
English III/IVMr. Booth2017-2018Classical Arrangement Writing ActivityIn traditional rhetoric, classical argument has the following parts:The exordium, which gets the audience’s attentionThe narration, which provides needed backgroundThe proposition, which introduces the speaker’s proposition or thesisThe partition, which forecasts the main parts of the textThe confirmation, which presents arguments supporting the propositionThe confutation, which refutes opposing viewsThe peroration, which sums up the argument, class for action, and leaves a strong last impressionFor this essay, use the following outline, which closely follows the classical method of arrangement: Introduction (Exordium, narration, proposition, partition)Gain your audience’s attentionExplanation and background of the issueResearch questionThesis Statement (Concessional with three reasons)Body Paragraph 1 (Reason 1)Topic sentence begins with transitionEvidence #1Explanation of EvidenceTransitionEvidence #2Explanation of EvidenceBody Paragraph 2 (Reason 2)Topic sentence begins with transitionEvidence #1Explanation of EvidenceTransitionEvidence #2Explanation of EvidenceCounterargument (confutation)Topic Sentence begins with transitionRefutes or concedes to opposing viewsShows weaknesses in opposing viewsMay concede to some strengthsConclusion (peroration)Brings essay to closureOften sums up the argumentLeaves a strong last impressionOften calls for action or relates topic to a larger context of issuesTopic: DOES TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL MEDIA MAKE US MORE ALONE?Step 1: Brainstorming/InventionCURRENT EVENTSHISTORYEXPERIENCELITERATUREPOP CULTURESPORTSC ____________________________________________________________________H____________________________________________________________________E____________________________________________________________________L_____________________________________________________________________P_____________________________________________________________________S____________________________________________________________________Step 2: Writing a Thesis StatementA thesis statement is a short, concise statement comprised of a claim, evidence, and a warrant. It also outlines the body of your paper by stating your position and outlining your three main points in the order you will be talking about them. Template:Although many argue that ______________________________________________________, ___________________ does/does not make us more alone because of x, y, and z. Note: Your thesis should contain a concession, your topic, your claim, and evidence for your claim. Step 3: Draft your EssayFollow the outline as provided on page 1. Also, please be sure to do the following: Underline your thesis statementDraw a box around each transitional word or phrase. You should have at least two transitional words or phrases in each paragraph. Highlight each of your topic sentences in your body paragraphsIn the margins of your paper, draw brackets around the evidence in your paragraph and separate brackets around your explanation of that evidence. Label “evidence” and “explanation” in the margin ................

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