Glenburn Public School NewsletterDec./Jan. 2018-2019?Superintendent NotesGive your child opportunities to practice writing at home (Elementary)Good writing takes practice and there’s not enough time in the school day for as much as kids need. So experts recommend that students spend at least 15 minutes a day writing at home.Writing is vital to success in school. Learning to write well will also boost your child's confidence and allow him to express his feelings and ideas.To give your child the regular writing practice he needs, ask him to:* Help. When you write a letter, make a grocery list or decide on the dinner menu, dictate it to your child. Have him write the words down.* Keep a journal. Give your child a notebook and encourage him to write in it daily. Suggest he write about things that happen to him and how he feels about them.* Make lists. Ask your child to make lists of things he wants to do or things he needs to remember.* Copy. Encourage your child to write down the words to his favorite songs. Your child may also enjoy copying down favorite quotations or poems.* Record. When you take your child out, ask him to bring a notebook. In it, he should describe what he sees and experiences. Views from the car window or sights and sounds while walking in nature are great places to start.Five reasons middle schoolers should make time for reading (Junior High)Middle schoolers typically spend more time on homework than they did when they were in elementary school. With the increased workload, reading for pleasure may be pretty far down on their list of priorities.Your child may think that she reads a lot for school and that should be enough. She’s wrong! Here are five reasons your middle schooler should make time for pleasure reading: 1. Reading can make her an expert. Reading is the best way for your child to learn as much as possible about her areas of interest.2. Reading can take her places. Few people can afford to travel every place they’d like to go. But your child can always travel through a book. And she can gain knowledge to help her set goals to get there in person someday.3. Reading can make her laugh. Appreciating the humor in books helps your child develop thinking skills. It also improves her own sense of humor.4. Reading can turn her into a detective. A winter day on break is a perfect time for your child to grab a cup of hot chocolate and dive into a great mystery.5. Reading can introduce her to people like herself. In books that feature characters her age, your child is likely to encounter people that think the way she does and have the same issues she is facing.Five strategies keep teens reading over the winter break (High School)Just because they are out of school for a few weeks doesn’t mean teens should stop reading. With time off from classes and activities, winter break is the perfect time to encourage them to pick up books—just for the fun of it!To promote reading while your teen is on winter break:1. Challenge him to read at least one book for pleasure. Suggest that he invite friends to go to the library with him. They can wander the stacks until they each find a book they’re interested in reading.2. Have family discussions about books. Encourage everyone in the family to read the same book, and ask your teen to lead an informal chat about it.3. Try audiobooks. Spark your teen’s interest by listening to one in the car. Then, encourage him to download one on his smartphone. He can plug in his headphones and listen while relaxing or exercising.4. Suggest a place to volunteer. Encourage your teen to call a local nursing home and see if they need anyone to read aloud to residents. Could he read aloud to children at a day care? Or, perhaps the local library needs help shelving books.5. Watch a movie that is based on a book—as long as your teen reads the book first! Talk about how the two are similar or different. How did the characters in the movie differ from how your teen imagined them when reading?High School Principal/AD ReportDecember brings unpredictable weather to the great State of North Dakota! Shorts are not allowed to be worn to school until Spring. Please make sure that your child is properly dressed for riding the bus. Bus drivers will not A B Cs Of Student SuccessR is for RESPECT.I children are to show respect for others they need to understand what it is to be respected Author Michelle Borba emphasizes these parent practices that nurture respect:??Treat your child as the most important person in the world.??- Encourage children to have high — but achievable — expectations of themselves.??- Give love with no strings attached.??- Listen attentively and respectfully.??- Enjoy being together.??- Tell kids often why you love them.??Copyright ?Elementary PrincipalThe month of December will focus on our Trustworthiness Character. Students recognize both the moral and practical significance of trustworthiness as essential ingredient in meaningful and lasting relationships and career success. They strive to earn and maintain the trust of others by consistently demonstrating the ethical values of integrity, honesty, promise-keeping and loyalty.In January we will start the Fairness Character. Students strive to be fair and just in their actions by 1 taking turns, 2 playing by the rules, 3 giving due credit to others, 4 asking for and taking only their fair share ( i.e., what is due them); they never cheat.Please help us by going over what it means to be trustworthy and fair.At this point all elementary students should be wearing all winter gear: coat, snow pants, boots, gloves and a hat. Again, if they do not wear these items getting on the bus, the bus driver can send them back to their house to get their snow gear, if it continues to be an issue the bus driver will then contact Mr. Doane.Sources of StrengthWe will be taking a Tubing Trip to the Bottineau Winter Park on December 19, 2018. This is part of our Positive Friends campaign.Title 1I thought I’d better take the opportunity to wish everyone Happy Holidays! By the time this newsletter goes out it will be December/January. Here it is November 26, 2018 and I still have turkey in my belly while writing about Christmas and the New Year. If I am not mistaking, I saw some Christmas items out for sale during Halloween. It just gets earlier and earlier every year. I can’t say that I mind because it means it is time for friends and families to get together and celebrate many traditional events and visit.We are moving right along in the Title 1 room and we are really into a routine now. We do have many fun and educational new games and books. I have tried to survey the popular books that students want and Mrs. Poth, the librarian, has let me know the books with the longest waiting list. It is really fun to listen and watch the excitement of students reading books of their choice. I have been letting them check out the books also.I would like to add that it is always helpful to review and quiz your children on the multiplication facts. It really helps them and speeds them up in other math skills that follow. It is also a great re-enforcer for them to read at home with someone. I must say that some of the popular children’s books I have read lately will not make the classic novel list.There will be a Silent Auction on Dec. 20, 2018, prior to the Christmas Concert in the evening. The proceeds will benefit the students going on the East Coast Trip. Items will be displayed in the Multi-Purpose Room.?FAMILY FUN NIGHTCome and join us for some fun on January 28, 2018. There will be prizes and a bicycle to be given away on a drawing(for grades K-6). Our boys and girls basketball teams will be playing that evening starting at 4:15pm. against Max. Concessions will be available as usual. Scalloped potatoes and homemade mac & cheese will also be served.GLENBURN PUBLIC SCHOOLREGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGOCTOBER 15, 2018 6:00 PMThe meeting was called to order by Board President James Peters. Other members present were Dianne Hensen, Amy Cunningham, Heather Martin and Kolette McDonald. Quorum was established. Also present was Superintendent Jerry Erdahl and Business Manager Connie Marcellais.Others attending the meeting were Principal Chris Doane, Jordan Pederson and McKenzie Skarsgard.AGENDA:Hensen moved to approve the agenda, Cunningham seconded; motion carried.MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING:Martin moved to approve, as presented, the minutes of the September 10, 2018 Regular meeting with a change to clarify item G motion 1 and 2, and the September 14 Special meeting. Cunningham seconded; motion carried.FINANCIAL REPORTS:McDonald moved to approve, as presented the September 2018 General Fund revenue report of $276,792.00, September 2018 General Fund expenditure report of $344,081.67 (ck #’s 69078-69161, direct deposit stub #’s 11304-11419), and the General Fund accounts payable bills to be paid for October 2018 of $167,629.88; Hensen seconded; motion MITTEE REPORTS:Negotiations- NoneREA Report- Mr. Erdahl – We will have a meeting Wednesday night.School Improvement- Cunningham – Early out on October 10th consisted of table top exercises.School Facility Committee- (Peters, Supt. Erdahl) - October 2018 facility walk through items to consider were as follows: Replace ceiling tiles throughout the school. Update kitchen suppressant. Replace old gym elevators; either one or both. Replace bleachers in the old gym. Update bathroom fixtures in both the high school and preschool bathrooms. Repair or replace shades in the old gym. Add pea gravel at the bottom of playground equipment (cement is showing). Replace the new gym NW exit doors. Roll-up door on storage building. Replace carpet in History room. Tile replacement in sections of Science rooms. Paint Old Gym. Foundation and setup GreenhouseADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS:Elementary Principal’s Report (Chris Doane)* I’d like to thank Mike Overton and the Glenburn Fire Company for coming into our school on Thursday Oct 11, to help our students with fire safety. I felt the students came away from this presentation with a better knowledge of fire safety. After the presentation I was speaking with Mike about making this a yearly presentation.* This Wednesday October 17 is the last day of the 1st quarter and report cards will be sent home on Wednesday Oct 24.* We have our first family movie night planned for November 2nd. I will be sending a flyer home with the students letting the parents know this and I will also be putting it on the Glenburn Elementary Facebook page. The first movie will be The Greatest Showman.* October 18 & 19, I will be attending the NDCEL administrators conference in Bismarck.* Popcorn Friday’s continue to be a success. I have transferred Mr. Doane’s special popcorn recipe to the special education teacher and paras. They have incorporated popcorn Friday into their classroom to assist in our students learning.High School Principal’s Report (Larry Derr)* Mrs. Miller and I took Juniors and Seniors to ORCS to listen to Bob Upgren speak.* We are also taking Seniors to $martz at MSU on Oct. 23rd. ??We had Kristy Titus from Renville County and Roger Hutchinson from the sheriff's office here for a table top exercise on Oct. 10th for a school shooting. We received a lot of good information from this on what policies/practices we have that are good and what we need to make better. We discussed having law Enforcement come to the school to get familiar with the school, roll play exercise and see something say something.Superintendent’s Report (Jerry Erdahl)* We have received $35,000 from SVSS to spend on anything for special education. I have a call into Hartley’s School Bus, Inc. about a possible handicap bus that he should be getting in sometime this week.* Last week I attended an administrator network workshop in Velva. Superintendents and Principals from around the area went into classroom to observe student engagement and gave feedback to Velva’s administration. Glenburn will be participating in the same program and format on November 8th.* All but 2 bus drivers attended the bus driver workshop either in Minot or Mohall. I have made arrangements for the other 2 bus drivers to get their required hours.* Mr. Peters, Mr. Derr, Mr. Doane, Mr. Schmidt, and I have toured the facility again to review any oversites that may have been overlooked for items that may require additional upkeep.* Discussion of date and time for possible board budget workshop. Workshop date set for Nov. 7th at 6:00pm.* The study hall room had problems with the floor carpet squares coming up. However, the entire room has now been redone and this problem should be fixed.* Comparison of current garbage service (Waste Management) to possible replacement of utilizing Circle Sanitation. At this point in time it would be best to look at replacing this service. I will provide information at the board meeting.??The school year book did not get completed. Mr. Derr has recruited Mrs. Gunning, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Hagen to help. The administration will do all it can, and we will get it completed.Board President’s Report:* We are all set to attend the NDSBA Convention October 25th & 26th. We received a thank you from GEA for the Ice cream treats. We also received an invite to the GEA social for Wednesday morning breakfast and lunch. We will provide meat, cheese, and crackers the end of October.UNFINISHED BUSINESS:A.) Board Policy Update – ABBA “North Dakota's Comprehensive Model School Policy for Tobacco Use” (2nd Reading). Hensen moved to approve 2nd reading, Cunningham seconded; roll call vote was taken will all voting yes; motion carried.NEW BUSINESS:A.) Board Policy Update – ABCE “Prohibition on Aiding Sexual Abuse”, BBBA “Officers of the Board”, DJA – “Substitute Teachers” Hensen moved to rescind and adopt ABCE, BBBA, and DJA (1st reading), McDonald seconded; roll call vote was taken with all voting yes. ................

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