
HRM Secondary Academy Courses and Descriptions for 2020 - 2021

Academic Classes for Students in Grades 6-12 (Revised 3/10/20)

Both Mondays and Wednesdays

Book lists will be provided; all English literature books will be rented for a nominal fee per year; other books noted may either be rented from HRM Secondary Academy or invoiced to parents.

First Period (8:15 AM – 9:45 AM) [English classes utilize the IEW stylistic techniques and are designed (with the exception of Basic English) to require two years to complete.]

Basic English (Byrd)(Gr. 6-7) Prerequisites: Read on a 6th grade level. English Placement. HRM Writing Boot Camp.


Introductory composition, literature, grammar, and vocabulary.


Students can expect four hours on average of reading and composition outside of the classroom per week


Grammar Basics, 2nd edition by Kathy Carman. IEW Resource Notebook. Literature provided by HRM: The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis, The Door in the Wall by Marguerite De Angeli, Amos Fortune Freeman by Elizabeth Yates, Aesop’s Fables, Short Story Unit. Summer Reading: Phantom Tollbooth (Juster) OR A Cricket in Times Square (Selden)

English I (Jackson) (Grades 7-9) Prerequisites: Basic English or the equivalent, Placement Testing, HRM Writing Bootcamp.


Intermediate essay writing, literature interpretation, grammar, vocabulary, and study skills.


Students will be expected to complete vocabulary exercises independently and study for in-class quizzes given every other week. In addition, students will be required to read anywhere from 30-40 pages weekly of a given novel, completing study guides or other handouts as assigned. In grammar, students will complete exercises or activities with their own writing to improve usage and fluency. Writing will include both informal and formal short assignments, as well as two full-length essays in the fall and one literary essay and a research paper in the spring. In-class discussions are important, and students are expected to demonstrate collegial respect and participate fully.


Wordly Wise 3000, Book 7, 3rd edition, by Hodkinson and Adams, IEW Resource Notebook. Literature provided by HRM: Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis, Gladys Aylward by Benge, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom, Great Short Poems by a variety of poets. Summer Reading: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare

English II (Carman) (Gr. 9-11) Prerequisites: Three years Middle School English/Language Arts or the equivalent, Placement Testing, HRM Writing Bootcamp.


High school-level essay writing, literature analysis, grammar, and vocabulary


Students should expect to read between 2-5 chapters in the assigned literature selection per week; accompanying assignments will be given to assess comprehension of the material. Class discussion and note taking will be required as part of the student's classroom experience. Wordly Wise Vocabulary lessons will typically span 3 class periods; assignments will be given per class, and tests will be given every third class at the teacher's discretion. Sentence Openers and Dress Ups are expected to be memorized and utilized in the writing process. Throughout the first and second semesters, 2-3 essays will be assigned. In addition, during the second semester a research paper will be assigned, and each step will be directed by the teacher according to set due dates. 


 Wordly Wise 3000, Book 9, 3rd ed., by Hodkinson and Adams, IEW Resource Notebook. Literature provided by HRM:  Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington, Mama’s Bank Account by Kathryn Forbes, Short Story Unit, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee,Poetry UnitSummer Reading: Isaac’s Storm by Erik Larson  OR  Narrative of the Life of David Crockett.


Students mastering 2 years of this course may want to obtain more information about taking the American Literature or College Composition CLEP test for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

**Pre Calculus (Kossa) (Grades 11-12) Prerequisites: Algebra 2 and Geometry, Math Interview.


Principles of logic and step by step problem solving. Mastery of concepts presented in Algebra 2. Trigonometry including laws with sin, cosine and tangent. Graphing in both degrees and radians and use of the unit circle. This course will help solidify concepts for a college algebra or college pre-calculus class.


Students should expect to have an average of an hour and a half of homework per class period. Quizzes will be given periodically. A semester exam will cover all sections taught in that semester.


Pre-Calculus: A Graphing Approach, 2006 ed. by Threasa Z. Boyer and Teresa Henry. Trigonometry, 1990. Prentice Hall.


Students mastering this course may want to obtain more information about taking the Precalculus CLEP test for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

MS History: The Renaissance to the Reformation (Corbett) ( Gr. 6-8) Prerequisites: Reading at 6th grade level or higher.


Study of world history from a Christian perspective from the Renaissance, to the Reformation, to the Birth of Nations.


Weekly reading assignments and homework should require no more than 2 hours per week. Projects, quizzes, and tests will be assigned periodically.


History of the World in Christian Perspective, 5th edition, by Jerry Combee, A Beka Geography 1 Text, by HLS Faculty. Geography 1, Workbook by HLS Faculty

Geography (Mrs. Lawrence) (Gr. 9-12) Prerequisites: Reading at a 9th grade level or higher


Study of various cultural regions for a Biblical understanding of the earth, its people, and its resources.


Daily reading assignments and homework averaging 1 hour per class period. A country project each grading period that consists of a presentation and a food from the chosen country. Maps and quizzes concluding each continent.


Around the World in 180 Days by Sherry Payne student workbook, Welcome to the Wonderful World of Geography by Brenda Runkle.

**A Study of the End Times (Mr. Keegan) (Gr. 10-12) (Fall) Prerequisites: General understanding of the Bible, English II or equivalent.


A fall semester course based on a Biblical examination of God’s Word about the conclusion of human history and the introduction of God’s kingdom marked by a new heaven and a new earth. Using the Bible as the core textbook, students will examine the differing viewpoints concerning these events so that they will recognize that there is some disagreement among believers about what God’s Word says. Study will include Daniel, Mathew 24 and 25, and the Book of Revelation in detail plus other Scriptural passages that shed light on this subject.


Regular reading assignments. This course will conclude with a major end-of-the-course paper.

Curriculum/Materials: The Holy Bible

**Comparative Religions (Mr. Keegan) (Gr. 10-12) (Spring) Prerequisites: General understanding of the Bible, English II or equivalent.


A Spring semester course examining the world’s major religions in light of Biblical truth. Starting with a thorough overview of the essentials of the Christian faith, students will see the errors in each world religion. The historical beginnings of each world religion will be addressed, as well as its chief teachings, along with an analysis of its impact using class discussion.


Substantial amount of reading. A major paper at the end of the course summarizing presented information.


Christianity, Cults & Religions, Paul Carden

Space and Earth Science (Inkster) (Gr. 7-9) Prerequisites: 8th grade reading and math skills, general knowledge of continents, sun and moon, experience with using the scientific method, 12 years of age suggested.


Study of the earth, the atmosphere, the celestial sphere (outer space), the lithosphere (the solid part of the earth), and the hydrosphere.


Students will need to read a chapter a week and answer section review questions for each chapter. Labs and activities are scheduled once a week. Students will have a few projects to create at home and present in class. Take home tests will be administered at the end of every 2 chapters.


Earth Science Student Text, 4th edition, BJUPress

Lab Fee: $35

Chemistry (von Dohlen) (Gr. 10-12) Prerequisites: Physical Science or the equivalent, Algebra 2 (may be corequisite for strong students), able to use a graphing calculator, 15 years of age suggested.


Study of the foundation of atomic structure, bonding, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, nomenclature, kinetic theory, solutions, acids and bases, chemical equilibrium, organic and biochemistry, and nuclear chemistry.


Take home tests will be sent periodically. Homework, due the next class period, should take no more than 1 hour for Monday homework and 1-2 hours for Wednesday homework. Labs are usually done on Wednesdays. Lab write-ups take about 2 hours on average.


Chemistry Student Text, 4th edition by BJUPress

Lab Fee: $45


Students mastering this course, Physical Science and Biology may want to obtain more information about taking the Natural Sciences CLEP test for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

**Anatomy and Physiology (Cline) (Gr. 11-12) Prerequisites: Biology, 16 years of age required due to the sensitive nature of some topics.


Study of the systems of the body.


Students are expected to be engaged and take an active role during all class and lab activities. An appropriate maturity level and ability to work independently and in groups is required. Assessment will include tests, labs, quizzes, and article summaries.


Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology by Freudenrich and Tortora, The Anatomy Coloring Book 4th Edition by Wynn Kapit and Lawrence M. Elson.

Lab fee: $45

**Spanish 2 (Sargent) (Gr. 10-12) Prerequisites: Spanish 1


Study of language development, vocabulary, grammar, and culture; emphasis will be on Biliteracy as reading, writing, listening and speaking skills will also be included


Students should expect approximately 3 hours of outside work per week.


!Que’ Che’vere! 2 16th edition, Textbook by Alejandro Bonilla. !Que’ Che’vere! 2, Workbook, !Que’ Che’vere! 2, Grammar and Vocabulary.


Students mastering this course may want to obtain more information about taking the Spanish Language CLEP test for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

Study Hall (Florian)

Second Period (9:50 AM – 11:20 AM) [English classes utilize the IEW stylistic techniques and are designed (with the exception of Basic English) to require two years to complete.]

Basic English (Carman)(Gr. 6-7) Prerequisites: Read on a 6th grade level. English Placement. HRM Writing Boot Camp.


Introductory composition, literature, grammar, and vocabulary.


Students can expect four hours on average of reading and composition outside of the classroom per week


Grammar Basics, 2nd edition by Kathy Carman. IEW Resource Notebook. Literature provided by HRM: The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis, The Door in the Wall by Marguerite De Angeli, Amos Fortune Freeman by Elizabeth Yates, Aesop’s Fables, Short Story Unit. Summer Reading: Phantom Tollbooth (Juster) OR A Cricket in Times Square (Selden)

English I (Jackson) (Grades 7-9) Prerequisites: Basic English or the equivalent, Placement Testing, HRM Writing Bootcamp.


Intermediate essay writing, literature interpretation, grammar, vocabulary, and study skills.


Students will be expected to complete vocabulary exercises independently and study for in-class quizzes given every other week. In addition, students will be required to read anywhere from 30-40 pages weekly of a given novel, completing study guides or other handouts as assigned. In grammar, students will complete exercises or activities with their own writing to improve usage and fluency. Writing will include both informal and formal short assignments, as well as two full-length essays in the fall and one literary essay and a research paper in the spring. In-class discussions are important, and students are expected to demonstrate collegial respect and participate fully.


Wordly Wise 3000, Book 7, 3rd edition, by Hodkinson and Adams, IEW Resource Notebook. Literature provided by HRM: Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis, Gladys Aylward by Benge, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom, Great Short Poems by a variety of poets. Summer Reading: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare

Algebra 1 (Watts) (Grades 8-10) Prerequisites: Pre-Algebra or the equivalent, Math Interview.


Students will solve first- and second-degree linear equations that include fractions, decimals, radicals, and absolute value expressions. They will also graph and solve two-variable equations, word problems, and inequalities.


Practice problems for 1-2 sections covered in class, should average 1-2 hours for average students per class day. Take home tests will be given at the end of each chapter plus comprehensive final exams for each semester given in class.


Algebra 1, Traditional Math Series, 1st ed. A

Algebra 2 (Florian) (Grades 9-12) Prerequisites: Algebra 1, Math Interview.


Techniques for solving and graphing any equation or relation--covering logarithmic and exponential.


Homework every class period (time varies based on ability and class time used), Tests 2-4 times per grading period with most being take home tests;  Wednesday's assignment will be more lengthy and the take home tests will also be given on Wednesday.


Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach, 7th edition, Aufmann


Students mastering this course may want to obtain more information about taking the College Mathematics and/or College Algebra CLEP test for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

MS History: The Renaissance to the Reformation (Corbett) ( Gr. 6-8) Prerequisites: Reading at 6th grade level or higher.


Study of world history from a Christian perspective from the Renaissance, to the Reformation, to the Birth of Nations.


Weekly reading assignments and homework should require no more than 2 hours per week. Projects, quizzes, and tests will be assigned periodically.


History of the World in Christian Perspective, 5th edition, by Jerry Combee, A Beka Geography 1 Text, by HLS Faculty. Geography 1, Workbook by HLS Faculty

High School World History (Avra) (Grades 9-11) Prerequisites: Read at a 9th grade level or higher. Be able to take notes and organize ideas from a lecture.


A survey course from the beginnings of human history to the present time.


Students will read 1/2 - 1 chapter a week, complete comprehensions questions, weekly mapwork, and take weekly quizzes or tests. In addition, students will complete two to four projects during the year. Homework should take about an hour a day for average students.


World History, BJU Press. 4th ed. Student Activities Manuel BJU Press.4th ed.

**Government – Fall (Keegan) (Grades 11-12) Prerequisites: Reading at an upper high school level. Be able to organize notes and thoughts from class lectures and express these ideas on tests and assignments.


Study of the foundations, structures, and functions of the political and governmental system of the United States from a Christian perspective.


Regular assignments requiring 1 -2 hours per class period.


American Government, 3rd edition, A Beka

**Economics - Spring (Lawrence) (Grades 10-12) Prerequisites: Read high school level.


Introductory principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics, emphasis on the American system of free enterprise capitalism and the Biblical principles of work, wealth, and stewardship.


1 hour of studying per class period. Quizzes at the end of each chapter. A one-month Economics small business project and presentation in the spring.


Economics: Work and Prosperity, 3rd ed., by Russell Kirk ABeka,Test & Quiz Booklet ABeka, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy, Economics in one Lesson by Henry Hazlit.

General Science (Inkster) (Grades 6-7) Prerequisites: 6th grade math and reading skills. Suggested age of 11 years or older.


Examination of the scientific method, designing experiments, and studying simple machines, archaeology, geology, paleontology, biology, and human anatomy and physiology.


Students will need to read  and answer the Summary Module questions at the end of each chapter in a 2 week period. Labs are scheduled once a week and take home tests will be administered at the end of each chapter. Students will also have few projects to created at home and presented in class..


Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd edition by Dr. Jay L. Wile, Apologia

Lab Fee: $35

**Physics (von Dohlen) (Grades 11 – 12) Prerequisites: Physical Science, Geometry, Algebra 2, Minimum suggested age of 15.


The study of Newton’s laws of motion, kine-matics, dynamics, forces, work, energy, conservation laws, thermodynamics, electricity, electronics, electromagnetic energy, optics, quantum physics,& nuclear physics.


Take home tests will be sent periodically. Homework, due the next class period, should take no more than 1 hour for Monday homework and 1-2 hours for Wednesday homework. Labs are usually done on Wednesdays. Lab write-ups take about 2 hours on average.


Physics, 3rd edition, Student Text, BJUPress

Lab Fee: $45

Spanish 1 (Sargent) (Grades 9-12) Prerequisites:


For students in grades 9-12 and advanced 8th graders. This course focuses on the study of language development, vocabulary, grammar, and culture including Spanish language in context while developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.


Students should expect approximately 3 hours of outside work per week.


!Que’ Che’vere! 1 16th edition, Textbook. !Que’ Che’vere! 1, Workbook.

Study Hall (Kossa)

Third Period (12:00 PM – 1:30 PM) [English classes utilize the IEW stylistic techniques and are designed (with the exception of Basic English) to require two years to complete.]

English II (Carman) (Gr. 9-11) Prerequisites: Three years Middle School English/Language Arts or the equivalent, Placement Testing, HRM Writing Bootcamp.


High school-level essay writing, literature analysis, grammar, and vocabulary


Students should expect to read between 2-5 chapters in the assigned literature selection per week; accompanying assignments will be given to assess comprehension of the material. Class discussion and note taking will be required as part of the student's classroom experience. Wordly Wise Vocabulary lessons will typically span 3 class periods; assignments will be given per class, and tests will be given every third class at the teacher's discretion. Sentence Openers and Dress Ups are expected to be memorized and utilized in the writing process. Throughout the first and second semesters, 2-3 essays will be assigned. In addition, during the second semester a research paper will be assigned, and each step will be directed by the teacher according to set due dates. 


 Wordly Wise 3000, Book 9, 3rd ed., by Hodkinson and Adams, IEW Resource Notebook. Literature provided by HRM:  Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington, Mama’s Bank Account by Kathryn Forbes, Short Story Unit, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee,Poetry UnitSummer Reading: Isaac’s Storm by Erik Larson  OR  Narrative of the Life of David Crockett.


Students mastering 2 years of this course may want to obtain more information about taking the American Literature or College Composition CLEP test for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

**English III/IV (Jackson) (Grades 11 – 12) Prerequisites: 2 years HRM English II or equivalent, Placement Testing, HRM Writing Boot Camp.


College-preparatory level composition, literary and rhetorical analysis, grammar and usage, and vocabulary.


Students are expected to assume responsibility for their learning in all areas: reading, vocabulary, writing, and class discussions. Vocabulary study will be primarily literature-based, although some quarters may involve independent lists. As we study novels or other works, students may read from 50-75 pages a week, concurrently completing handouts or other written work connected to the text. To prepare for college-level reading and writing, students will also read nonfiction works and complete rhetorical analyses, informally and in essays. In the fall, students will write two full essays, one of which may be in class; in the spring, students will write a full essay and a researched argument.


IEW Student Resource Notebook. Literature provided by HRM: Selections from Gulliver’s Travels, Selections from the legends of King Arthur, The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Selections of British poetry. Summer Reading: 1984, by George Orwell. Be prepared to discuss and write about the major topics in the book.


Students mastering this course may want to obtain more information about taking the Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP tests for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

Beginning Math (Salazar) (Gr. 6-7) Prerequisites: 5th grade math or the equivalent. Math Interview


Topics taught include a review of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, simple geometry, units of measure, probability, and graphs. 


Students will need to complete practice problems for 1-3 sections covered each class period. Homework should average 1 hour per day, Monday - Friday for average students. Take-home tests will be given at the end of each unit.


Arithmetic 6, 4th ed. A Beka

Pre-Algebra ( Florian) (Gr. 7-9) Prerequisites: 7th grade math or the equivalent. Math Interview.


A review of all arithmetic concepts, introductory algebra and related topics, and geometry concepts.


Homework each class time with times varying based on ability and time in class.  2-3 Tests each grading period (a mixture of take home tests and in-class tests) and 1 project. Wednesday's assignment will be more lengthy and the take home tests will also be given on Wednesday.


Pre-Algebra , 3rd ed, A Beka

Geometry (Milligan) (Gr. 9-12) Prerequisites: Algebra 1. Math Interview.


Basic concepts of plane geometry-parallel and intersecting lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles, which will be integrated with algebra concepts consistent with the type of geometry problems that appear on the Scholastic Aptitude Test for college admission.


Students will need to memorize pertinent definitions, postulates, and theorems. Homework assigned every class period should take 1-2 hours. There will be weekly quizzes, and tests every 1-2 chapters.


Barron’s EZ Geometry by Lawrence S. Leff, 2009


Students mastering this course may want to obtain more information about taking the College Mathematics CLEP tests for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

**Advanced World History (Keegan)(Gr. 10-12) Prerequisites: Suggested minimum 16 years of age, read/comprehend at a high school level, take notes and research.


An advanced survey course of the history of the world from the beginnings of time to the present. This course should help students develop skills to be successful in courses at a college level, as it will help to develop note taking and research skills while also helping students learn to communicate the knowledge acquired.


Students will be expected to make good use of core materials as well as outside readings, do projects and presentations,successfully complete major tests and successfully complete a comprehensive final exam for each semester.


World History, BJU Press. 4th ed. Student Activities Manuel BJU Press.4th ed.

Physical Science (Inkster) (Grades 8-10) Prerequisites: Pre-Algebra, at least 13 years of age.


Study of introductory physics of motion, Newton’s laws, gravity, and the principles of chemistry.


Regular assignments each class period that should require approximately 1-2 hours per class period.


Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 2nd edition, Apologia

Lab Fee: $45


Students mastering this course, Biology and Chemistry may want to obtain more information about taking the Natural Sciences CLEP test for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

Health & PE (Corbett) (Gr. 6-8) Prerequisites: Able to participate in physical group activities. Able to read on a 6th grade level. Able to write a short report.


Study of fitness involving skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems; mental health involving the nervous system; and safety, first aid, drug abuse, and interpersonal relationships. The class period will include classroom instruction and various physical fitness activities. This course may be counted as one of the middle school sciences.


Review questions will be assigned at least once a week. A quiz will be given for each chapter, and a test will be given every 2 chapters. A short report on a health topic of the student's choice will be assigned in place of a midterm, and a comprehensive final will be given at the end of the year. For PE, students must be dressed for and participate in the activities planned for the day. This includes seasonally appropriate, modest, loose-fitting clothing, and tennis shoes.


Choosing Good Health, 3rd ed, A Beka

Biology (Cline) (Gr. 9-12) Prerequisites: Suggested minimum age of 14. Middle school science.


Study of cellular biology, genetics, creationism, taxonomy, microbiology, botany, zoology, and human anatomy.


Students are expected to be engaged and take an active role during all class and lab activities. An appropriate maturity level and ability to work independently and in groups is required. Assessment will include tests, labs, quizzes, and article summaries.


Biology for Christian Schools Student Text, 4th edition, Bob Jones. Biology for Christian Schools Lab Manual, 4th edition, Bob Jones

Lab Fee: $45


Students mastering this course, Physical Science and Chemistry may want to obtain more information about taking the Natural Sciences CLEP tests for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

Latin (Avra) (Gr. 6-8) Prerequisites: Minimum 6th grade reading and grammar.


Learning Latin makes it easier to learn other Romance languages and increases students' English vocabulary. Studies have shown higher SAT, ACT scores by those who study Latin, and it impresses college recruiters/ counselors. In addition, skills needed to learn Latin will help students be more observant, analytical, logical, organized and accurate overall. The students will learn the beauty of the Latin language, as well as intriguing Roman hsitory and the fun of Roman myths and legends. Since Roman History will be included, this class can serve as a history option in addition to a language.


Students will have weekly vocabulary assignments/quizzes, and will complete homework for 2-4 sections covered each class period. Homework should average 1 hour per day for average students. Every two to three weeks take-home tests will be given.


Latin Alive Book 1. Classical Academic Press. 

Study Hall (Lawrence)

Fourth Period (1:35 PM – 3:05 PM) [English classes utilize the IEW stylistic techniques and are designed (with the exception of Basic English) to require two years to complete.]

English I (Jackson) (Grades 7-9) Prerequisites: Basic English or the equivalent, Placement Testing, HRM Writing Bootcamp.


Intermediate essay writing, literature interpretation, grammar, vocabulary, and study skills.


Students will be expected to complete vocabulary exercises independently and study for in-class quizzes given every other week. In addition, students will be required to read anywhere from 30-40 pages weekly of a given novel, completing study guides or other handouts as assigned. In grammar, students will complete exercises or activities with their own writing to improve usage and fluency. Writing will include both informal and formal short assignments, as well as two full-length essays in the fall and one literary essay and a research paper in the spring. In-class discussions are important, and students are expected to demonstrate collegial respect and participate fully.


Wordly Wise 3000, Book 7, 3rd edition, by Hodkinson and Adams, IEW Resource Notebook. Literature provided by HRM: Prince Caspian by C. S. Lewis, Gladys Aylward by Benge, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom, Great Short Poems by a variety of poets. Summer Reading: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare

English II (Carman) (Gr. 9-11) Prerequisites: Three years Middle School English/Language Arts or the equivalent, Placement Testing, HRM Writing Bootcamp.


High school-level essay writing, literature analysis, grammar, and vocabulary


Students should expect to read between 2-5 chapters in the assigned literature selection per week; accompanying assignments will be given to assess comprehension of the material. Class discussion and note taking will be required as part of the student's classroom experience. Wordly Wise Vocabulary lessons will typically span 3 class periods; assignments will be given per class, and tests will be given every third class at the teacher's discretion. Sentence Openers and Dress Ups are expected to be memorized and utilized in the writing process. Throughout the first and second semesters, 2-3 essays will be assigned. In addition, during the second semester a research paper will be assigned, and each step will be directed by the teacher according to set due dates. 


 Wordly Wise 3000, Book 9, 3rd ed., by Hodkinson and Adams, IEW Resource Notebook. Literature provided by HRM:  Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington, Mama’s Bank Account by Kathryn Forbes, Short Story Unit, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee,Poetry UnitSummer Reading: Isaac’s Storm by Erik Larson  OR  Narrative of the Life of David Crockett.


Students mastering 2 years of this course may want to obtain more information about taking the American Literature or College Composition CLEP test for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

Basic Math (Salazar) (Gr. 7-8) Prerequisites: 6th grade math. Math Placement.


Topics taught include fractions, decimals, percents, geometry, units of measure, probability, graphs, and equation solving (beginning pre-algebra).


Students will need to complete practice problems for 1-3 sections covered each class period. Homework should average 1 hour per day, Monday - Friday for average students. Take-home tests will be given at the end of each unit.


Basic Mathematics (7), 4th ed. A Beka

Geometry (Milligan) (Gr. 9-12) Prerequisites: Algebra 1. Math Interview.


Basic concepts of plane geometry-parallel and intersecting lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles, which will be integrated with algebra concepts consistent with the type of geometry problems that appear on the Scholastic Aptitude Test for college admission.


Students will need to memorize pertinent definitions, postulates, and theorems. Homework assigned every class period should take 1-2 hours. There will be weekly quizzes, and tests every 1-2 chapters.


Barron’s EZ Geometry by Lawrence S. Leff, 2009


Students mastering this course may want to obtain more information about taking the College Mathematics CLEP tests for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

Algebra 2 (Florian) (Grades 9-12) Prerequisites: Algebra 1, Math Interview.


Techniques for solving and graphing any equation or relation--covering logarithmic, exponential, and basic trigonometric relations.


Homework every class period (time varies based on ability and class time used), Tests 2-4 times per grading period with most being take home tests;  Wednesday's assignment will be more lengthy and the take home tests will also be given on Wednesday.


Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach, 7th edition, Aufmann


Students mastering this course may want to obtain more information about taking the College Mathematics and/or College Algebra CLEP test for college credit. Look under the “documents” tab, or go to clep. for more information. Free-clep- also has good information about each test and suggested preparation.

Careers and How to Get There (Raiborn) (Grades 10 – 12) Prerequisites: Students must be at least 16 years of age to participate.


A life prep course designed to help students explore career opportunities and the paths to employment. Course will include: guests speakers from different fields, aptitude tests, interest evaluation, job applications, etc. Discussions will include internships, trade schools, jobs requiring a high school diploma, as well as careers requiring a college degree.  

Students taking at least 2 additional upper high school level courses can take this class at ½ price. Look for classes marked with two asterisks for those that qualify.


As the purpose of this class is to help the student navigate the coming years, most class requirements will take place in class. There may be small amounts of homework. Grades will be based on a simple point system.


No books at this time. Students will need access to a computer and internet.

Study Hall (von Dohlen)

**This class qualifies for the Careers and How to Get There discount bundle.**


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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