Put your name card on your desk.Check HWDO ALL OF YOUR HOMEWORK OR YOU WILL NOT GET FULL POINTS.UNIT 1 Page 4Present Simple: Usually/Facts/Habits Richard teaches English. He is stressed and unhappy. He doesn’t like his job. He works hard.Present Continuous: Now/These days/Today: He is relaxing at the beach. He is wearing sunglasses. He is listening to music. He is smiling.Page 7 in your book.Formal: I’d like you to meet…/I’d like to introduce you to…Informal: This is…./Name, name“Brian, I’d like you to meet Sarah.”“Anthony, this is Mary.”2B Tell your partner about people in your life. Mid-term Writing Test informationDate: Monday October 16thLocation: Old Main Building, Room: 214-1Time: Evening ???Speaking Test 1: You and the teacher for 2.5 to 3 minutes. Part 1Tell me about your hometown and major. I’m from (town+province)/ I’m majoring in (complete major in English)Say a few things about your daily and weekly habits (present simple) and things you are doing these days. (present continuous)Part 2Respond to one of these questions or topics. Your question or topic will be chosen randomly.Talk about one of the best places you’ve ever been to.What problems have you experienced while traveling?Name a place that you want to visit. Why do you want to go there?Talk about your clothing style. What is your favorite piece of clothing?What are some annoying things that people do with their phones???? (I might add more later)??? (I might add more later)Part 3You will ask me one interesting question plus follow-up questions. Use the grammar, vocabulary, and topics we studied in class. The question cannot be from the book, and it cannot be one I have asked you in class.***No boring questions. No questions that are too personal. Boring: Have you ever eaten kimchi? / Can you use chopsticks well? / Do you like me? Too personal: Do you have a girlfriend? / Are you married?Spring 2017 1: 1 Speaking ExamName:Student #:Day: Mon. Wed. Fri.Time: 12 34 56 78Task: Score: /5Town + ProvinceMajorHabits/Present SimpleThese days/Present ContinuousGradingScoreDescription5Comprehension: Understands and answers the questions completely. Fluency: No problems with fluency and uses long sentences. Vocabulary: Uses many vocabulary words and expressions from the units studied in class. Grammar: Uses grammar studied in class as well as a variety of other grammar. Pronunciation: Speech is clear and sounds natural. There are no problems with pronunciation.Overall: Very few errors in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Communication is very clear. The listener has no difficulty in understanding the student’s answers.4Comprehension: Understands and answers the questions. Fluency: Sentence length is normal. Vocabulary: Uses some vocabulary and expressions from the units studied in class.Grammar: Uses or attempts to use grammar studied in class. Uses other grammar. Pronunciation: Speech is clear. Pronunciation is easy to understand. Overall: Only a few minor errors in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Communication is clear. The listener has very few problems understanding the student’s answers.3Comprehension: Understands the questions, or questions may need to be repeated. Fluency: Gives short answers and may need to be prompted to continue speaking. The answers may sound memorized.Vocabulary: Uses limited vocabulary and expressions from the units studied in classGrammar: Uses limited grammar studied in class. Does not use a variety of other grammar. Pronunciation: There are some pronunciation problems, and some messages are unclear.Overall: There are errors in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Communication is sometimes unclear, and the listener has many problems understanding the student’s answer. 2Comprehension: Doesn’t understand the question or answers a different question. Fluency: Give a partial answer, and sentences are very short. Continuously needs to be prompted to continue speaking. Answers sound memorized. Vocabulary: Uses limited vocabulary and expressions from the units studied in class.Grammar: Does not attempt to use grammar studied in class. Continuously uses the same basic grammar.Pronunciation: There are pronunciation difficulties and speech is unclear. The listener must try hard to understand the speaker. Overall: There are major errors in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. 1Comprehension: Doesn’t understand the question and needs the questions repeated numerous times. Fluency: Gives limited answers. Must be continually prompted to continue speaking. Answers are memorized. Vocabulary: Does not use vocabulary or expressions from the units studied in class. Grammar: Does not use appropriate grammar. Even basic grammar and syntax is incorrect.Pronunciation: Pronunciation is a very difficult to understand. The listener must try very hard to understand the speaker.Overall: The speaker cannot be understood because of major errors in all aspects. 0 Does not understand the question. No answer is given. Goals and Objectives for Unit 4You will learn new vocabulary for talking about clothes and style. You will be able to give advice and make suggestions in new ways. Vocabulary 56-57 in (popular), ripped, baggy, pointy, oversized, skinny (fitted), casual/comfortable, formal/conservative, colorful, dramatic/flashy, plain/simple, elegant, retro/vintage, stylish, sporty, unique/unusual, common/ordinary, dress code, like/dislikeGrammar could + verbshould + verbought to + verbhad better + verbUseful expressions56 Fashion trends warm-up questions: Do you have any favorite brands of clothes?Do you buy designer clothes? (Gucci, Versace, Chanel, Luis Vuitton, Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, Andre Kim, etc)What is your favorite piece of clothing right now? Is there anything that you used to love to wear but is out of style now? 56-1A Match the vocabulary with the picsa. Ripped jeans b. Baggy shorts short pants c. pointy shoes d. an oversized shirt e. skinny (fitted) jeanscasual/comfortable (shorts) <-->formal/conservative (suit) colorfuldramatic/flashy <--> plain/simpleelegant (fancy) (wedding dress)retro/vintage (old)stylishsportyunique/unusual<-> common/ordinary56-1B1. Which clothes and styles are in these days? 2. Which ones are out of style?4. Which words describe the people in the picture? 4. Which words describe you?60 and 200 Grammar-could, should, ought to, had betterSuggest, give advice, give options or choicesSuggest or give adviceAdvice (Warning/order) could + verbshould (not) + verbought to + verbhad better (not) + verb You’d betterYou’d better not WeakerStronger200 ACouldShouldn’t ought tohad bettercould had better not60B Give your partner advice on what to wear and what to do.A: informal birthday party at American’s houseB: formal dinner party at the British consulate (similar to embassy) could + verbshould (not) + verbought to + verbhad better (not) + verb You’d betterYou’d better notCA: informal birthday party at American’s houseYou could bring food.You ought to wear casual clothes.You could wear ripped jeans.You probably shouldn’t wear something elegant. You could bring flowers or a small gift.B: formal dinner party at the British consulateYou should wear something elegant.You’d better not arrive a little late.You should wear a suit or nice dress.You had better not wear ripped jeans.Ask Suzie Style/Steve StyleYou should change everything about your hair.You could wear a dress shirt. You had better wear a dress shirt. You should shave your beard completely off.You could trim your beard.You should wear a suit. You should smile differently. You should wear a suit.You ought to change your hairstyle.You had better…shave off your beard.You should shave off your beard. You ought to trim your beard. You’d better shave off your beard. You’d better throw away your shirt. /You should wear a different shirt. You could change your hair style. You should get plastic surgery.You should draw on your eye brows. You ought to trim your beard. Video1. Kim says that Jay is _____.a. very stylish b. out of style2. Isadora is going to talk about how to get the look you want _____.a. without spending a lot of money b. by paying thousands on designer clothes3. Isadora says that the clothes you should buy _____.a. are expensive designer brands b. look designer but are nearly half the cost4. The designer jeans are _____.a. the darker fitted ones b. the ripped ones5. The designer shirt is _____.a. the one that has a retro look b. the sporty one6. Does Isadora like Jay’s tie? World Link 2, Unit 4 Good Morning World – Passion for fashionKim: It’s time to talk fashion. Jay, do you agree that it’s expensive to be in style? Jay: Do you think it’s cheap to look this good? Kim: Yes, Jay, you are very stylish. But maybe you don’t have to pay so much for that look. That’s why Isadora Vestiti joins us again on Good Morning World. She is going to talk about how you can get the look you want without spending a lot of money. Welcome back, Isadora!Isadora: Thank you, Kim. You look wonderful in that outfit. Kim: Oh, why thank you, Isadora!Jay: Ahem. Kim: Isadora, someone could pay thousands on designer clothes. But most people don’t have that kind of money. There ought to be a better way.Isadora: There is a better way, Kim. Some people make clothes that look designer but at nearly half the cost. These are the clothes you should buy.Kim: That’s great! So you can be stylish and save money.Isadora: Yes, and no one knows the difference.Jay: Oh, come on! Kim: Jay? Jay: Sorry, but I disagree. Anyone who knows fashion—like me—knows if clothes are designer or not. Isadora: Well Jay, let’s see how good you are. I have some clothes here. Some of them are expensive designer brands, and some of them are more affordable clothes. I am going to show you two items, and you tell me which one is designer.Jay: No problem, Isadora. Isadora: Let’s call these ripped jeans “A” and these darker fitted jeans “B”. Which pair is designer?Kim: Ooh, that’s a hard one.Jay: Are you kidding me? Pair “B” are the designer jeans. I think I have them at home.Isadora: Ooh, I’m sorry Jay. The correct answer is “A.” These jeans are twice as expensive as the others. Jay: What?!? Those jeans are ripped! They look sloppy!Kim: Ripped and sloppy are in style, Jay. Isadora: Let’s try shirts. This one is “A.” And this one is “B.” Which shirt is designer?Jay: Shirt “A,” the sporty shirt.Isadora: Sorry, Jay. Wrong again. The shirt that has a retro look is the designer brand.Kim: It’s true, Jay, All of the kids love retro.Jay: Well I bet “the kids” don’t know a designer tie when they see one. Isadora: Um, Jay? About that tie…Suggest, give advice, give options or choicesSuggest or give adviceAdvice (Warning/order) could + verbshould (not) + verbought to + verbhad better (not) + verb You’d betterYou’d better not WeakerStrongerI have a big blind date tomorrow night. What should I wear?I’m new in town and I’d like to make some friends. What should I do?You should wear a dress.You could only wear a swimsuit.You could join a sports team.I have a big blind date tomorrow night. What should I wear?I’m new in town and I’d like to make some friends. What should I do?You had better wear a nice shirt and slacks. You had better not wear a tank top.She had better wear pointy shoes/high heels. You should bring food to class and share it.You could go to the bar or pub. You ought to join a club. The colleague sitting next to me at work smells bad. What should I do?I have a big blind date tomorrow night. What should I wear?You should change your seat/desk.You should tell him/her, “Take a shower right now!”You could quietly tell them that they smell. You should wear a sexy dress/formal shirt/stylish shirt.You shouldn’t wear casual clothes/hiking clothes/a tight t-shirt.NEXT WEEKUNIT 10Monday class: HW 2 is due next weekWednesday class: HW2 is due week 7Friday class: HW2 is due week 7UNIT 10152 Grammar verb + gerund/infinitiveInfinitive = to + verb Gerund = verb + ing Verb + infinitiveVerb + gerundVerb + infinitive or gerundAgree needChoose planDecide seemHope wantLearn would likeAppreciate finishAvoid imagine Dislike keepEnjoy do not mind (it’s okay)Feel like suggest Begin loveCan’t stand (really dislike/hate)PreferHate startLike try213I learned to speak Spanish in high school.I avoid to call people on the phone. (calling)I began to raise my voice. I enjoy to play games on my phone. (playing)I agreed to turning down the music on my phone. (to turn)I prefer to respond to texts quickly. I finished to do my homework and then I called a friend. (doing)I tried texting you twice, but you didn’t reply. ................

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