User Guide

[Pages:455]StreetSmart Edge? User Guide

Copyright ? 2010-2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Member SIPC. All rights reserved. (0219-9G2R)


Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Welcome to StreetSmart Edge?


New Features




Getting Started FAQ


System Data Collection


Troubleshooting FAQ


Layouts & Configuration




Backup and Restore


Title Bar


Main Menu


Global Settings


Account Settings


Trading Settings


Tool Limits in Layouts


Account Details


Account Details


Taking Action on Orders and Positions


Order Status


Order Status


Order Status Column Descriptions


Order Status Columns and Settings








Alert Guidelines


Alert Columns and Settings


Alert Column Descriptions


Create Alerts


Alert & Conditional Order Conditions


Alert & Conditional Order Notifications


Alert Templates






Copyright ? 2010-2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Member SIPC. All rights reserved. (0219-9G2R)


Unsettled Funds Balances Bar Positions Positions Position Columns and Settings Positions Column Descriptions Trade Lot Details Cost Basis Method Wash Sales Understanding P&L Calculations Realized Gains/Losses Realized Gain Loss Realized Gain Loss Column Descriptions Transactions Transactions Transactions Column Descriptions Transactions Columns and Settings Portfolio Performance Trading and Quotes Trading and Quotes Equity Trading Stock & ETFs Tab Features Title Bar Placing Equity Orders Trading Hot Keys Changing or Canceling Orders Equity Trading Venues Customizing the Level I Display Customizing the Market Depth Display Trading Settings Order Quantity Settings Extended Hours Trading Risks of Extended Hours Trading OTC Securities How Smart Orders Route Partial Fills

65 67 72 72 76 77 89 91 93 94 96 96 98 100 100 101 102 103 105 105 107 107 112 115 120 122 123 124 126 129 131 131 133 136 141 142

Copyright ? 2010-2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Member SIPC. All rights reserved. (0219-9G2R)


Close All Trailing Stops Symbol Formats Pattern Day Trading Direct Access Brackets Brackets Overview Managing Bracket Orders Bracket Examples Options Options Overview All in One Trade Tool Options Tab Features Placing Option Orders (Single Leg) Placing Option Orders (Multi-Leg) Option Chains Option Chain Filters Option Chains Columns and Settings Options Chain Column Descriptions Option Chains Settings Trade & Probability Calculator Covered Calculator View Theoretical View Non-Standard Expiring Options Adjusted Options Option Strategies Conditional Orders Conditional Orders Conditional Order Guidelines Placing Conditional Orders Alert & Conditional Order Conditions Alert & Conditional Order Notifications Conditional Orders and Alerts Settings Conditional Order Templates Global Investing Charts

143 144 144 145 145 153 153 156 160 161 161 164 167 170 173 177 179 180 181 187 187 190 195 199 200 201 255 255 256 258 260 263 264 264 267 268

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Charts Overview Chart Tasks Chart Settings Chart Studies Chart Lines and Objects Chart Display Tips Research Tools Symbol Hub Screener Plus and Sectors Creating Custom Screens Sectors Screener Screener Plus and Sectors Column Descriptions High/Low High/Low Settings Idea HubTM Momentum Understanding the Momentum Tool Momentum Settings Momentum Column Descriptions ETF Screener Recognia? Idea HubTM Market Edge? CNBC TV Fundamentals

Research Fundamental Data Research Summary Research Earnings Research Ratings Research Metrics Third Party Offers Watch Lists Watch Lists Watch List Column Descriptions Watch List Columns and Settings Copy and Paste Option Symbols

268 273 275 286 303 306 311 311 314 324 325 327 344 347 349 353 356 358 359 360 362 363 367 368 369 369 370 373 375 376 379 381 381 385 398 401

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News News Overview Breaking News Tab Symbol News News Watch

Resources Notes Web Browser Glossary Symbol Formats Symbol Lookup Index Symbols

Futures Symbols Third Party Offers Live Help StreetSmart EdgeTM Quick References System Requirements Printing

402 402 404 405 405 406 408 408 410 411 438 439 440 446 446 449 450 450 452 453

Copyright ? 2010-2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Member SIPC. All rights reserved. (0219-9G2R)


Welcome to StreetSmart Edge?

StreetSmart Edge? is designed to think like a trader to help you take on the market. It is intuitively designed with innovative tools that work together, making it easy to use and flexible to grow with your needs, while retaining the sophistication and power you expect from a Schwab trading platform. In StreetSmart Edge, you'll find:

l Integrated tools within easy reach, and common workflows to help you go from opportunity to action quickly.

l Greater account and order control to monitor performance easily and better manage market exposure.

l Flexible trading environment that is easy to configure, yet versatile enough to adapt to changing needs.

l Enhanced research and analysis tools that provide information at your fingertips, reducing the fatigue of repeated jumps from a desktop application to the web or .

l Approachable, intuitive design so you spend less time figuring out how tools work and more time making tools work for you.

Get an overview of the software by reviewing the Quick Reference Guide, which identifies the more commonly used tools, features, and icons, and provides helpful tips for getting the most out of StreetSmart Edge. 3/18/2019

Copyright ? 2010-2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Member SIPC. All rights reserved. (0219-9G2R)


New Features

This release of StreetSmart Edge? offers features and enhancements designed to improve the trading experience.

Display Implied Volatility (IV) for Underlyings in the Watch List Currently only displayed for options, the Average IV for the underlying can now be displayed on the Watchlist. The Average IV is the IV value as calculated in the "IV Avg" Chart Studies, which is also the same value used in the Trade and Probability Calculator.

Display Implied Volatility (IV) Rank and Percentile data points in the Watch List The IV Rank and IV Percentile data is now displayed for all Optionable securities. Just add the following columns to your Watch List:

l IV Rank: The value of the current IV relative to the past year's range. l IV Percentile: The Percentile value of the current IV relative to the past

year's range.

Addition of Probability Columns to the Watch List and Option Chains The % In the Money, Out of the Money and Touching the Strike Probability, are now available columns to add to the Watch List and Option Chains for Calls, Puts and Calls/Puts. l % ITM Prob: The probability of the option expiring in the money. l % OTM Prob: The probability of the option expiring out of the money. l % Touch Prob: The probability of the stock price touching the strike price on or before expiration.

Display Price Performance data in the Watch Lists The Price Performance data is now available in the Watch Lists, making it easier to analyze a symbols over various timeframes. Just add any of the following columns to your Watch List. l 5 Day Change l % 5 Day Change l 20 Day Change l % 20 Day Change l 1 Mo Change l % 1 Mo Change

Copyright ? 2010-2019 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Member SIPC. All rights reserved. (0219-9G2R)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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