Psych - Rich Township High School District 227

AP Psych! Read a Book

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Time to Exercise Your Mind and more fully exercise your understanding in psychology, You are expected to read a book relating to psychology within the next month. There will be a book report which will include a chat with me after school and a written report. We will have a conversation after school about the book that you read. You will also need to write and type a short critique of the book, explaining what you found valuable, what the author was hoping to explain/express, what relationship this book has to other material in the class, compare it to current psychological theory, questions that you’ve had, other reading you’ve done, and relating it to the world outside of the classroom.

The paper will be 3-5 pages using APA style. More on that later.

Due Date for written report: Friday, January 21, 2010

Right now, the idea is to find something interesting to read and just enjoy it.

There are many books relating to psychology. Feel free to choose from this list or select a book of your own choosing which you will check with me to bake sure that it fits the criteria. Here are some suggestions to get you started on your search. You can also use the topic psychology as you check a bookstore or library for ideas.


A Child Called It.( There are several more by him, including A man Called David)

Dave Pelzer.

Severe childhood abuse and neglect, foster care, becoming whole.


Flora Rheta Schreiber

Multiple personality disorder

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

Joanne Greenberg

Multiple personality disorder

The Eden Express

Mark Vonnegut



Kristine L. Franklin


A Brilliant Madness

Patty Duke, Gloria Hockman

Manic-Depressive disorder

Girl Interrupted

Susanne Kaysen

Borderline Personality Disorder

Trapped in the Mirror

Elan Gobomb

Children of Narcissists

The Stranger in the Mirror

Marlene Steinberg, Maxine Schnall


Reviving Ophelia

Mary Piper

Female adolescent issues, eating disorders, self-esteem, depression, etc.

Ophelia Speaks

Sara Shandier

Same as above but freom the perspective of a female adolescent

The Minds of Billy Mulligan

Daniel Keyes

Multiple personality disorder

Dibs: In Search of Self

Virginia M. Aline

Childhood disorder, play therapy

Why They Kill

Richard Rhodes

Profiling Killers

The Sky is Falling

Raeann Dumont

Phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Panic Attacks

One Child

Torey L. Hayden

Childhood Abuse

Driven to Distraction

John J. Ratey

Attention Deficit Disorder

A Child Called Noah

Josh Greenfield

Family dealing with Autism

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime (Non-Fiction)

Mark Haddon

The world of the autistic.


Man’s Search for Meaning

Victor Frankl

Logo therapy, existentialism, dealing with the experience of the Holocaust

Man’s Search for Himself

Rollo May

Personality Theory

Becoming Carl Rogers

Humanistic psychology

Walden Two

B. F. Skinner

Community based on operant conditioning

Beyond Freedom and Dignity

B. F. Skinner


Man and His Symbols

Carl Jung


What Freud Really Meant

David Stafford-Clark

Simple analysis of Freud


The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

Oliver Sacks

Brain disorders

An Anthropologist from Mars

Oliver Sacks

Case studies on neurological disorders

The Shattered Mind

Howard Gardner

Studies of individuals with brain injuries


The Power of Positive Thinking

Norman Vincent Peale

Cognitive improvement, a classic

What Color is Your Parachute?

Richard Nelson Bolles

Finding an occupation, planning a career

The Art of Happiness

Dali Lama

Perspectives on dealing with a world of difficulties.

This is actually based on interviews with a psychologist.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (There are other related titles also )

Stephen Covey

Time Management

Other Interesting Reads

Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner

Study of how different individuals learn

There Are No Children Here

Alex Kotlowitz

2 boys growing up in Henry Horner homes; followed for a year.

Stolen Lives

Malika Oufkir

Moroccan family is imprisoned for 2 decades after the father is executed

On charges of attempting to assassinate the king.

Emotional Intelligence

David Goleman

I. Q. vs E. Q.

Tuesday’s with Morrie

Mitch Albom

Facing Death

Morrie: In His Own Words

Morrie Schwartz

Facing Death

Prozac Nation

Elizabeth Wurtzel

Overmedication of America

Even the Rat was White

Robert Guthrie

Discrimination in the history of psychology

Kafir Boy

Mark Mathabane

Growing up in South Africa under apartheid

All Over But the Shouting

Rick Bragg

Growing up in poverty in the South, finding options.

An Unquiet Mind

K. R. Jamison

Psychiatrist with manic depression, reluctant to take lithium

On Death and Dying

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Classic study of terminally ill patients and their adjustment to knowing they are dying.

On Grief and Grieving

Elisabeth Bubler-Ross and David Kessler

Reflections of grief and grieving, completed as Kubler-Ross was herself dying

How We Die

Sherwin B. Nuland

Attempt to explain that seldom discussed topic.

Another Country

Mary Pipher

The emotional world of our elders

Having Our Say

The Delaney Sisters

Reflections on a long life, well lived, from sister who lived past 100.

Witness for the Defense

E. Loftus K. Ketcham

Eyewitness identification and what psychology has to tell us about human memory

The Pursuit of Happiness

David G. Meyers

By the author of your textbook!

The Design of Everyday Things

D. Norman

Relationship between psychology and product design


George Orwell

Classic fiction on mind control

Other places to search for more books:


If you are selecting a novel not on the above list, be sure and check with me to be sure that it fits the donficnes of our assignment. Be sure that he book is based on a true story. Pop psychology tends to be full of fictional books based on psychological issues and the fictional aspect can be very misleading to the reader.

Have fun. Choose something you believe can benefit you rather than something that seems to be a “quick read.” Pick something you might not otherwise dip into. Being interested makes it enjoyable.

Book Review Instructions

(50 points)

Due Friday, January 21, 2010

This review is in addition to our conversation about the book you’ve read. When you have completed typing your review, it should be 3-5 pages long (double spaced, font not larger than 12). It should be clear that you have read the entire book and provided a critical analysis. The paper must include all of the components explained below. This is intended to guide you in developing a scholarly understanding of the work you selected.

1. Write a brief synopsis of the major points of the book. This section should be two or three paragraphs, not more than that. This synopsis would most likely follow your introductory paragraph for the report.

2. Determine which psychological perspective it was written from. Would the author’s point of view be considered behavioral, psychoanalytic, socio-cultural, etc. or do they present an eclectic approach to their subject? Explain and defend your thinking.

3. Find two articles that either support( elaborate on) or challenge what your book has to say. Psych Articles in ProQuest will be especially helpful; at least one article must be from ProQuest. The authors you use need to be reliable, not shelly’s blog on mania for example. You will use APA style citations for the articles you choose. Remember: Reliable research helps to inform us, babble does not. Draw the connections in your writing between the psychological portions of the book and the science of psychology. Attach the articles to your final report. The articles can (hmmm..should) be messy, indicating you read actively.

4. If dealing with mental illness, do you agree with the methods used treatment?

Why or why not? Do you have any suggestions that might work better? Explain your point of view. If reading about another subject, do you think the advice or viewpoint given in the book is relevant to everyday life? Why or why not? What could you suggest for a healthy life? Or for addressing such a situation?

5. Evaluate the strengths and weakness of the book. The information you found in the articles from ProQuest should be helpful in this section also.

6. The website below has directions for APA style citations. For this paper, this is the component of APA style writing that needs to be used in the report.


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