. What is the Khelo-India program?5. What do you mean by health related careers in physical education.6. Discuss in detail eight soft skills needed for different careers.7. Write any five objectives of physical education.8. What are the features of Khelo- India program? Write about any five.9. Make a list of five sports and their competition organized at national and international levels.10. Write about the changing trends of physical education in India after Independence.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -ICLASS – XISUBJECT : PAINTING AND COMMERCIAL ARTS1) Make 5 FLORAL cards (front sheet only) of size 10x14 cm. each keeping in mind - REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE i.e. try and use all materials easily available at home like old newspaper, wedding cards , colours ,quilling material ,shells of nuts , buttons etc. FOR 2) Research on various Mediums of Arts e.g. Pencil, charcoal, acrylic, poster colours, pen ,water colours ,graphics (lino, wood) etc. also the techniques for the same .For reference:: for further queries and to upload the given work please mail at painting11mgd@commercialarts11mgd@ ?????? ????? ?????-XI ????- ????? ??? ???:- ?????????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? (01.04.2020 to 10.04.2020):-??????? ???????????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?????? - ?????? ????? , ????? , ??? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? /???????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? (01.04.2020 to 10.04.2020):- ???????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????? ???? ???? ???????? , ???????? ??? ????????????? ?? ????? ? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????????, ?????? ?????,?????????? ???? ,?????? ??????, ???????? ??? ?? ???????? ?? ????? (?????? ????, ???-??? ?? ????? ??? ???? )???????? ????? - 1????? - 11 ????? - ?????????????? - ????????? 1 ??????????? ???? ??? ? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?????????? (worksheet ) ?? ??? | 2 ??? ?????????? ?? ??? ????????????? ??? ?? ??? | ???????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ????? | 3 ????? ???? ???? ???????? ?? whatsapp ?? ????? 10/4/2020 ?? ?????? ?? | 1 ????????????? - ? ????? -???????? ? ?????????? ? ???????????? 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( ??)_________ ?????? ?MGD Girls’ School,Home Study Assignment - 1Class: XISubject: EntrepreneurshipGeneral Instructions;1.ASSIGNMENTS TO BE SUBMITED BY THE 10TH OF APRIL AT class11epmgd@ 2.For convenience answers will be uploaded on 15th of April; HONEST AND FAIR self-assessment will be appreciated 3.In case of any difficulty/clarification can contact me at 98290167674.In case INTERNET is an issue, uploading chapters pdf for you UNIT 1: ENTREPRENEURSHIP-WHAT, WHY AND HOWWORKSHEET-1FILL IN THE BLANKS:The function of an entrepreneur that compares the actual performance with standard performance is called as ______________________.An individual who undertakes the risk of starting a new enterprise is ________________.Meenakshi started a business of high heel sandals with push buttons so that heels can be reduced; it reveals ________________ type of entrepreneurial function.Channelizing the activities of various individuals in the organisation deals with _____________ function of an entrepreneur.The job of overseeing subordinates at work to ensure the maximum utilisation of resources deals with _____________ function of an entrepreneur.The psychological process of creating an urge among the subordinates to do certain things is called ___________________.The term related to creation of goods and services is _________________.Systematic recording of financial transaction to know the financial position of a business is termed as ______________.Analysing the various sources of finance and arranging for them is called __________________.Making appointment for various positions defines ___________________ managerial function of an entrepreneur.Taking responsibility for a loss deals with _________________ type of an entrepreneurial function.Deciding in advance, what to do, when to do, how to do and who will do a particular job is defined by ________________ type of managerial function.The exchange of ideas, feelings, emotions, knowledge and information between two or more persons in an organisation is known as ________________.The process of examining strength, weakness and work experience is termed as ________________During the process of entrepreneurship ___________ means researching and identifying resources needed to turn the idea into viable venture.The last step of entrepreneurship process that includes selling the business is termed as ___________________.Producing prototypes and test marketing services is done during _____________ step of entrepreneurial process.The process of directing/ guiding and influencing the work of others is known as _____________.In capitalist and developed countries ____________ play an important role in economic development.In socialist countries ____________ play an important role in economic development.WORKSHEET-2TRUE OR FALSEThe function of staffing is to arrange, guide, coordinate, direct and control the activities of the factors of production.The entrepreneur does not visualise that there are opportunities for a particular type of business.An entrepreneur reduces the occurrence of unforeseen contingencies.Coordination refers to the exchange of ideas, feelings and emotions between two or more persons.Supervision refers to channelize the activities of various individuals in the organisation for the achievements of common goals.Introduction of new combinations of the means of production, new product, new market for a product id called innovation.An entrepreneur is dissatisfied with routine activities.Entrepreneur always share responsibility with his anisation building refers to the bringing together of various factors of production.Psychological process of creating an urge among the subordinates to do certain things is called supervision.Controlling is to channelize the activities of various individuals for the achievement of organisational goals.Innovation is a process of looking for new opportunities in the market.An entrepreneur requires idea which solves pain are of humanity, finance come by its own.Starting a business is an easy task. Start ups can’t be financed with debt. The growth of a start up depends more on an entrepreneur’s talent than on the business he chooses. Most enterprises are successful financially. Banks don’t lend money to start ups. Government has implemented various schemes with the idea of providing finance to budding entrepreneurs. It takes a lot of money to finance a new business. MGD GIRLS’SCHOOL CLASS: XISUB: ECONOMICS PART-1 (STATISTICS)GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.The given content is based on content studied in previous classes Arithmetic Mean, which was also a part of your Maths syllabus in class IX and X.Students can refer to: NCERT books and any other books available to them.Students can refer to following links , Diksha App by CBSE, epathshala.nic.inTOPIC: Measures of central tendency (Arithmetic Mean)After reading the chapter, complete the given worksheet in your register by 10 th April’ 2020. 7.Answers can be sent on eco11mgd@Worksheet 1 1. Find arithmetic mean for the given data.2,3,5,6,8,10,12,14,15,162. Daily income of 10 families is given below:100,120,150,140,190,150,200,225,245,300. Calculate the average daily income.3. Find average for the given series:X: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100F: 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 22 18 124. The distribution of age at marriage of 50 males is given below:Age in years: 20 21 22 23 24 25No. of males: 1 2 5 9 14 19Calculate arithmetic Mean.5. Compute the Mean Marks obtained by the students from the given data:Marks: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50No. of Students: 4 6 10 20 10 6. Find the average age of the workers:Age: 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60Workers: 10 15 25 10 7. Calculate Mean from the following data:Mid Value: 10 20 30 40 50Frequency: 8 12 15 6 48. The average weight of a group of 20 boys was calculated to be 89.4. It was laterdiscovered that one weight was misread as 78 kg instead of 87 kg. Calculate thecorrect average weight.9. The mean weight of 150 students in a class is 60 kg. The Mean weight of boys is 70kg and that of girls is 55 kg. Find the number of boys and girls in the class.10. The mean height of 25 male workers in a factory is 61 inches and the mean height of 35 female workers is 58 inches. Find the combined height of 60 workers in thefactory. ................

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