
5554980-762000Name: Delain Hayes, Jr.Date: 15 February 2015 (updated 8 Mar 2015)Unit Title: College or Work?Grade level(s): 12th grade00Name: Delain Hayes, Jr.Date: 15 February 2015 (updated 8 Mar 2015)Unit Title: College or Work?Grade level(s): 12th gradeSouthwestern College-Teacher Education Unit Planning Guidelines and Template with Lesson Plan format embeddedDirections: Use the following template for unit and lesson planning. The unit planning componentsare only done once for the unit-this includes all sections from Standards to Unit Outline. TheLesson Plans sections are then copied and completed for as many lesson sessions as the unit entails.416966431469Standards include: For math use-Domain:Code:Cluster: Standard: For ELA use-Strand: (1) Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12(2) Writing Standards 6–12(3) Speaking and Listening Standards 6–12(4) Language Standards 6–12(5) Range, Quality, and Complexity of Student Reading 6–12(6) Range of Text Types for 6–12Code: L.3.1f., L.3.3a., L.4.1f., L.4.1g., L.4.3b., L.5.1d., L.6.1c., L.6.1d., L.6.1e., L.7.1c., L.7.3a., L.8.1d., L.9-10.1a.Boxed Sub-heading: (1) Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity; (2) Types and Purposes, Production and Distribution of Writing, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, Range of Writing; (3) Comprehension and Collaboration, , Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas; (4) Conventions of Standard English, Knowledge of Language, Vocabulary Acquisition and Use; (5) Measuring Text Complexity; (6) Informational Text – Literary NonfictionStandard: The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.For all other subjects use-Standard:Code: Benchmark:00Standards include: For math use-Domain:Code:Cluster: Standard: For ELA use-Strand: (1) Reading Standards for Informational Text 6–12(2) Writing Standards 6–12(3) Speaking and Listening Standards 6–12(4) Language Standards 6–12(5) Range, Quality, and Complexity of Student Reading 6–12(6) Range of Text Types for 6–12Code: L.3.1f., L.3.3a., L.4.1f., L.4.1g., L.4.3b., L.5.1d., L.6.1c., L.6.1d., L.6.1e., L.7.1c., L.7.3a., L.8.1d., L.9-10.1a.Boxed Sub-heading: (1) Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity; (2) Types and Purposes, Production and Distribution of Writing, Research to Build and Present Knowledge, Range of Writing; (3) Comprehension and Collaboration, , Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas; (4) Conventions of Standard English, Knowledge of Language, Vocabulary Acquisition and Use; (5) Measuring Text Complexity; (6) Informational Text – Literary NonfictionStandard: The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.For all other subjects use-Standard:Code: Benchmark:In the space below, list standards that will be addressed in the unit. Use Common Core Standards for ELA and Math. Use state standards for other disciplines. What will student know, understand, be able to do as a result of this unit? (The nouns and verbs to be listed come from the standards for the unit-select the key nouns/verbs or noun phrases that will focus the learning and instruction.)Know (nouns) DefinitionList the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context. Job Skills (Discovery) 1) Students deciding to join the workforce will discovery what skills they have.2) Skills are abilities that employers desire in its workforce, and these abilities can lead to employment.3) Top 10 skills: verbal communication, teamwork, commercial awareness, analyzing and investigating, initiative/self-motivation, drive, written communication, planning and organizing, flexibility, time management (University of Kent, n.d.).College Skills (Discovery) 1) Students deciding to go to college will discover what skills they have.2) “…functional skills…are based on a problem solving approach. Learners who are ‘functionally skilled’ are able to use and apply English…[students] know [how] to tackle problems that arise in their life and work…functional skills enhance…lives…improve employability in a changing [labor] market and develop the skills that the economy and employers need” (The Isle of Wight College, 2015).3) “A comprehensive college preparation program must address four distinct dimensions of college readiness: cognitive strategies, content knowledge, self-management skills, and knowledge about postsecondary education” (Conley, 2008).Cover Letter – “A cover letter is a document sent with [a] resume to provide additional information on [one’s] skills and experience” (Doyle, n.d.).College Admission Essay 1) This is an essay, written by student applicants to gain entrance to his/her college of choice.2) R. Hansen provides tools and tips in writing these essay types.Resume – “…is a short, concise document that states relevant information regarding your education, skills, experiences, accomplishments, and job-related interests” (Mt. Hood Community College, n.d.).Dress-for-Success1) Dressing appropriately and in good taste for interviews, be it for jobs or colleges2) Women’s interview attire: solid color, conservative suit; coordinated blouse; moderate shoes; limited jewelry; neat, professional hairstyle; tan or light hosiery; sparse make-up & perfume; manicured nails; portfolio or briefcase (Doyle, n.d.).3) Men’s interview attire: solid color, conservative suit; white long sleeve shirt; conservative tie; dark socks, professional shoes; very limited jewelry; neat, professional hairstyle; go easy on the aftershave; neatly trimmed nails; portfolio or briefcase (Doyle, n.d.).Job Interview - “a meeting in which an employer asks the person applying for a job questions to see whether they would be the right person to do that job” (Cambridge Dictionaries Online, 2015).College Interview – “…is a chance…to meet with someone who represents [a] college. It's a great way to show [the student’s] interest in [a particular] college, to start a relationship with people there and to show what [that student is] all about” (The College Board, 2015).30-Second Elevator Speech – “…is a clear, brief message or “commercial” about [oneself]… absolutely not longer than 25 to 30 seconds…or - in words - approximately 80 to 90 words…or - in sentences - 8 to [sic] 10 sentences” (Author unknown, n.d.).Job (or career) Fair Day – “…[for a day,] an event where a large number of recruiters and potential employers gather for the purpose of providing information about available positions and their companies in general” (WiseGeek, 2015).College Fair Day – “…[for a day,] a gathering of college representatives who are looking for the right students for their institutions. They're there to spread the word about their college to high school students — and they want to talk to [students who are graduating high school or have graduated]” (The College Board, 2015).Be Able to Do (Verbs)Level ILevel IILevel IIILevel IVLevel VList the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the cognitive demand level (Bloom’s) with verbs in context by highlighting the appropriate box: RememberMemorize facts, definitions, & formulas UnderstandPerform ProceduresApplyDemonstrate understandingAnalyzeConjecture, Generalize, ProveEvaluate/Create Solve non-routine problems; make connectionsa. Write/create a list of 25 commonly misspelled words using the internetx????b. Improving written communicative skills by reducing amount of misspellings in letter or essayxxx??c. Identify and categorize employable or functional skills?xx??d. Create a business cover letter or college admission essay using a team-based approach?xx?xe. Create suitable resumes for work or college settings?x??xf. Understand the importance of creating a good, first impression by dressing in a professional manner for (employment or collegiate) recruitersxxxxxThis standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own student friendly words)First, completing a listing of commonly misspelled words will help students’ future written communications appear professional, in manner.Second, giving said communications the impression of adequate competency to potential employers or admission counselors. Third, students will determine skills desirable of employers or admission counselors increasing their chances of employment or enrollment.Fourth, creating a cover letter or admission essay gives the reader insights (not included in resumes) into possible candidates increasing chances for hire or higher education.Fifth, developing/creating resumes (with employable or functional skills included) answers the question of selection for recruiters making the decision for hiring or admitting easierSixth, a good resume gets students the important face-to-face time to prove to recruiters that choosing them is a right fit for the recruiters’ organizations.Essential Questions: What big idea question(s) focus this unit? Think: broad overarching question that can bridge subject areas and units.-This unit won’t end the learning on this question.(1 question is sufficient but definitely not more than 3.)Will this project, of getting employment or placement, fulfill students’ end-goals?Unit Questions: Guiding, open-ended, unit-specific question(s) that help build understanding of the Essential Question. (insert addition rows below if needed)What is the importance of creating a misspelling list and how will it help a student’s written communicative abilities?What is the importance of a cover letter and a college admission essay?What are employable skills and functional skills? Can you, as a student, identify and categorize or rank your skills?What is the importance of a resume for a job or a college?What is the importance of creating a good, first impression for a recruiter, be it for employment or college admission? How will one dress him- or herself for the occasion? How will one conduct him- or herself during the interview?What is the importance of a 30-second elevator speech or pitch?What will you, as a student, do and conduct yourself during a career fair day or college fair day?Summary: In the space below, write a brief summary for the unit. Provide a concise overview of your unit explaining what is to be learned and how students will attain the learning goals. Consider answering: Why is this unit/lesson needed? How will students benefit?College or work are two options for students leaving high school becoming adults and entering either the workforce or higher education. Students will decide in teams of four to enter the workforce or college as the team’s project. A series of linked structures will begin with a listing of commonly misspellings. Next, the students will discover skills they may have that will be desirable for employers and admission counselors, and students will create cover letters or college admission essays. Then, they will create resumes leading to interviews with employment or collegiate recruiters. Standards of conduct will be visited addressing professional behaviors during an interview.This lesson plan endeavors to provide senior students with skills to help them transition into the next chapter of their lives, should they decide to enter a work or college setting. The process will help them create cover letters or college admission essays, resumes, and act appropriately during an interview.Data analysis: What data do you have showing the need for this unit/lesson(s)? How does the data indicate differences in learner needs? Data type: (standards review-looking at grade level before and after standards to get baseline and toward line; pre-assessment; previous unit work that connects to upcoming unit; informal assessment; student surveys)Analysis details: (What does the data you have tell you about this learning group in relation to the standards selected for this unit of instruction/learning?)Graduating seniors must progress to the next level: adulthood. This entails several choices: working, going to college, entering the military, joining the Peace Corp, etc. Two options given, college or work, and seniors require the communicative skills to seek the two options presented in this lesson plan. Using cooperative learning methods, the students will gain transferable skills (personal accountability, social skills, etc.) that could lead to employment or higher education. Pre- and post-surveys will be taken of the population (equaling 32 students) to gage success of the lesson plan leading to improvements, if required.Assessment: How will you know students have learned? It is important to think about your assessment before planning lesson(s). How will the student(s) demonstrate they have met the objective? Students, in grouped discussion and completion of tasks, will produce lists of commonly misspelled words, create either a cover letter or college admission essay, discover skills they have that can lead to employment or higher education, produce a resume, and gain interviewee skills through the authentic assessment method.Formative Assessment should be conducted regularly throughout the lesson(s). Pre-assessment may be conducted prior to lesson(s). Assessment may be informal-teacher observation, checklist, journal entry, practice tasks. It maySummative assessment will generally be at the end of a unit or series of lessons on similar learning goals. be formal-written task, performance task, paper/pencil or computer based quiz/test. You may come back and make adjustments to the assessments as you progress through planning or even after teaching the lesson to ensure objectives, instruction, and assessment are aligned and students are meeting the objectives.Performance Task(s): Through what authentic performance tasks will students demonstrate the desired understandings? Answer: Having an interview session, demonstrating appropriate clothing for interviews, having a mock job fair or college fair.By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged? Answer: Demonstrating good body posture, being attentative, actively listening, responding to questions concisely and correctly, keeping eye contact, incorporating the 30-second elevator speech, asking questions about the company/college, telling interviewer attributes and skills that would be good for the company or college, etc. Other Evidence: Through what other evidence (e.g., quizzes, tests, academic prompts, observations, homework, journals) will students demonstrate achievement of the desired results? Answer: By academic prompts (sample cover letters, admission essays, etc.), observations (doing a walkabout while teams are engaging in the projects), homework (finding out what skills students may have, dressing for a mock college fair or job fair, and writing brief journals of experiences during the project)How will student reflect upon and self-assess their learning? Answer: Post-evaluation forms and journal entries during the project.Formative-1. Filling out pre- and post-evaluation forms.2. Taking walkabouts to assess student understanding of the lesson plan throughout the lifecycle of the plan.3. Requiring students to keep a journal of their experiences during the project.Summative-1. Produce a list of 25 commonly misspelled words.2. Produce a listing of skills suitable of employment or placement.3. Create a cover letter or college admission essay.4. Create a resume.5. Participate in an interview.6. Demonstrate appropriate etiquette and dress during an interview.7. Participate in a mock job or college fair.Materials and Resources: In the space below, brainstorm any materials you might need to complete the lesson in your classroom. This may include teacher and student books, guest speakers, technology, materials/supplies needed for demonstration and instruction or needed by students to complete tasks, etc. As you continue to work on your lessons, you will likely add to this list.Evaluation forms; loose-leaf paper; pencils; stop watches; journals, etc.Unit Outline-Lesson Segments: Provide a brief description of each session in the unit sequence.Session Instruction and Learning Experience1Write/create a list of 25 commonly misspelled words using the internet2Identify and categorize employable (work) or functional (collegiate) skills3Create a business cover letter or college admission essay using a team-based approach4Create suitable resumes for work or college settings5Conducting mock interviews and demonstrating appropriate mannerisms and dress attire6Conducting mock job or college fair dayLesson 1Lesson title: College or Work: List 25 common misspellingsObjective (s): 1. Write/create a list of 25 commonly misspelled words using the internet2. Help students’ written communications appear professional, in manner3. Complete pre- and post-survey assessing student knowledge4. Provide journals to track/chart student progress through a 6-part lesson planAssessment: 1. Authentic; completion of 25-word misspelling list2. Summative; a. pre- and post-surveys gauging student knowledge; b. validating 1st objective in lesson plan3. Multi-Dimensional; group processing, journals, open-ended questions4. Cooperative learning; use of several Kagan structures throughout the 1st objectiveMeeting the needs of various learners/accommodations: Use heterogeneous teams to complete 1st objective; use homogeneous pairing or teams for special needs students, ELL students, etc.; incorporate differentiated-instruction approach to teach all types of students addressing multiple intelligences, cognitive, learning and personality styles through the use of multiple Kagan structures:Team Interview – interpersonalFind Someone Who – class building, social skills, knowledge building, procedure learningSimultaneous Roundtables – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, presenting infoStir-the-Class – class building, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoMix-Freeze-Group – class building, social skills, knowledge building, thinking skills One Stray – class building, social skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting info StandUp-HandUp-PairUp – class building, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsFan-N-Pick – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, thinking skillsInstructional Plan- after detailing each plan component, indicate the approximate time allocated to carry out that part.Opening: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Instruction: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Practice: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Closing: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.After Assessment: Validating success or failure of the 1st objective via pre- and post-survey scores and completion of the team’s misspelling lists incorporating student suggestions and thoughts for improvement.Lesson 2Lesson title: College or Work: Skills Discovery – identify and categorizeObjective (s): 1. Students look-up/write 11 terms relating to employable and functional skills using the internet2. Help students realize/develop transferable skills for work and college settings3. Complete pre- and post-survey assessing student knowledge4. Provide journals to track/chart student progress through a 6-part lesson planAssessment: 1. Authentic; completion of 11-term look-up describing items needed to get into college and work environments2. Summative; a. pre- and post-surveys gauging student knowledge; b. validating 2nd objective in lesson plan3. Multi-Dimensional; group processing, journals, open-ended questions4. Cooperative learning; use of several Kagan structures throughout the 2nd objectiveMeeting the needs of various learners/accommodations: Use heterogeneous teams to complete 2nd objective; use homogeneous pairing or teams for special needs students, ELL students, etc.; incorporate differentiated-instruction approach to teach all types of students addressing multiple intelligences, cognitive, learning and personality styles through the use of multiple Kagan structures:Team Interview – interpersonalTalking Chips – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoFind Someone Who – class building, social skills, knowledge building, procedure learningRoundTable Consensus – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsNumbered Heads Together (Answer Board Share) – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoPairs Compare – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, thinking skills RoundTable – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting info StandUp-HandUp-PairUp – class building, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsFan-N-Pick – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, thinking skillsInstructional Plan- after detailing each plan component, indicate the approximate time allocated to carry out that part.Opening: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Instruction: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Practice: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Closing: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.After Assessment: Validating success or failure of the 2nd objective via pre- and post-survey scores and discovery of the students’ transferable skills required to gain employment or enrollment incorporating student suggestions and thoughts for improvement. Lesson 3Lesson title: College or Work: Creating cover letters (CLs) or college admission essays (CAEs)Objective (s): 1. Students, working in teams, will compose either a cover letter or a college admission essay for their project2. Help students by providing CL & CAE materials: guides and information, and sample CL and CAE3. Using guides and samples, teams will adjust CLs/CAEs, as needed, then present their projects to the class4. Complete pre- and post-survey assessing student knowledge5. Provide journals to track/chart student progress through a 6-part lesson planAssessment: 1. Authentic; completion of CLs/CAEs (1st time); adjust projects after receiving additional materials (2nd time)2. Summative; a. pre- and post-surveys gauging student knowledge; b. validating 3rd objective in lesson plan3. Multi-Dimensional; group processing, journals, open-ended questions4. Cooperative learning; use of several Kagan structures throughout the 3rd objectiveMeeting the needs of various learners/accommodations: Use heterogeneous teams to complete 3rd objective; use homogeneous pairing or teams for special needs students, ELL students, etc.; incorporate differentiated-instruction approach to teach all types of students addressing multiple intelligences, cognitive, learning and personality styles through the use of multiple Kagan structures:Team Interview – interpersonalThink-Write-RoundRobin – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsFind Someone Who – class building, social skills, knowledge building, procedure learning*Jot Thoughts + RoundTable Consensus – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsNumbered Heads Together – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting info*JT + RoundTable Consensus + NHT – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoNumbered Heads Together (Answer Board Share) – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoStandUp-HandUp-PairUp – class building, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsFan-N-Pick – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, thinking skills*Multiple use of structures (by linking them) deepens knowledge, confidence and understanding of lesson’s objectives.Instructional Plan- after detailing each plan component, indicate the approximate time allocated to carry out that part.Opening: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Instruction: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Practice: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Closing: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.After Assessment: Validating success or failure of the 3rd objective via pre- and post-survey scores and completion of CLs or CAEs to gain employment or enrollment incorporating student suggestions and thoughts for improvement. Lesson 4Lesson title: College or Work: Creating resumes for employment-recruiters (E-Rs) and collegiate-recruiters (C-Rs)Objective (s): 1. Students, working in teams, will compose a resume for employment or enrollment for their project using skills agreed upon in the 2nd lesson plan2. Help students by providing resume materials: guides and information, and sample resumes: chronological, functional, combination, alternative3. Using guides and samples, teams will adjust their resumes, as needed, then present their projects to the class4. Complete pre- and post-survey assessing student knowledge5. Provide journals to track/chart student progress through a 6-part lesson planAssessment: 1. Authentic; completion of resumes (1st time); adjust projects after receiving additional materials (2nd time)2. Summative; a. pre- and post-surveys gauging student knowledge; b. validating 4th objective in lesson plan3. Multi-Dimensional; group processing, journals, open-ended questions4. Cooperative learning; use of several Kagan structures throughout the 4th objectiveMeeting the needs of various learners/accommodations: Use heterogeneous teams to complete 4th objective; use homogeneous pairing or teams for special needs students, ELL students, etc.; incorporate differentiated-instruction approach to teach all types of students addressing multiple intelligences, cognitive, learning and personality styles through the use of multiple Kagan structures:Team Interview – interpersonalAllWrite Consensus – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsFind Someone Who – class building, social skills, knowledge building, procedure learning*Jot Thoughts + Spend-A-Buck + RoundTable Consensus – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsNumbered Heads Together – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting info*JT + Spend-A-Buck + RoundTable Consensus + Numbered Heads Together – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoNumbered Heads Together – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoStandUp-HandUp-PairUp – class building, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsFan-N-Pick – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, thinking skills*Multiple use of structures (by linking them) deepens knowledge, confidence and understanding of lesson’s objectives.Instructional Plan- after detailing each plan component, indicate the approximate time allocated to carry out that part.Opening: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Instruction: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Practice: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Closing: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.After Assessment: Validating success or failure of the 4th objective via pre- and post-survey scores and completion of resumes to gain employment or enrollment incorporating student suggestions and thoughts for improvement.Lesson 5Lesson title: College or Work: Mock interviews, appropriate mannerisms and dress attireObjective (s): 1. Students, working in teams, discuss the interview process, how to behave during an interview session and what to wear to the interview2. Help students by providing materials: interview and dress-attire guides3. Using guides and samples, teams will adjust their views on the interview process, as needed, then present their findings to the class4. Complete pre- and post-survey assessing student knowledge5. Provide journals to track/chart student progress through a 6-part lesson planAssessment: 1. Authentic; discussion of the interview process (1st time); adjust viewpoints after receiving additional materials (2nd time)2. Summative; a. pre- and post-surveys gauging student knowledge; b. validating 5th objective in lesson plan3. Multi-Dimensional; group processing, journals, open-ended questions4. Cooperative learning; use of several Kagan structures throughout the 5th objectiveMeeting the needs of various learners/accommodations: Use heterogeneous teams to complete 5th objective; use homogeneous pairing or teams for special needs students, ELL students, etc.; incorporate differentiated-instruction approach to teach all types of students addressing multiple intelligences, cognitive, learning and personality styles through the use of multiple Kagan structures:Team Interview – interpersonalNumbered Heads Together – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting info Find Someone Who – class building, social skills, knowledge building, procedure learningPairs Compare – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, thinking skillsCarousel Feedback – social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, processing info, thinking skills, presenting info*RoundRobin + Three-Step Interview + Carousel Feedback – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoRallyRobin – social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsStandUp-HandUp-PairUp – class building, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsFan-N-Pick – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, thinking skills*Multiple use of structures (by linking them) deepens knowledge, confidence and understanding of lesson’s objectives.Instructional Plan- after detailing each plan component, indicate the approximate time allocated to carry out that part.Opening: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Instruction: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Practice: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Closing: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.After Assessment: Validating success or failure of the 5th objective via pre- and post-survey scores and discussion on the interview process including modeled-behavior patterns and professional attire incorporating student suggestions and thoughts for improvement.Lesson 6Lesson title: College or Work: Experiences of the job fair and the college fairObjective (s): 1. Students, working in teams, discuss the thank-you letter, and the job & college fair experiences imaging what happens on the day…2. Help students by providing materials: job & college fair guides, sample thank-you letter3. Using guides and samples, teams will adjust their views on the two subjects, as needed, then present their findings to the class4. Complete pre- and post-survey assessing student knowledge on the 6th objective and entire lesson plan5. Provide journals to track/chart student progress through a 6-part lesson planAssessment: 1. Authentic; discussion of both subjects (1st time); adjust viewpoints after receiving additional materials (2nd time)2. Summative; a. pre- and post-surveys gauging student knowledge; b. validating 6th objective in lesson plan; c. validating entire 6-part series3. Multi-Dimensional; group processing, journals, open-ended questions4. Cooperative learning; use of several Kagan structures throughout the 6th objectiveMeeting the needs of various learners/accommodations: Use heterogeneous teams to complete 6th objective; use homogeneous pairing or teams for special needs students, ELL students, etc.; incorporate differentiated-instruction approach to teach all types of students addressing multiple intelligences, cognitive, learning and personality styles through the use of multiple Kagan structures:Team Interview – interpersonalNumbered Heads Together – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting info Find Someone Who – class building, social skills, knowledge building, procedure learningPairs Compare – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, thinking skillsCarousel Feedback – social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, processing info, thinking skills, presenting info*Jot Thoughts + RoundRobin + Carousel Feedback – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, decision-making, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoOne Stray – class building, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skills, presenting infoStandUp-HandUp-PairUp – class building, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, processing info, thinking skillsFan-N-Pick – teambuilding, social skills, communication skills, knowledge building, procedure learning, thinking skills*Multiple use of structures (by linking them) deepens knowledge, confidence and understanding of lesson’s objectives.Instructional Plan- after detailing each plan component, indicate the approximate time allocated to carry out that part.Opening: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Instruction: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Practice: Time: 1 Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.Closing: Time: ? Period. Please see Teacher ABC Lesson Planning and Into-Through-Beyond Lesson Planning forms for further details.After Assessment: Validating success or failure of the 6th objective via pre- and post-survey scores and discussion on the thank-you letter and fair experience incorporating student suggestions and thoughts for improvement. ................

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