Who is clay from 13 reasons why


Who is clay from 13 reasons why

Living... in Crestmont with a loving mother and father on a nice side of the town. He usually rides to and from school and gets around town on his bike, not without his helmet of course. Profession... student at Liberty High. During the summer, he worked concessions at The Crestmont, the town's movie theatre. That's where he first met one of his close friends, Hannah Baker. Interests... Star Wars. He also likes obscure indie bands and enjoys the comic book series Alien Killer Robots. Aside from immersing himself in pop culture, he loves a good Tootsie roll and Skittles from the vending machine at The Crestmont. Challenge... dealing with loss. After Hannah's suicide, Clay figures there must be more than meets the eye. He struggles to balance intense emotions and finding the truth. Clay's search for the truth takes him on a hunt for 13 cassettes that Hannah made before her death, explain her reasoning. Clay will do whatever it takes to find out the truth, even if it brings him unbearable pain. Personality... introverted and curious. The last party he was seen at was at his friend's fourth grade birthday celebration. He's not the best conversation starter, mostly responding in strings of 10 words or less. Clay mostly keeps to himself and as he describes himself, "Chat's not really my thing". But it seems like he's much more comfortable around Hannah, loosening up and even, dare we say, saying complete sentences. Despite not talking much, he's a naturally curious teenage boy who asks a lot of questions (and can be guilty of eavesdropping). 13 Reasons Why season 4 is available on Netflix, the show landed on the streaming platform on June 5, 2020. In season 4 of the show, the story follows Clay Jensen's character played by Dylan Minnette. Clay is suffering from severe anxiety and trauma in the wake of his arrest in the last season. He is also dealing with burdening guilt, of wrongfully framing Monty, for the murder of Bryce Walker. Both characters were antagonists in the previous seasons. Clay and his friends framed Monty to protect Alex who was the real culprit behind Bryce's murder. Clays mental health issues skyrocket when a mysterious caller begins to harass him for framing Monty. ALSO READ | What Date And Time Does '13 Reasons Why' Season 4 Come On Netflix? Who is calling Clay Jensen? Clay is seeing a therapist, as he is dealing with anxiety and panic attacks in 13 Reasons Why season 4. He begins to distance himself from his parents and friends. His agony rises when Diego, who is the current captain of the school's football team starts pranking him with phone calls. Diego and his friends from the football team were very close to Monty. They have a suspicion that Monty was wrongfully framed for Bryce's murder, and that Clay knows something about this. Hence the boys start prank calling him. Their motive is to force him into revealing what he knows about Bryce's murder. ALSO READ | '13 Reasons Why' S4: All You Need To Know About Jan Luis Castellanos Aka Diego Torres Diego and his friends call Clay from Monty's number to freak him out one night. The incessant calls continue even when Clay is at school with his friends. Every-time he picks up the call, there is the different voice on the other end. The caller forces Clay into doing strange things, such as getting beaten up in the cafeteria during a lunch break one day. Clay sees blood On Valentine's Day, Clay receives the call when he is with his friend Ani in a school celebration. Clay follows the instructions of the caller and goes to the locker room of the football team. As he approaches the shower, it suddenly turns on and blood begins to spill out of the shower onto Clay. ALSO READ | If '13 Reasons Why' Is Remade In India, Will Alia Bhatt As Hannah Baker Be Convincing? Next, he walks over to the football field and sees someone dying. Diego and his friends place a dummy with blood around and a knife at the side of this dummy. As Clay approaches the dummy he begins to hallucinate and sees Monty in place of the dummy. He has a panic attack. This is when Diego and his friends arrive on the football field revealing themselves as the mystery callers. The calls stop thereafter and they reveal that it was just a prank. But, by Clay's reaction to the whole prank, Diego becomes sure that Clay is hiding something about Monty. What Date And Time Does '13 Reasons Why' Season 4 Come On Netflix? Who is Diego? Diego Torres is the lead of the football team in this 13 Reasons Why season 4. The character is played by the 24-year-old actor Jan Luis Castellanos. Diego becomes an important character in this season of the show as he begins dating Jessica Davis played by Alisha Boe and is also looking for answers behind Monty's arrest and death. Source: 13reasonswhy(Instagram) Get the latest entertainment news from India & around the world. Now follow your favourite television celebs and telly updates. Republic World is your one-stop destination for trending Bollywood news. Tune in today to stay updated with all the latest news and headlines from the world of entertainment. We totally love Dylan Minnette, the handsome and incredible actor behind the role of Clay Jensen. But that being said, we completely separate the actor from the character he plays here. According to public interviews and his social media pages, Dylan Minnette is a great guy with a great heart. Any girl would be lucky to date him and any guy would be lucky to be his friend... but let's talk about the character of Clay Jensen he plays on 13 Reasons Why. Clay Jensen most definitely has good intentions, but he occasionally exhibits signs of toxic masculinity and entitlement. He also makes some questionable choices and between season one and season three of 13 Reasons Why, we have 13 questions we'd like to ask. 13 Why Didn't Clay Report Tyler Down For Almost Shooting Up A School Dance? via Screen Rant Tyler Down showed up to the high school dance with a bag full of weapons and what did Clay Jensen do? He took the gun out of Tyler Down's hands and held it in his own hands, let Tyler leave the scene of the crime, and then proceeded to cover the entire thing up throughout the following season. 12 How Did Clay Take So Long To Listen To The Tapes? via Twitter Most people would have sat down and listened to them immediately in one sitting. Clay Jensen on the other hand? It took him an entire season to listen to all of the tapes. Obviously, the show creators from Netflix decided to split up the tapes into separate episodes to create the proper setup of the story, so we do understand why it worked out the way it did. 11 Why Did Clay Judge Hannah Baker For Sleeping With Zach? via MTV Clay Jensen put Hannah Baker on such an unrealistically high pedestal as if she was meant to be some untouched and undefiled flower. Clay judged her beyond words after finding out that she swiped her V-card with Zach. In reality, it was just fine for Hannah Baker to hook up with Zach. She and Zach connected, Zach was always respectful of her, and her choice to become sexually active should not have warranted judgment? from anyone. 10 Why Did Clay Try Victim Blaming/Shaming In Regards To The Clubhouse? via Fandom After seeing photos of girls being taken advantage of in the clubhouse controlled by the football players, Clay Jensen had the audacity to ask why girls get themselves into these types of predicaments. Sheri shut him down real quick when she said, "Clay, you don't know what was happening in this photo and you don't know what happened after. Girls don't get themselves into bad situations. Guys make the situations bad. You don't know what that feels like, to be a girl in that room." Tell him, Sheri! 9 Why Did Clay Feel So Entitled To Ani's Reciprocated Affections? via Popsugar Clay fell for Ani and that was fine & dandy, but the fact that he felt entitled to having her like him back was a little annoying. He got pissed off at her for finding out that she was hooking up with Bryce. It is as if he thought that Ani belonged to him or something. Dear, Clay... Ani was never your property. 8 Why Does Clay Allow His Obsession With Hannah To Get So Unhealthy? via Insider Clay's obsession with Hannah Baker got so unhealthy that he was hallucinating her presence well after her death. His obsession clearly was not healthy in the slightest because it is not normal to have daydreams, fantasies, or hallucinations of another person as vivid as the ones that Clay was having of Hannah Baker. via Popbuzz When Skye and Clay broke things off, Skye did the normal thing and told him not to contact her anymore. She wanted to let it go and move on so that she would be able to start the healing process. Instead of respecting Skye's wishes, Clay blew her phone all the way up. He called her over and over. Where are the boundaries? 6 Why Was Clay So Insensitive To Jessica's Healing Process? via Pinterest Jessica underwent a wildly traumatic experience with Bryce Walker. She was fearful of having to talk about what she went through in a courtroom full of people who she knew would judge her and assume she was lying. Instead of gently understanding Jessica's thought process and recovery process, Clay kept pushing her to fit his agenda. 5 Why Did Clay Judge Justin For Drug Use When He Tried Drugs Himself? via Pinterest Clay had no problem trying an illegal substance with Hannah Baker and their friends but when Justin Foley relapsed on illegal substances, Clay was the first to judge. Now granted, the illegal substance that Clay tried with Hannah was nowhere near as serious as the illegal substances Justin Foley was hooked on... but still! Be understanding, Clay. Justin did not want to get hooked on drugs and ruin his life forever. via Insider As soon as Clay Jensen was made aware of the tapes, the first thing he should have done was go straight to Hannah's parents (or the police) with every single one of them. This same statement goes to every person on the list who heard the tapes before Clay did. Her parents should not have been kept in the dark for so long. 3 Why Hasn't Clay Started Therapy? via Fandom Clay needs immediate professional therapy? like, yesterday. He needs the help of a therapist right away after everything he has been through. He went through grief and mourning after losing Hannah, the end of his relationship with Skye, the rejection of Ani, the process of listening to those tapes, the process of trying to take Bryce down in court, and worst of all... the feeling of guilt weighing on his shoulders for Hannah's death. 2 Why Did Clay Try To Make Hannah Into Someone She's Not? via YouTube This is one of the biggest questions we have. Why did Clay try to make Hannah Baker into someone she wasn't? She was a normal teenage girl, wanting to make new friends and date a good guy during her high school years. Instead of getting that she received nothing but betrayal, bullying, and ostracization. 1 Why Did Clay Go Along With A Fabricated Story About Bryce's Murder? via Daily Mail Ani led the way in creating a fabricated story about Bryce Walker's death, blaming the entire thing on Monty. The way it all perfectly wrapped up worked out in Alex Standall's favor because Alex is actually the one who killed him. Our question is, why did Clay go along with that when he is always so uppity about truth, honesty, integrity, etc. Sometimes he cares about being noble, moralistic, and upright... and other times he doesn't? Next: 13 Reasons Why: Ranking The Most Intense Moments From Season 1 To 3 How Old Was Adrienne Banfield-Norris When She Had Jada Pinkett Smith? Stephanie Harper (864 Articles Published) More From Stephanie Harper

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