“Diversity of Life” Portfolio Project

“Diversity of Life” Portfolio Project

You will begin a portfolio project today on classification of living organisms. I will provide you with paper and you will be creating a portfolio or booklet of information about how living things are organized. Each day I will put the pages of the portfolio you must complete on the board along with the details about what information needs to be on that page and where you can find it in your textbook. The pages you create can be designed in your own unique way as long as they include the required information. The information asked for is a MINIMUM! If you want an “excellent” grade, you should go above and beyond the given requirements.

You will be working in a group of 3-4 members. You will sit with this group, share markers, information, and help keep each other on track. Each person must turn in his or her OWN portfolio. You may share information with other members in your group, but each page must be created and designed by you. You CANNOT copy pages and distribute them among people in your group.

Your portfolio will be graded several times a week. Pages are due two days after they are assigned. For example, pages assigned on Monday during class may be graded Wednesday during class. If you do not finish your pages during class time, it is your responsibility to finish them outside of class.

A part of your grade for this project will come from your daily work. Even though you may complete some of your work at home, you MUST use you class time for this project. You are expected to be on task at all times. Do not start packing up for the day until cleanup time is called. Noise level should be quiet conversation and should not disrupt other groups. If you have to be called down during class time, points will be deducted from your class work grade.

You will have Pop Quizzes over the material from your portfolios. You will be allowed to use YOUR portfolio (not someone else’s) for the quizzes. This is another reason you will want to keep your portfolio material up to date and organized. You will also have a test at the end of the project over all of the material in your portfolio. This will be the test that you take on the day of Finals.

Although your portfolio will be graded periodically, you must turn in your ENTIRE portfolio at the end of the project. Your portfolio will be worth 200 points:

Each pages is worth 6 points (See Rubric)

23 pages x 6 points = 138 points

Daily Work = 30 points

Above and Beyond = 20 points

Bound Portfolio & Table of Contents = 12 points

Helpful Hints

□ If you are not an artistic person, then emphasize neatness of pages. You may also print graphics and paste them to your page.

□ Make sure each page is filled completely with info/pictures/decoration, etc.

□ Add to the creativity of your portfolio by developing a theme of your own that is seen throughout the portfolio.

□ Add information beyond the bare minimum required.

□ Every page must have a title and a page number. I will give you the page numbers and titles on the board each day; just remember to put them on the pages.

□ Make titles stand out.

□ Use bullets. Do NOT copy complete sentences from your textbook. You should use your own word and write in short “blurbs”.

□ If you need more than one page for a certain assigned page, then label the 2 pages #a and #b (for examples if pages 10 takes you 2 pages to complete, then number the two pages 10a and 10b).

□ Do NOT get behind. If you do not finish in class, you need to finish for homework. Not only will you lose points on pages if they are not completed on time, you will have a tougher time on the quizzes.

□ When working on a portfolio page, ask yourself this question when assessing your own work, “Is this page something that would attract an observer to pick it up, look at it, and read it?”

RUBRIC Name ________________________

Page 1 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 2 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 3 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 4 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 5 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 6 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

4 3 2 1

2. 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

RUBRIC Name ________________________

Page 7 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 8 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 9 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 10 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 11 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 12 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

RUBRIC Name ________________________

Page 13 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 14 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 15 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 16 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 17 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 18 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1


RUBRIC Name ________________________

Page 19 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 20 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 21 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 22 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Page 23 _______ / 6 points

Page is complete, with necessary and correct information. Information is written in students own words (not verbatim from book). Page is titled and numbered.

Page is attractive, neat, and colorful with clear illustration and shows true effort

Daily Work

Dates points taken away: ____________________________



Above and Beyond

Portfolio turned in bound, in correct order, with table of contents.

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

4 3 2 1

2 1

_______ / 30

_______ / 20

_______ / 12


TOTAL POINTS _______ / 200

Title Page: “Diversity of Life”

Divider: “Introduction”

Page 1: “Classification”

What is classification and why is it necessary?

Scientific names – Binomial Nomenclature p. 448 – be thorough in describing what this is

Linnaeus’ system of classification p. 448

Describe each level of his system: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species; Mention the two kingdoms he used

Page 2: “Domain and Kingdom Chart”

p 459

Page 3: “What is a Virus?”

Define virus

Describe the structure of a virus - RNA or DNA core and protein coat (capsid) p. 483

Picture of T4 bacteriophage p. 483

Are viruses alive? p. 487

Differences between lytic infection and lysogenic infection

Divider: “Kingdoms of Prokaryotes”

Page 4: “Eubacteria and Archaebacteria”

Differences between eubacteria and archaebacteria p. 472

Draw bacterium p.472

4 ways prokaryotes are identified – Provide details on each method p. 473

Reproduction – describe binary fission, conjugation, endospore p.476

Page 5: “How Bacteria Help Us /How Bacteria Harm Us”

Discuss the role of bacteria as decomposers, nitrogen fixers, disease agents, in use by humans p. 477-481

Divider: “Kingdom Protista”

Page 6: “What is a Protist” (may need to make 2 pages, 6a and 6b)

General description of protists and the how they are classified p. 495-496

Animal-like protists: Protozoans – give a general description of protozoans as a group, then provide more detail about each of the following – zooflagellates, sarcodines, ciliates, sporozoans p. 497 – 500

Draw a picture of a protozoan

Plant-like protists – give a general description about the group, then provide more detail about each of the following – euglenophytes, dinoflagellates, chrysophytes, diatoms, red algae, brown algae, green algae p. 505-514

Draw a picture of any plant-like protist

Funguslike Protists – give a general description, then provide more detail about each of the following: slime molds, water molds, p. 516-519

Page 7: “How Protists Help Us / How Protists Harm Us”

throughout Ch 20. – discuss at least 3 items

Divider “Kingdom Fungi”

Page 8: “What are Fungi?” - provide a description p. 527

Describe the structure and function of fungi p. 527-528

Briefly describe the reproductive methods of fungi p. 528-529

Classification - tell how fungi are classified and give brief info on the following and provide examples: common molds, sac fungi, club fungi, imperfect fungi p 530-536

Page 9: “How Fungi Help Us / How Fungi Harm Us”

Discuss their role as decomposers, parasites (diseases), symbiotic relationships p. 537 – 542

Divider “Kingdom Plantae”

Page 10: “What is a Plant” - answer on p551

Discuss the plant life cycle, include alternation of generations,

gametophyte, sporophyte p.552

Discuss what plants need to survive p. 552

Page 11: “Classification of Plants” p. 555 – This page could be a great place to “go above and beyond”

Mention that plants are classified by three important features: water-conducting tissues, seeds, flowers

Bryophytes – give characteristics, pictures, examples

Seedless vascular – give characteristics, pictures, examples

Seed Plants – gymnosperms, and angiosperms – give characteristics,

pictures, examples

Flowering plants - give characteristics, pictures, examples

Page 12: “Plant Parts”

Define monocot, dicot, annual, biennial, perennial

Discuss and give pictures of plant parts: roots, stems, leaves

Draw flower p. 612 label and define sepal, petal, stamen, carpel

Page 13: “More Plant Info”

Describe the process of photosynthesis, include the role of stomata p. 596

Describe the transport of water and nutrients – key words to include – root pressure, capillary action, transpiration, xylem, phloem p.596, 599-602

Give a brief description of pollination p.610- 615

Describe methods of seed dispersal p. 619

What are Auxins? p.634-636

Describe the following tropisms p. 635-639 gravitropism,

phototropism, thigmotropism

Describe photoperiodism p. 641

Divider: “Kingdom Animalia”

Page 14: “What are Animals” p. 657

Elaborate on and discuss the following:

Invertebrates vs. vertebrates

Essential functions p. 658-659

Body symmetry p. 662 – radial, bilateral

Cephalization p. 663

Body Cavity formation p. 663

Divider “Invertebrates”

Note: For all of the following pages of the portfolio, provide info, characteristics, examples, and pictures for each classification of animal. Where there are two classifications of animals on a page, you may divide your page vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

Page 15: “Sponges / Cnidarians”

p. 664 – 675

Page 16: “Flatworms / Roundworms”

p. 683 – 693

Page 17: “Annelids / Mollusks”

p. 694 – 708

Page 18: “Arthropods / Echinoderms”

p. 715 – 738

Divider: “Vertebrates”

Note: For all of the following pages of the portfolio, provide info, characteristics, examples, and pictures for each classification of animal.

Page 19: “Fishes” p. 771-781

Page 20: “Amphibians” p. 782-789

Page 21: “Reptiles” p. 797 – 805

Page 22: “Birds” p. 806-814

Page 23: “Mammals” p. 820-841


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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