Honors/ Pre-AP Independent ReadingRationale: Reading/listening to books and materials based on your interests and personal choice is one of the most important keys to your success in school and beyond. Outside reading increases your vocabulary, improves your general reading/writing skills and ability, increases your general knowledge, and allows you to develop the ability to appreciate diverse points of view through learning about other cultures and experiences.In order to broaden your repertoire of texts, you will be reading four books of your own choosing this year—one per month. In addition to the reading, you'll be completing a series of assignments of your choice. Each book/ assignment is worth 100 points. Even though you are required to read only four texts independently, try to read a variety of texts, so not all novels or not all plays. What to read? You should choose something you will be interested in reading. Interested does not mean that the task will be fun in the usual sense. In fact, it may be, should be hard. But doing well and succeeding at something hard can be fun. Each text should be a minimum of 100 pages unless receiving prior teacher approval. Because it is so important, the first 10-15 minutes of each class has been allotted to reading and completing the associated assignments. Therefore, make sure you bring your books to class daily.Assignment Due Dates – Spring 2020January 31February 28March 31May 1 Parent Signature: I am aware of the assignment. _________________________________________________________Student Signature: I am aware of the assignment. ________________________________________________________Independent Reading Introductory PageName: ______________________________Date: ______________________________Title of Book: _______________________________Author: __________________________________Copyright Date: ________________Genre: __________________________________Historical context (the year published, the literary period, or any historical or literary connections worth noting): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Protagonist(s) and Description: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Antagonist(s) and Description: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Key Theme(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Summary of Plot: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Independent Reading Menu Complete your reading goal and one activity for each week. Write your activities on a sheet of clean notebook paper. Put the activity number and the title of your book at the top of the paper. Choice One Choice TwoChoice ThreeChoice Four1.1: You are a major advertising executive. A company in New York has decided to put your book on the big screen and they want you to design the advertisement. This should include pertinent information (title, author) and anything else (quotes, descriptions, pictures) you feel would best market the novel for the big screen.2.1: Put yourself in the role of any character in the book. Compile a list of 10 songs that your chosen character might have on a playlist. Please include a brief explanation for each song choice detailing how the song is representative of your character. 3.1: Imagine you have been asked to be the lead costume consultant on a production of your book. Design a runway show complete with at least five sketches of costumes for the characters or a line of clothing inspired by the book. Provide an explanation for the various pieces and how they relate to the larger themes of the book. 4.1: Determine how you would divide up the book into sections. Then create a playlist with songs that capture the mood and/ or themes present within each section. For each song, explain what is happening in the novel and why you felt the piece of music would fit the events, themes, or symbols from that section of the novel. 1.2: Draw or paint a mural or create a sculpture to depict a scene, concept, person, or idea from the story. Include a brief but detailed analysis that reveals how the scene represents that author’s purpose(s) or theme(s) in the story.2.2: Rewrite a favorite scene from the story from another character’s perspective. It should be at least one page and include five examples of dialogue. 3.2: Create a photo essay of a major event, person, or theme in the book. Take pictures that represent the events, people, mood, etc. Include a written description of whom or what each picture represents. Use either captions or a short expository piece at the end to accomplish this. 4.2: Design a series of comic strips depicting a major event, person, concept, or theme in the book. Include a brief but detailed analysis that reveals how the comic represents the author’s purpose(s) or theme(s) in the story. 1.3: Write a scene or story in which the character(s) travel out of the book into a completely different setting or period.2.3: Have the character that most interests you write their brief autobiography of the time before, during, and/or after the story occurs. 3.3: Describe an exciting event from the book as if you were a sports broadcaster. Include a list of interview questions and answers from characters involved. 4.3: Often, characters change as a result of events in a novel. Describe the changes that a character went through in this book. Why did this character change? ................

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