161925266700Namuna Higher Secondary Boarding SchoolKushma, ParbatSummer Vaccation Home-work-2074Class 10Subject : Science1. Solve the question paper of the first term examination.2. Complete notes upto taught chapter.Subject: C. Maths1. Solve 4 model question from 10 sets ( or any other books)Subject: Social1.Draw atleast 10 different map of Nepal and show major Highways, Rivers, Trade Centres, Religious Places, Production areas, Mountain Peaks, Headquarters, National Parks, ( At least 10 each)2. Complete Note.Subject: HPE1. Solve all numerical problems of demography with formulas.2. Complete Note upto unit 3Subject: English1. Do the project works of Page No. 11,22,23,47,58 from the text book. ( Project work can be done making a group of 3-4 students.Subject: O.Maths1.Solve Question No. 1,5,6,9,10,17,18,and fro the SETs written by D.R.Simkhada( 15th edition) and questions of 1st termSubject:Account1. Solve the question of 1st term Exam.2. Solve all the problem of Final A/C ( i,e: SP , SPP, EOP Exam problem)g]kfnL !_ Jofs/0f lstfa klxnf k9L lgb]{zg cg';f/ Jofs/0f lstfadf vfnL7fpF eg]{ hf]8f ldnfpg] k'/} k':tssf] .@_ k|yd ;qfGt k/LIfsf k|Zg kqx?sf] xn ug'{xf];.#_ lgDg lnlvt zLif{sx?df lgjGw n]Vg'xf];. -@)) zAb g36fO{_s_ j}1flgs rdTsf/ v_ d]/f] hLjgsf] nIou_ ;u/dfyf 3_ b]z jlsf;sf] d]?b08 ?_ df]bL vf]nf r_ k|hftGq ;"rgf M s[kof ljbfsf] a]nfdf cf?gf afa' gfgLx?nfO{ lgoldt cWoog sfo{df nufpg'xf]nf ;fy} ;kmf kfgL lkpg] , :jf:Yodf Vofn /fVg ;d]t cg'/f]w ul/G5 . ljBfno kl/jf/ ==========161925266700Namuna Higher Secondary Boarding SchoolKushma, ParbatSummer Vaccation Home-work-2074Class 9Subject: Science1. solve the question paper of first term examination.2. Write any 30 balanced chemical equation3. Collect any 10 plants and classify them.SubjectL C. Maths1. Solve 1st term question paper.2. Solve 10/10 long questions from taught chapter.Subject: Social1. Draw atleast 10 different map of Nepal and show major Highways, Religious Places, N.P, Rivers, Production areas, Mountain Peaks, Headquarters etc.2. Solve questions of First Term.3. Proper Note upto taught lesson.Subject: HPE1. Pre note upto taught lesson.2. Solve question paper of First Term.Subject: Account1. Prepare note upto taught lesson.2. Solve questions of first term.3. Solve the numerical problems of Trail Balance.Subject: O. Maths1. Solve completely the 1st term Exam Questions.2. Solve questions from Text book Pages as indicated.Page 22: Question no. 6,7,8 and 9page 35: Question no. 4,5,6,7,8 and 9Page 42: Question no.3,4,5,6 and 7Page 60 and 61: Question no. 2,4 and 9Page 45: Question no.4,5,6 and 7page 277: Question no. 3 and 4Subject: English1. Write an essay on 'Natural Disaster in Nepal' in about 200 words.2. Write a letter to your friend describing the beauty of Nepal in 180 words.3. Write a condolence to the family of Late Mr. John, who died in a bus accident recently.4. Read the Novel,'The Hound of Baskervilles and write the summery in your own language.Subject: Account1.Solve the question of 1st term Exam.2. Prepare the note of taught chapter ( I,e: Solve the questions given at the end of the chapters).g]kfnL !_ Jofs/0f lstfa klxnf k9L lgb]{zg cg';f/ Jofs/0f lstfadf vfnL7fpF eg]{ hf]8f ldnfpg] k'/} k':tssf] .@_ k|yd ;qfGt k/LIfsf k|Zg kqx?sf] xn ug'{xf];.#_ lgDg lnlvt zLif{sx?df lgjGw n]Vg'xf];. -@)) zAb g36fO{_s_ j}1flgs rdTsf/ v_ d]/f] hLjgsf] nIou_ ;u/dfyf 3_ b]z jlsf;sf] d]?b08 ?_ df]bL vf]nf r_ k|hftGq161925266700Namuna Higher Secondary Boarding SchoolKushma, ParbatSummer Vaccation Home-work-2074Class 8Subject: Science1. Solve the question paper of the first term examination.2. Collect any 3/3 underground root , underground stem and leaf.3. Write any 30 compounds with molecular formula4. Write any 20 balanced chemical equations.Subject: C.Maths1. Solve 1st term question.2. Solve 10/10 long and 5/5 short question from taught chapter.Subject: Social1. Solve the question of first Term .2. Write the municipalities and rural municipalities of Parbat district and write the names of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of municipalities and the Chairperson and the vice chairperson of rural municipalities.3. Draw the map of Nepal and locate the following Tilicho Lake,Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mechi river, Lumbini.Subject: English1. Learn by heart, the rules of grammar- voice, Tense, article.2. Read the tale book of Shakespear and Summerize any five tale on your own language.3. Prepare the wall charts of Article, Tense Voice , Reported Speech and Question Tags ( House Wise)g]kfnL !_ Jofs/0f lstfa klxnf k9L Jofs/0fdf ePsf epsf cEof;x? lgb]{zgcg';f/ k'/} cEof;sf vfnL 7fpF eg]{, hf]8f ldnfpg] cflb.@_ k|yd ;qfGt k/LIfsf k|Zg kqx?sf] xn ug'{xf];.#_ lgDg lnlvt zLif{sx?df lgjGw n]Vg'xf];. -@)) zAb g36fO{_s_ xl/of] jg g]kgnsf] wg v_ ;dosf] dxTj u_ d]/f] afNo sfn 3_ cg'zfifg ?_ g]kfnsf] s[lifr_ d]/f] ;'Gb/ ufpF Subject: Account1. Solve the 1st term question paper.2. Prepare the note of taught Chapter. ( i.e solving the questions given at the end of chapters.*************Happy Vaccation*************;"rgf M s[kof ljbfsf] a]nfdf cf?gf afa' gfgLx?nfO{ lgoldt cWoog sfo{df nufpg'xf]nf ;fy} ;kmf kfgL lkpg] , :jf:Yodf Vofn /fVg ;d]t cg'/f]w ul/G5 . ljBfno kl/jf/ ==========161925266700Namuna Higher Secondary Boarding SchoolKushma, ParbatSummer Vaccation Home-work-2074Class 7Subject: Science1. Solve the question paper of first term exam.2. Measure the height of each of your family members and collect the data.3. Daraw any 10 figures from your science book.4. Solve all the numerical.Subject: C. Maths1. Solve the 1st term Question Paper.2. Solve 10/10 long and 5/5 short question from taught chapter.Subject: English1.Write an essay on 'Mobile Phones' in about 200 words( Introduction - Uses - Positive effects- Negative effects- conclusion)2. Read the story of 'Huckleberry Finn' and summarize in about 300 words in your own language.Subject: Social1. Solve the question of first Term .2. Write the municipalities and rural municipalities of Parbat district and write the names of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of municipalities and the Chairperson and the vice chairperson of rural municipalities.3. Draw the map of Nepal and locate the following Tilicho Lake,Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mechi river, Lumbini.Subject: Health.1. Solve the questions of 1st term exam.2. Draw the pictures of Respiratory system, Urinary system and Skeleton system and labeled them.g]kfnL!= k|yd q}dfl;s k/LIffsf] k|Zgkq xn ug'{xf];\ . @= Jofs/0f cEof; k':ts k]lG;nsf] k|of]u u/L eg'{xf];\ . #= !%) zAb ;Ddsf] lgaGw n]Vg'xf];\ . s_ hn ljB'tsf] dxTjv_ ag h?\unsf] dxTju_ s[lifsf] dxTj$= k':tssfnosf] dxTj zLif{sdf Pp6f ;Dafb tof/ kfg'{xf];\ . Subject: Computer1. Solve the question paper of 1st term.2. Make a note of the taught lessons.*************Happy Vaccation*************;"rgf M s[kof ljbfsf] a]nfdf cf?gf afa' gfgLx?nfO{ lgoldt cWoog sfo{df nufpg'xf]nf ;fy} ;kmf kfgL lkpg] , :jf:Yodf Vofn /fVg ;d]t cg'/f]w ul/G5 . ljBfno kl/jf/ ==========161925266700Namuna Higher Secondary Boarding SchoolKushma, ParbatSummer Vaccation Home-work-2074Class- 6Subject: English1. Write an essay on 'Good Manners' in about 150 words.( Introduction- Importance of good manners- Manners at home- Manners at school- Conclusion)2. Imagine your own and write a story in bout 200 words.Subject: Science1. Collect the leaves of any 15 plants and differentiate into monocot and dicot.2. Draw any five picture from your science book.3. Discuss any two natural disaster which are due to heavy rainfall and write their preventive measures also.4. Solve all the questions of First term exam paper of Science.5. Complete your note copy.Subject: Health1.Solve the questions of 1st term exam.2. Draw the pictures of Eye, Ear, and Skin and labeled them.Subject: Social 1. Write down the names of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Kushma Municipality and Falewas Municipality.2. Read and solve the social studies question of First Terminal Examination.3. Write down the functions of village Executive Committee and Municipal Executive Committee.4. Write a letter to your friend describing the heritages found in your locality.g]kfnLk|=g+= ! Aofs/0f cEof; k':ts k]lG;nsf] k|of]u u/L eg'{xf];\ . k|=g+= @ tnsf zLif{sdf !%) zAb ;Ddsf] lgjGw n]Vg'xf];\s_ g]kfnsf] jg ;Dkbfv_ hn ljB'tsf] dxTju_ ko{6g Joj;fok|=g+= # k|yd q}dfl;s k/LIffsf] k|Zg kq xn ug'{xf];\ . k|=g+= $ g]kfndf s[lif{ Joj;fo zLif{sdf Pp6f ;Dafb tof/ kfg'{xf];\ . Subject: Computer1. Solve the question paper of 1st term.2. Make a note of the taught lessons.*************Happy Vaccation*************;"rgf M s[kof ljbfsf] a]nfdf cf?gf afa' gfgLx?nfO{ lgoldt cWoog sfo{df nufpg'xf]nf ;fy} ;kmf kfgL lkpg] , :jf:Yodf Vofn /fVg ;d]t cg'/f]w ul/G5 . ljBfno kl/jf/ =========161925266700Namuna Higher Secondary Boarding SchoolKushma, ParbatSummer Vaccation Home-work-2074Class 5Subject: Social1. Solve the questions of first term.2. Write a letter to your foreign friend describing about Nepal.Subject: English1. Find 50 words from your book and write the synonyms and antonyms of those words.Subject: Maths I1. Solve the question paper of First Terminal Examination2. Prepare a well note with good handwriting.3. Make any 20 Solid geometrical shapes.Subject: Science1. Solve the question paper of First Term Examination.2. Write short notes about:i) Vertebratesii) Carnivoresiii) Invertebratesiv) Living beingsv) Herbivoresvi) Non- living thingsvii)Flowerviii) Pool System.3. Unit : 1 to 5 ( Summary read)g]kfnLk|=g+= != ^) zAbdf lgaGw n]Vg'xf];\ Md]/L cfdfd]/f] ufpFd]/f] b]z g]kfnd]/f] kl/jf/kj{t lhNnfk|=g+= @ e"tsfn, jt{dfg sfn, eljiot\sfnsf !)÷!) jfSo agfpg'xf];\ . k|=g+= # aif]{ ljbfdf cfk"mn] ug]{ sfo{x?sf] ;"rL tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .Subject: Computer1. Solve the question paper of 1st term.2. Make a note of the taught lessons*************Happy Vaccation*************;"rgf M s[kof ljbfsf] a]nfdf cf?gf afa' gfgLx?nfO{ lgoldt cWoog sfo{df nufpg'xf]nf ;fy} ;kmf kfgL lkpg] , :jf:Yodf Vofn /fVg ;d]t cg'/f]w ul/G5 . ljBfno kl/jf/ ========== ................

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