
My brother .......... come late tonight.

A) would

B) ought

C) doesn’t need to

D) doesn’t

E) may

1) Erdal ......... cigarettes nervously one after another while his mother .... on.

A) smokes / is operating

B) has been smoking / is being operated

C) had smoked / had been operated

D) smoked / was being operated

E) was smoking / had been operated

2) You ....... take all your money with you.

A) hadn’t better

B) had better not

C) had not better

D) don’t need

E) don’t have

3) The staff ....... back to until they ....... a 25 percent pay rise

A) won’t go / are given

B) don’t go / give

C) won’t go / are giving

D) won’t go / give

E) don’t go / will be given

4) Listen this strange noise. I think we should get our car .......... .

A) being serviced

B) servicing

C) having serviced

D) serviced

E) to service

5) All the orders .......... by tomorrow.

A) will be completed

B) have been completed

C) will have been completed

D) completed

E) being completed

6) The poor man is sweating and breathing terribly. He ......... .

A) must run

B) might run

C) is able to run

D) should have run

E) must have been running

7) This player’s most spectacular ability is ......... for long hours.

A) to have struggled

B) to be struggled

C) being struggled

D) struggling

E) to struggling

8) Afghan people ........... leading their lives despite the terrible situation.

A) used to

B) are used

C) to be used to

D) accustom to

E) are accustomed to

9) We plan on ....... the mechanic ...... our central heating unit before winter.

A) had / take

B) having / take

C) to have / take

D) having / to take

E) having / taking

10) There were books on every inch of the carpet. She ..... for hours.

A) has been reading

B) will be reading

C) has read

D) had been reading

E) would read

11) Our cat was very patient; he ........... sit for hours beside a mouse hole.

A) might

B) would

C) should

D) ought to

E) had to

12) Travelers .............. their reservations well in advance if they want to fly during the holidays.

A) had better to get

B) had better get

C) had to get better

D) had better got

E) had better getting

13) In four days’ time the workmen ......... the building.

A) have painted

B) will paint

C) painted

D) had painted

E) will have painted

14) The Bosnaks ....... a picture .......... by Picasso as a wedding present.

A) were given / painting

B) gave / paint

C) gave / to be painted

D) were given / paint

E) were given / painted

15) I ............. speak French when I was a small child, but now I ....... .

A) can / could

B) couldn’t / can

C) might / mustn’t

D) was / can’t

E) have been able to / can’t

16) Please get him a TV guide when you .............. to the news agent.

A) will go

B) are going

C) go

D) went

E) are going to

17) ................. the votes .............. by then PM.

A) Have / been counted

B) Were / counted

C) Are / being counted

D) Do / count

E) Will / have been counted

18) After climbing for ten hours, we ........... reach the top; and we rested there for a while.

A) are able to

B) could

C) can

D) managed to

E) have been able to

19) The shopping center was completely empty. There was nobody ......... .

A) being seen

B) to see

C) seen

D) to be seen

E) to be seeing

20) I really can’t remember where I put my keys but I ........ them in the pocket of my jacket.

A) will have left

B) would leave

C) can leave

D) could leave

E) may have left

21) My mother ........ the bus today because her car ......... .

A) takes / had broken down

B) is taking / has broken down

C) has taken / breaks down

D) took / is breaking down

E) will take / had broken down

22) It ............. all day, the motorists wonder when it will stop.

A) had snowed

B) snowed

C) snows

D) was snowing

E) has been snowing

23) Tuğba ........... her baby yesterday. We must ring up and inquire.

A) will have had

B) may have

C) might have

D) can have

E) was to have had

24) My wife .......... working at this bank for four years now.

A) has been

B) was

C) is

D) had been

E) be

25) Who ........... already ........... translating the sentences.

A) has been / finished

B) have / finished

C) has / finished

D) are / finished

E) had / finished

26) The next generation .............. the traditions and values of its society so that these ............... .

A) had better teach / will be maintained

B) should have taught / could have maintained

C) will be taught / have been maintained

D) has to be taught / can be maintained

E) ought to teach / should maintain

27) I remember the long summer days when, after school, we .......... on the banks of the river catching fish.

A) would sit

B) may have sit

C) might sit

D) had better sit

E) must have sat

28) Owing to the terrible weather, they made the football tournament........... .

A) cancel

B) to cancel

C) cancelled

D) canceling

E) be cancelled

29) They decided to have the architect ............. these housing projects according to very strict criteria.

A) to design

B) be designed

C) design

D) designed

E) to have designed

30) Tim was disappointed because he had all the fruits and vegetable ............ before he had a chance to pick them.

A) steal

B) stolen

C) to steal

D) having stolen

E) stealing

31) Why don’t you get your room ............... in a bright color? I think you will feel better.

A) paint

B) to have painted

C) to paint

D) painted

E) painting

32) A: “Our new central heating doesn’t work efficiently.”

B: ..................... it examined.”

A) Make

B) Ask

C) Say

D) Tell

E) Have

33) I cannot make the TV ............ .

A) to work

B) work

C) worked

D) working

E) having worked

34) I don’t like having my friends ................ my blood pressure.

A) took

B) taken

C) take

D) taking

E) to take

35) Did you .......... the doctor to examine your children?

A) make

B) have

C) get

D) let

E) help

36) Ahmet ............................... .

A) asked the man fit the batteries at the store

B) requested the man at the store to fit the batteries

C) had the man at the store fitted the batteries

D) told to fit the batteries the man at the store

E) got the batteries fit by the man at the store

37) How much does it cost to ............. ?

A) get your face to lift

B) have your face to lift

C) have your face lift

D) make your face lift

E) get your face lifted

38) The teacher had her student ................... several poems during the term.

A) read

B) to be read

C) reading

D) to read

E) to have read

39) I ..................... my photograph................. .

A) didn’t like / taken

B) don’t like / taken

C) don’t like having / took

D) don’t like having / taken

E) didn’t like having / take

40) I’ll have the clothes ............ and ................. .

A) wash / iron

B) to wash / to iron

C) washed / ironed

D) to be washed / ironed

E) washed / to be ironed

41) ................... him do some of the work.

A) Tell

B) Make

C) Allow

D) Ask

E) Show

42) Her absence ............. how much he loved her.

A) made him realize

B) make him realize

C) make him to realize

D) made him realizing

E) made him realized

43) I had the dry-cleaner ............... a few dresses.

A) clean

B) cleans

C) cleaned

D) would clean

E) is cleaning

44) The instructor wants us ........... for the test.

A) studied

B) study

C) to study

D) studying

E) studies

45) She had the servant ............ the window.

A) to clean

B) cleans

C) clean

D) cleaned

E) cleaning

46) İlker couldn’t afford any luxuries because he ............... .

A) will have increased her rent

B) must increase her rent

C) must have increased her rent

D) had her rent increased

E) is having to increase her rent

47) Isn’t t time you .................. ?

A) will fix your television

B) must fix your television

C) got your television fix

D) had your television fixed

E) got Mary fix your television

48) I watched the people ............. into the taxi.

A) to getting

B) got

C) have got

D) getting

E) to get

49) What should you do to get a stubborn baby ............... his meal?

A) have

B) to have

C) had

D) having

E) in order to have

50) She went to the cleaner’s ............ her skirt.

A) collecting

B) for collecting

C) to collect

D) collect

E) collected

51) .................. now please, nurse.

A) Got the next patient come in

B) I asked the next patient to come in

C) Got the next patient to come in

D) I may have the next patient to come in

E) Have the next patient come in

52) She shows such talent for swimming that her father ................ by professionals.

A) had her train

B) is having her trained

C) was having her trained

D) got her train

E) got her to train

53) My brother ............ from his car in the office car park.

A) had his camera to steal

B) will have his camera to steal

C) had his camera stolen

D) get his camera to steal

E) may get his camera to steal

54) They offered to ................. a monument ............. in honor of the team which brought bliss to the country by defeating Real Madrid – once the UEFA champion.

A) let / erect

B) have / erected

C) make / erect

D) have had / be erected

E) get / to erect

55) The jeweler assured me that I would have less trouble with my watch if I ............... it .............. every day.

A) make / cleaned

B) had / cleaned

C) got / to be cleaned

D) let / to be cleaned

E) made / clean

56) He made the teacher .............. the subject in detail by asking several questions.

A) to explain

B) explaining

C) to explaining

D) explain

E) to have explained

57) The company............. the museum .............. the latest technology in renovation devices and apparatuses.

A) got / obtain

B) wanted / obtained

C) made / to obtain

D) helped / to obtain

E) had / to obtain

58) Do you accept to .............. your car ............. at this price?

A) have / sell

B) have / sold

C) get / to sell

D) make / sell

E) get / sell

59) I had some urgent works which ........... me ........... at home instead of going on holiday last week.

A) got / stay

B) made / stay

C) had / to stay

D) let / stayed

E) had / stayed

60) We ...................... our photographs ............. when we went there.

A) had / take

B) got / to take

C) had / taken

D) made / take

E) made / to take

61) We ................ them ............... that we were the policy makers.

A) had / know

B) got / know

C) made / to know

D) had / known

E) let / to know

62) I ........ my old television ............. yesterday.

A) got / to repair

B) had / repair

C) got / repaired

D) made / repair

E) let / repair

63) The manager seems to ...... him ................

A) have / dismiss

B) get / to dismiss

C) get / dismissed

D) let / dismiss

E) make / dismiss

64) I will ........... my all clothes ............. .

A) have / dry-cleaned

B) get / to dry-cleaned

C) make / dry-clean

D) let / dry-clean

E) make / to dry-clean

65) I .................. my secretary .......... the letters.

A) got / typed

B) had / type

C) got / type

D) had / to type

E) let / to type

66) The local radio ............ us aware of what has been happening in our area nowadays.

A) gets

B) allows

C) makes

D) got

E) made

67) Clara wanted the Sunspot director ............... him an answer before he saw Maria.

A) give

B) having given

C) to be given

D) giving

E) to give

68) She ................ the doctor vaccine her baby when he was seven months old.

A) has got

B) had

C) must have got

D) will have

E) was being had

69) Such a situation should never again ............. to arise.

A) be allowed

B) allowed

C) allowing

D) having allowed

E) to be allowing

70) Esra wants me ................... her my secrets I’ve been keeping for years.

A) telling

B) to tell

C) to telling

D) tell

E) having told

71) My parents ............. till midnight because some of my grades were exactly poor.

A) let me study

B) made me study

C) allow me study

D) insist on studying

E) get me study

72) My brother will have his tonsils .............. next month

A) be removing

B) removing

C) removed

D) was removed

E) remove

73) Sinem ................ Jim .............. her watch.

A) helped / replaced

B) made / to replace

C) allowed / replacing

D) got / replace

E) made / replace

74) The publishers ............. the book ........... into Spanish.

A) got / to translate

B) had / translated

C) had / to translate

D) let him / translate

E) made / translating

75) “I’d like this film............. ,” I said.

A) to develop and to print

B) developing and printing

C) developed and printed

D) developed and to print

E) to develop and printing

76) The Erdoğans have had their house ............ with very fancy wallpaper.

A) decorated

B) to decorate

C) be decorated

D) decorating

E) being decorated

77) This carpet looks like new because we’ve ................ by a professional carpet cleaner.

A) had it cleaned

B) got it to clean

C) allowed it to clean

D) helped it clean

E) made it clean

78) The teacher ............. the students ............ the same sentence two times after her.

A) got / repeat

B) had / repeat

C) got / repeating

D) had / repeating

E) got / repeated

79) Before I start, I’d like everyone ........... in his own seat.

A) sits

B) sitting

C) sat

D) sit

E) to sit

80) I want to swim, but they don’t ........... people .............. in this lake.

A) make / doing

B) lead / do so

C) help / do so

D) let / to do so

E) allow / to do so

81) She always has her dresses ............ from Italy.

A) sent

B) send

C) to send

D) sending

E) to be sent

82) My brother ............. the store ........ .

A) got / delivered the bookcase

B) asked / delivering the bookcase

C) had / deliver the bookcase

D) wanted / deliver the bookcase

E) requested / the bookcase to be delivered

83) Ayşe ............. Emre ........... her to the station.

A) made / to take

B) had / take

C) forced / take

D) got / take

E) let / to take

84) I asked Mehmet ............ my shoes for me.

A) clean

B) cleaned

C) to clean

D) cleaning

E) has cleaned

85) They have had holiday in Alanya ........... .

A) yet

B) still

C) for two weeks

D) for last week

E) two days ago

86) My father ................. his nail while he ............... the bolts.

A) was hurting / was tightened

B) hurt / tightened

C) hurt / was tightening

D) has hurt / tighten

E) had hurt / tightened

87) I found that the TV .............. on.

A) is turned

B) was to be turned

C) had been turned

D) has been turned

E) must have been turned

88) Most of the victims of the ship accident ........... their lives by the time the rescue teams ............... there.

A) will have lost / reach

B) had lost / reached

C) lost / had reached

D) will lose / reach

E) had lost / were reaching

89) Our neighbors are against their daughter .............. since she is under eighteen.

A) to be married

B) to marry

C) having married

D) being married

E) marrying

90) He .......... the trees by now, but he didn’t.

A) could prune

B) could have pruned

C) may prune

D) had to prune

E) would prune

91) My mother always prefers having a car of her own, but for the time being she ......... to her factory either by bus or by underground.

A) has gone

B) went

C) is going

D) was going

E) will have gone

92) Whenever I ................ him, he .......... cigarette.

A) see / is always smoking

B) have seen / always smokes

C) am seeing / is smoking

D) had seen / was smoking

E) see / has been smoking

93) When the old lady saw the queue in front of the pay-desk, she regretted that she ......... the telephone bill earlier.

A) can’t have paid

B) hadn’t paid

C) hasn’t paid

D) won’t pay

E) can’t pay

94) As soon as your secretary ............., tell her that her husband has phoned her twice.

A) arrived

B) is arriving

C) will arrive

D) has arrived

E) arrives

95) I would rather .............. to my teacher this time.

A) speaking

B) to speaking

C) not speak

D) not speaking

E) to speak

96) Generally, the strength of an earthquake .............. using the Richter scale, a system .......... by American geologist Charles Richter in 1935.

A) reports / was developed

B) is reported / developed

C) is reporting / having developed

D) has reported / being developed

E) reported / developing

97) .......... we go to the concert this weekend?

A) Will

B) Can

C) Shall

D) May

E) Might

98) Short sight ......... by the use of suitable glasses and operation.

A) has corrected

B) is correcting

C) ought to correct

D) can be corrected

E) have to be corrected

99) “ Have you seen Mr. Kara?” “He wasn’t feeling well, he .......... home.”

A) might go

B) could go

C) may go

D) might have gone

E) should go

100) I ......... his car, but I didn’t have enough money.

A) have bought

B) should buy

C) was going to buy

D) had bought

E) will have bought

101) I was made ............ hard by my boss.

A) work

B) working

C) to work

D) to working

E) to be worked

102) You .......... get some rest, Mrs. Dursun, or you ............. recover from this operation. And remember you ......... pick up any heavy objects for at least a month.

A) have to / can / needn’t

B) must / can / don’t have to

C) must / can’t / don’t need to

D) have to / needn’t / mustn’t

E) must / can’t / mustn’t

103) It was at least four days since the soldiers ..... any solid food.

A) have eaten

B) might eat

C) ate

D) may have eaten

E) have been eating

104) It ................ that factories around the Golden Horn pollutes the sea.

A) has been known long

B) has long known

C) has known long

D) is known long

E) has long been known

105) “ It’s curious that Cemal can’t ski better.” “I know. By the end of the month, he ........... lessons for a full month.”

A) will be having

B) would have

C) will have

D) has been having

E) will have been having

106) I had the oven ......... but the mechanic couldn’t find out what the problem was.

A) to check

B) checked

C) check

D) having checked

E) to be checked

107) My sister didn’t study hard, otherwise he ............ the examination.

A) would have passed

B) may pass

C) may have passed

D) must pass

E) would pass

108) It’s not clear how far the ozone layer ................ by dangerous chemicals for years.

A) has damaged

B) is damaged

C) damaged

D) was being damaged

E) has been damaged

109) The outside of the building .......... when the accident ......... .

A) was painted / happened

B) painted / happened

C) was being painted / was happened

D) was being painted / happened

E) was painted / happen

110) “ Were you out this morning? I phoned and there was no reply.”

“ That’s funny. I was at home. I must ........ out the rubbish bin in the garden.”

A) have put

B) was putting

C) put

D) had been putting

E) have been putting

111) I .............. good relations with my boss until I proved myself to be efficient at work. We have had very good relation since then.

A) won’t be able to have

B) can’t have

C) hadn’t been able to have

D) am not able to have

E) haven’t been able to have

112) Mandela ............ for human rights in South Africa for more than a decade when he .......... the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980.

A) was working / received

B) worked / received

C) had been working / received

D) has worked / received

E) has been working / received

113) The accident .......... right here at 9 o’clock last night.

A) has been happened

B) happened

C) happen

D) happens

E) had been happened

114) Since it is raining heavily, you had better ............ .

A) have the children bring their suitcase in

B) not get the children to stay inside the building

C) have the children stay out-side

D) let the suitcases be put inside

E) let the children play in the garden

115) After much thought, she agreed reluctantly to let her son ............. great interest in sport.

A) took

B) be taken

C) to take

D) taking

E) take

116) They were talking about having their garden ............, but they weren’t able to have it ............... .

A) arrange / done

B) to arrange / done

C) arranged / done

D) having arranged / to do

E) arranging / doing

117) Walking in the rain made us ......... better and we are looking much healthier now.

A) felt

B) to feel

C) feeling

D) having felt

E) feel

118) The doorman has advised us not to touch the front door; otherwise ................... .

A) it will be painted

B) we will paint it

C) it will get painted

D) we will get painted

E) we will get it painted

119) I made the room .............. .

A) painted

B) swept

C) tidied

D) cleaned

E) beautiful

120) Did you let your son .............. your car?

A) to drive

B) driving

C) drove

D) drive

E) driven

121) I am sure they make me .............. the piano at the party.

A) playing

B) to play

C) played

D) play

E) being played

122) I want ........... in that wood.

A) a cut to make

B) you to make the cut

C) making a cut

D) a cut making

E) the cut made

123) ................ on her birthday.

A) Get your secretary to have flowers sent to your wife

B) Get your secretary have flowers sent to your wife

C) Get your secretary to have flowers to send to your wife

D) Have your secretary to get flowers sent your wife

E) Have your secretary get flowers to sent to your wife

124) My motorcycle broke down on the way to Ankara. I should have had it ................. before leaving Kayseri.

A) repair

B) to repair

C) to be repaired

D) repairing

E) repaired

125) I think you should .............. the coat ............. soon.

A) had / cleaned

B) had had / cleaned

C) have / cleaned

D) have / clean

E) have been / cleaning

126) I’ll have everything ................ .

A) to do

B) be done

C) done

D) to be done

E) be do

127) Rıza’s parents should ............. because his grades are poor.

A) let him study

B) make him study

C) allow him study

D) insist on studying

E) get him study

128) Nagihan watched the passengers ........... the bus.

A) get off

B) gets off

C) got off

D) getting

E) to get off

129) They plan ............. the contractor ............ a swimming pool.

A) to have / build

B) have / build

C) to have / build

D) having / building

E) to do / build

130) “ Would you like me ........... ?” he asked.

A) dancing

B) a dance

C) to dance

D) dance

E) danced

131) The teacher told us ............ noise in class.

A) don’t make

B) not to make

C) not make

D) not making

E) to make

132) We’re ................ for us by an outside firm.

A) having the magazine designed

B) getting the magazine design

C) allowing the firm to design

D) get the magazine design

E) making the firm design

133) ............... the motor in your car before going to France.

A) Have / check

B) Get / checked

C) Make / to check

D) Did / check

E) Force / checked

134) I saw Hülya ................ along the shopping street.

A) being walked

B) to walk

C) to have walked

D) walking

E) to walking

135) Mr. Erdal .................. a leaky faucet.

A) had the plumber to fix

B) got the plumber fix

C) is going to have the plumber fix

D) got the plumber fixed

E) is going to have the plumber fixed

136) She warned them .......... more careful.

A) being

B) be

C) to be

D) been

E) to

137) His arguments .............. he was right.

A) prompt them to admit

B) get them to admit

C) forced them to admit

D) have them admit

E) will oblige them to admit

138) We couldn’t possibly tackle this job ourselves, so ........... by a local firm.

A) we will get them to do

B) we must have them to do

C) we were having it do

D) we are getting it do

E) we had it done

139) We ....................... last Saturday.

A) allowed our house to paint

B) will get our house painted

C) have our house painted

D) had the painter to paint our house

E) got our house painted

140) Do not ever try to ..............him .............. his mind about going for a holiday with his classmates. They determined it weeks ago.

A) let / to change

B) have / changing

C) allow / changed

D) get / change

E) make / change

141) Following your instructions, we have had the goods ............... to your warehouse in Bandırma.

A) despatch

B) to despatch

C) to be despatched

D) despatching

E) despatched

142) I want you ............... off the TV.

A) to turn

B) turning

C) to turning

D) turn

E) to have turned

143) Persecuted for their faith, Mormons ............... Missouri by order of the governor in 1838.

A) were let to leave

B) were made to leave

C) were forced to leave

D) were got leave

E) made leave

144) I .................. my car ............... every month.

A) get / repair

B) get / to repair

C) have / repair

D) make / repair

E) have / repaired

145) My friend .............. his homework by his elder brother.

A) had finish

B) let finish

C) was made to finish

D) was let finished

E) was made finish

146) I ................. my literature teacher ............ my essay.

A) got / to check

B) had / to check

C) made / to check

D) had / checked

E) got / checked

147) I will have to ................. someone else .......... this letter for me.

A) have / posted

B) get / to post

C) make / to post

D) have / to post

E) let / posted

148) Her sister ............ her .............. the furniture.

A) got / to polish

B) had / polished

C) made / polished

D) got / polish

E) got / polished

149) He will ............ Zafer ............ the contract.

A) have / to sign

B) get / signed

C) make / sign

D) let / to sign

E) have / signed

151) I …………… my broken watch …………….. .

A) had / repair

B) got / to repair

C) made / repair

D) had / repaired

E) let / repair

152) I ………….. my identity card ………… .

A) had / made

B) got / to made

C) had / made

D) got / make

E) let / to make

153) When Bülent got to the prison gates, he knocked on the front door and the night guide ………. in.

A) has been letting him

B) be letting him

C) to have let him

D) let him

E) lets him

154) I ……………. someone …………. my bags when I arrived at the station.

A) had / carry

B) had to get / carry

C) had to make / to carry

D) got / carrying

E) would have / carried

155) The mother made her son ……….. his own room.

A) tidies

B) tidying

C) tidy

D) being tidied

E) to be tidied

156) The mother ……….. Zehra ………… any fruit before they have had dinner.

A) has been letting / eating

B) doesn’t let / to eat

C) never lets / eat

D) hardly lets / to be eaten

E) isn’t letting / eat

157) Why hasn’t the municipality had the garbage ……….. ?

A) to collect

B) collected

C) being collected

D) collecting

E) to get collecting

158) Although Şirin was a vegetarian , her mother ………… her ……… a piece of boiled meat.

A) gets / to eat

B) had / to eat

C) made / eat

D) got / eat

E) wanted / eating

159) They had the blood ……….. from the blood bank for the patient.

A) brought

B) bringing

C) had been brought

D) bring

E) was brought

160) Beyza ………… Burak ………… her a ride.

A) got / to give

B) forced / gave

C) asked / gives

D) made / to give

E) had / to give

161) I ……….. the secretary ………… to the director.

A) got / to pass on the message

B) got / pass on the message

C) had / passed on the message

D) asked / passes on the message

E) told the message / to pass on

162) We’ll ……….. by a local builder.

A) have the job to do

B) be letting the job do

C) like the job done

D) get the job do

E) be having the job done

163) I finally got ………. after the storm.

A) to repair my window

B) my window repaired

C) repairing my window

D) my window to repair

E) repaired my window

164) Are you going to ……….. these shoes ……… or shall I ……….. throw them away?

A) get / to repair

B) help / repair

C) make / repair

D) get / repaired

E) have / to repair

165) If I ask nicely, my father may ………. me ………. his car.

A) get / drive

B) have / to drive

C) make / drive

D) let / to drive

E) permit / to drive

166) The bus driver politely requested … not ………. .

A) his customer / to smoke

B) his customer / smoke

C) his customer / smoking

D) his customer / smoke

E) to smoke / his customer

167) Why do you always make people ………. for you ?

A) to work

B) working

C) work

D) worked

E) are working

168) If you don’t understand it, why don’t you get ……….. ?

A) it translates

B) someone translates it

C) translated

D) it is translated

E) it translated

169) Who ……….. Derya ………… the assignment?

A) will let / to finish

B) will make / finish

C) will help / finishing

D) will want / finished

E) will like / to finish

170) Berna ………….. her husband ………. .

A) had / to check the bill

B) got / the bill was checked

C) had / checked the bill

D) had / the bill to check

E) got / to have the bill checked

171) We must ………….. the knives ……… .

A) get / to sharpen

B) get / sharpen

C) have / to sharpen

D) have / sharpen

E) have / sharpened

172) You’d better ……….. this …….. I think.

A) get / to change

B) have / changed

C) make / to change

D) let / change

E) cause / changed

173) Nobody can ………. today.

A) let me smile

B) help me smile

C) make me smile

D) want me to smile

E) would like me to smile

174) I want a big hole ………. here in the garden.

A) you’re digging

B) you to dig

C) digging

D) to dig

E) dug

175) You ……… the house …….. before giving the party.

A) had better get / to paint

B) have to make / painted

C) should have had / painted

D) would like / to paint

E) ought to get / paint

176) We’d better ……….. a new lock …. on the door.

A) getting / put

B) get / put

C) to get / to put

D) got / to put

E) to get / put

177) Ask your secretary ……….. the seasonal tickets today.

A) renew

B) to renewing

C) to renew

D) renewed

E) renewing

178) Why don’t you ………. him …….. with me.

A) allow / comes

B) let / coming

C) let / to come

D) allow / come

E) allow / to come

179) All of this jokes are very funny and they make me ………..

A) laughing

B) to have laughed

C) laughed

D) laugh

E) to laugh

180) The motion of the ship has made ……… quite seasick.

A) me to feel

B) to feel

C) me feeling

D) feel

E) me feel

181) A: Where’s your car?

B: …….. . I’ll collect it in an hour.

A) It was being cleaned then

B) I’m having it serviced at the moment

C) My brother had it last week

D) I often get it stolen

E) It seems I’ll let the police tow it away

182) She ……….. Hakan ……… the meeting early.

A) had / leave

B) asked / leave

C) forced / to leave

D) permits / left

E) let / leave

183) Tuba ………. the post office ……… her letters.

A) had / forward

B) made / forwards

C) asked / forward

D) told / to forwarding

E) asked / forwarded

184) As long as you are stressed, it is not easy to get him ………his mind.

A) changing

B) changed

C) changes

D) being changed

E) to change

185) His wife died last year and her absence …….. how much he loved her.

A) made him understand

B) make him understand

C) make him to understand

D) made him understanding

E) made him understood

186) Being the elder brother of Yeliz , Ümit forced her ………. all the housework.

A) having done

B) do

C) to do

D) doing

E) being done

187) These people must work hard if they want ………. the people to vote for their candidate.

A) having got

B) get

C) to be getting

D) to have been got

E) to get

188) The mother didn’t let her daughter ………. the late night movie last Monday.

A) watch

B) wasn’t watching

C) to watch

D) watching

E) watched

189) Mrs. Hatice instructed the applicants …….. their names at the bottom of the page after ……….. in their forms.

A) signing / filling

B) to be signing / to have filled

C) to sign / to fill

D) to sign / filling

E) to have signed / having been filled

190) My mother doesn’t ………. anyone smoke in our house.

A) make

B) let

C) get

D) have

E) want

191) The manager …….. me …………. a tie although I don’t want to wear it.

A) make / wear

B) get / wear

C) have / to wear

D) let / wear

E) have / worn

192) As they are too long for him , Halil …….. his trousers ……… .

A) had / shorten

B) got / to shorten

C) made / shorten

D) had / shortened

E) let / shorten

193) I will ……… Zeynep ………. The meal for today.

A) get / to prepare

B) have / to prepare

C) have / prepared

D) let / to prepare

E) make / to prepare

194) Buse ………… her new skirt.

A) had / lengthened

B) got / lengthen

C) made / lengthen

D) got / to lengthen

E) let / lengthen

195) When did you ……….. your house ……….?

A) make / decorate

B) get / to decorate

C) have / decorate

D) have / decorated

E) let / decorate

196) Mrs. Beyazıt ……. the maid …….. the room.

A) had / clean

B) got / clean

C) made / to clean

D) had / cleaned

E) got / cleaned

197) Our trainer ………. us …….. for six kilometers last week.

A) had / run

B) got / run

C) made / to run

D) had / to run

E) wanted / run

198) Don’t let him …….. the building. He might be a thief.

A) enter

B) to enter

C) entering

D) to entering

E) to have entered

199) ………. him explain why he behaved so foolishly.

A) Get

B) Allow

C) Make

D) Want

E) Got

200) I was made …….. my home work in an hour.

A) finish

B) finishing

C) to finish

D) to finishing

E) to have finished


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