
Week 7 C Holy Family BNS Askea1:What part of the body is missing from the Sphinx? Its nose.-190507893052: In Cockney rhyming slang, if you were asked to use your loaf [of bread], what would you be expected to use? Your head. [Jam jar- car]3:Where is Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano? Hawaii. 4: Complete this acronym for SCUBA -as in scuba diving- Self Contained Underwater Breathing A……..? Apparatus.5: The word Blitz in WWII comes from the German Blitzkrieg. What does it mean? Lightning war.6: There are only two words in English with two Us side by side. One is CONTINUUM. What is the other? VACUUM.7: In what month of the year do American presidential elections take place? November. 8: What ingredient, apart from oranges, makes up marmalade? Sugar.9: The Rio Grande river forms a border with Mexico and which American state? Texas.10: What name is given to a group of eight musicians? Octet.11: What dog is Velma and Daphne’s companion? Scooby Doo.12: Who was the only US president to resign? Richard Nixon. 13: What do the initials CCTV stand for? Close Circuit Television.831859969514: At which pole would you find Polar Bears? The North Pole.15: What animal lives in a drey? A squirrel.16:Where is the deepest point in the world’s oceans? The Mariana trench in the North Pacific Ocean. 17: Canis Familiaris is the Latin name for which animal? Dog. 18: In what Olympic sport do teams have to go backwards to win? Rowing.19: What is the name of a courtyard in a castle? Bailey.20:Which American president appears on the one dollar bill? George Washington.21: In Oliver Twist who owned a dog called Bullseye? Bill Sikes22: Santiago is the capital city of which South American country? Chile.23:Something cooked “Au Beurre” is cooked in which ingredient? Butter.24: What is the name of the three headed dog that guards the Philosopher’s Stone in the Harry Potter books? Fluffy. 25: Cha is the Chinese word for which drink? Tea.26: Where did the explorer Sir Robert Scott die in 1912?Antarctica27: Which Russian city was formerly known Leningrad? St. Petersburg. 28; Which 16th century astrologer is famous for his prophecies? Nostradamus.29: Who is Vice President of America? Joe Biden30: Sayonara means goodbye in what language? Japanese.31: What is Barak Obama’s middle name? Hussein. 351536026606532: Where do ants live? Colonies. 33: Which pop group took it’s name from the lead character in the Back to the Future films? McFly.34: Arachnophobia afflicts people who are afraid of what? Spiders.35: A libretto is the text of what type of musical? Opera.36: Where does sherry come from? Spain.37: What would you do with a balalaika ? Play it.38: In Star Wars who is Luke Skywalker’s twin sister?Princess Leia Organa. 39: Anglia was the Roman name for which country? England.40: What was the name Little Annie’s dog in the musical Annie? Sandy. 41: What happened to everything that King Midas touched? It turned to gold.42: Name the only South American country where Portuguese is the national language. Brazil43: What people thought they went to Valhalla when they died? The Vikings.44: Out of what material are computer chips made? Silicon.45: To determine the left bank or right bank of a river, do you look upstream or downstream? Downstream.46: What is the main feature of a marsupial? It carries its young in a pouch.47: The wood of which tree is used to make hurley sticks? Ash.“The clash of the Ash!” 390398037973048: What do you call the list of ingredients used to prepare a dish? A recipe49: Which country produces Bordeaux wine? France50: What do you call your grandfather’s father?Great-Grandfather.51: What type of food is a Chanterelle? A mushroom. {Gold coloured}52: What colour is the Black Box that every aircraft must carry? Orange. [The black box is used after an accident to track the history of the aircraft. It is coloured orange so it can be found easily.] 53: In which county was the Antarctic explorer Earnest Shackleton born? Kilkea, Co. Kildare, Ireland.54: What is the largest city in the Sierra Madre mountains? Mexico.55: Which well known food was introduced to Ireland by Sir Walter Raleigh? The potato. 56: What colour is a polar bears skin when it is born? Black.57: Who lives at 742 Evergreen Terrace? The Simpsons.58: What is a collection of otters known as ? Colony.59: What dog is named after a Mexican state? Chihuahua.60: In what year did the first hosting of Boston Marathon, the world’s oldest annual marathon, take place? 1897. ................

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