
95250321310In My Father’s House00In My Father’s House2154439-20193000-116840-806450072439191069By the end of chapter 20, we learn that Will McLean has become a speculator to support his family.Argument Topic: Should he be praised or criticized for this role in the war?In a 5 paragraph argumentative essay, explain what it means to be a speculator then choose a side and support your answer with text evidence.Essential Topics to Discuss1. Think about how this decision is this affecting his family as a whole?2. How do different family members react to this decision?3. What are the positive and negative aspects of speculating?4. Is Will Mclean a patriot for what he is doing or a profiteer?00By the end of chapter 20, we learn that Will McLean has become a speculator to support his family.Argument Topic: Should he be praised or criticized for this role in the war?In a 5 paragraph argumentative essay, explain what it means to be a speculator then choose a side and support your answer with text evidence.Essential Topics to Discuss1. Think about how this decision is this affecting his family as a whole?2. How do different family members react to this decision?3. What are the positive and negative aspects of speculating?4. Is Will Mclean a patriot for what he is doing or a profiteer?-21256824531600-21209037465Patriot or Profiteer020000Patriot or ProfiteerSpeculation involved driving up prices on desperately needed consumer goods. Appalled at soaring prices, many southerners looked for explanations. The Union blockade of the Atlantic coast was partly to blame, and so was the Confederate Congress. Beholden to a states' rights philosophy and suspicious of a strong federal government, lawmakers refused to levy the taxes necessary to finance the war, thus guaranteeing high inflation of consumer goods. If good southern people were not going to donate money to the war effort, the confederacy would charge high prices for goods and use the money to support the war. Instead of people blaming the government for these high prices, the victims of that inflation, however, preferred to point fingers at greedy speculators, or "extortions." Such individuals certainly existed, but government attempts to regulate or punish them were either not forthcoming or proved to be ineffective. Due to the fact that the south was in desperate need of supplies being smuggled into the Confederacy, many people viewed these speculators as heroes and patriots for the cause. However, accusations of speculation, meanwhile, were sometimes accompanied by anti-Semitism and challenges of patriotism. The South had never been economically independent, and in war the increasing Union blockade of the Atlantic coast and, eventually, the Mississippi River, produced painful shortages of many goods. Such shortages contributed to the increase in prices, as did the physical destruction brought by the war. As the war waged on, there were, numerous instances of individuals who tried to take advantage of the economic situation. The Richmond Enquirer reported on one man who bought and hoarded 700 barrels of flour, and the paper criticized another planter who had accumulated supplies until "the lawn and paths looked like a wharf covered with a ship's loads." In Augusta County, a community leader named John Marshall McCue criticized "infernal cormorants" such as one shady operator who had become prosperous as a Confederate purchasing agent, "buying horses, cattle & swindling the government." Some Virginians made large profits speculating in tobacco, and powerful planters looked out for their own interests whenever government became involved in regulating prices. Such examples of individual greed contributed to the problem of inflation, but they were not its fundamental cause. Accusations of selfishness and lack of patriotism flourished. One of the largest public outcries in Virginia occurred in 1864 when a mob attacked a merchant that was thought to be speculating and profiting from the war. Neither the Confederate government nor the Virginia state government took vigorous action against inflation, speculation, or extortion. Given the fundamental causes of inflation, any laws almost surely would have had limited effect. Southerners continued to condemn people they thought were speculators throughout the war, and their expressed resentments were one of the most visible signs of suffering and struggle in daily economic life.-179878-84455002079369-26838200250190240030In My Father’s House00In My Father’s House-20129536893500An Introduction to Persuasion and Argument337375569215What exactly is an Argument?An argument involves the process of establishing a claim and then proving it with the use of logical _____________________, _______________________, and _______________________________.00What exactly is an Argument?An argument involves the process of establishing a claim and then proving it with the use of logical _____________________, _______________________, and _______________________________.Persuasion vs. ArgumentPersuasion is a broad term, which includes many tactics designed to move people to a ______________________ ______________________________________________Argument is a specific kind of persuasion based on the principles of ____________________________________. 317182551435Before Writing...The Goal of argumentative writing is to get the reader to acknowledge that your side is __________________ validated through ______________, _________________ that supports, and ____________________.______________________ ideas on the subject.Identify the main _______________and _______________ that support your argument.Use ________________ ________________ for organising your notes. Decide which side you are on i.e. which arguments are most convincing. Make sure you choose _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and ____________ an outline for your essay noting down the information you will include in each paragraph.The Essay...Each separate point in your argument requires its own paragraph. Just as the purpose of your overall essay is to prove your thesis. The purpose of each body paragraph should be to prove a part of your argument. This point should be articulated in the topic sentence of the paragraph, and the rest of the paragraph should present evidence that supports the point.00Before Writing...The Goal of argumentative writing is to get the reader to acknowledge that your side is __________________ validated through ______________, _________________ that supports, and ____________________.______________________ ideas on the subject.Identify the main _______________and _______________ that support your argument.Use ________________ ________________ for organising your notes. Decide which side you are on i.e. which arguments are most convincing. Make sure you choose _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and ____________ an outline for your essay noting down the information you will include in each paragraph.The Essay...Each separate point in your argument requires its own paragraph. Just as the purpose of your overall essay is to prove your thesis. The purpose of each body paragraph should be to prove a part of your argument. This point should be articulated in the topic sentence of the paragraph, and the rest of the paragraph should present evidence that supports the point.Structure of a Classical ArgumentIntroductionThesis StatementBackground InformationReasons and EvidenceThe Opposing View and the RefutationConclusionsIntroduction Paragraph:Start with an attention-grabbing sentence to introduce the issue.Briefly describe your argument and lead into your thesis. Thesis Statement: In one or two sentences, state your argument by taking ONE side of the issue. Be clear and concise.The Thesis Statement…is the most _____________________________ sentence in your paper …answers the question: “_____________________________________________________________________________?”2088515-30861000-146685-10414000635038735In My Father’s House00In My Father’s House-15319234830200Introduction to Persuasion and Argument333057515240Refutation Paragraph 3This is also used to _________________ your claim. Use the _________________ arguments to show that your idea is the stronger one. Do not focus only on the opposing ideas.Offering a CounterargumentAddressing the _________________ demonstrates your credibility as a writer. It shows that you have researched multiple sides of the argument and have come to an informed decision. Possible Sentence Starters for Commentary in Body 3:To such an argument, I would counter that . . .Still, I maintain that.. because. . .Although such arguments have some merit, I still argue thatTo answer this, I would point out that . . . To respond to such allegations, I would argue . . .Though such arguments might seem logical, the real truth is that . Logically, an argument about . . . makes no sense because . The opposition may argue that . . .Opponents believe / think / point out / like to point out / focus on the fact that . . .Although the opponents may assert that . . . , I maintain that . .00Refutation Paragraph 3This is also used to _________________ your claim. Use the _________________ arguments to show that your idea is the stronger one. Do not focus only on the opposing ideas.Offering a CounterargumentAddressing the _________________ demonstrates your credibility as a writer. It shows that you have researched multiple sides of the argument and have come to an informed decision. Possible Sentence Starters for Commentary in Body 3:To such an argument, I would counter that . . .Still, I maintain that.. because. . .Although such arguments have some merit, I still argue thatTo answer this, I would point out that . . . To respond to such allegations, I would argue . . .Though such arguments might seem logical, the real truth is that . Logically, an argument about . . . makes no sense because . The opposition may argue that . . .Opponents believe / think / point out / like to point out / focus on the fact that . . .Although the opponents may assert that . . . , I maintain that . .Body Paragraphs 1 and 2Arguments for: The ____________ “parts” of your thesis statement will be in your body paragraphs. Give clear arguments for your _____________ with (examples, statistics, explanations, etc.) Use _____________ ______________ as you move from paragraph to paragraph (Firstly, secondly, furthermore, in addition, moreover, finally). You can also use any of the transitions from the other essay types as long as they are appropriate for your argument. (You may want to compare/contrast things, give reasons/results, descriptions, definitions etc.)Possible Sentence Starters for Commentary in Body 1/2:Revise wording as needed. Decide on the most logical order in which to put sentences.People need…because…People can do without certain freedoms… because…A person’s life is more… when…which is why…In order to feel a sense of… a person requires… which is why…1270200025Concluding ParagraphYour conclusion should:Restate the _________________ _________________. Present one or two general sentences which accurately summarise your arguments which support the main premiseProvide a general warning of the consequences of not following the premise that you put forward and/or a general statement of how the community will benefit from following that premise.00Concluding ParagraphYour conclusion should:Restate the _________________ _________________. Present one or two general sentences which accurately summarise your arguments which support the main premiseProvide a general warning of the consequences of not following the premise that you put forward and/or a general statement of how the community will benefit from following that premise.4632325-10223500-815035-19685 In My Father’s House00 In My Father’s House2089785-23368000-95250-10223500495300086995RULE OF THUMB:You need at least2 to 3 pieces of evidence in each body paragraph to prove a point. You can’t draw a conclusion from a single piece of evidence.00RULE OF THUMB:You need at least2 to 3 pieces of evidence in each body paragraph to prove a point. You can’t draw a conclusion from a single piece of evidence.Argumentative Essay Brainstorming Graphic Organizer-16506715454Introductory ParagraphHook the audience:Give a little background on the issue:Thesis:00Introductory ParagraphHook the audience:Give a little background on the issue:Thesis:-85527118753Each separate point in your argument requires its own paragraph. Just as the purpose of your overall essay isto prove your thesis, the purpose of each body paragraph should be to prove a part of your argument. This point should be articulated in the topic sentence of the paragraph, and the rest of the paragraph should present evidence that supports the point.020000Each separate point in your argument requires its own paragraph. Just as the purpose of your overall essay isto prove your thesis, the purpose of each body paragraph should be to prove a part of your argument. This point should be articulated in the topic sentence of the paragraph, and the rest of the paragraph should present evidence that supports the point.4846320-5080Evidence Sentence StartersIn the text... The text states... According to the text... One example from the text... This shows...This demonstrates...This proves...00Evidence Sentence StartersIn the text... The text states... According to the text... One example from the text... This shows...This demonstrates...This proves...Paragraph One *Don’t forget to begin with a transition wordA-Answer the claim #1:C-Cite Evidence to Support your claim. E-Explain your answer furtherCC-Counter Claim/acknowledge the opposing sideR-Refute the counter claim and review the argument’s claim. Paragraph Two *Don’t forget to begin with a transition wordA-Answer the claim # 2:C-Cite Evidence to Support your claim. 484759012700Transition Word Bankin additionalsolikewisefurthermorealthough in the first placeas a matter of factnot to mentionon the other handnextbesidesfinally00Transition Word Bankin additionalsolikewisefurthermorealthough in the first placeas a matter of factnot to mentionon the other handnextbesidesfinallyE-Explain your answer furtherCC-Counter Claim/acknowledge the opposing sideR-Refute the counter claim and review the argument’s claim. Paragraph Three *Don’t forget to begin with a transition wordA-Answer the claim # 3:C-Cite Evidence to Support your claim. E-Explain your answer furtherCC-Counter Claim/acknowledge the opposing sideR-Refute the counter claim and review the argument’s claim. -8194022002ConclusionReview the argument and key pointsAdd commentary to prove your claim is correctLeave with a quote or thought provoking statement 00ConclusionReview the argument and key pointsAdd commentary to prove your claim is correctLeave with a quote or thought provoking statement Argumentative Essay Outline49530287020In My Father’s House00In My Father’s House2159635-22352000-120015-3302000Argumentative WritingPersonal Argumentative Essay Draft ReviewName: ___________________________Directions: Re-read your essay and then answer the following questions. 1=least, 5=greatestLook at your introduction. Is it effective? Why or why not? Rating Scale 1 2345Write your catcher here: Thesis: Does it present a good claim in the argument? Rating Scale 1 2345Write your thesis here: Look at your conclusion. Is it effective? Does it review the main idea, lead into the final catcher? Why or why not? Rating Scale 1 2345List the three best transitions, words, or phrases you used in your essay. List the four best words you used in your essay. _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________Body Paragraph OneRating Scale 12345Sentence Structure: Count your total sentences ________ How many were simple? ________ How many were compound or complex? _______ How many sentences begin with a varied beginning or a transition? _____________Write down things that could improve this paragraph.Body Paragraph TwoRating Scale 12345Sentence Structure: Count your total sentences ________ How many were simple? ________ How many were compound or complex? _______ How many sentences begin with a varied beginning or a transition? _____________Write down things that could improve this paragraph.Body Paragraph ThreeRating Scale 12345Sentence Structure: Count your total sentences ________ How many were simple? ________ How many were compound or complex? _______ How many sentences begin with a varied beginning or a transition? _____________Write down things that could improve this paragraph.32385-590550020193020955In My Father’s House00In My Father’s HouseArgumentative WritingPeer Argumentative Essay Draft ReviewName: ___________________________Directions: read the following essay and then answer the following questions. 1=least, 5=greatestLook at the introduction. Is it effective? Rating Scale 1 2345Why or why not?Thesis: Does it present a good claim in the argument? Rating Scale 1 2345Why or why not?Body Paragraph OneRating Scale 12345Paragraph ReviewYesNo1. Does the writer have varied sentence structure?2. Does the writer have good word choice?3. Is the argument clear, concise, and backed with research?4. Does the writer formulate a good argument in this paragraph?5. Are the essential topics addressed to add support?6. Are there minimal surface errors in spelling and mechanics?What did you like about this paragraph?Body Paragraph Two-1162685-104076500Rating Scale 12345Paragraph ReviewYesNo1. Does the writer have varied sentence structure?2. Does the writer have good word choice?3. Is the argument clear, concise, and backed with research?4. Does the writer formulate a good argument in this paragraph?5. Are the essential topics addressed to add support?6. Are there minimal surface errors in spelling and mechanics?What did you like about this paragraph?Body Paragraph ThreeRating Scale 12345Paragraph ReviewYesNo1. Does the writer have varied sentence structure?2. Does the writer have good word choice?3. Is the counter argument clear, concise, and backed with research?4. Does the writer formulate a good counter argument in this paragraph?5. Are the essential topics addressed to add support?6. Are there minimal surface errors in spelling and mechanics?What did you like about this paragraph?1139734-70733ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING: Multi-paragraph Scoring Guide00ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING: Multi-paragraph Scoring GuideIDEAS -Controlling Idea-Supporting Ideas-Relevance of Details-Development Depth-Completeness-Awareness of Genre*All aspects and/or criteria of the task are complete.*Establishes a clear, controlling idea (position) on issue.*Reader is introduced to the issue and argument is developed with specific details and examples.*Appeals to logic defend the writer's position with relevant evidence. *Reader’s concerns about the issue are anticipated and countered and an obvious understanding of the issue is demonstrated by the writer.*Specific facts, content knowledge and/or statistics support writer’s position. Support is complete.*Content knowledge and facts are used correctly as support throughout responses. Possible PointsWeightTotal Pts.Fully developed ideas5X3?Consistent ideas4X3?Sufficient ideas3X3?Minimal ideas2X3?Lacks ideas1X3?ORGANIZATION -Overall Plan-Intro/Body/Conclusion-Sequence of Ideas-Grouping of Ideas -Persuasive Strategies lead to a good argument-Transitions are used appropriately *Organization is appropriate for persuasive writing. *Ideas are logically sequenced and grouped. *Introduction “sets the stage” for the writing and introduces reader to the topic.*Conclusion provides a sense of closure, reminding the reader of the writer’s purpose, without repetition. *Transitions vary & effectively link ideas & paragraphs.Possible PointsWeightTotal Pts.Fully organized5X2?Consistently organized4X2?Sufficiently organized3X2?Minimally organized2X2?Lacks organization1X2?STYLE -Word Choice-Audience Awareness-Voice-Sentence Variety-Strategies Appropriate to Persuasive Writing*Sentences create a tone or “voice” that that is appropriate for the topic and audience.*Word choice is varied, precise, engaging, and non-repetitive.*Figurative & technical “content specific” language is used to help the reader make meaning.*Sentences vary in length, structure, and beginnings.*Authoritative word choice… clearly, without a doubt, surely, certainly Possible PointsWeightTotal Pts.Fully developed style5X2?Consistent style4X2?Sufficient style3X2?Minimal style2X2?Lacks style1X2?CONVENTIONS -SENTENCE FORMATION: correctness, clarity, simple, compound, complex, end punctuation-USAGE: sub-verb agreement,pronoun agreement, standard wordsMECHANICS: internal punctuation, spelling, paragraphs, capitalization * Clear and correct simple, complex, and compound sentences with correct end punctuation.* Words are used correctly in context. (usage)* Correct spelling, punctuation, paragraph breaks, and capitalization.* Correct subordination/coordination.* Errors do not interfere with reader’s understanding.Possible PointsWeightTotal Pts.Full command5X1?Consistent command4X1?Sufficient command3X1?Minimal command2X1?Lacks command1X1?Essay Total Points _______ +10 = _________Additional Points Rough Draft +20 Points Personal Edit Review + 10 Peer Edit Review +5 Cover + 5 *Revised and EditedTotal Points: _____________ ................

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