University of Miami

BIL 360 - Study Guide for Exam III This study guide is just a checklist. Use it wisely. Be able to read figures and tables competently.Thermal Relations : Poikilotherms (Chapter 10 – Lecture 9b)Understand the mechanisms of evolutionary responses to thermoregulatory challenges. (i.e, remember how natural selection works, and be able to recognize and apply it to physiological phenomena.)Be able to read figures related to evolutionary results of such natural selection.Understand how climate change might present new evolutionary challenges.Know the meaning/significance of:isozyme vs. allozymeortholog vs. paraloghomologyprotein isoformsKnow the definitions/significance/function of colligative vs. noncolligative antifreezesUnderstand the effects of cold on membrane fluidity, and how animals circumvent problems in this area.Know the definitions/function/significance of: supercoolingheat shock/heat shock proteinsintracellular freezingfreezing pointchaperone proteinextracellular freezingmelting pointcryoprotectants/antifreeze proteins (AFPs)thermal hysteresis proteins (THPs)What additional specializations does the Wood Frog show to survive freezing?Be aware that genes for all these specialized proteins evolved from genes with different original functions (neofunctionalization; evolutionary genomics).Thermal Relations : Homeotherms (Chapter 11 – Lecture 9c)Recall the meaning/significance of: poikilotherm vs homeothermforms of energyendotherm vs ectothermphysiological workregulator vs conformerUnderstand how the Second Law of Thermodynamics applies to heat transfer between living and non-living objects.Understand the analogy of homeotherm temperature control to a thermostat and furnace.Which components correspond tosensorcontrollerset pointeffectorUnderstand the relationship between resting metabolic rate and environmental temperature in homeotherms.Understand the relationship between resting metabolic rate and body temperature.What is the function of a fever?Understand the relationship between conductance and insulation.You need not memorize the equations for conductance and insulation. They will be provided if you need them. But know how to apply them.Know the meaning/significance of: thermal radiationpilomotor responseposture responseconvectionptilomotor responseshivering thermogenesisconductionvasomotor responsenon-shivering thermogenesisSpeaking of insulation and thermogenesis, know the meaning/function/significance ofadipose tissuebrown adipose tissue (BAT) fat storage locations in variousadipocytewhite adipose tissue (WAT) vertebratesleptinadiponectin thermogeninbeige adipocytesRecall the meaning/significance of temporal and regional heterothermy.Understand the costs and benefits of homeothermy, and how animals evolutionarily cope with the expenses (e.g., insulation, cooling and warming behaviors, etc.)Know the meaning/significance of: stenothermalrete mirabileeurythermalheat retentioncounter current heat exchangeUnderstand basic mechanisms of evaporative and non-evaporative cooling. Which is used first?Understand the meaning/significance/processes/challenges of:crepuscularpantingbody temperature cyclingnocturnalgular flutteringhyperthermia toleranceKnow which animals sweat, and where. Know the differences between apocrine and eccrine sweat gland, what they secrete, and how they are used. (What are apocrine, merocrine, and holocrine cells?)Know how some large fish can be homeothermic.Understand the adaptations exhibited by such cold-weather species as reinder and caribou for surviving extreme cold.Know the meaning/significance of the following to extreme cold environment survival:guard hairsfatty acid content of bone marrowfeeding behaviorundercoatmicrobiome organismsNeurons and Action Potentials (Chapter 12 – Lecture 10a)Know the components/general anatomy ofcentral nervous system (CNSa generalized neuronperipheral nervous system (PNS)Be able to identify presynaptic neuroncell body (soma)myelin sheathpostsynaptic neuronhillocknodes of RanvierdendritesaxoninternodesKnow the general function of each part, and where action potentials are generated in the cell.Know the different cell types in the nervous system and the location and general function of each: afferent neuronglial cells, including:ependymal cells satellite cellsefferent neuron efferent)oligodendrocytesmicroglia myelininterneuronastrocytesSchwann cellsKnow the general anatomy of a synapse and how it works.Know the meaning/anatomy/function of:nerveascending nerve tractdorsal rootendoneuriumdescending nerve tractventral rootperineuriumnucleiautonomic vs. sensory neuronsepineuriumganglionKnow the definition/significance/chemical nature of voltagecapacitanceresting potentialgraded potentialelectrotonic conductionaction potentialcurrentspatial summationthreshold resistancetemporal summationUnderstand interaction of resistance and capacitance in determining neuron electrical properties. What part of the cell provides resistance? What part provides capacitance? Understand the ionic basis of membrane potentials. What happens to sodium and potassium ions across a membrane when an action potential is generated? Understand the action potential, and what happens at each phase of the action potential (in terms of ionic movement across the membrane). Know the basic sequence of events in the propagation of an action potential. What is the role of the myelin sheath in propagating an action potential? Which animals have myelin sheaths?WATCH the SciShow videos on the Nervous System (Part I and Part II), and take notes to shore up what’s in our own lecture notes. Synapses and Neurotransmitters (Chapter 13 – Lecture 10b)What are the functional differences between electrical and chemical synapses?What are the functional and electrical differences between excitatory and inhibitory synapses?What is a post synaptic potential (PSP)?Know the definition/significance/chemical nature of depolarizationexcitatory synapseEPSP vs. IPSPhyperpolarizationinhibitory synapseabsolute vs relative refractory periodionotropic synapsemetabotropic synapseelectrical vs. chemical synapsefast (ionotropic) transmissionslow (metabotropic) transmissionKnow the meaning/significance of: quantum (of neurotransmitter), quantal and vesicular release, vesicular membrane (what happens to it after the neurotransmitter is released?). What the five criteria define a neurotransmitter? Which are the most common excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the CNS and PNS?Know the general nature (inhibitory? excitatory?) of the major neurotransmitters acetylcholineGABAserotoninepinephrineglutamate glycinedopaminenorepinephrine Do all neurons produce only one type, or several types of neurotransmitter? Do they respond to only one type? Do they respond only to the type of neurotransmitter they, themselves, produce?What happens to neurotransmitters after they have done their job? (Three possibilities)What ion, stimulated to enter the pre-synaptic terminal by the AP, stimulates vesicles to release neurotransmitter? (Hint: rhymes with “balcium”)What is the role of neurotransmitter transporter proteins?Know the meaning/significance/mechanism of Stimulus integrationaxosomatic synapsetemporal summationAxon hillockaxodendritic synapsespatial summationionotropicelectrical synapsechemical synapsemetabotropicconnexongap junctionUnderstand the basic process of neurotransmitter release via SNARE protein interactions, as well as the basic mechanisms for recycling vesicles, but don’t memorize all those proteins.Know the meaning/significance/mechanism of cotransmittersynaptic plasticityhabituationtetanic stimulusfacilitationsensitizationlong term potentiationantifacilitation(Study the hippocampus example with the AMPA and NMDA receptors to understand LTP.)Sensory Processes: Mechanoreception (Chapter 14 – Lecture 11a)Know what these are:sensory receptor cellchemical stimulussensory transductionmechanical stimulusstimuluselectromagnetic stimulussensory moleculesensory systemRecognize the basic sensory modality classifications (sensory modality; stimulus energy received; mechanism of transduction; location)Where is a receptor potential generated? Where is an action potential generated?Understand the concept of the Labeled Line PrincipleKnow the difference between sensitivity and specificity in sensory systems.Know the meaning/significance of these, with respect to mechanoreception: stretch-activated ion channelsaction potential (AP)sensillumsensory receptor cellreceptor potential (RP)AP frequencysense organexteroceptorinteroceptortonic vs. phasic responsesensory adaptationRecognize and know the general function of mammalian touch receptors and where they are found:Merkel diskRuffini corpuscleKrause end bulbMeissner corpusclePacinian corpusclenociceptor(Don’t memorize details of their structure; just know which ones are shallow or deep.)What is sound? Does it move more effectively in air or in water? Why?Know the meaning/significance of these, with respect to sound/hearing/balance: proprioceptorhair celltip linksotolithstatocysthair bundlehow the hair cell worksstatolithstereociliumlateral line systemtympanal organkinociliumfish inner ear and swim bladderUnderstand the significance of single vs. three ossicles in reptile vs. mammal middle ear.Understand the structure/function/significance of:eardrum/tympanumstapessacculussemicircular canalmiddle earincusutriculusampullainner earmalleusendolymphcrista ampularisauditory canalperilymphtensor tympanistapedius muscleHow are differences in frequency and amplitude of sound stimuli interpreted by the mammalian auditory system?WATCH the SciShow video on Hearing and Balance, and take notes.Understand the anatomy and function of the cochlea, including:scala vestibuliOrgan of Corti(Organ of Corti video is very good!)scala tympani tectorial membraneBasilar membrane hair cellsBe able to recognize the path of sound from the external ear to internal ear, including the eardrum, ossicles, oval window, and cochlea. What features of the basilar membrane contribute to the specificity of human hearing to particular sound frequencies? Where in the cochlea are high frequencies processed? Low frequencies?Some concepts and questions to consider:How do the semicircular canals allow vertebrate animals to sense acceleration and orientation of the head? Note their orientation, fluid, and hair cells.How do animals (such as owls) process sound information at their two ears to localize the location of a sound source?Sensory Processes: Chemoreception (Chapter 14 – Lecture 11b)Understand the role of chemoreceptive interoceptors in maintaining homeostasis. Understand the example of the mammalian respiratory center, including the roles of medulla oblongatacarotid bodyCO2 partial pressureponsaortic bodyRecognize examples of chemoreceptive exteroceptors in various animals.Know the meaning/significance/difference between olfaction and gustation.How is their perception different in aquatic vs. terrestrial environments?Recognize the anatomy and functions of an insect taste sensillum vs. insect olfactory sensillum.What do the receptor cells of an insect taste receptor receive? How do they respond to stimuli?Where are the receptors located on the insect’s body?Know the meaning/significance of: tastant vs. odorantdeterrent celltaste peggustatory receptor neuron (GRN)attractive vs. aversive responsesKnow the five basic taste qualities (at least for humans) and how they are mediated.Know the meaning/anatomy/function of:lingual papillae:taste budfilliform, fungiform, foliate, circumvallateWhich taste sensations are mediated ionotropically? Metabotropically?How does the dimerization of G-coupled proteins allow a wider range of taste perception in a taste bud?Understand the meaning/significance of pheromones and how animals use them.Know the meaning/significance/role, in vertebrate olfaction, of: olfactory epithelium (where is it?)vomeronasal organ/Jacobson’s organmucous layerflehmen responsereceptor cell dendrites (where are they?) ................

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