| |4. |3. |2. |1. |

| |Clear, convincing and consistent evidence |Clear evidence of the student’s |Limited evidence of the student’s |Little or no evidence of the |

| |of the student’s ability to communicate |ability to communicate complex and |ability to communicate complex and |student’s ability to communicate |

| |complex and distinctive ideas, concepts, |distinctive ideas, concepts, or |distinctive ideas, concepts, or |complex and distinctive ideas, |

| |or themes: or meaning and personal intent |themes: or meaning and personal |themes: or meaning and personal |concepts, or themes: or meaning |

| |as manifested in highly original works of |intent as manifested in highly |intent as manifested in highly |and personal intent as manifested|

| |art |original works of art |original works of art |in highly original works of art |

|Communication |Confidently conveys clear meaning and/or |Demonstrates confident meaning and/or|Demonstrates unclear meaning and/or|Expresses little or no meaning |

| |personal intent, shows obvious evidence of|personal intent, shows evidence of |personal intent, shows limited |and/or personal intent, shows no |

| |thinking. Demonstrates highly original and|thinking. Demonstrates original works|evidence of thinking. Demonstrates |evidence of thinking. |

| |unique works of art that are of high |of art that are of reasonable |works of mediocre quality. |Demonstrates works of poor |

| |quality. |quality. | |quality. |

| |Provides convincing and clear evidence of |Provides clear evidence of how to |Provides limited evidence of how to|Provides little or no evidence of|

| |how to apply the elements and principles |apply the elements and principles of |apply the elements and principles |how to apply the elements and |

|Organization |of design to create a decisive, purposeful|design to create a decisive, |of design to create a decisive, |principles of design to create a |

| |composition. |purposeful composition. |purposeful composition. |decisive |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Expression |Depicts imaginative and creative approach |Depicts an original approach to |Depicts a predictable approach to |Depicts an uninformed approach to|

| |to composition, choice of content, |composition, choice of content, |composition, choice of content, |composition, choice of content, |

| |technique and use of materials. |technique and use of materials but |technique and use of materials. Is |technique and use of materials. |

| |Shows an aesthetically pleasing, engaging,|may not be as imaginative as level 4 |somewhat imaginative. |Shows no imagination. Shows an |

| |and innovative work that demands |performance. |Shows a mediocre work that does not|unappealing work that does not |

| |admiration |Shows a successful and innovative |compel attention. |require attention. |

| | |work that stimulates observation. | | |

|Processes, Skills and |Displays distinguishing and authentic |Displays genuine craftsmanship |Displays mediocre craftsmanship |Displays erratic and weak |

|Techniques |craftsmanship through the expert use of |through the competent use of mark |through the adequate use of mark |craftsmanship through the poor |

| |mark making. Reveals an outstanding and |making. Reveals an appropriate |making. Reveals a limited |use mark making. Reveals an |

| |accurate manipulation of media, tools and |manipulation of media, tools and |manipulation of media, tools and |inappropriate manipulation of |

| |materials to expertly render the subject |materials to competently render the |materials to adequately render the |media, tools and materials to |

| |matter. |subject matter. |subject matter. |inadequately render the subject |

| | | | |matter. |



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