Intelligent System Integrates Handheld Retail Devices and Improves Customer Service 0000OverviewCountry or Region: JapanIndustry: Apparel RetailingCustomer ProfileBased in Yamaguchi City, Japan, Fast Retailing Company is an apparel manufacturer and retailer, which operates 960 international clothing stores with 40,000 employees. Business SituationFast Retailing wanted to improve customer service and business intelligence by automating corporate inventory system and sales reporting while increasing productivity through improved employee time management solution.SolutionDeploy integrated handheld solution powered by Windows Embedded Handheld and Microsoft SQL Server for information sharing and reporting.BenefitsImproved system usability and customer satisfaction with faster, more accurate serviceReal-time access to stock checks, customer orders, sales figures, returns, deliveries, inventory, product handbooks and employee timecards“We can check stock right away with Windows Embedded handheld device, and, if needed, we can have another store hold the item without making people wait. We can increase customer satisfaction by enabling smooth service.Shoji Okada, Director of the Business Information Systems Division, Fast Retailing CompanyFast Retailing Company, a leading clothing retailer, wanted to improve customer service in its international chain of Uniqlo stores by replacing manual searches for merchandise with an automated solution. Together with Casio Computing Company, Fast Retailing designed and implemented a solution based on the Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 operating system. As a result, store employees worldwide can use handheld devices to immediately check stocked merchandise and give customers the most current inventory and price information. Employees also benefit from improved workflow and the solution’s enhanced usability. After the successful deployment in its Uniqlo division, Fast Retailing looks forward to implementing the solution across its entire company.1768475838835005403852023745"Because price information is updated each morning and made accessible to handheld devices, we no longer worry that employees are giving customers incorrect information.” Koji Ito, Leader in the Business Information Systems Division, Fast Retailing00"Because price information is updated each morning and made accessible to handheld devices, we no longer worry that employees are giving customers incorrect information.” Koji Ito, Leader in the Business Information Systems Division, Fast RetailingSituationFast Retailing Company, an apparel manufacturer and retailer based in Yamaguchi City, Japan, has been steadily expanding through sales and acquisitions since it was established in 1963. Uniqlo, the company’s flagship subsidiary, has approximately 960 stores worldwide. The company wanted to improve customer service at Uniqlo stores and to empower all employees to think like managers. “It is important for management and all employees to have a strong sense of pride and a firm understanding of reality, as well as to give their best effort each day,” says Shoji Okada, Director of the Business Information Systems Division at Fast Retailing Company. “However, to gain a manager’s perspective, they need access to information that they can use to make decisions.” Fast Retailing wanted to give employees handheld devices that they could use not only to check stock inventory, but also to access information such as product descriptions and daily sales data. Otherwise, customers have to wait while employees manually check stock shelves for items or look up information on a PC. The company faced several challenges when it began searching for a new solution. The first decision it had to make was whether to use an existing smartphone product or to develop a proprietary solution. “Uniqlo currently introduces several hundred items each season, each with variations in color and size,” says Okada. “It would be impossible to manage that many products using a smartphone.” Hardware design was equally important. Smartphones often break when dropped, and the company wanted a durable form factor appropriate for business use. The solution also had to be easy to use. “Since you would check forms from the terminal, a large, easy-to-read screen was necessary,” says Okada. “Also, it was important to balance lightness and portability with durability. Finally, it had to have a design that would not look out of place in a Uniqlo store.”SolutionIn 2010, Fast Retailing issued a request for proposal to multiple vendors. The company wanted a partner that could provide ideal hardware and work with it as a team to develop applications aligned with business operations. After careful consideration, the company chose Casio Computer Company. Okada says, “We combined our concept of the most appropriate mobile terminal for our company with the new hardware concept developed by Casio, and the Casio IT-300 was born. Casio also worked with us to develop proprietary applications.” The Casio IT-300 is a mobile communication terminal similar to a smartphone. The device includes a barcode scanner and a large LCD screen. Employees can use both the touch screen and keypad to enter information, which enhances usability for a wide range of users. To ensure reliability, Casio suggested running the Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5 operating system on the new device. The operating system has the flexibility needed to support the functionality and security measures required by Fast Retailing. The team also expected the solution to deliver long-term usability and stable service. “We had decided that we would be using the IT-300 for a long time,” Okada says. “So we also had a talk with Microsoft on topics such as its future roadmap, and we determined that Windows Embedded Handheld would be a good fit for the device we were developing.”5588002057400 00 The development project for the IT-300 began with hardware selection, and software development started in February 2011. The team was ready to test the solution in a production environment in 12 stores three months later. The company began deployment at all Uniqlo stores in September 2011. Fast Retailing says that compatibility with other Microsoft products, including Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition data management software, supported the rapid implementation. In addition to fast deployment, the integrated solution also provides better functionality for tasks such as checking inventory. Koji Ito, Leader in the Business Information Systems Division at Fast Retailing Company, says, “We use SQL Server for the databases at each Uniqlo store. 5588006219825Casio IT-300 Device00Casio IT-300 Device“The Windows Embedded device is highly compatible with other Microsoft products,” he continues. “Performance is also very good, including delivering fast response times for queries.” The proprietary application has a wide range of functionality that employees can use to manage the ordering, receiving, and inventory of products and to check daily prices. They can also access a “Product Handbook” for details about the characteristics of each product. The Windows Embedded device also provides strong security. The authorization process “uses password authentication and checks credentials when connecting to the wireless LAN in the store,” says Ito. “The device can’t be used by unauthorized people, and it can’t be used if it’s taken out of the store.” The company plans to expand implementation across the entire Fast Retailing group. Ultimately, approximately 40,000 employees will use the solution. Fast Retailing estimates that it will take several years to complete the project and ensure standard results. As part of its plan to continuously improve customer service worldwide, the company also plans to connect the device to its information-sharing infrastructure based on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.BenefitsWith a Windows Embedded solution, Fast Retailing is improving both customer and employee satisfaction. The customized solution provides better access to information and enhances workflow.Improved Customer Satisfaction Fast Retailing is meeting its goals for improving customer service with the new solution. In the past, customers had to wait while sales staff checked stock shelves or PCs to see if items were in stock. Now, employees can use the Casio IT-300 device to scan barcodes and immediately check local inventory or stock at other stores. “We can check stock right away with a Windows Embedded handheld device, and, if needed, we can have another store hold the item without making people wait,” says Okada. “We can increase customer satisfaction by enabling smooth service.”Faster Access to Current Information Powered by Windows Embedded, the Casio IT-300 is helping Uniqlo employees give customers the most current information. Pricing fluctuates with weekend sales, and prices change for specific colors on a near-daily basis. However, Ito says, “Because price information is updated each morning and made accessible to handheld devices, we no longer worry that employees are giving customers incorrect information.”Enhanced Workflow Instead of using PC terminals to clock in and out, Uniqlo employees can now use their handheld devices. “Before, lines would form as employees waited to clock in and out at the stores,” says Okada. “But we were able to solve this problem with a small, multifunctional terminal that employees carry in their pockets.”Happier Employees The solution has also impressed Uniqlo employees, who praise the handheld device’s design and usability. During the trial period, store personnel reported that the solution had helped them provide better service. Ito says, “I think what I really liked about the introduction of the Casio IT-300 was that store employees were really happy with it.”Windows Embedded28575007442200Software and ServicesMicrosoft Server Product PortfolioMicrosoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise EditionMicrosoft SharePoint Server 2010Other ProductsWindows Embedded Handheld 6.5HardwareCasio IT-300 handheld devicePartnersCasio Computer Company00Software and ServicesMicrosoft Server Product PortfolioMicrosoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise EditionMicrosoft SharePoint Server 2010Other ProductsWindows Embedded Handheld 6.5HardwareCasio IT-300 handheld devicePartnersCasio Computer Company5549908255000This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.Document published April 201200This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.Document published April 20125403852056765For More InformationFor more information about Microsoft products and services, call the Microsoft Sales Information Center at (800) 426-9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft Canada Information Centre at (877) 568-2495. Customers in the United States and Canada who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can reach Microsoft text telephone (TTY/TDD) services at (800) 892-5234. Outside the 50 United States and Canada, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary. To access information using the World Wide Web, go to:For more information about Fast Retailing products and services, visit the website at: More InformationFor more information about Microsoft products and services, call the Microsoft Sales Information Center at (800) 426-9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft Canada Information Centre at (877) 568-2495. Customers in the United States and Canada who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can reach Microsoft text telephone (TTY/TDD) services at (800) 892-5234. Outside the 50 United States and Canada, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary. To access information using the World Wide Web, go to:For more information about Fast Retailing products and services, visit the website at: Embedded extends the power of Windows and the cloud to intelligent systems. Encompassing operating systems, tools, and systems and services, Windows Embedded enables enterprises to generate tangible, real-time benefits with anytime, anywhere access to executable data. Microsoft entered the embedded marketplace over 15 years ago and continues to lead the evolution toward intelligent systems with an extensive suite of technologies for enterprises across a variety of industries. For more information visit: ................

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