
Standard Birthday

Messages in the

Bill Good Marketing System®

A Compact Presentation

for Compliance and Other Review

Table of Contents

Female Birthday Letters 1

Male Birthday Letters 34

Female Birthday Letters

The heading sections highlighted in gray show hidden text displayed in the Letter files.

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 00 Newborn-Welcome you into the |

|“Welcome, «Salutation»! I would like to be the first to welcome you into the world, and wish you a very |

|happy birthday.” |

|Welcome, «Salutation»! I would like to be among the first to welcome you into the world, and wish you a |

|very happy birthday. |

|May your days be filled with the joys of love and life from this day forward. And may you touch the lives|

|of others as you have filled the lives of your parents. |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 01-Wish to A Very Special |

|Happy Birthday to a very special little girl on her first birthday. Birthday Graphics. |

|[Fancy font throughout:] Happy Birthday |

|To a very special little girl |

|on her first birthday. |

|[Graphic of cake, presents, and balloons] |

|May all your dreams come true! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 02-May all your wishes come |

|Text box with special font treatment (Italic, Outline, AND Shadow) of “May all of your birthday wishes |

|come true on this very special day, «Salutation»!” plus clip-art. |

|[At left in fancy font:] May all of your birthday wishes come true on this very special day, |

|«Salutation»! |

|[At right, graphic of stylized birthday present w/ caption “Happy 2nd Birthday!”] |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 03-Young girls fairy |

|“Once upon a time, not so very long ago,” «Salutation» was born. Joyous celebration for a girl who’s |

|brought so much love to parents’ lives. Some WordArt text. |

|[Graphic of open book. On left-hand “page” of graphic, “Once Upon a Time . . .” in fancy font. Rest of |

|page reads:] |

|. . . not so very long ago, «Salutation» was born. |

|«Salutation» made her parents very happy with her smiles and her sweetness. She was everything that they |

|had ever wanted in a little girl. |

|With each year, she grew bigger and stronger. As the days flew by, she smiled and she laughed and |

|[Right-hand page begins:] |

|she brought pleasure to everyone around her. |

|Then one day, a joyous celebration was held to honor this very special girl who has brought so much love |

|to her parents’ lives. |

|And this story was written to wish her a very special, very happy birthday! |

|[Page ends with “The End” in same fancy font.] |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 04-Hope It’s Full of Nice |

|Balloons & Streamers Graphic. It’s your Birthday, hope it’s full of nice surprises. |

|[Fancy font throughout:] It’s your Birthday! |

|Hope it’s full of nice surprises. |

|[Graphic of balloons and confetti] |

|Happy 4th Birthday. |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 05-Today You’re the |

|Star Graphic. It’s your birthday. And today you’re the star. |

|[Fancy font throughout:] It’s your birthday. |

|And today you’re the star. |

|[Graphic of grinning shooting-star] |

|Happy 5th Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 06-Today Is A Day To |

|Teddy Bear Graphic. Today is a day to celebrate. It’s your birthday. |

|[Fancy font throughout:] Today is a day to celebrate. |

|It’s your birthday! |

|[Graphic of teddy bear w/ party hat, presents, and confetti streamers] |

|Have a Happy 6th Birthday. |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 07-Queen for a |

|“Queen for the Day!” WordArt. |

|[Fancy font:] Important Birthday Announcement!!! |

|This letter is to announce to everyone that «AddressName» is Queen for the Day! «Salutation» is entitled to be thoroughly spoiled, pampered, and loved for|

|the rest of this day. This includes being able to choose what to watch on TV, where to sit in the car, what to eat for dinner, and when she gets to Open |

|the Presents!!! |

|Anyone who disputes this claim will be sent to the Birthday Board of Directors, who will promptly stamp “No Dessert” on their meal card. |

|Have a great birthday, «Salutation»!! It’s your special day and may all of your birthday wishes come true! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 08-Balloons and birthday |

|Multi-color “May your birthday be filled with balloons and birthday cake! And lots of presents, too!” Grayed graphic of cake and balloons on pedestal |

|with “Happy Birthday, «Salutation»” written on it (in darker gray). |

|[Complete, accurate description given in heading above.] |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 09-I got a little note |

|RR got little note from little birdy, and wrote pretty little verse. |

|[Graphic of quilt border enclosing:] |

|I got a little note from a little birdy today. It was short and sweet, just “«Salutation» is having a birthday!” |

|So I sat down and wrote you this: |

|Close your eyes, count to ten, |

|Make a wish and count again. |

|Then throw your hands up in the air |

|And spin around without a care! |

|Have a very, very happy birthday, and may every one of your birthday wishes really come true! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 10-A picture riddle for your |

|Picture [clip-art] riddle: “What do you get when put a [calendar] with a [cake w/candles] and you add some [balloons] and lots of [presents] and maybe a |

|few [party hats]?” Answer in upside-down WordArt: “You get a wish for a very happy birthday!” |

|Here’s a picture riddle for your birthday: |

|What do you get when you put a [graphic of a calendar] with a [graphic of a cake w/ candles] and you add some [graphic of balloons] and lots of [graphic of|

|presents] and maybe a few [graphic of party hats]? |

|[Upside-down WordArt:] You get a wish for a very happy birthday! |

|Enjoy your day! I hope it’s a great one! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 11-Greatest Birthday |

|I hope your birthday is as fun as a big parade, as yummy as cotton candy. Special effect letters. |

|[Arched WordArt:] Happy, Happy Birthday!! |

|I hope your birthday is [WordArt:] as Yummy as Cotton Candy! |

|[WordArt:] As Fun as a Big Parade [WordArt:] and as Special as You Are! |

|Have the best birthday ever!! [WordArt:] Enjoy! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 12-On your |

|“On your birthday.” Graphic of a cake and candles. |

|[Fancy font:] On your birthday |

|Happy moments, warm and bright, |

|Hoped for plans that work out right [Graphic of stylized cake |

|Favorite dreams that all come true and candles at right] |

|Are being wished today for you. |

|[Fancy font:] Have a great birthday!! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 13-Couldn’t miss the |

|“A special birthday wish for you!” |

|[Fancy font:] a special birthday wish for you! |

|Just couldn’t miss the chance to say, |

|“Hope you have a happy day.” |

|[Fancy font:] happy birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 14-May the ocean rise to meet |

|For a summery birthday by a swimmable ocean: “May the ocean rise to meet you. And carry you on your way. May the sun shine down upon you. And brighten |

|your happy day!” etc., in italic AND outline. Clip-art frieze of kid’s beach items across bottom. |

|[Fancy font throughout:] May the ocean rise to meet you |

|And carry you on your way. |

|May the sun shine down upon you |

|And brighten your happy day! |

|I wish you |

|a very happy birthday today |

|and many more to come! |

|[Graphic at bottom of beach ball, shovel-&-pail, and sandcastle, repeated] |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 15-Just a little |

|Just a little verse for your birthday today. Balloons and party streamers graphic. |

|[Fancy font throughout:] |

|Just a little verse [Graphic of balloons and party streamers at right] |

|For your birthday today. |

|May happiness guide you |

|As you go on your way. |

|May your days be bright |

|And your life be full. |

|May your birthday be great |

|And not at all dull. |

|Have a really great birthday!! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 16-Secret of |

|Birthday letter with enclosure of a dollar bill. |

|The day you were born is a very special day. I hope your birthday wishes come true. My wish for you is a super fun day filled with memories and happy |

|surprises. |

|The enclosed $1 bill is one surprise I have for you. If you could make this money multiply into $1,000 or more, would you? It is important to save and |

|invest money as early as possible. This is the secret of multiplication. |

|Good luck with your $1. You can spend it now or invest it in your future. Have a great birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 17-In the coming |

|“In the coming years, I hope for you. All happiness and dreams come true. May your days be long, but sorrows swift. May all your life be a pleasant |

|gift.” Graphic border of birthday party. NO letterhead; substitute in text. |

|[Graphic border of balloons, musical notes, cork-popping bottle, glasses, confetti, etc.] |

|A Birthday Wish |

|In the coming years, I hope for you |

|All happiness and dreams come true. |

|May your days be long, but sorrows swift |

|May all your life be a pleasant gift. |

|Happy Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 18-Hope is the thing with |

|Poem by Emily Dickinson: “Hope is the thing with feathers. That perches in the soul. And sings the tune without the words. And never stops at all, |

|. . .” From RR: “As you embark upon your voyage into adulthood, never lose sight of your goals.” |

|Hope is the thing with feathers |

|That perches in the soul, |

|And sings the tune without the words, |

|And never stops at all, |

|And sweetest in the gale is heard; |

|And sore must be the storm |

|That could abash the little bird |

|That kept so many warm. |

|I’ve heard it in the chillest land |

|And on the strangest sea; |

|Yet, never, in extremity, |

|It asked a crumb of me. |

|—Emily Dickinson (1830–86) |

|As you embark upon your voyage into adulthood, never lose sight of your goals. Keep them firmly in mind, and always strive to reach them. |

|I wish you a very Happy 18th Birthday! And many more to come! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 19-3 |

|“This morning I rubbed my computer and it granted me three wishes.” |

|This morning I rubbed my computer and it granted me 3 wishes—and the first wish I made for you was to have a [fancy font] Really Happy Birthday. |

|Then I asked it to give me a gazillion dollars plus a chain of islands in the Caribbean. I’m still waiting for my second and third wishes . . . |

|In the meantime, «Salutation», I hope your birthday is a special day for you. |

|[Fancy font:] Happy Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 20-Life is only a |

|Life is only a canvas. It’s up to you to paint it well. Graphic–artist & canvas. |

|[Graphic of artist & canvas at left] |

|Life is only a canvas. |

|It’s up to you to paint it well. |

|—Anonymous |

|In the coming year, I hope that you find all the colors you need to paint your life’s canvas. |

|Happy Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age |

|May all your dreams come true |

|[Fancy fonts throughout:] There are powers inside of you, which, if you could |

|discover and use, would make of you everything you ever |

|dreamed or imagined you could become. |

|—Orison Swett Marden |

|[WordArt:] Happy 21st Birthday |

|May all your dreams come true! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 22-There was a magical |

|There was a magical thing that happened years ago. Star graphics and text art |

|[Graphic of wreath of stars behind entire text] |

|There was a magical thing that happened on «Birthday», years ago: The stars aligned, and the heavens agreed, and you were brought forth to grace this |

|world with your kindness of spirit and your generosity of heart. I wish you a very happy birthday, and many more to come! |

|[Large WordArt:] Happy Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 23-Flowers bloom in |

|Anonymous verse: “May the flowers bloom in winter,/May the sun shine all year round,/May your days be bright and happy/From the joy that you have found.” |

|May the flowers bloom in winter, |

|May the sun shine all year round, |

|May your days be bright and happy |

|From the joy that you have found. |

|—Anonymous |

|I hope that your birthday is really special, and I wish you many more to come! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 24-Fresh picked |

|Just for you, a fresh picked birthday wish. |

|Just for you, «Salutation», a fresh-picked birthday wish: |

|[Fancy font w/ flowers:] HAPPY BIRTHDAY! |

|Whatever you have planned, have a wonderful time. I hope this special day is full of the happiness you deserve. |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 25-Life is a series of near |

|Quote from Howard Schultz, owner of Starbucks® Coffee: “I believe life is a series of near misses. A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all.” |

|From RR: “May your life go according to all your plans.” |

|I believe life is a series of near misses. |

|A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all. |

|It’s seizing the day and accepting responsibility for your future. |

|It’s seeing what other people don’t see |

|and pursuing that vision. |

|—Howard Schultz, owner of Starbucks® Coffee |

|I wish you a very happy 25th birthday! May your life go according to all your plans. |

|Happy Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 26-Silly little |

|Here’s a silly little ditty that I think is sort of pretty . . . |

|Here’s a silly little ditty |

|That I think is sort of pretty! |

|This morning as the sun arose |

|A little bird stretched out his toes. |

|He winged his message far and wide: |

|“Happy Birthday!” he loudly cried. |

|I heard him shout as I awoke. |

|I saw him there, and to me he spoke— |

|Very quietly, to sleepy old me: |

|“It’s «Salutation»’s birthday, you see!” |

|So I leaped out of bed and picked up the phone |

|And I dialed your number, but no one was home. |

|That’s why I’ve sent you this piece of mail |

|With a wish that I hope is not too stale: |

|“Happy Birthday, «Salutation»!” |

|Have a great day! I hope that you have a fabulous birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 27-The way you spend your |

|The way you spend your birthday is strictly up to you, but I hope that it’s a happy one no matter what you do. |

|[WordArt at right] Have a happy birthday! |

|The way you spend your birthday is strictly up to you, |

|But I hope that it’s a happy one |

|No matter what you do. |

|Make it the greatest ever!! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 28-Computer prints list of good |

|Humor & praise: “I asked my computer to print out a list of all your good qualities. If it ever stops printing, I’ll send you the list! . . . I |

|appreciate knowing people like you.” With WordArt “Happy Birthday” (paperclips). |

|For your birthday, I asked my computer to print out a list of all your good qualities. |

|If it ever stops printing, I’ll send you the list! In the meantime, I’ll just say how much I appreciate knowing people like you. |

|[WordArt:] Happy Birthday!! |

|I hope «Birthday» is a very special day for you! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 29-Strange urge to |

|“I’ve had this strange urge to write you a letter lately.” Humorous. |

|I’ve had this strange urge to write you a letter lately. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!) I have no pertinent information to share with you at this time. (HAPPY|

|BIRTHDAY TO YOU!) To be quite honest with you, «Salutation», I have no idea why I am sending you this letter. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dear «Salutation»!) I |

|would like to say that it is a pleasure knowing someone like you, and if I can ever be of service please don’t hesitate to call. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!) |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 30-The future belongs to those who |

|Quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” From RR: “May the future be yours, and yours alone,|

|to share with others and to keep for yourself. May your dreams come true in the coming years!” |

|The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. |

|—Eleanor Roosevelt (1884–1962) |

|Here’s a wish for your 30th birthday: |

|May the future be yours, and yours alone, to share with others and to keep for yourself. May your dreams come true in the coming years! |

|Happy Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 31-Recommended birthday |

|Graphics of noisemakers, confetti, fireworks, and birthday cake. Recommended investments for your birthday. |

|The following are recommended investments for your birthday. |

|[Graphic of noisemakers and confetti at left] |

|I encourage buying and holding some noisemakers, to |

|annoy your co-workers and neighbors. You may |

|wish to diversify with silly party hats, so as to also |

|annoy your guests. |

|Purchase several thousand pieces of confetti and a few |

|dozen balloons. You should definitely diversify as to |

|shape and color of both investment types. |

|[Graphic of balloons and confetti at right] |

|[Graphic of fireworks at left] |

|If legal in your jurisdiction, fireworks add “bang”! |

|The downside is increased risk of interaction with |

|government watchdogs, such as the fire department. |

|By federal law, all birthday portfolios include birthday |

|cake. Decorate with candles—depending on your |

|tolerance for risk, use up to your age in years! |

|[Graphic of birthday cake at right] |

|Invest some time in a great birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 32-So many things to do each |

|“There is so much going on in the world of great concern, that often we do not stop and think about what is really important to us.” |

|There are so many things to do each day. There is so much going on in the world of great concern, that often we do not stop and think about what is really|

|important to us. |

|However, there’s one day of the year I will always set aside time . . . |

|To wish you a Happy Birthday! |

|Hope you have a great day, «Salutation»!! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 33-Have your cake and eat it |

|“. . . have your cake and eat it too!” Graphic of a cake, WordArt “Have a Happy Birthday!” |

|«Salutation», it’s your big day!!! |

|So it’s OK, go ahead . . . |

|[Graphic of a birthday cake] |

|. . . have your cake and eat it too! |

|[WordArt:] Have a Happy Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 34-I wanted to make this |

|Humorous. Couldn’t make glorious cake because of kitchen accident. “P.S. All right, if you must know:” “P.P.S. JUST KIDDING!” |

|For your birthday, I wanted to personally bake you a delicious birthday cake in your favorite flavor. My grandmother gave my mother a terrific recipe that|

|she passed on to me. This cake is the ultimate—moist, full-flavored, great frosting. It’s always been my favorite, too. |

|Well, as I was saying, I wanted to make this scrumptious cake for your birthday. Unfortunately, I had a bit of an accident in the kitchen . . . just one |

|of those run-of-the mill, everyday, garden-variety kitchen accidents. |

|So as an alternative, I’ll simply wish you a very happy birthday! I hope you have a good celebration. |

|P.S. All right, if you must know: While I was licking the beaters on my mixer, my thumb accidentally hit the on button and . . . well, anyway, I’m okay |

|now! |

|P.P.S. Just kidding! But not about this: Happy Birthday, «Salutation»! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 35-Bill of |

|Birthday Bill of Rights. |

|[1789-style font:] |

|Your Birthday |


|You have the right to be the life of the party. |

|You have the right to party alone or with someone special. |

|You have the right to speak out about birthdays. |

|You have the right to take the Fifth Amendment when someone asks your age. |

|You have the right to return birthday gifts without informing the sender. |

|You have the right to pursue happiness and have your happiest birthday ever! |

|[Same special font:] Happy Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 36-We tried but we |

|RR couldn’t get a singer, so will just put the Happy Birthday song down on paper. WordArt musical notes; the one on 2nd line looks short-stemmed on screen|

|but prints fine. |

|I tried, but I failed. |

|Kenny Rogers had a previous engagement. |

|Celine Dion was busy too! |

|So I decided to tape myself singing it. But when I played it back, I didn’t exactly sound like Celine Dion or Kenny Rogers. |

|That’s when I decided to just put it on paper: |

|[pic] Happy Birthday to you, |

|Happy Birthday to yoo-oo-ou! [pic] |

|Happy Birthday, dear «Salutation»!! |

|Happy Birthday to you!!! [pic]. |

|All kidding aside: I do hope that «Birthday» is a very special day for you! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 37-Computers ideal |

|“For your birthday, I asked my computer . . . ideal present for you. . . . Its first idea was chocolate; but I figured you were sweet enough. . . . the |

|best . . . would be the wonderful time you will spend with your friends and loved ones.” |

|For your birthday, I asked my computer what would be the ideal present for you. |

|It came up with a few ideas. |

|Its first idea was chocolate; but I figured you were sweet enough. |

|Its second idea was to send you a case of champagne; but I think you have a bubbly personality already. |

|The computer’s third idea was a shopping spree at Neiman Marcus; but you already have plenty of style. |

|Actually, «Salutation», I guess the best present you could receive would be the wonderful time you will spend with your friends and loved ones. I hope |

|it’s a very special day for you! |

|[WordArt:] Happy Birthday! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 38-Rum cake |

|Birthday rum cake recipe. Humorous. |

|Let me begin by wishing you a very Happy Birthday. |

|Please find on the enclosure a very special birthday cake recipe that has been handed down in my family for generations. According to the family legends, |

|my great-great-great-great grandmother, Brunhilda, who was never very stable, created it. |

|I hope you enjoy it! [Page break] |


|1 cup sugar |

|2 liters of rum |

| |

|1 cup dried fruit |

|2 cups brown sugar |

| |

|1 tsp. baking soda |

|1 cup of butter |

| |

|2 large eggs |

|1 tsp. baking powder |

| |

|lemon juice |

|2 cups walnuts |

| |

|Before starting, sample rum to check the quality. Good, isn’t it? |

|Now proceed. |

|Select large mixing bowl, measuring cup, etc. Check rum again. It must be just right. To be sure rum is of proper quality, pour one level cup of rum |

|into a glass and drink it as fast as you can. |

|Repeat. |

|With an electric mixer, beat one cup of butter in a large and fluffy bowl. Add one seaspoon of thugar and beat again. Meanwhile, make sure rum is still |

|all right. Try another cup. Open second liter if necessary. |

|Add eggs, 2 cups fried druit and heat until high. If druit gets stuck in the beaters, pry loose with a drewscriber. |

|Sample rum again, checking for tonscisticity. Next, sift 3 cups of pepper or salt, (really doesn’t matter). Sample rum again. Sift ½ pint of lemon |

|juice. Fold in chopped butter and strained nuts. Add 1 babblespoon of brown thugar or whatever color you can find. |

|Wix mell. |

|Grease oven. Turn cake pan 350 degrees. Pour mess into boven and ake. |

|Check rum again and go to bed. |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 39-29 |

|“Everybody was surprised (to say the least) when I told them how old you’ll be on your next birthday. . . . It was unanimous: 29 looks really good, for |

|the 10th year or so in a row.” Very fancy typography, but NO WordArt. |

|Everybody was surprised (to say the least) when I told them how old you’ll be on your next birthday. I mean, I got reactions like . . . |

|Oh, wow! |

|Hah!—I knew it. |


|Yeah? . . . Do you believe it? |

|What can you say? It was unanimous: |

|29 looks really good, for the 10th year or so in a row. |


|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 40-Another milestone. one |

|Birthday #40 is often referred to as “hitting another milestone.” |

|Birthday #40 is often referred to as “hitting another milestone.” Knowing today was a milestone for you, but wanting to be more certain what “milestone” |

|meant, I decided to look it up in my Merriam-Webster Dictionary and here’s what I found: |

|Main Entry: mile·stone |

|Pronunciation: [pic] |

|Function: noun |

|Date: circa 1746 |

|1 : a stone serving as a milepost |

|2 : a significant point in development |

|I really like that second definition. What a wonderful place to be—at a “significant point in development.” I truly hope this birthday develops into a |

|significant celebration! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! |

|Birthday Letters Birthday-Female-Age 41-My birthday |

|“Just a note to wish you a Happy Birthday![ ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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