The Articles of the Constitution Worksheets [Answer Key]

Articles 4-7 Name: _______________________


ARTICLE 3: The Judicial Branch

Directions: Complete the following outline of Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution by filling in the missing information of the different sections and clauses.

Article 3: The Judicial Branch

SECTION 1: ____________________________

♣ The Constitution creates the _________________________, but lets Congress ordain and ___________________ from _____________ to _____________.

♣ Federal judges hold their offices for ____________________

SECTION 2: ______________________________

Clause 1: _____________________________

♣ The judicial power shall extend to ________________________ in ________________ and __________________________ under the Constitution of the U.S.

♣ In __________________ v. ____________________ the Supreme Court established the right to judge whether a law is constitutional.

Clause 2: __________________________

♣ The Supreme Court mainly acts as an ___________________________, acting as an appeals court.

Clause 3: _________________________

♣ A trial by jury is guaranteed to anyone accused of a federal crime, EXCEPT those cases dealing with __________________________

SECTION 3: ____________________________

Clause 1: _____________________________

♣ A person can be convicted of treason only if he or she ____________________ or two _______________________ testify to it.

Clause 2: __________________________

Uses the glossary to define each of the following words on the line provided or refer to the article location represented in parentheses below:

1. Jurisdiction (Art. 3, Sect. 2, Cl. 1): l ____________________________________________

2. Original Jurisdiction: l _______________________________________________________

3. Appellate Jurisdiction: _______________________________________________________

4. Treason (see Art. 3, Sec. 3, Clause 1): l _________________________________________

ARTICLE 4: Relations Among the States

SECTION 1: ________________________

♣ Each state must recognize the official _____________ and _____________ of any other state.

SECTION 2: _______________________

Clause 1: ______________________

♣ Each state must treat _________________ of another state the same way it treats its own ____________________

Clause 2: ___________________

♣ Extradition means the: __________________________________________________


Clause 3: _____________________________

SECTION 3: ____________________________

Clause 1: _______________________

♣ Congress has the power to ____________________________ to the Union.

Clause 2: ___________________________

SECTION 4: _____________________________________

♣ The federal government must protect the states from _________________ invasion and from _________________________, or internal disorder.

Uses the glossary to define each of the following words on the line provided or refer to the article location represented in parentheses below:

1. Extradition (see Art. 4, Sect. 2, Clause 2): l ______________________________________________________________

2. Republic (see Art. 4, Sect. 4): l ________________________________________________________________

3. Domestic: l _______________________________________________________l

Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________________ Block: _______

ARTICLE 5: Amending the Constitution

The ___________________, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, _____________________________ to this Constitution, or on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, _____________________________________, in either case, __________________ to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, __________________________ _________, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by Congress.

ARTICLE 6: National Supremacy

SECTION 1: _____________________

♣ The U.S. government promised to pay all _______________ and honor all agreements made under the ______________________________

SECTION 2: ______________________

♣ The Constitution is the ______________________, or highest law of the land.

SECTION 3: __________________________

ARTICLE 7: Ratification of the Constitution

The ________________________________ shall be sufficient for the establishment of the Constitution between the states so ratifying the same.


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