PI System Administration - .NET Framework

PI System Administration

Version 2018 SP3 Patch 2

PI System Basics OSIsoft, LLC 777 Davis St., Suite 250 San Leandro, CA 94577 USA Tel: (01) 510-297-5800 Fax: (01) 510-357-8136 Web: ? 2021 by OSIsoft, LLC. All rights reserved. OSIsoft, the OSIsoft logo and logotype, PI Analytics, PI ProcessBook, PI DataLink, ProcessPoint, PI Asset Framework (AF), IT Monitor, MCN Health Monitor, PI System, PI ActiveView, PI ACE, PI AlarmView, PI BatchView, PI Vision, PI Data Services, PI Event Frames, PI Manual Logger, PI ProfileView, PI WebParts, ProTRAQ, RLINK, RtAnalytics, RtBaseline, RtPortal, RtPM, RtReports and RtWebParts are all trademarks of OSIsoft, LLC. All other trademarks or trade names used herein are the property of their respective owners. U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in the OSIsoft, LLC license agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202, DFARS 252.227-7013, FAR 12.212, FAR 52.227, as applicable. OSIsoft, LLC.

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How to Use this Workbook

Each Main Heading describes a high-level valuable learning topic.

Your objectives are skills you can expect to learn in this segment.

New concepts are presented as level 2 headings.

Throughout the class you will be presented with questions and challenges to help you learn. The majority of your time will be spent learning new skills via handson exercises, either in small groups or on your own.

Icons help you identify themes, like exercises, tools, tips, or documentation references.

User manuals, Learning workbooks, and other materials used in class can be downloaded from . Login to an OSIsoft technical support account is required.

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PI System Basics

Software Versions Used in this Document: The list below describes the software versions used in this version of the course.

Software Data Archive AF Server PI OPC interface PI API PI System Explorer PI Vision

Version 2018 SP3 Patch 2 2018 SP3 Patch 3 2018 Patch 2 2018 SP3 Patch 3 2020 Patch 1

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PI System Basics

Table of Contents


PI System Basics .....................................................................................................3

1.1 Understanding important IT Concepts ........................................................3

1.2 What is a PI System? .....................................................................................5

1.3 A typical PI System architecture ..................................................................6

1.4 Understanding PI Points ...............................................................................8

1.5 Directed Activity ? Search for PI Points using SMT ...................................9

1.6 Using the Tag Search ..................................................................................10

1.7 Solo Exercise ? Use the Tag Search ..........................................................11

1.8 Directed Activity ? View PI Point data using PI Vision ............................12

1.9 Writing Time in the PI System ....................................................................14


PI Interface Management ......................................................................................21

2.1 A note on PI Connectors .............................................................................21

2.2 Define the role of a PI Interface ..................................................................21

2.4 Solo Exercise ? Choose a PI Interface.......................................................23

2.5 Common PI Interfaces .................................................................................25

2.6 Define the components of a PI Interface ...................................................25

2.7 Define the PI Interface Configuration Utility .............................................26

2.8 Directed Activity ? Manage an existing PI Interface with the PI ICU ......27

2.9 Define the relationship between PI Point Attributes and PI Interface configuration ................................................................................................29

2.10 PI Interface installation methodology........................................................31

2.11 Group Questions ? PI Interface architecture ............................................32

2.12 Install and configure a PI Interface for OPC DA .......................................34

2.13 Configuring a reliable PI Interface..............................................................58

2.14 Group Questions ? Preventing data loss ..................................................58

2.15 Defining the PI Buffer Subsystem ..............................................................60

2.16 Monitor the health of the PI Interface.........................................................72


Data Archive Management....................................................................................75

3.1 Define the role of the Data Archive ............................................................75

3.2 Describe the Data Archive subsystems ....................................................76

3.3 Data Flow through the Data Archive ..........................................................79

3.4 Understanding Exception and Compression ............................................88

3.5 Data Archive Files ........................................................................................97

3.6 Managing Archive Files...............................................................................99

3.7 Manage Tuning Parameters ......................................................................106

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3.8 Manage Data Archive Backups.................................................................108


Asset Framework Management..........................................................................115

4.1 Define the role of the Asset Framework ..................................................115

4.2 Define assets and attributes .....................................................................119

4.3 PI System Explorer ....................................................................................121

4.4 Directed Activity ? Organizing your PI Points into AF Assets ..............125

4.5 Solo Exercise ? Building Assets from Templates using PI Builder......128

4.6 Directed Activity ? Take advantage of your asset model in PI Vision..131

4.7 Components of a Asset Framework ........................................................133

4.8 Data Flow when using the Asset Framework..........................................134

4.9 AF architecture...........................................................................................137

4.10 Manage Asset Framework Backups ........................................................137


PI System Security Management .......................................................................141

5.1 Securing a PI System ................................................................................141

5.2 Describe the ports used for PI System communication ........................143

5.3 Authentication vs. Authorization..............................................................148

5.4 Data Archive Security................................................................................148

5.5 Asset Framework Security........................................................................169


Introducing PI Connectors .................................................................................175

6.1 Define the role of a PI Connector .............................................................175

6.2 Differences between PI Interfaces and PI Connectors ..........................175

6.3 Directed Activity ? Explore available PI Connectors .............................178

6.4 PI Connector installation methodology...................................................179


Monitoring a PI System .......................................................................................180

7.1 Monitoring Tools ........................................................................................180

7.2 Group Questions ? What do I need to monitor?.....................................181

7.3 Stale and Bad Points .................................................................................182


Troubleshooting a PI System .............................................................................184

8.1 Message Logs ............................................................................................184

8.2 Where to look for answers ........................................................................187

8.3 Group Exercise ? Troubleshoot a PI System ..........................................188


Final Exercise ? Building a PI System...............................................................189

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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