Close reading: Gettysburg Address - Weebly

Close reading: Gettysburg AddressContent of Lincoln’s speech:Outline (mark) the structure of the argument (see handout: classical form of argument). State what the major proposition of the argument is. Use an "is"/"ought" form (in this case, you may want to use “was/should have”)Mark and paraphrase the minor propositions used in each argument to prove the thesis.MethodMark and label the appeals used (including appeals to empathy).Mark and label any logical fallacies you see in his argument.If you think the fallacy is used deliberately to mislead the audience, say so.Mark and label any rhetorical strategies usedDiction and PersonaDescribe the Persona adopted by the Lincoln (or what the author seems to be trying to create).What methods does s/he use to create it? Give examples of each method you identify.Which methods (if any) are effective? Why?Does the Lincoln present a Persona that seems authoritative? That is, do you believe he knows what he is talking about?If yes, what techniques (rhetorical strategies) does he use that help create the sense of authority? If no, what techniques does the author use that prevent the creation of a sense of authority?Tone and Level of Language What is the tone of the eulogy? (If you think it shifts -goes from one tone to another, for example from humorous to angry-, explain where & how it changes) Identify & give examples of the rhetorical strategies Lincoln uses to create it.What level of language does Lincoln use? (See persuasive ppt, slide 9)Give examples of words/phrases that help establish it.Why might Lincoln have chosen this level of language to accomplish his/her purpose?Evaluation of SuccessAre YOU convinced by the writer’s argument?If you were, what elements (as identified in this exercise) were effective in convincing you?If you were not, what elements (as identified in this exercise) prevented the argument from convincing you?Do you think Lincoln’s intended audience would be convinced?If you were, what elements (as identified in this exercise) were effective in convincing them?If you were not, what elements (as identified in this exercise) prevented the argument from convincing them?Close reading: Gettysburg AddressContent of Lincoln’s speech:Outline (mark) the structure of the argument (see handout: classical form of argument). State what the major proposition of the argument is. Use an "is"/"ought" form (in this case, you may want to use “was/should have”)Mark and paraphrase the minor propositions used in each argument to prove the thesis.MethodMark and label the appeals used (including appeals to empathy).Mark and label any logical fallacies you see in his argument.If you think the fallacy is used deliberately to mislead the audience, say so.Mark and label any rhetorical strategies usedDiction and PersonaDescribe the Persona adopted by the Lincoln (or what the author seems to be trying to create).What methods does s/he use to create it? Give examples of each method you identify.Which methods (if any) are effective? Why?Does the Lincoln present a Persona that seems authoritative? That is, do you believe he knows what he is talking about?If yes, what techniques (rhetorical strategies) does he use that help create the sense of authority? If no, what techniques does the author use that prevent the creation of a sense of authority?Tone and Level of Language What is the tone of the eulogy? (If you think it shifts -goes from one tone to another, for example from humorous to angry-, explain where & how it changes) Identify & give examples of the rhetorical strategies Lincoln uses to create it.What level of language does Lincoln use? (See persuasive ppt, slide 9)Give examples of words/phrases that help establish it.Why might Lincoln have chosen this level of language to accomplish his/her purpose?Evaluation of SuccessAre YOU convinced by the writer’s argument?If you were, what elements (as identified in this exercise) were effective in convincing you?If you were not, what elements (as identified in this exercise) prevented the argument from convincing you?Do you think Lincoln’s intended audience would be convinced?If you were, what elements (as identified in this exercise) were effective in convincing them?If you were not, what elements (as identified in this exercise) prevented the argument from convincing them? ................

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