
The Coaches Planning GuideThe Coaching Conversation (this may happen over more than one session)Plan the coaching session, discuss purpose, activities, goals, time, and desired outcomes Observe the teacher, lesson, review video, or listen to teacher as she describes situations (this might include the use of the TPOT as an observation tool)Model, demonstrate, or describe how to implement a strategy or activityUse questioning and active listening to guide teacher to reflect on what she does, what happened during the observation, what to tryCoaches and teachers address targeted areas in feedback sessions during debriefingComplete/Revise action plan per sessionThe Yearly Plan for New Teachers and CoachesCoaches complete the pre-TPOT 6 weeks after the start of school. Teachers complete the Teacher Checklists to be used as a self-assessment.Jointly develop Teacher PlanJointly develop Coaching/Training PlanConduct final TPOT around March/April. Recommended coaching sessions are once or twice a month, 2 to 4 hours per visit; however, visits may vary according to pre- TPOT results and teacher needs.Develop the yearly training/coaching plan.The Yearly Plan for Established Teachers and CoachesCoach conducts pre- TPOT 6 weeks after the start of school.Teacher administers the baseline SSIS on children by October 15thCoach conducts the end of year TPOT if fidelity was not met in the fall and schedules coaching sessions if needed. Teacher administers the end of year SSIS on children by May 1thCoach completes yearly plan and submits to administratorAdministrator submits the following to the state office: 1) TPOT scores, 2) SSIS scores, and 3) Yearly Coaching/Training planThe Coaches Voices and Focused Observation Strategies:Partner Voice: coach videotapes an activity for joint review at a later dateTeacher Voice: Side-by-side verbal or gestural support to teacherInvestigator Voice: questioning that leads teacher through a systematic process involving identify the problem, generating options, deciding on a possible solutionGuide Voice: coach models with a child how to implement a Pyramid strategy; conducts observation and takes notes about the teachers implementation of Pyramid strategies for later debrief.The Coaches Voices and Debriefing Strategies:Investigator Voice: The coach leads discussion with problem solving questions which allows the teacher to generate course of action. The Investigator generally follows three lines of questioning: situation, outcome, and action.Situation questions: What is going on in the view of the teacher?What are the forces at play? Who has a stake in this?What specific aspects of this situation differ from other similar situations you have faced in the past? How does the teacher create the situation?What might you be doing to contribute to this situation? What are the ways you could be limiting yourself? What could you accept or let go of that might help? How does the teacher see and interpret the situation? The purpose of this line of questioning is to invite a shift in the teacher’s view of the current situation, so the teacher can be open to new possibilities. What are the risks in not addressing this? What does it feel like in the current situation? Is this working?Outcome questions: These questions establish a distinction between the situation and the potential for change in the future.What could be different? What are the implications for making this change? What are your real interests in this situation?Action Questions- questions are designed to elicit the teacher’s ideas about what actions to take based on the new perspectives often generated during the coaching conversation.What is the best first step towards your outcome? What can you do to help you learn more about this? What would help make this easier?The Guide might be useful here to make suggestions for action planning. The Guide can encourage action and/or make specific recommendations. Be mindful of the Guide Voice and use sparingly. Ask teacher if he/she is open to the suggestions first.Reflection and two types of feedback given:Starter PhrasesWhat went well with using that practice?What happens when?Why do you think?What do you think would happen if?Knowing that, what would you do next time?How did that compare to? Supportive FeedbackBased on teachers’ successful implementation of coached teaching practices OR general positive aspects of teacher’s behavior AND always include data based on the observation or specific action plan goals.EX: You asked open-ended questions on 10 different occasions during story time. The children came up with some very creative responses as a result.Constructive FeedbackMention adjustments or changes that need to be made with a constructive intent.EX: “To really see changes in Jaime with respect to smooth transitions, it might be helpful if you got down to his eye level and touched him to give him directions.” “I wonder what would happen if you reviewed the rules with him immediately before going outside.”Module NumberTraining DateCoachingDateNotes#1: Behavior Expectations and Rules#2: Building Positive Relationship#3: Classroom Design#4: Schedules and Routines#5: Emotional Literacy#6: Teaching Anger Management and Problem Solving Skills#7: Teaching Friendship Skills#8: Identifying Form and Function of Behaviors#9: Developing a Behavior Support Plan-66675-196850Yearly Coaching/Training PlanIdentify the modules that you will target throughout the year based on the teacher’s performance on the Pre-TPOT and the Checklists. Attach the coaches plans for each of the modules you will address/coach.00Yearly Coaching/Training PlanIdentify the modules that you will target throughout the year based on the teacher’s performance on the Pre-TPOT and the Checklists. Attach the coaches plans for each of the modules you will address/coach.The Coaches PlanTeacher Goal:DateCoaching Strategy to Support Teacher GoalDebrief StrategiesDebrief NotesReflection and two types of feedback given ................

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