

|Create a half- or full-page|“Convince Me!” Prompt Think |Unusual Nightmares Prompt! |Attach a new image (photo, |What two numbers feud the |

|tribute to your favorite |of a school rule you don’t |Describe and illustrate a bad |magazine, etc.) to a notebook |most? Answer this question |

|food. Use words and |like. Write a persuasive |dream that any invertebrate |page. Write about it! |creatively in your notebook. |

|pictures! |argument. |may have. | | |

|Create a three-panel comic |What does a cloud think |Make a list of good advice for|Launch a list or a creative |You’re on a deserted island. |

|strip that shows a student |about? Answer this question |a (real or imaginary) younger |description that captures your |You’re allowed three books |

|who doesn’t know how to |creatively in your notebook. |brother or sister. |idea of a “perfect day.” |and three songs. Which ones?|

|study. | | | | |

|Personify an Abstract Noun!|Celebrate one of your |Create Your Own Topic! |Describe a room in your home |Create an ABC list of Things |

|Choose a day of the week |favorite words by turning it | |from a unique point of |You Might Write About This |

|and turn it into a |into a poem. | |view—like an insect’s. |Year. |

|“person.” | | | | |

|Create a three-column |Turn a current event into a |Create an advertisement to |“I was totally terrified!” |Think of a family expression |

|(nouns, adjs., verbs) word |“recipe” by listing |sell one of your favorite |Write a short narrative where |or inside joke and explain it|

|bank on this topic: School |“ingredients” and explaining |articles of clothing. |this is your first sentence. |using details and |

|Words |how to “mix” those | |Illustrate it! |illustrations. |

| |ingredients. | | | |

|Make a list of six writing |Write about a true or |Start a page where you can |Weird e-mail correspondence! |Worst or best? Put one of |

|topics you think your |fictional embarrassing |record your favorite clean |If a pet could e-mail its |these two adjectives in front|

|fellow classmates would |moment. Provide an |jokes. Write 2 or 3 down. |owner, what would the e-mail |of the word friend and write |

|like to write to. |illustration! |Record more on this page as |say? Write it! |about what comes to mind. |

| | |the year progresses. | | |


|Create a half- or full-page|“Convince Me!” Prompt Think |Unusual Nightmares Prompt! |Attach a new image (photo, |What two numbers feud the |

|tribute to your favorite |of a school rule you don’t |Describe and illustrate a bad |magazine, etc.) to a notebook |most? Answer this question |

|food. Use words and |like. Write a persuasive |dream that any invertebrate |page. Write about it! |creatively in your notebook. |

|pictures! |argument. |may have. | | |

|Create a three-panel comic |What does a cloud think |Make a list of good advice for|Launch a list or a creative |You’re on a deserted island. |

|strip that shows a student |about? Answer this question |a (real or imaginary) younger |description that captures your |You’re allowed three books |

|who doesn’t know how to |creatively in your notebook. |brother or sister. |idea of a “perfect day.” |and three songs. Which ones?|

|study. | | | | |

|Personify an Abstract Noun!|Celebrate one of your |Create Your Own Topic! |Describe a room in your home |Create an ABC list of Things |

|Choose a day of the week |favorite words by turning it | |from a unique point of |You Might Write About This |

|and turn it into a |into a poem. | |view—like an insect’s. |Year. |

|“person.” | | | | |

|Create a three-column |Turn a current event into a |Create an advertisement to |“I was totally terrified!” |Think of a family expression |

|(nouns, adjs., verbs) word |“recipe” by listing |sell one of your favorite |Write a short narrative where |or inside joke and explain it|

|bank on this topic: School |“ingredients” and explaining |articles of clothing. |this is your first sentence. |using details and |

|Words |how to “mix” those | |Illustrate it! |illustrations. |

| |ingredients. | | | |

|Make a list of six writing |Write about a true or |Start a page where you can |Weird e-mail correspondence! |Worst or best? Put one of |

|topics you think your |fictional embarrassing |record your favorite clean |If a pet could e-mail its |these two adjectives in front|

|fellow classmates would |moment. Provide an |jokes. Write 2 or 3 down. |owner, what would the e-mail |of the word friend and write |

|like to write to. |illustration! |Record more on this page as |say? Write it! |about what comes to mind. |

| | |the year progresses. | | |


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