Alamogordo, NM

These minutes reflect the actual order of business, not necessarily the order of the agenda.

I. Call to Order, 10:00 a.m., Thursday, September 3, 2015

The regular meeting was called to order by President Christine Hall at 10:00, a.m., Thursday, September 3, 2015. Board members present: Christine Hall, Alicia McAninch, and Cathy Gray. Board member participating by phone: Alfred Sena. Staff present: Superintendent Linda Lyle; Margie Macias, Director of Institutional Support Services; Veronica Hernandez, Director of Human Resources; and Sylvia Hartley, Director of Business & Finance; Brenda Holmes, Director of Student Services, Herb Wright, Director of the NMSBVI Foundation. Kimber Kniffin–Assistant to the Superintendent was recorder.

II. Pledge of Allegiance.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Regent Gray.

III. Introduction of Guests.

One public guest was in attendance, Rebecca Steritz who is an O&M and did her internship at NMSBVI 22 years ago. She just retired from teaching, moved to Las Cruces and is interested in where she can volunteer with NMSBVI.

IV. Announcements – Board Comments.

Alicia McAninch – Wished everyone a good morning. She shared that she had a very good time on campus when she was asked to come and welcome back the staff and presented service awards with Superintendent Lyle. She shared that she and Christine came to the strategic planning meeting and it excited her that everyone seemed excited to be there. At that meeting everyone contributed to making the mission statement a little bit more concise. She was glad to hear all of the reports from all of the committees and see what a good job they were doing on the strategic plan points. She also sat in for one day on the strategic planning for the Foundation. That also went well. Leslie Algood did a great job leading that. She appreciated meeting face to face with the other members who are usually up in Albuquerque. She noted that in this morning’s Daily News in Alamogordo was Congressman Steve Pearce with our Carolyne Delone in a classroom. It mentions that he came to visit NMSBVI.

Cathy Gray - Stated that she is glad to be here and contribute to this meeting.

Alfred Sena – Announced that he was pleased to report that a NMSBVI student has graduated High School and is happily enrolled in college at Eastern New Mexico University Campus in Roswell. He stated what a fabulous program that was. His son is happy to be away from home and doing things on his own. They are proud of him as parents and excited for him and all of the kids in our NMSBVI program at the start of this New Year. He also extended that he is hearing very good things around his district about how the NMSBVI program is helping young teachers become prepared for their roles with our students in the future. It is really starting to become more visible in the Rio Rancho district. He thinks that is a great comment to our program and he looks forward to more good things to come.

Christine Hall – Wished everyone a good morning. She thanked Regent Sena for giving us the information and good news about Rio Rancho that people are feeling good about the program there.

She stated that she also participated in the strategic planning and felt the staff was very enthusiastic about it to her surprise. She had the opportunity to sit in on the solutions task force that is going very well. She felt Loana did a very good job presenting to them. Linda set the tone and kept everything on a very positive note. She felt it was a good experience and was glad to be there and be part of it. She also added later in the meeting that she wanted to thank Sylvia Hartley for sitting with her and Regent Gray to go over and explain the finances and the reports that go into the board packets. It was very helpful and she appreciated Sylvia taking the time to do that. Regent Gray agreed and said that Sylvia did a fabulous job and it really helped.

V. A. Public Input.

There was no public input.

B. Parent Input.

There was no one present for parent input.

VI. Board Activities

A. Agenda.

Superintendent Lyle stated that we do have Program Updates set for 1:00pm to allow the educational leaders to come in and report in person so that you can hear from them directly about their own programs. She also would like to ask that at 11:45, we do the Major Focus which is Summer Camps. This is so that Ron Later can report on the Summer Camps in person also. We would like to continue to put Program Updates at 1:00pm in future meetings so we can have program leaders report in person. When at the ECP, the leaders there, like Outreach and ECP program leaders, will report and when at the Alamogordo Campus the leaders there will report. The Regents all agreed on this.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, seconded by Cathy Gray, the Board moved to approve the agenda for the September 3, 2015 Regular Meeting of the NMSBVI Board of Regents, as modified. (Carried Unanimously)

B. Minutes, Regular Meeting of July 23, 2015.

President Hall asked if there were any corrections to the presented minutes. There were no corrections.

UPON A MOTION by Alfred Sena, seconded by Alicia McAninch, the Board moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Board of Regents on July 23, 2015, as presented. (Carried Unanimously)

C. Superintendent’s Report.

Superintendent Lyle added to her report that Congressman Pearce visited yesterday as Regent McAninch mentioned. Right after he left the new Dean of Education visited. Superintendent Lyle had a nice conversation with him about our Personnel Prep Program and talked about strengthening that partnership, whether that is monetarily, or practice wise or whatever. She wanted to make sure that he was aware of us. He said he was very excited to be part of what we are doing. She suggested perhaps we consider a joint project to take to the legislature for funding for this project. He was open to that and said let’s get together and work on something. It was nice to have both of them on campus. She stood for any questions. There were no questions. The Board thanked Superintendent Lyle for her report.

VII. Business and Finance.

A. Investment Reports – June 2015.

Sylvia Hartley reviewed the contents of the Investment Reports for June 2015. She stated that she brought a revised version of the report because the fiscal year 15 cumulative figure for gains and losses on investments had a calculation error and needed to be adjusted. The number on the new form was changed from 419,922.25 to 182,471.99. Following her review she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. Regent Sena asked her to remind him of the reason for the $500,000.00 withdrawal. Sylvia Hartley advised that the reason was for payroll at year end. The funds needed are always more at year end due to teachers’ summer paychecks being cut all at once and to maintain the minimum balance in the account at year end. Superintendent Lyle further explained the payroll withdrawal at year end. Regent Sena stated that he understood and did recall having that explained previously. He thanked Sylvia for her answer. There were no other questions.

B. Statement of Net Position – June 2015.

Sylvia Hartley reviewed the contents of the Statement of Net Position for June 2015. Following her review she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. There were no questions.

C. Statement of Cash Flow – June 2015.

Sylvia Hartley reviewed the contents of the Statement of Cash Flow for June 2015. Following her review she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. There were no questions.

D. Board Chart – June 2015.

Sylvia Hartley reviewed the contents of the Board Chart of Revenues and Expenditures for June 2015. Following her review she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. There were no questions. Regent McAninch stated that this chart is very helpful and thanked Sylvia for it.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, seconded by Cathy Gray, the Board moved to approve the June 2015 Financial Reports, as presented. (Carried Unanimously)

E. Disposition of Fixed Assets.

Sylvia Hartley advised that they are requesting approval for the disposition of the 14 items listed on the memorandum. Cathy Gray commented that this equipment had lasted a very long time, particularly being used by students and teachers.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, seconded by Cathy Gray, the Board moved to approve the Disposition of Fixed Assets as presented. (Carried unanimously)

F. Foundation Report.

Regent McAninch reported that they had a very good foundation meeting for strategic planning last week. It was very successful and they will have a full report at our next Board of Regents’ meeting. She reminded everyone of the Bowl-a-thon this Sunday in Albuquerque to benefit the Eyeglass Fund. She congratulated Herb for all of his work toward receiving the Wells Fargo Bank approval of a grant for $1500.00 to NMSBVI. Herb Wright advised that the funds are unrestricted. She stood for questions. Al Sena asked for more information about the upcoming Bowl-a-thon. Herb Wright also advised that, at the strategic planning meeting for the foundation, they did have an election of new officers. Agnes Villejos is the new President and Richard Koehler will be the Vice President. Herb Wright and the Board stated that Agnes is and will be a great asset to the Board. Superintendent Lyle advised that they are trying to increase the membership of that board, considerably, between now and December. We learned from the Governor’s Ball that we do not have enough hands and we need a larger board. Regent McAninch advised that we are working on the Glow Ball Golf Tournament to be held in Alamogordo at the golf course. It will be held on April 2nd of 2016. Herb Wright thanked Regent McAninch for stepping up and serving on that committee. Regent McAninch also stated that she was very impressed with how enthusiastic the people at the golf club in helping us. They have a meeting next Tuesday. There is excitement growing already, in the community for this event. It has the potential of becoming a signature event for our school there in Alamogordo. Teams are already forming.

VIII. Executive Session.

10:27 a.m. to 11:34 a.m., September 3, 2015.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, seconded by Cathy Gray, the Board moved to enter into Executive Session at 10:27 a.m., Thursday, September 3, 2015, in accordance with Section 10-15-1 of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act to discuss: Limited Personnel Issues; Confidential Student Information; and Report from the Solutions Task Force. Participating will be Regents Hall, Sena, McAninch, and Gray, Linda Lyle, Superintendent, and Veronica Hernandez, Director of Human Resources. Roll Call vote: Regent McAninch – aye, Regent Sena – aye, Regent Gray – aye, Regent Hall – aye.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, seconded by Cathy Gray, the Board moved to come out of Executive Session at 11:34 a.m., Thursday, September 3, 2015, in accordance with Section 10-15-1 where they discussed: Limited Personnel Issues; Confidential Student Information; and Report from the Solutions Task Force. Roll call vote: Regent McAninch – aye, Regent Sena – aye, Regent Gray – aye, Regent Hall – aye.

X. Policies & Procedures.

A. Revision to NMSBVI Policy 010, Open Meetings Resolution.

Superintendent Lyle presented a revision to NMSBVI Policy 010. We tabled this Policy at the last meeting because we wanted to add “and on the website” wording. The only changes reflect the changes in the Open Meetings Act where the 24 hour notice is now 72 hour notice. She stood for questions. Regent Sena asked for clarification of what the 72 hour notice was for. Superintendent Lyle did clarify that. Regent Sena asked also about where else we post the notice of the meetings. Superintendent Lyle listed the places we post notice as the website, newspapers in both communities, the Newsline for the Blind, radio stations and with the National Federation for the Blind.

UPON A MOTION by Cathy Gray, seconded by Alicia McAninch, the Board moved to approve the revision of NMSBVI Policy 010, as presented. (Carried unanimously)

B. Revision to NMSBVI Policy 220, Certificate of Tuberculosis Examination.

Superintendent Lyle presented a revision to NMSBVI Policy 220. She stated that the only item changed was in paragraph 2 where it stated that the test could be received free of charge at the Otero Public Health which is not relevant, therefore, it was eliminated.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, seconded by Cathy Gray, the board moved to approve the revision to NMSBVI Policy 220, Certificate of Tuberculosis as presented. (Carried unanimously)

C. Revision to NMSBVI Policy 266, Reduction in Force.

Superintendent Lyle presented a revision to NMSBVI Policy 266. She explained that she changed, only, “the State Board of Education” to “the New Mexico Board of Education Department” which is its correct name. She stood for questions. Regent Gray asked if she was correct in understanding that all certified employees are still required to get their VI Certification. Superintendent Lyle stated that, yes that is the case.

UPON A MOTION by Al Sena, Seconded by Alicia McAninch, the board moved to approve the revision to NMSBVI Policy 266 Reduction in Force, as presented. (Carried unanimously)

D. Revision to NMSBVI Policy 305, Supplies.

Superintendent Lyle presented a revision to NMSBVI Policy 305. She stated that they simply cleaned up the language in this policy to make it a generic reflection that we will use the current practices in the business and finance department. She stood for questions

UPON A MOTION by Cathy Gray, Seconded by Alicia McAninch the board moved to approve the revision to NMSBVI Policy 305- Supplies as presented. (Carried unanimously)

E. Review of NMSBVI Policy 315, Meals Policy.

Superintendent Lyle presented a review of NMSBVI Policy 315.

There were no changes to the policy, only a review.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, Seconded by Al Sena the board moved to approve the review of NMSBVI Policy 315 as presented. (Carried unanimously)

F. Revision to NMSBVI Policy 455, Workers Compensation

Superintendent Lyle turned the floor over to Veronica Hernandez who presented the revisions to NMSBVI Policy 455. Veronica explained that the revisions were an outcome of the recent audit that they had. They received an 84% on the audit and were proud of that, but the auditors had some recommendations of changes to the policy. They wanted to see that specific responsibilities were noted. There were several areas of change and additions. They also wanted to make sure it was spelled out that an employee could not be terminated due to an injury and that the policy reflects the law. They did review this new wording with the auditors to be sure everything was in it as it should be. Because of the 84% grade we did not have to have an increase in insurance rates of 40%. They had to be above a 70% rating to make that happen. The 84% rating was particularly good since this was the first year we were graded. Superintendent Lyle gave the credit for that to Veronica and her staff for doing an exemplary job. She stated that the audit process was daunting at best and that it could have been much worse if not for the work that Veronica and her staff had been doing.

Regent McAninch asked Veronica to thank her staff for their work from the Board.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, Seconded by Al Sena the board moved to approve the review and revision of NMSBVI Policy 455 Workers Compensation as presented. (Carried unanimously)

G. Revision to NMSBVI Policy 456, Stay at Work/ Return to Work.

Superintendent Lyle turned the floor over to Veronica Hernandez once again to present the new policy. Veronica Hernandez advised that this policy addresses more of the recommendations of the auditors for when someone goes out on a workers compensation injury. When they have seen the doctor and they come to us with a modified or restricted work load by doctor’s recommendation we then need to determine whether we can accommodate or modify the job to bring the employee back to work. The policy spells out HR responsibilities and supervisor’s and employees responsibilities according to the law. Regent Sena asked if we have had legal counsel look at the policy. Veronica Hernandez stated that she had the State Risk Management (Loss Prevention Control) go over it closely. Regent Sena stated that he is happy with them looking at it. Superintendent Lyle advised that State Risk Management has their own legal counsel and if there was ever a question when in a situation, she and Veronica always contact Legal Counsel for advice as a protection to both the employee and the school. They further discussed the issue of employees wanting to return to work when they may need more time to recover and that they always wish to err to the side of giving more time to recover to avoid re-injury.

UPON A MOTION by Cathy Gray, Seconded Alicia McAninch by the board moved to approve the creation of NMSBVI Policy 456 Stay at Work/Return to Work, as presented. (Unanimously carried)

IX. Major Focus. Summer Camps - Ron Later - 11:45

Ron Later presented a report of this summers’ “Summer Camp Program” including the places where they were held and how many students were part of each camp. He shared stories from each camp and the far reaching effects these camps are having. He also explained that they went out to students who could not come to them in almost every area where they had camps and that Mary Vaughn, one of the preschool teachers in Alamogordo, went out to work with teachers directly, in the homes of those students, which was very effective and well received.

His report of each camp is summarized as follows:

Clovis- 5 kids, two were new to NMSBVI. Two more kids would have come, but were not able to get the paperwork done. They will come to the Alamogordo camp if possible.

Gallup - 5 kids, one never seen previously by NMSBVI. Mary went out to help with one of the students. She and the TVI went out to a foster program at the reservation there. They were able to touch several students who we would never see.

Santa Fe - 7 kids - Mary worked with a TVI there also that Santa Fe had recently hired. This went so well that they went back up the next week to work with a couple of the other kids that they didn’t get a chance to work with at the camp.

Albuquerque - 9 kids- 6 were kids we have not seen at NMSBVI. We also reconnected with students we had not seen for many years. One student had visited the Alamogordo campus and his family was not sure about coming down but after that week of camp, they were sure that they wanted to do that. Mary did go to that camp and worked with a student for a week and demonstrated sensory pieces for the parents. They also saw a Los Alamos student for a day.

Alamogordo - 8 kids came, 4 of which had never come to the campus before.

They had a total of 34 students in the 5 camps. Not counting the ones Mary saw.

They had 13 kids that were new to NMSBVI

Ron stated that one goal of the camp is that the students have a positive experience with our school. Regent McAninch stated that the addition of Mary to the summer camp program was a very good idea. She feels that this program demonstrates what a good resource we are.

Regent Gray added that the student she is working with has not stopped using the word “independent”, repeatedly, since being at the camp and that she did not remember hearing that word from this student prior to the camp. She feels that camp may have been the first time this student ever thought about being independent. Superintendent Lyle added that we want to articulate that we are a part of their “continuum of services”, not a standalone program. This is what we are supposed to be as a school for the blind.

XI. Other Items.

A. Personnel Report.

Veronica Hernandez reported that she had several additions to the report which she had sent out. There were several people hired within the last few days. She added: new hires to the residential program and informed the Board of each one. Trenton Trujillo, a Cook Helper/Sub., started on 9/3/15, Maria Archuleta, a driver/care/substitute, started on 9/1//15, Phoebe McGinnis, education/Assistant Sub, started 9/1/15, Jerry Lot, Education Assistant Sub, started 9/1/15, Susan Culp, Education Assistant/ Sub started on 9/1/15, Melinda Shaw Education Assistant Sub, started on 9/1/15; Carla Gonzales, Multimedia Specialist, starting on 9/14/15. Under the early childhood program there is one change: Sara Caswell is an Education Assistant as well as a Driver/Caregiver Substitute. We have added one additional retirement; Vera Woolf who will leave us at the end of November. Regent McAninch awarded a Service Award (a pin) to Superintendent Lyle in recognition of her 25 years of service to NMSBVI. She stated that we are fortunate to have had Superintendent Lyle for this 25 years. The Board and all attendees of the meeting congratulated Superintendent Lyle.

C. Strategic Plan Updates.

Superintendent Lyle advised that when the strategic planning committee met this summer, we did rearrange the language in our mission statement slightly to be sure it reflected what we are doing without changing the meaning that it already had. We acknowledged the expectation of ourselves by stating “local, state and national”. We also added the word “advocacy”.

D. Legal Services Contract – Tony F. Ortiz, Attorney at Law of Santa Fe, NM.

Margie Macias presented a request to continue the current legal services contract with Tony F. Ortiz, Attorney at Law, under the Small Purchase Limit for Professional Services. If approved, a new Professional Services Contract will be executed for a contract period of September 12, 2015 through September 11, 2016. Mr. Ortiz has provided legal counsel to NMSBVI for five years under his tenure with a different firm and has provided services, under his own practice, for the past year. NMSBVI has been pleased with the services provided by Mr. Ortiz and wishes to continue contracting for services through his firm. Following her presentation she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. Alfred Sena asked to clarify the year that was said as, 2016. Margie Macias did confirm that to be true.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, seconded by, President Hall, the Board moved to approve the request to renew the current Legal Services Contract with Tony F. Ortiz, Attorney at Law, under the Small Purchase Limit for Professional Services, for the contract period September 12, 2015 through September 11, 2016, as presented. (Carried unanimously)

E. Legal Services Contract – Cuddy & McCarthy, LLP of Santa Fe, NM.

Margie Macias presented a request to renew the current contract with Cuddy & McCarthy, LLP for General Legal Counsel under the Small Purchase Limit for Professional Services. If approved, a new Professional Services Contract will be executed for a contract period of September 12, 2015 through September 11, 2016. Total contract costs will be determined on an “as needed” basis not to exceed the small purchase limit of $60,000 per contract period. Mr. John Kennedy of Cuddy & McCarthy, LLP has provided legal counsel on procurement and construction issues for the past five years. NMSBVI has been pleased with the services of Cuddy & McCarthy, LLP and wishes to continue contracting for services through this firm. Following her presentation she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. There were no questions.

UPON A MOTION by Cathy Gray Seconded by, Al Sena the Board moved to approve the request to create a new Legal Services Contract with John Kennedy of Cuddy and McCarthy LLP, under the Small Purchase Limit for Professional Services, for the contract period of September 12, 2015 through September 11, 2016, as presented. (Carried Unanimously)

E. RPSP – Closeout of FY2015.(ECP/LVC/Outreach)

Superintendent Lyle presented the Research and Public Service Project (RPSP) FY2015 Program Close-out Reports for the boards review and approval. She explained that they are the paperwork requirements that go to the Higher Ed Process to the Legislative Finance Council to the legislature. These are requests for funding for instruction and general funds so it’s a legislative appropriation. This is outside our permanent fund and the land income fund. This is a long and arduous process because the paperwork is made for Higher Ed. institutions and we are trying to retrofit it to our specialized school. Superintendent Lyle reviewed and explained the report. Regent Gray asked for clarification on the year we are asking for funding for. Superintendent Lyle explained why it is for FY 2017. Superintendent Lyle then asked for questions on the Closeout report for the ECP (Early Childhood Program). Superintendent Lyle then explained how these numbers were reached. Regent Sena asked if we ever have the opportunity to increase these requests. Superintendent Lyle advised that we do and that this would be answered as we go into the Opening Reports. She then explained the report for the Low Vision Clinic. Regent Gray asked a question relating to the Low Vision

Clinic report, under item number 13 regarding exemptions from taking the test. Superintendent Lyle did answer the question and advised the Board of a recent meeting with the PED (Public Education Department) about PARCC and the UEB. They learned several things including that Read Aloud is an allowable thing, even on the reading portion of the test because they are testing comprehension. She explained that they advised that we could request that in the IEP for the students, which no one was aware of. At this meeting, they also came up with other items to change which the PED was open to. She explained that we are working with PED on several helpful accommodations.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, seconded by Al Sena, the Board moved to approve the RPSP Closeout of Fiscal Year 2014 for the Early Childhood Program, Low Vision Clinic and Outreach, as presented.(carried unanimously

A. Program Updates.

Superintendent Lyle announced that the local program directors would now bring their respective Program updates to the Board in person. She introduced them as the instructional leadership of the school and hoped this would allow the Board to get to know them and get used to hearing from them about what they are doing. Superintendent Lyle introduced each of them to the Board, Loana Mason- Director of the Personnel Prep Program and Mark Carter as the Adjunct Faculty for O&M, Maritza Morales is also Adjunct Faculty-teaching the NIMTH course and is also the Principal of the school for the elementary and secondary program, Jackie Hinkle who does the Life skills program and Intensive Support as well as counselling Behavior Support, Julie Johnson is Admissions Coordinator and a Mentor for the Personnel Prep Program (PPP).

Loana Mason reported:

• There are just over 30 students in the Personnel Prep Program at this time. About 20 of them are doing internship right now. They are from all over the State. She stated that the students enrolled in the PPP at NM State account for one third of the students enrolled in all of the special education classes combined there. Our Personnel Prep Program has produced about 58% of the licensed Teachers of students with Visual Impairments and Certified O&M Specialists in all of the State of New Mexico. She advised the Board that the Program is still in a rebuilding process and constantly looking for ways to improve. There is an advisory committee working on this with her who will meet this month.

• She is also working on creating a Masters’ Program through NMSU.

• She reported that she is also meeting with the Solutions Task Force which is addressing some concerns brought to the Board in a previous Board Meeting. She stated that, this is turning out to be a positive exchange of ideas.

Mark Carter added that they appreciate, very much, the Board support of the program:

• They are working on the O&M area and developing Internship sites and Mentors to work with the O&M students is progressing with challenges because of work not being available during the summer sessions. They worked with the commission in Albuquerque and Arizona also this summer to help with that. Regent McAninch congratulated them on their tenacity in keeping this program going and improving. She stated that she foresees the program being one of the top in the country because of their tenacity and dedication. It is a much needed program for the country and not just the state. President Hall also commented that she would like to thank them very much. She has attended the Solutions Task Force meetings taking place now and she felt that Loana’s presentation and Mark’s contributions did explain the reality of what is going on within the program. She also feels it is helpful to them as the Board to understand more of what is involved. Superintendent Lyle also pointed out that Loana’s openness to hear criticism with a spirit of being willing to work together and make changes, to make it better, is part of the success and congratulated her on this important attitude which is not easy to have. President Hall also thanked Julie Johnson for being at that meeting and contributing to the meeting by bringing explanations of the mentorship part of the program. She pointed out that the overall theme at the meeting of the Solutions Task Force was to make positive changes. Superintendent Lyle also pointed out that Regent Al Sena is in Rio Rancho and did speak to the Task Force at that meeting about the positive things taking place within the PPP in the Rio Rancho School District.

Julie Johnson- Admissions Coordinator, reported she is doing admissions work now in her new position.

• They have 3 new students in the school so far with several others in process.

• She reported on her involvement in the previously mentioned PED meeting along with the varied representation of TVIs and PED members. She advised that they did address several key points. Including getting PARCC instructions in Braille for the teachers who are blind, when to do PARCC in UEB and many more items. They all felt that they truly had the ear of PED that day and that PED actually did begin work on changes on even that very day.

There was also a discussion of where to get UEB instruction. was mentioned as one course available.

Maritza Morales - Principal of the Alamogordo Campus School reported:

• 33 Students at the school right now, also 3 students receiving direct itinerant VI services and 10 students are receiving consult VI services

• For the academic, elementary and secondary programs she reported,

o There is one fifth grade student, this year. She is attending public school for the first period of each day before coming here. This is working well for her. Dana her teacher here is attending the public school with her three or four times a week, helping the teacher there.

o In the Secondary Program, we have five new students this year.

o All the teachers are doing assessments at this time. They just finished the Math testing and are now doing Key Math which is one on one with the students. She commended the teachers for doing these themselves. In the past there was one person in charge of doing all of the testing and this year the teachers are all doing the testing and doing a great job.

o She reported that she is happy to have the new STARS codes for Braille, which has allowed for new classes in Braille. One class for kindergarten, two 8th grade classes and a Braille Code for Secondary 9th to 12th grade.

o We have a new Math teacher who is doing a wonderful job.

o Donelle Bunch is doing a Reading Lab for those in need of intensive reading support.

o Mr. Killebrew is enhancing the Science Department, incorporating a Lab for each of his Science classes. He is also piloting an Online Interactive Biology Textbook. We will provide a Biology class and Lab. He is also putting together an Interactive Online book for all of his classes. He is doing the NASA program flight, as well, which brings attention to our school.

Jackie Hinkle- Life Skills Program and Intensive Support, Reported:

• The Life skills program started the school year off with assessments,

o They have begun to make changes to the assessment process, after visiting the Florida and Colorado Schools for the Blind, expanding the assessments around Employability. They would like to better guide the student in this area.

o The students are now working on professional resumes and then will do interviews. They will then be given an on campus job where they can practice soft skills like time management and being dependable. She described the new Golden Bear Cart program where some of the students will work. This is to work in conjunction with the Positive Leadership Support Program on campus. This will encourage things like random acts of kindness, showing a positive attitude, being a good role model, etc.

o Students are cooking.

o Students are moving into the apartments.

o One class will be devoted to real life math skills.

• The Intensive Support Program is part of the non-academic program with 10 staff total including a new teacher and 2 new EAs. There are three classes this year. She is working toward incorporating the employability concepts to these classes through things like campus visits. Music, Recreation and Leisure Program is also part of this ISP. (Intensive Support Program) She is working on consistent use of data and good curriculum resources being identified. She will team with the Preschool in Albuquerque on this as well.

• Dorms: they have 18 students in the dorms right now. There are two new staff in the evening shift. She is talking with the staff about Recreation and Leisure being addressed with the dorm students.

Regent McAninch made the statement that she is very glad to see our school encouraging staff to go out of state for these trainings. She likes to see them come back and integrate some of the things they have learned.

Brenda Holmes- Director of Student Services reported on the Academic Support piece and the focus on assessments.

• She did a spreadsheet for last school year to show the fall 2014-spring 2015 Growth of the students. This was given to all of the teachers previously and yesterday they sent out the spring 2015 and fall 2015 comparison to see how they did over the summer. She pointed out that students who had ESY came back maintaining or with growth.

• The SOFIA Project which Mr. Killebrew is taking part in is flying on September 15th and 17th and he also created a Blog which can be found on our website.

• We have a new Physical Therapist intern this semester, who is doing well and bringing us new trends as well as learning from us. They will make a trip to the ECP soon to do observations.

• One of our seniors from last year was awarded a scholarship of $500.00 which she will apply to the tuition at Central New Mexico Community College.

Cheryl Petree- IRC She reported that:

• Since August 1st we have shipped approximately 800 items out around the state to different schools.

• Since July of 2013 we have been in the process of purging the outdated volumes of materials. We have discarded approximately 6500 Volumes. We took boxes of old supplies and materials to the ECP and gave them to teachers and Mentors there.

• We had 60 more students on the federal census than we had last year. We are striving to increase that.

• We are now Brailling the End of Course Exams. We have almost finalized the contract with the state. All three transcribers are certified in UEB. We will be outsourcing the NIMTH transcribing to a gentleman in Indiana. We will also be working on transcribing the teacher manuals into Braille.

• We have a new Braille Writer Mechanic. She has now repaired 218 Braille Writers. The cost to have them shipped out for repairs would have been $150 each at least.

• Braille Production is currently transcribing the 9th grade Science textbook and Literature Textbook. They have embossed 15,191 pages of Braille and produced 86 pages of large print since July.

• There are 7 new students in the Adult Braille class and one continuing student.

• Prison Braille has 22 inmates in two groups in the program in the prison. We have provided 50 Braille Writers and several other materials to that program including practice reading materials. They are very excited and dedicated. Six of them are also interested in learning to repair the Braille Writers. Cheryl plans to visit other prisons around the country with Braille programs.

Regent McAninch asked that Cheryl give her a synopsis of what is going on with the prison Braille program for her trip to the Prison Braille Forum. She also shared that she recently came in touch with a former volunteer for the school who is about to turn 100 years old. Her name is Lorena Dabney. She will get her contact information for Linda who would like to send a card from the school.

Superintendent Lyle thanked all of the Program Leaders for coming to give their reports in person.

G. RPSP – Performance Measures for FY2017 (ECP/LVC/Outreach).

Superintendent Lyle presented Research and Public Service Project (RPSP) FY2017 Performance Measures Report for the boards review and approval. Superintendent Lyle reviewed the contents of the RPSP Performance Measures for FY2017 documents for the Early Childhood Program and Outreach/Low Vision Clinic. Following her review she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. There were no questions.

UPON A MOTION by Alicia McAninch, seconded by Cathy Gray, the Board moved to approve the RPSP Performance Measures, FY2017, for the Early Childhood Program, Low Vision Clinic and Outreach, as presented (Carried Unanimously)

H. RPSP Aviation Services Performance Measures for FY2017

Superintendent Lyle presented Aviation Services Performance Measures for FY2017 for the Board’s review and approval. Superintendent Lyle reviewed the contents of the RPSP Aviation Services Performance Measures for FY2017 documents. Following her review she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have and was open to all suggestions. There were no questions.

UPON A MOTION by, Alfred Sena seconded by Alicia McAninch, the Board moved to approve the RPSP Aviation Services Performance Measures, FY2017, as presented, (Carried Unanimously)

I. 2015 Report of Actuals

Sylvia Hartley presented the Fiscal Year 2014 Report of Actuals for the Board’s review and approval. She reviewed the contents of the report. Following her review she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. There were no questions.

UPON A MOTION by Cathy Gray, seconded by Alicia McAninch, the Board moved to approve the Fiscal Year 2015 Report of Actuals, as presented. (Carried Unanimously)

J. Vehicle Mileage Report.

Superintendent Lyle presented the Vehicle Mileage Report for the Board’s information. She stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. There were no questions.

K. Capital Projects Update.

Margie Macias added to the contents of the Capital Projects Update the fact that the letter to the installer of the resilient flooring did go out to the General Contractor and we are waiting to hear a response from them on the corrective action for the incorrect installing of the flooring for the second time. On the Health Services and Jack Hall Building we were very excited to have a meeting this week with the General Contractor and the Subs and were ready to mobilize a notice to proceed and then we had to rescind it yesterday because the project was approved back in 2013 and we have moved slowly with the historical preservation division on windows and such which caused the project appropriation to expire. It will take some paperwork to get the budget re-instated and we will be back on schedule. Once we have been notified that the funding has been re-assigned to the project, we will issue another notice to proceed. We are looking at a couple of weeks for this process. She then reported on the projects involving the Old Watkins Building, The Ditzler Auditorium and the Recreation Center. Following her review she stated that she would be happy to answer any questions that the Board may have. There were no questions.

J. Election of Board Officers.

President Hall stated that it is the time of the year when the Board elects officers for the upcoming one year term. She stated that the floor is open to nominations for the NMSBVI Board of Regents officer positions.

UPON A NOMINATION by Christine Hall, seconded by Alfred Sena, the Board moved to elect Alicia McAninch as the Board President for the period October 2015 through September 2016. (Carried Unanimously)

UPON A NOMINATION by Christine Hall, seconded by Alicia McAninch, the Board moved to re-elect Alfred Sena as the Board Vice President for the period October 2015 through September 2016. (Carried Unanimously)

UPON A NOMINATION by Al Sena, seconded by Alicia McAninch, the Board moved to elect Christine Hall as the Board Secretary for the period October 2015 through September 2016. (Carried Unanimously)

Al Sena Stated that he would like to thank Christine Hall for her service as President of the Board of Regents and that she has done an outstanding job and that he is confident that Alicia will do as well. Superintendent Lyle also stated that she would like to speak for the staff in saying thank you and that Christine has always been very available to us; she has been calm and wise and has given good advice. She stated that she really has appreciated Christine’s leadership. Christine Hall also spoke and shared that it has been a pleasure to work with the staff and all of the Board with all of the dedication felt throughout the organization. She found it very enjoyable to have this position.

XII. Information to the Board.

A. Board Meeting Schedule.

Following discussion the Board approved the following revisions to the 2015-2016 Board


The October 22nd Regular Meeting of the Board of Regents will be moved to November 5th due to the fact that the auditors will not have the reports ready until that time. This meeting will be held at the ECP.

It was also discussed that the Board Packets be put together with spiral bindings in the future,

instead of the book binding that we are currently using. This was agreed to by all members of the Board.

B. Report of Revenues and Expenditures, June 2015

C. Policy 030 - Public & Parent Input During Board of Regents’ Meetings.

D. Correspondence/Newspaper Articles.

E. Supplementary Packet.

1. Activity Fund Checklist – July 2015

2. General Fund Checklist – July 2015

XIII. Meeting Adjourned at 2:36 p.m., Thursday, September 3, 2015.

_______________________ ________________________

Christine Hall, President Linda M. Lyle, Superintendent

NMSBVI Board of Regents


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