
Geography Weather ProjectYou are going to complete a weather diary for 5 consecutive days and then produce graphs to show your data. You should collect your data at around the same time every day. Record your readings on the table below, if you can’t print it out then you should make a copy in your jotter.DayDateCloud coverOktasWind SpeedmphPrecipitationTemperature °CWind direction NSEW12345Cloud coverGo outside to your garden and decide how much of the sky is covered with cloud. Remember cloud cover is measured in oktas, this means you need to estimate how many eighths of the sky are covered with cloud. For example, if the sky was covered in clouds this would be 8 oktas, 0 oktas would be blue skies, and half the sky would be 4 oktas. Wind speedYou can estimate wind speed by using the Beaufort Wind Scale, shown on the next page. In your garden observe how much trees or smoke from a chimney are blowing for example, use the cartoon to help you to estimate the wind speed. PrecipitationOption 1 – make your own rain gauge. Follow the instructions from the link and make your own rain gauge for your garden from an empty plastic bottle. Record the amount at the same time every day in your table 2 – Observe the type of precipitation at the same time as you do your other readings. Record this in your tableTemperature and Wind direction If possible, Google: metoffice Eskdalemuir, this will take you to our nearest weather observations. On this site you should gather daily temperature and wind direction data. Choose the data from the time that is closest to when you took your own readings for the other elements.On you’ve collected all your data you are going to make/draw at least 3 graphs from your data. You can use your computer if you can or you can use some squared paper from your maths jotter. Time (days) will go along the X axis and your weather element will be on the Y axis.Bar graphs should be used for cloud cover, precipitation and wind speed (for wind speed use the average speed from the Beaufort scale)A line graph should be used for temperatureA wind rose should be used for wind direction (you completed one of these in class)Write a short paragraph describing your graphs, how did the weather change over your 5-day observation? ................

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