Organization Payment ($US)


Community Priority

Group Sponsor

Country Served

1 100 Black Men of $100,000 Project Success - This grant funds mentoring and Education

North America United States

Atlanta, Inc.

education support services to help improve the high


school and post-secondary graduation rates of over

500 youth living in Atlanta's underserved


2 Accion US Network $500,000 Advancing Women's Entrepreneurship - This grant Women's

North America United States

provides coaching, business support, and digital

Empowerment Group

educational resources for 112,000 women across the

United States.

3 ACE Foundation


ACE NextGen: Collaborative Outreach Program for Economic AAPI Millennial Entrepreneurs - This grant continues Development to support the Circle Program to build the entrepreneurship skills of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) millennial entrepreneurs.

North America United States Group


5 African Clean Up Initiative


Access to Water for Agriculture and Livelihoods for Water Women in Monaragala District in Sri Lanka - This grant supports the rehabilitation of a water storage tank and the installation of four water pumps to allow the irrigation of 250 additional acres of land in Galahitiyagama, Sri Lanka. The program ensures women farmers and heads of household are highlighted in the project.


RecyclesPay Educational Project - This grant supports Recycling recycling efforts in Nigeria by allowing families to pay school fees with recyclables.

6 African Clean Up Initiative

$40,653 Clean Up Naija - This grant supports a series of 20 cleanup events in Nigeria.


7 Agent of Change

$256,410 The Searchers! Searching for the Missing Soul of Youth

Foundation Limited

Teenagers through Arts - This grant supports an arts- Development

focused suicide prevention program in Hong Kong, for

students ages 13-18. The program addresses

increasing suicide rates in this age group.

Asia Pacific Group

Sri Lanka

EMEA Group Nigeria

EMEA Group Nigeria

Asia Pacific Group

Hong Kong

8 Ahl Masr Foundation for Development

9 AKTI Project And Research Centre

$400,000 $300,000

Improving Fire-Safety Measures in Beni Suef through Water Water Connections - This grant provides 850 houses in satellite villages of Beni Suef, Egypt with safe water connections.

Zero Waste Future Program in Cyprus and Malta - Recycling This grant continues support for the Zero Waste Future Program, expanding recycling cleanup activities and awareness raising efforts in Cypress and Malta. The Zero Waste Future program includes a Zero Waste Beach program in Cyprus and Zero Waste Cities and Zero Waste Campus programs in Malta.

EMEA Group Egypt EMEA Group Cyprus; Malta

2019 Charitable Contributions -- Foundation Grants



Organization Payment ($US)


Community Priority

10 ALE Coalition for

$150,000 Improving the Living Standards of Women in Rural Women's


Areas of Kazakhstan through the Green Economy - Empowerment

Economy and the

This grant empowers 2,100 women living in 14 rural

Development of G-

villages of Kazakhstan to become entrepreneurs, and


improve their economic and environmental situation

using green technologies.

Group Sponsor

Country Served

EMEA Group Kazakhstan

11 American Association of People with Disabilities


2020 AAPD Summer Internship Program - This grant Youth supports a summer internship program, providing 25 Development students with disabilities high-level internships with members of Congress, federal agencies, and nonprofit organizations in Washington, DC.

North America United States Group

12 American Association of University Women Inc.


AAUW Women's Empowerment Program - This women's empowerment grant supports financial leadership and workplace negotiation skills training for up to 110,000 women, in the United States, to help close the gender pay disparity gap.

Women's Empowerment

North America United States Group

13 American Corporate Partners


American Corporate Partners' Veteran Mentoring Program - This grant supports a mentoring program to connect veterans and active duty military spouses with professionals from top corporations and select universities to assist in the career transition process.

Community Improvement

North America United States Group

14 American Forests

15 American Indian College Fund


Watershed Restoration in California, Florida and Texas - This grant supports the restoration of 818 acres of forest including the planting of over 286,000 trees in California, Florida and Texas. The project will result in the reduction of 335 million liters of runoff per year and sequesters over 20,000 tons of carbon over the next 20 years.



Coca-Cola Foundation First-Generation Scholarship Education Program - This grant supports $20,000 Coca-Cola First Generation Scholarships to 36 students attending American Indian Tribal Colleges and Universities who are first in their family to attend college, demonstrate financial need and maintain a 3.0 grade point average. Students receives $5,000 per year for four years.

North America United States Group

North America United States Group

16 American National Red Cross


Southern Tornadoes & Floods - This grant provides Humanitarian/Dis North America United States

disaster relief, including shelter, food and comfort, to aster Relief


areas in the southeast that were impacted by

tornadoes during the first weekend of March 2019.

The tornadoes caused widespread destruction and 23

fatalities across Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South


2019 Charitable Contributions -- Foundation Grants



Organization Payment ($US)


Community Priority

Group Sponsor

Country Served

17 American National $100,000 Midwest Tornadoes and Floods - This grant provides Humanitarian/Dis North America United States

Red Cross

disaster relief, including shelter, food and comfort, to aster Relief


areas in the midwestern United States that have been

impacted by forceful storms and historic flooding

during March 2019, primarily Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois

and Missouri.

18 American National Red Cross

19 Amigos de Sian Ka an AC

20 Anacostia Watershed Society


$52,160 $50,000

Annual Disaster Giving Program - This grant supports Humanitarian/Dis North America United States

the Annual Disaster Giving Program of the American aster Relief


Red Cross (ARC), providing essential pre-disaster

support that ensures quick and efficient response to


Punta Allen Limpio - This grant supports educational/awareness raising efforts to address marine debris in Punta Allen, Mexico.


Latin America Mexico Group

Saturday Environmental Academy and Trees for the River - This grant continues to provide support for environmental education and outdoor recreation programs for K-8 grade students from underserved communities in the Washington, DC metropolitan region and plant 400 trees.

Environment - Other

North America United States Group

21 Aprenda Asociacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible

22 ASAN Volunteers - Youth Organization Public Union

$200,000 $195,000

ReciCrece - This grant empowers 140 women in Peru Women's

to start businesses in the recycling industry.


Successful Woman-Successful Future (Ugurlu Qadin- Women's

Ugurlu Gelecek) Project 2019: Empowerment of


Women by Community Tourism in Azerbaijan - This

grant supports a women's empowerment program to

increase income and job opportunities for 900

indigent women by improving productivity and

overall employability in the tourism sector.

Latin America Peru Group

EMEA Group Azerbaijan

23 ASD Special Olympics Italia Onlus


Approaching Varese 2020 - This grant supports a program to empower people with intellectual disabilities in an effort to improve their self- confidence, help them create relationships and enhance their access to higher education and employment.

Community Improvement

EMEA Group Italy

2019 Charitable Contributions -- Foundation Grants



Organization Payment ($US)


Community Priority

24 Asian and Pacific

$250,000 Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship


Islander American

Fund (APIASF)/Coca-Cola First Generation College

Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Program - This grant supports one-time

$2,500 Coca-Cola First Generation College

Scholarships to 216 students attending four-year

colleges and universities, and also provides two-year

Coca-Cola First Generation College Scholarships of

$5,000 to 72 students attending community colleges.

Scholarships are awarded to students of Asian or

Pacific Islander ethnicity, who are first in their families

to attend college, have demonstrated financial need

and maintain a 2.8 grade point average.

Group Sponsor

Country Served

North America United States


25 Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies


APAICS Fellowship Program - This grant continues Education support for a fellowship program which provides college students with two nine-month fellowships in a congressional office, federal agency or non-profit organization in Washington, DC.

North America United States Group

26 Asociacion Chelonia


Circular Seas - This grant supports a series of clean-up Recycling efforts in ten Spanish marine reserves and protected coastal areas, and one Portuguese marine reserve. The project also uses beach clean-ups, outreach to students and research projects to raise awareness of the marine debris issue.

EMEA Group Portugal; Spain

27 Asociacion Forum Dona Activa


Women's Empowerment - This grant provides training and support for 600 unemployed women living in Spain to develop the knowledge, skills and resources to become entrepreneurs.


EMEA Group Spain


28 Asociaci?n Vertidos Cero para la Prevenci?n, Minimizaci?n y Eliminaci?n de los Vertidos

29 Asociaci?n Vertidos Cero para la Prevenci?n, Minimizaci?n y Eliminaci?n de los Vertidos

30 Asociatia Global Shapers Bucharest Hub


Circular Seas - This grant supports the collection and Recycling classification of marine debris off the coasts of Spain and Portugal.


Mares Circulares - This grant supports the collection Recycling and classification of marine debris off the coasts of Spain and Portugal.


Future Makers - This grant continues support for a program to reduce the youth unemployment rate in Romania by providing instruction in the skills needed to become entrepreneurs.

Youth Development

EMEA Group Portugal; Spain

EMEA Group Portugal; Spain

EMEA Group Romania

2019 Charitable Contributions -- Foundation Grants



Organization Payment ($US)


Community Priority

31 Asosiasi

$83,073 Improvement of the Local Economy and the



Development of Women Micro Small Businesses and Empowerment

Perempuan Usaha

Diffable Groups Through Sustainable E-Commerce -


This grant empowers 2,500 women with small

business in three regions near Jakarta to increase the

scope of their businesses through e-commerce


Group Sponsor

Country Served

Asia Pacific Indonesia;




32 Associa??o Natureza Portugal


AQUA-FENIX ? Post Fire Mediterranean Forestry Restoration for an Improved Water Cycle and Aquifer Recharge - This grant helps restore the Mediterranean forest in Portugal through the installation of 50,000 indigenous trees and shrubs in 100 hectares affected by recent wildfires.


EMEA Group Portugal

33 Association of Secondary Plastics Recyclers "RusVtorPlast"

34 Associazione Ambientalista Marevivo Onlus


Separate with Us - Zero Waste Park in Kazan City - Recycling This grant supports awareness raising activities and the placement of 200 recycling bins in a major park in Moscow, Russia.


Activities in Blue - This grant supports environmental Recycling education efforts for students and teens, and cleanup activities in the Campania Region of Italy.

EMEA Group Russian Federation

EMEA Group Italy

35 Associazione ARCES


Social Farming and the Sicilian Citrus Industry 3 - This Community grant continues to support training for women, youth Improvement and refugees in the citrus industry in Sicily.

EMEA Group Italy

36 Atlanta Community Food Bank Inc.


Growing Healthy Futures: The $50 Million Capital Community Campaign for the Atlanta Community Food Bank - Improvement This grant supports the Growing Healthy Futures: $50 Million Capital Campaign to increase the capacity to address food insecurity in the state of Georgia.


37 Atlanta Historical Society Inc.

38 Atlanta Police Foundation Inc.

$100,000 $350,000

Atlanta History Center 1996 Olympic Games Exhibit - Arts & Culture This grant supports the 1996 Olympic Games Exhibit scheduled to open to the public during the 2020 Summer Olympic Games.

2016-2018 Cutting Edge, Cutting Crime: Campaign for a Model City - This grant establishes the At- Promise Youth Center to divert non-violent juvenile offenders from the Juvenile Justice System.

Community Improvement

Corporate Corporate

United States United States United States

39 Atlanta Police Foundation Inc.


At Promise Center - This grant provides 20 bicycles Youth

and helmets for 20 young men and women


participating in the GED Program at the Atlanta Police

Foundation's At Promise Center.


United States

2019 Charitable Contributions -- Foundation Grants



Organization Payment ($US)


Community Priority

40 Atlanta Technical $150,000 Coca-Cola First Generation College Scholarships - Education

College Foundation

This grant establishes the Coca-Cola First Generation


College Scholarship program at Atlanta Technical

College. Eligible full-time students must be first in

their families to attend college, demonstrate financial

need and earn a 2.8 minimum grade point average in

their freshman year to renew the scholarship.

Group Sponsor

Country Served

Corporate United States

41 Atlanta Union Mission Corporation


Expanding and Enhancing Services to Women and Children at the Ethel Street Shelter - This women's empowerment grant assists 4,500 women to move from homelessness to self-sufficiency through vocational training and job placement.

Women's Empowerment


United States

42 Avina Americas Inc.


Regional Initiative for the Economic and Social Inclusion of Recyclers - Year 4 - This grant continues support for phase two of the "Regional Recycling Initiative for Latin America" to transform the socioeconomic situation for recyclers and their families across Latin America.


43 Avina Americas Inc.


Replenish - Sustainable Water Resources


Management in Lunarejo Valley, Uruguay - This grant

continues to support sustainable conservation of

natural forests and water sources in protected areas

of the Lunarejo Valley, Uruguay.

Latin America Group

Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Guatemala; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Uruguay

Latin America Uruguay Group

44 Beacon Foundation


Beacon Online Mentoring Program - This grant


continues support of the MyRoad program to provide Development

greater access to work readiness programming and

remove geographical barriers for young women living

in remote or rural areas of Australia.

Asia Pacific Group


45 Belarusian Association of Rural and Ecotourism "Country Escape"

46 Bentonville Film Foundation


Women's Empowerment in Farming, Rural Tourism Women's and Crafts - This grant empowers 500 women in the Empowerment Brest region of Belarus with entrepreneurial, financial and agricultural skills.

EMEA Group



See It, Be It Filmmaker Fellowship - This grant helps Women's discover, develop, and champion the success of eight Empowerment female filmmakers from underrepresented communities working across documentary and narrative feature filmmaking.

North America United States Group

2019 Charitable Contributions -- Foundation Grants



Organization 47 BG Be Active

Payment ($US)



Partnering for Waste Free Bulgaria - This grant promotes recycling in the cities of Varna, Dobrich, Shumen, Ruse, Plovdiv, Silistra and Karlovo Bulgaria.

Community Priority


Group Sponsor

Country Served

EMEA Group Bulgaria

48 Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation


The Clinton Global Initiative & Clinton Endowment - Economic This grant supports the Clinton Global Initiative and Development the Clinton Foundation Endowment, which works to improve global health, economic development, and climate change around the world.


United States

49 Board of The University of Alabama

50 Boys & Girls Club of Puerto Rico Inc.

51 Boys & Girls Club of the Capital City

52 Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada/Les repaires jeunesse du Canada

53 Building Markets Ltd.


Coca-Cola First Generation Scholars Program at The Education University of Alabama - This grant continues support for the Coca-Cola First Generation College Scholarship Program by awarding $20,000 scholarships ($5,000 renewable up to 4 years) to 48 incoming freshmen who are the first in their immediate family to attend college.


Entrepreneurship Program - This grant supports an Youth entrepreneurship program for youth ages 13-18 living Development in poverty in Bayamon, PR.

$25,000 $110,000

S.T.E.A.M. Club - This grant supports a S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, engineering, art & math) Club for disadvantaged youth ages 5-10. The aim is to target risk factors and issues related to academic achievement and engagement.

Youth Development

Keystone/Youth Leadership Development - This


grant continues support of a leadership development Development

program for Canadian youth ages 13-18.


Scaling Recycling Efforts and Entrepreneurs in Myanmar - This grant supports efforts to survey and train 100 small to medium-sized businesses in the recycling industry, and launch awareness raising efforts promoting recycling among the general population of Yangon and Mandalay, Myanmar.


North America United States Group

North America Puerto Rico Group

North America United States Group

North America Canada Group

Asia Pacific Group


54 C.T. Vivian Leadership Institute

55 Cal State Bakersfield Foundation

$25,000 $100,000

Community Improvement - This grant helps develop Community 55 to 100 men and women into civic-minded leaders Improvement in metro Atlanta.

Coca-Cola First Generation College Scholarship


Program - This grant funds $3,000 Coca-Cola First

Generation College Scholarships for 31 students.

These one-year scholarships are provided to rising full-

time sophomores who are first in their immediate

family to attend college, have demonstrated financial

need and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Corporate United States

North America United States Group

2019 Charitable Contributions -- Foundation Grants




56 California State University Los Angeles Foundation

Payment ($US)



California State University Los Angeles Coca-Cola First Generation College Scholarship Program - This grant establishes the Coca-Cola First Generation College Scholarship Program at California State University, Los Angeles. It provides up to 100 one- year scholarships averaging $1,000 per student to students who are first in their family to attend college, have demonstrated financial need and achieve a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Community Priority


Group Sponsor

Country Served

North America United States


57 Camp Group Non- Profit Corporation with Charity Status (gGmbH)

58 CARE India Solutions for Sustainable Development

$300,000 $250,000

Urban Adventure - This grant supports a three-year program to help 400,000 disadvantaged young people, primarily from migrant and refugee families, become more integrated into their communities by using the power of sports and "active adventures" delivered through local schools, sports camps, or regional events.

Community Improvement

EMEA Group

Maharashtra and Kerala Flood Response - This grant Humanitarian/Dis Asia Pacific

supports immediate disaster relief assistance of

aster Relief


shelter, food, water, sanitation and hygiene in the

Indian states of Kerala and Maharashtra, where

widespread flooding caused by severe monsoon rains

in August 2019 caused more than 150 deaths and

displaced more than 40,000 people.

Finland; Germany; Great Britain; Netherlands; Sweden


59 Caring for Military Families The Elizabeth Dole Foundation

60 Caritas Austria

61 CBCP Caritas Filipinas Foundation, Inc.

$50,000 $300,000 $500,000

Dole Caregiver Fellows - This grant supports 30 military caregivers who serve as advocates and ambassadors in their communities and across the nation.

Community Improvement

North America United States Group

PIER III Program - This program continues support for Humanitarian/Dis EMEA Group young refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in their aster Relief integration into host communities in Greece and Austria.

Emergency Assistance to People Affected by October Humanitarian/Dis Asia Pacific

earthquakes in Southern Philippines - This grant

aster Relief


supports immediate needs for 2,500 families affected

by earthquakes in the southern Philippines which

caused extensive damage to homes, businesses, and

roadways. This project provides essential non-food

supplies such as shelter repair kits, hygiene items,

sleeping kits and solar lamps.

Austria; Greece


62 Center for Asian Americans United for Self- Empowerment Inc.


CAUSE Leadership Academy - This grant supports a 9- Community week paid internship program for 15 Asian Pacific Improvement American undergraduate college students in Los Angeles County.

North America United States Group

2019 Charitable Contributions -- Foundation Grants



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